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Everything posted by satyricon

  1. RIP Sean Wight a bloody good footballer and a top bloke
  2. Just a couple of points, if Beamer gets a clearance and there is no obvious handball or short kick target, I am all for him belting it into the 50, rather than as we have sometimes done [censored] foot around with little dinky handballs and turn it over either at the centre or in our back half........with some more players available now Bailey is using Beamer, Jones and Sylvia is the perfect roles for them, if you watch Jones he has a roaming brief up and down the wings, and if he tackles they stick, same with Sylvia around the forward 50 line.....three hard bodies and all a goal threat as well
  3. I wasn't originally sure, but clearly, and with a sense of certainty, I can certainly say that today must be a quiet day on the board when we are clearly discussing player speak.....ok mate
  4. I hate to say this because I prefer him in the team, but unfortunately Morton is the perfect sub, coz of his versatility, I think this may happen for a couple of weeks now if JMac comes up
  5. True as well although some posters think it was because it was his fourth game......I think unless somebody gets injured the forward structure won't be changing any time soon....and Howe will be past the games were he doesn't have an impact....being ironic there of course
  6. Just another point about Howe, this was very good coaching, Richmond would have looked at his aerial ability and tasked somebody with stopping him takings marks, so Howe did lead all day and the team happily ignored him, leaving a space for Green, Trengove etc to work into and take some uncontested marks.......he did his job, he got rewarded with a goal
  7. If you look at the Stats, which a lot of people don't, Strauss' efficiency was 100%, nobody noticed him, I'll take that, he is doing his job without fuss, with him and Garland at the back it looks a bit more composed, apologies to Bartram
  8. Seeing this topic has gone so far off topic.....Watts is going to be an excellent 10 year player for the Dees Thought that the minute I spoke to him three years ago, he will not have a 'breakout' game as such, neither did Reiwoldt, he will just get better and better until we start to expect the same high standard each week and are disappointed when it is not produced again a la Reidwoldt Personally I don't give a toss what anybody thinks of MelbourneFC or its players or coaches.....the only opinion that matters to me is my own
  9. I think Art was looking for a bit of sensitivity, given some of the vitriol that is spat out on this board on a regular basis, perhaps like me when he read the topic heading he was a bit concerned that some posters could not help themselves and the topic would degenerate into a personal slanging match between a couple of posters. It is nice to see that both myself and Art's fears are unrealised at the moment. Personally I would love to see Aussie back and playing, but whatever decision he makes will be fine with me As stated before all MFC supporters only want the best for him
  10. I tried to extrapolate an assumption once, but I ended up surmising on a spread of statistics instead, metraphorically speaking of course
  11. Yes he has been at the Club for four years, but he was thrown in straight away to get the games into him, he still looks like a bunch of pipecleaners bundled together (for younger readers a pipe cleaner was a long thin piece of cloth covered wire used to clean a pipe, a receptacle for very strong tobacco which you set fire to and smoked He doesn't have to prove himself to the Footy Dept obviously, yes they have smacked him around the head a couple of times and banished him to Cassey, but each time he has come back better, all players make mistakes......I mean god forbid I even saw Chris Judd kick one out on the full once!!!!! He is a different type of player, you do need them, loathe that I am to do it, if I have to compare him with somebody, probably Shaun Burgoyne, who did not exactly have great wraps om him at various times in his career..I remember once he was labelled lazy...Morton I reackon will hit his peak at about the right time in 12-18months time
  12. Bartram - back after a lay off, it takes players a game or two to get up to speed again Morton - anybody who does not appreciate him as a footballer must be a very hard marker, I would keep him in for his ability to find space, his vision - the rest will arrive in due course......he played his role on Sunday, the kick from the centre of of the ground to Martin was sublime.
  13. Gawn 19 Scully 20 Trengove 19 McKenzie 20, 21 tomorrow Watts 20 Howe 20, 21 in 10 days time Bennell 21 Nicholson 20 Morton 21 Strauss 21
  14. Whem I read some of the posts I often wonder whether some posters a. actually watch the game b. are influenced by a substance when they do, Morton was one of our better players yesterday, you do no have to go crash bang, we have players to do that, Moloney, Jones, Sylvia....we also need players who look like they are playig the game at their own speed...getting space etc, creating space, spreading the play..enter Morton, he has gone back to Casey, listened and learnt and has ccome back in a better player The same is with Strauss, he has ocme in and done his job, he is not noticed, as a defender that is a compliment because he is doing his job/role We won with 22 players all playing their role to the best of their abilities....you think by some of the posts we had copped another whacking
  15. Can't believe Jurrah would be allowed to play if he has an injury, this is his first decent run of games in three years people, also he is still very young, we seem to forget that. He plays because he takes a good defender, when the structure works Green kicks 5 because we had Jurrah, Watts, Howe, Petterd and Sylvia for the defence to look after and apart from Collingwood, no team has that many really good defenders who will win each contest....Jurrah doesn't have to kick a bag or get a lot of possessions to be effective, and if you listen to Bailey we went handball-happy, if we had kicked more often and better, perhaps this wouldn't even be a topic.....besides that we won......can we leave the hair shirts off this week
  16. I love all this who should 'we' consider, I will personally wait till the end of year and see what the board of the Club I support decides to do, I don't want Bailey to leave at the moment, but if that is the decision, then so be it.....then everybody on this 'board' here will have somebody new to punch holes in....how exciting for them
  17. It has been a rotten couple of days...but then you gave me a good laugh....welcome to Demonland......please more, I am still smiling....what a shame we couldnt recognize JPod's potential about 12 years ago.....strange nobody else did......I was always the last picked for teams in the schoolyard coz I was so small...but as I grew into a man with blistering speed and a good solid core....I picked up a couple of player of the year awards....who would have thought.....BP and the recruiting staff have done a bloody good job........as another poster said the draft is full of these stories.......
  18. Well done, succinct, agenda free opinion....and totally and completely correct......move on to next week now
  19. In a word NO. Also Gawn is over his 'knee problem', Spencer's could happen to any player and Fitzpatrick had Chronic Fatigue, so your facts are a bit out, but also Bailey wants versatility, so Martin if and when Jamar comes back could turn out to be the biggest winger you have ever seen, spare defender, statue in the goal square etc etc....the others will be the same....at Casey at the moment they have young Tom McDonald playing forward, back and ruck and I have spoken to him he loves the challenges it will be the same with the rest.....we will have versatile cover for any situation
  20. Soory to take so long to get back, I do have a life, again with your last sentence, I am not allowed to have an opinion because I can't see you what you have seen for the last four years, that is your opinion. The coaches probably had a plan for Davis, the players didn't carry it out, there is a differernce. Maintaining the press is a mind thing, try concentrating every second for two hours with a few breaks in between, as well as running as fast as you can, and bashing into bodies that are bigger and stronger....that is not an excuse that is reality If we wish to defend the, in your opinion, indefensible, that is our right, as I have said before if you don't like it don't read it or don't answer it, you have your opinion and some valid points, I just don't agree with some of them and perhaps analyse the game differently My last word on this and my take on the game 1st Quarter - we had a gameplan and we stuck to it and the players all did their jobs and we stayed withing range and kicked a couple of good goals 2nd Quarter - the players rested on their laurels and the Pies did a couple of tweaks to combat what we had done in the 1st and they got away from us, not a disaster yet. 3rd Quarter - Bailey and other coaches gave the players a deserved baking at half time and we came out and stifled the game, we drew this quarter through effort 4th Quarter - the Pies lifted and we fell to bits........ My opinion of course
  21. It could also be said that you have an agenda with your constant negativity, do you want to undermine the club and raise the level of discontent amongst the supporters to a high level? Are you really Jason Akermanis, and you just like the sound of your own keyboard, if you don't like what you read, simple don't read it Bailey probably sent a message out saying "FFS give Rivers some help", or words to that affect, the players didn't, fact not an excuse What is forward press, it is opposition players standing next to or near our players, making it difficult to execute a kick to them, and opposition players hurrying to another spot should a kick be successful, this has been happening for years, it just has a name now Davis is a bloody good player and has been given a new lease of life by moving to defence, he is in form, we just didn't cover him well enough, we all saw it, but we are not excusing it. I personally am not defending the club, but analysing, in my opinion, what went wrong yesterday, and posting my opinions in certain topics on the board today. As I have said if you don't like the opinions, don't read them and don't reply, that way any posters who want to have a discussion and listen to others opinions can get on with it without being denigrated accused or flamed by your good self....what is your opunion of that? Thanks
  22. Soory to disturb your drinking, no I don't, just trying ot put across an opinion, you know what they are, they are something people have that are sometimes different, but some people do allow others to have them.....
  23. Just a point about trying things, Gawn rucked for most of the second half amongst the carnage, so Bailey who does not changes things according to some, did.....
  24. What the coaches said was: Don't over handball Don't turnover in the middle of the park Don't leave either Cloke or Dawes in a 1 on 1 Don't allow easy clearances Don't kick backwards Don't leave spaces in the forward 50 to lead into Don't stop talking Don;t stop trying The players let the coaching staff down....again....you are only as good as the consistent cattle you have, unfortunately if a team gets on a roll against us at the moment, we fall to bits........you don't coach that, not falling to bits comes with games and experience...yes I am getting a bit motion sick with the rollercoaster as well...but at least Morton is starting to hit form again, and Watts and Howe showed something...maybe next week everybody will...who knows? To build a team from scratch, which is what Bailey has had to do takes a minimum of five years, we are three to four years in.......you need an average of about 80-90 games played minimum....we have nowhere near that yet
  25. .......A Heads of Agreement is where you agree to not 'lose your head' on unfounded rumour and speculation, it has been announced in the media today that not many posters on Demonland could actually agree to an HOA, but that may just be a rumour, as Tom Scully (going off topic) was not available to confirm or deny the report.....that is all.
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