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Everything posted by satyricon

  1. Nev Jetta has had a bit of bad run with injury, it happens Jack Grimes is the same, Jamar used to find strange and unusual ways to injure himself early on, so did Sylvia....I think you will find that if Jetta stays it will be as a defender/midfielder As for Maric I spoke to one of the coaches last year and congratulated him on getting Maric's light switched on....his reply was..."the problem is keeping the f****n thing lit"....hence the delisting. Good luck to him at Richmond
  2. Welcome to Demonland, you have to trawl but you will find some good stuff...but with most the glass is ALWAYS half empty......Demonland - Masochists Anonymous Melbourne Branch
  3. Watts has played all pre season games, not many others have without a break, Neeld probably thinks this will be the freshen up he needs, repeat Neeld will not be swayed.....watch his press conference again.....you can tell who he served under for a couple of years...got the 'death stare' going a couple of times This is a footy team of 22 individuals who one individual is trying to mould into a Prem winning team, I don't care who we drafted, picked, dropped, traded etc, you can do this till the cows come home.....if this is the group (including the coaches) that is going to win a Prem then it will....no amount of analysis, hand wringing, comparing etc is going to change that.......just buckle up for the ride.....I have missed 3 games in 5 seasons with the seatbelt tightly strapped....expect the same this season....but god it's fun...that is why I turn up each week....
  4. Here are my observations Don't give Beamer a week off in the pre season, the engine cools too much McKenzie and Trengove having first hit out...rusty Davis being kept on Hale, learnt more in four quarters than five or six games at Casey Frawley being subbed out for last quarter Stef Martin missing, he is becoming an important player for structure Pettterd missing ditto Green missing ditto Centre square first bounce, no Jones or Bate, downhill from there, Magner does a finger Players kept at it all game Hawthorn are really going to give the Prem a shake this year Neeld will stick to his guns and not give a stuff what anybody thinks......good Mitch Clark is going to be great for us I left Etihad with a few questions, but will watch the Port game with interest and rock up on March 31st
  5. Quick get the doctor.....rpfc RPFC!!!!!!!! RPFC.....speak to us....what's wrong?????
  6. I spoke to Pencil at the Family Day, the six to eight weeks is his preseason, will not be considered until he is right up to speed, his knee is fine, so it will be a judgement call as to when he can play
  7. Letting Grimes go away last year when he was injured has obviously had a very detrimental effect, he was so depressed he threw himself at Troy Davis last week and injured himself again......please........there is absolutely nothing wrong with letting a player have a break...I'm sure Evans went home did not follow instructions and began lifting Kegs at the local pub.....sign.....
  8. He must be really worried that he is not pleasing you Old Dee.......and if the Press say it, it must be right sigh......forming one's own opinion is everybody's right......personally I think he is going ok, no probs at all
  9. Just to let you know spoke to Gysberts at the Family Day, he has been crook with a flu type thingy for last couple of weeks, said he is only just getting over it, was just to get some game time into him......still looked a bit knackered..
  10. This is what you can do when you are old and past the rides, and have no kids with you.... I spoke twice to Mark Neeld, forgot to ask something the first time....he surprised me...really friendly and seemed interested in what I had to say, answered what I asked him, said he tries to speak cliche free as he knows supporters hate it, 10/10 from me for that comment alone Did not see Jimmy Stynes or Don McLardy, Russ Howcroft was only board member I spotted but everybody in civvies and sunnies The day was excellent, most of the players I spoke to were genuinely excited about the new season, spoke to Cannonball Magner, gave me the impression that if he has to kill someone to get elevated, he would do it All the players seem to 'love' the ruthlessness that Neeld displays and want to play for him Robbo had Line coaches on stage throughout the morning and then Mark Neeld, all tried to answer questions honestly. Spoke to Jack Grimes, his shoulder is fine, told me he is going to avoid Troy Davis at training from now on Spoke to Lucas Cook, really funny, he is so tall but was able to lean against a fence without anybody going near him, like on here seems to have been forgotten, played for Scorps the day before, knows he has a lot of work to do, still 8Kg off the weight fitness staff want him to be at, hoping to get a bit of a run in the NAB Cup, couldn't even remember how many he kicked the day before, more interested in telling me Kel Lawrence laid about 15 tackles Other big men Spoke to Jake Spencer, cleared up he wasn't reinjured, but now he can train again, they want him to put in a solid 8 weeks training (his preseason) before being considered Max Gawn is so laidback, looking at running again in 5 weeks, very upbeat and very funny Jack Fitzpatrick enjoyed rucking on Saturday, will play anywhere if it means a game, another one who still needs a bit more weight. As a Class A gasbag, spoke to nearly every player there, so if anyone has a question will try and answer it, i probably asked them
  11. Let me see....mmmm....it's difficult....Jade Rawlings said he was happy with Bennell and Macdonald.....HELLS GATES' isn't....which opinion really matters....mmmmm....let me think.....
  12. Some nice cautious optimism? If you didn't watch it and relied on others you will have got at least 50 different variations on the game last week, we are playing Mark Neeld's game plan whatever that may be. I agree with other poster, we seem to have adopted we will practice this in this game, focus last week was on structure, second and third efforts, discipline and winning the clearances (which we did) Will watch this Saturday live with interest, don't really care about the result coz it doesn't matter
  13. Tentative attack? are you sure you are looking at the same bloke, I suggest you go to training identifty No 28 and get him to tentatively approach you. Why point out a Melbourne player for criticism, unless of course hiding behind a nickname you are a 100 game AFL player, that way you know what you are talking about. Everybody stuffs up now and again. The bit I enjoyed was when Joel dropped an easy mark but went back and fought to get it back which he did, then dellivered the ball
  14. Went and watched the game at the Bentleigh Club, only downer on the night......the constant negativity and criticism from 'supporters' you think we had just lost a prelim by 100 points after the Gold Coast game.... I have a simple solution to anybody that is disappointed/suicidal/negative about what the season holds/wants to immediately delist the whole squad. Don't watch the games....easy...then no stress in your life...... But then you couldn't come onto this board and vent.........gee this is hard choice
  15. ne'er do well.....nice to see you have some morose delectation rpfc......
  16. I actually agree, said 'at a pinch' and hoping like hell it won't eventuate, but a bit of left field doesn't hurt now and again....wouldn't like to see it for a few games on the trot though
  17. A bit of calm is called for...we haven't even had the first bounce yet.......Fitzy is developing nicely...I spoke to him a couple of times, one of the main aims is to get a bit more muscle and strength into him...they are happy with his footy smarts....playing him against Jamar in the Intraclub is all good stuff.....observers noted he got better the longer he was out there.....that is what you want to see....just had a bit of a miserable run with injuries....but these big guys have a lot to get injured....would like to mention Jamar's first few years at the club......watched Fitzy kick a lazy 6 in one game for Casey....he is a good kick for goal....just needs a bit more size about him.....a couple of games as backup to Jamar or Martin will do him no harm at all....not all clubs carry two top class ruckmen into a game these days....sure Neeld would like to test him out We have other guys who can ruck, Clark, Sellar......Dunn and Sylvia at a pinch...with a third man up......unless the AFL bans that at some stage...........
  18. Well said, I took a self imposed break from the board because the constant carping and negativity about everything was getting me down......I was hoping with a new season and everything new, that may change, but some posters haven't obviously
  19. The news about the change of format is available in all forms of media for at least 8 hours before the actual event. Plenty of time for anybody who now doesn't want to go to change plans etc...... It is also a Family Day....most kids under a certain age would watch for five minutes then go and chase food, excitement etc It is pre season, the semi real stuff starts next week
  20. Absolute Gold Admonishing a kid for actually not agreeing with the opinion given, utilsing 'spud' 'tryhard' or some other personal insult that will scar the child for life Admonishing a kid for actually enjoying the game
  21. Sylvia did not train with full group, but didn't look proppy, Cook was with main group....Roh Bail yesterday seemed to feel something and he was straight off to the massage table they actually have out on the field in a marquee......so we seem to be ultra cautious..we are not in bad shape for Feb.....
  22. I will give it a try after speaking to a few players yesterday Bartram - just managing the load Grimes - same Strauss - same Davey - same Evans - Rd 1 Casey Spencer - two weeks Jurrah - wrist just needs protecting Jetta - one week before free from shoulder problem Tapscott - do not want a recoccurence of last year by rushing back...caution..unknown McKenzie - issue with Achilles.....a point he wore one of the white tops (main group was in blue or white) yesterday as if to say to staff he is ready to go - rest of Rehab group were in normal training tops Williams - managing load trying not to break him, from amateur football
  23. The reason the ball went out on the full, the guys looking to mark it ran towards the non existent line, which I assume the kicker couldn't see and it was with the wind, not easy to judge
  24. I spoke to Jack Grimes to congatulate on captaincy....he said Wednesday is a 'light' day for him, he is fit and raring to go, also spoke to Spencer who is a week or two away, Evans same thing and Nev Jetta a week away from contact....no more green vest
  25. Just a point on Nev's lack of speed, they guy he was running ahead of to gather the ball for his goal was Harbrow, who as we all know is really slow then he palmed him off and ran away from him. Just one more point on coaching, Nev and Tapscott spent the game on Harbrow and pantsed him, he had no influence whatsoever, it is not the amount of touches you have if you are playing your role
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