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Everything posted by satyricon

  1. And we will perpetuate the untruth by filling three or four pages on this topic with conjecture Move on nothing to see here except hot air
  2. Culture is a buzz word that is continually over used.... .this is a game of footy... .at the moment we have players who are not quite up to the standard required.....if we all just shut up and keep the faith..... walk away depressed after a game for a while....I certainly did last Saturday....but I am already looking forward to Sunday all this let's get God in coz he did a really good job with that parting of the Red Sea thing....miracles don't happen...you have to work at it I have been watching and playing footy for over 30 years, the game is still the same, whoever kicks the ball through the big posts the most wins. It's just all the crap that now surrounds the game that has changed MFC just haven't been very good at footy for a while, we may never be that great...but let present admin and footy staff have a go......... I suppose anybody who has worked at a job for a while and got paid for it, knew how do it straight away and has never made a mistake...
  3. "Social Sciences (overlaps some Humanities): Semantic beliefs and ritual behaviours that redirect natural inclinations to support a status quo; often used to identify a set of generally shared non-scientific views, values, goals, and practices that characterize a group, organization, or nation in a specified time period, for example Hellenistic Civilization"...that is the definitiion of 'culture' in the Social Sciences...I thought the main aim of a footy club was to win games...so basically what you are all saying is that for the past 47 years NOBODY at the Club wanted to win a game of footy... next we will look at triumphalism and it's associated pitfalls....that is all
  4. Define Culture Who says we have a bad Culture? Are you just perpetuating "rubbish" that is sprouted by so called pundits? Has Collingwood this week now got a bad culture, whatever that may be
  5. Well said, a good story is always buried in the middle of the newspaper, a bad story makes either the front or back page, or the 30 second bit on the 6 o clcok news It is all quite simple for anybody who is fed up supporting MFC, don't go, watch or listen to the game on Saturday and every game thereafter, you will then feel so much better
  6. To paraphrase a wonderful line from a Psychiatrist from the appropriately titled (at the moment) Fawlty Towers "there is a whole conference worth, just there".........don't worry every poster will be there either in person or spirit on Saturday....ready to sink head into hands again..and then burn keyboards ...it is wonderful supporting Melbourne at the moment, I have never felt my character being built to such an extent since I did my recruit training for the Australian Army............. Take a deep breath chaps....it is only Rd 3, we have another 19 to go yet........ Go Dees
  7. I wasn't going anywhere I was hoping you would put what you put, after reading it in the other thread, kudos
  8. I'll have a go about this. Captaincy criticism, I think it is a good choice, don't care what anyone else thinks Watts is getting there, I like him as a player, don't care what anyone else thinks Wona had a terrible year which impacted him in so many ways, really sorry we lost him, but hope whatever else he does he enjoys, club did everything it could to help Scull (duggery), sorry Scully, I don't care that's old news Gary Lyon did a great job, he probably doesn't care what anyone else thinks coz he did it for Jim, I don't care what anyone else thinks either Mitch Clark has played one game where out midfield got smashed, no service in, he'll get better I am over this now, so that is last one, apart from I don't care what non-Melbourne FC people think
  9. Hooray a positive topic, I have always been proud to be an MFC supporter, as somebody said the other day, it's character building... Just waiting for RPFC and Old Dee to recover from reading 'proud' 'demon' and 'supporter' in the same topic heading before giving their thoughts As I tweeted today "it's never less than interesting to be a Melbourne supporter"
  10. Even though I loved the Roost It answer and I would like it to stand, actually he was quite good, I get a bit frustrated with him at times as well, I go to training and being a shy and retiring type I have had a couple of good natured goes at him, but he looked ok yesterday, my personal opinion of him, as a junior I think he found footy all too easy, but now struggles at times with what is required of him, he is a gifted footballer, just doesn't know where the permanent on switch is........ would assume Neeld will ensure he knows where the door is at the end of the season if need be just as a complete left field by the way, there was a young skinny kid training with the group yesterday, had a sweet left foot on him, was told he was from the AIS squad, hope we are looking at thim
  11. I complimented Leigh Williams on how good he looked physically (did it without blushing as well!), he looks completely dfferent to the rather boxy shape I saw in October, he did the whole session including a drill where the forwards were the backs, really looking fwd to having a run...he tweeted the same..... Jamar looked ok again did the whole session, but like a few others Trengove, Grimes, come to think of it all the leaders had serious game day faces....I reckon last Saturday really really hurt, but we have another 21 games to go and that is in the past
  12. Leave your questions, will answer them tomorrow if I can, tried to lift the mood a bit, we need to.. Best bits today...shook Magner's hand and congratulated him on debut, asked for same again and he said "too right" The more familiar faces being stopped and asked for photo or autograph, Josh Tynan walking away without even being recognised, had a laugh with him, and told him that will happen if he keeps playing the way he does
  13. Green gave me a hearty hello and worked hard through the session, most of them did (Moloney, Jamar), Davey was bombarded with journalists when he tried to leave the track, Mitch Clark played bodyguard
  14. Spoke to Strauss, the leg gets a bit sore after games, but getting better and better, really [censored] off he was knocked out at Casey, just wants to play a game all the way through, pleased that he is way ahead of where everybody thought he would be. Spencer is up and running, Leigh Williams will prob make an appearance for Casey this week and looking fwd to it Will answer any other questions tomorrow...other things to do now
  15. Petterd asked him and he said he was ok to go...seemed confident he would get a gig Tapscott said he needs full game at Casey Dunn, did everything like he wants a game in Perth, including a 70 metre kick for goal which flew through about half way up McDonald same as Dunn minus the bomb Magner did the whole session - what injury? that may be All the players were really up, looking at redemption, the session had bits of everything, but they all worked hard
  16. Went today, along with about 50 journalists The whole list trained apart from Nev Jetta who I didn't see Rehab - Gawn Taggert and Cook who all left early before main session started Rehab - Sylvia (about three weeks away), Jurrah, and Martin (assured me he was ok) Lots of match simulation Any questions will try and answer
  17. The very definition of constructive criticism is open to interpretation
  18. It always astounds me that 'supporters' on this board will continually denigrate the ability of the MFC players. This is even before we have kicked a ball in earnest for the new season. I will wait to see tomorrow, even then I find it hard to 'have a go' as I have never played at that level, so wouldn't know how difficult it is. As long as a player give 100%, I don't care, just have a crack Also the obsession with comparing with other teams or other players, why?.....just go along and enjoy the game,.footy is a game, it's enjoyable, I love watching Joel Macdonald coz I have no idea what he is going to do, I would love him to catch a nice simple mark, but that would take away the enjoyment of watching him take on 3 opposition players to get the ball back We get to have another go next week, no matter what we do this week ........if the performance gets to you, you only have to head south after the game..a nice slow one in the river or on the railway tracks..... I can only say God speed to the players
  19. Just a point on our slow midfield, if you have been to any training sessions in the pre season, they do work on repeat sprints of varying distances, the top group meaning the guys who could continually do it at high speed included Trengove, Moloney, Jones, Bate and Bail, as far as I can remember in our game you don't tuck the ball under your arm and try and outrun your opponent for 50 metres, that happens inside AAMI Park.....you just need to be able to get to each contest for 2 hours....Blease and Davey hunting in the fwd 50 will do me, and Howe is no slouch either
  20. This is not the team, the Footy Show failed to mention they are guessing, the only two teams named were Richmond and Carlton
  21. I agree, we will be Melbourne supporters, united to honour a great player, President and person...it is not about us
  22. It must be a really slow slow slow week.......this is history, close the thread and move on, discussing somebody who is not even a Melbourne player any more.....can't wait for Saturday, then some posters will have somebody from the coaching staff or players to criticise.
  23. A Great Man A Great Footballer A Great Mentor A Great Leader (by example) A Great Father and Husband... But above all a Magnificent Human Being
  24. I had a really good chat to him at Family Day, he is well on the way back from all the injury woes he has had, he is at least 10kgs below the playing weight the club wants him at........club is happy with his progress, learning a bit of ruck work for versatility and roaming far and wide to use his kicking skills..........which by the way after seeing quite a few times last year with Casey are excellent...why must we always compare...Darling had a good year because he had LeCras, Lynch, Kennedy playing alongside him...if Cook would have got a run last year...he would have had those giants Watts and Jurrah......he said also he learnt heaps off Fev
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