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Everything posted by satyricon

  1. It started on the chest and rode up, it looked worse than it was....
  2. Sorry C & B, I supposed your glass of beer is always half empty?.....
  3. A not.....this is training, Bailey has noted that Watts is a hard self marker, he 'missed' an 'easy' shot in Adelaide, he is probably working on his routine, and testing himself to eradicate any yips.......
  4. C & B....you need to lie down in a darkened room....get a wet cloth and place on your forehead.....close your eyes....every now and again whisper to yourself....I love footy....I love the Demons.....Scully will not leave......you will feel a whole lot better
  5. I managed to speak to Max Gawn and Luke Tapscott at Intraclub, what was said in this thread is correct, managing them, Tapscott in particular is a bit '[censored] off', he is ready to go and wants to play but understands what the club is doing so his career lasts a bit longer than one more serious injury....asked about Gysberts they told me the same thing......young growing bodies.....also spoke to Jack Grimes at the AGM and asked him particularly about the managing....he said he would prefer to be on 60 games now but totally appreciates how and why......feels ready to rip this season.....and is so pumped from elevation to leadership group he wants to put in 22 big ones.....
  6. WJ.....thanks for that........but wrong continent.... I did see Jimi Hendrix at the Isle of Wight Festival in 1970
  7. C & B, a careful studied response to a rumour is all well and good, but fear, frightening, etc etc is nothing more than harmful perpetuation of the rumour
  8. I actually got in trouble with a few posters last year when I said 'some' Melbourne supporters seem to always think the glass is half empty, and seem to enjoy wringing their hands at the next perceived crisis the club is about to endure This thread, based totally on an unsubstantiated rumour, seems to confirm that fact. Please, we are a few weeks away from what I personally hope will be a great season, let's focus on the positive.....above everything it is only football...which we are supposed to enjoy
  9. And to add another two or three pages of fear....I believe that GWS have promised Jack Viney the captaincy in 2017 after his first couple of Brownlow winning years at Melbourne.....and a small country as a salary......sigh sigh and sigh roll on the season...then at least people can be fearful and hand wringing about our week to week performance on the field.......
  10. It is not Ostrich....I will believe it when he sits at a press conference in a GWS jumper and says I have signed.....we had the same with the Gold Coast and to be brutally honest about the playing ability of the players the only real 'catch' was Gary Ablett the rest were good professional players.....GWS will have a wish list....what they get will be different......looking foward to seeing Tom tear teams a new one whilst playing for Melbourne THIS SEASON
  11. So did I, I like the off-season, you can always guarantee there will be a thread that will make you smile.....this is complete rot....Scully has already said he wants to be a one club man, he is the face of MFC down Casey way.......nothing to see here.....move on
  12. Hello, it is a decision some won't like but it is the Club's decision, I have made a couple of four hour round trips to Casey to watch Intra Club coz I wanted to.....nobody made me.....this time I am 20 minutes away and I may take the day off..........the reasoning behind the decision was explained......live with it
  13. Do you know for a second there....I thought you said you would like Melbourne to lose.......I hope you think irony is more than taking creases out of clothes...
  14. Hello, Nice to see my topic generated so much comment, for all the naysayers if you read my first post again, try to understand the tone. I absolutely loath the fact that so called supporters will constantly denigrate a player no natter how hard they try, or how well they play, this was the point I was trying to make. A few posters could see this, but then again this is a public forum and everybody is entltled to their opinion
  15. Now as we enter a new season and we are missing a few of the perennial 'whipping boys', such as Bruce, Miller, PJ.....who does everybody think will rise to the occasion to become the new Demonland whipping boy.......Bartram and Newton have a slight head start providing they play.....
  16. I think this thread should have been started with "does anybody know Cam Butler and what sort of things does he do for the Club", it would have ended with about two or three posts, you can tell the footy hasn't started.....
  17. You will find that various players go throough the running laps/rehab, LJ has been in it the last couple of trainings I watched....particularly with players who have had a run of injuries in the last couple of seasons...it is called managing the load and is of no concern whatsoever......Tommy Mac is still only 20 and obviously still growing a bit, so they are building him to paraphrase Dean Bailey....I even saw Jack T in the group a forthight ago
  18. I volunteer handing out the scarves and have had a couple of chats with the 'powers that be' at the Club, they have had many suggestions etc on what to have, scarf, cap, beanie etc........they do ask.....majority opinion from supporters they canvas is a scarf......
  19. Thanks, don't normally listen unless some MFC is on. think they are woeful......
  20. ...the best bit for me was his admonishment of Dr Turf (I think) for calling us punters.....
  21. What I do miss is.........that Bartram had a bloody good consistent season, he got a good review from Josh Manhoney, but they are also looking for improvement, so let him have a good pre season and first crack at the possy coz he has earnt it from last year.......he could probably be there long term....or is he not a premiership player, which I have asked people to define before.....oh I know you mean Jarryd Blair....now there's a recognisable premiership player
  22. Oh great, I was thinking sanity had prevail...........let's throw an physically underdeveloped teenager on some of the competitions most dangerous small fowards.....triple sigh......cam we at least wait until after the final siren of the first game of the season to at least make some judgements........
  23. Maybe this is only one of those blunt plastic type knives that you take on a picnic Barty would , unfortunately , be high on the list of vulnerables for his position. In reality he only has half him game down pat and has shown over time his decisions are somewhat iffy. ( reminds me of someone else lol ) He does try and parts of his game have lifted but I can see that in all likelihood by seasons end he won't be in the best 22 and that will be his demise . You don't often learn footy smarts. You either have them or you don't. The AFL game exposes his flaws.
  24. It's wonderful....it is November the players have been back a week or so and are getting back into the swing of things....and the knives are out....who will have a rotten season....and will be a liability to the teqam.....which is still a few months away....can't wait for the thread about to appear with who will be delisted next October....double sigh......
  25. Really good report thanks, can't get there so early in the year. You won't get criticism from me re Spencer, the FD is doing everything right with him, he will mature in body and skill together and will understudy Jamar and be right at his peak when he becomes the No 1 hopefully in about 3 or 4 years ...
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