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Everything posted by jayceebee31

  1. B: Bartram. Frawley. Rivers HB: Grimes. Sellar. Garland C:Trengove Moloney. Blease HF: Howe. Martin Dunn FF: Davey. Clark Green R: Jamar. McKenzie. Jones I: Gysberts Watts Magner. Bate I don 't think Petterd will play.I believe he is injured.
  2. A very difficult role Don faces during the next period. In knowing Don, he will rise to the occasion and handle it with distinction.He needs to be very tough also and will need to make some very importent decisions in the next few months, in particular, whether to renew C S's contract which will need to be decided in July. He has a very able and capable team behind him.Note, we haven't had confirmation from the club in any way that Greg Healy has officially been inducted as a Board member,re football Director and he is not shown on the MFC website list of Board Directors.
  3. Sorry I missed you there- saw Deeluded however it was great to celebrate Jim's life and to continue his great work. We will catch up and celebrate his life sometime soon.RIP Jim.
  4. Whilst I am grieving tomorrow, I will also be thinking of you.Have a great trip, be safe and enjoy it immensely.
  5. I think this is a great move, even if we consider meeting for a Demonland wake after the event. I also think we should consider getting Jaded or others to design a suitable tie or neck scarf for Demonlanders to wear and be noticed for this type of event.We could recognise each other and be a voice for each other.
  6. LJ claims he didn't touch him.If so, will not have any issue re jail.Getting back in the team, is his first priority and succeeding.He owes that to himself, family, great friends such as Bruce etc..
  7. Tremendous to have him back in the full rehab group.
  8. Don't forget he played HBF in his few games last year.But I agree more suited in other positions.
  9. I'd just like to remind you-jack turned 21 today- Happy returns for today and hope you stick it up them JW.
  10. Very interesting post - can we get some sort of response re Grimes please? He is a very important cog in our team and I'm sure we all would like to gain feedback.Thanks in anticipation. Also really looking forward to Diablo's report and summary.
  11. Great effort by all in bringing this game to us tonight and very much appreciated.Great to get us over the line. Hope it is a great tonic for KC being away.I am sure he'd be rapped in beating Willie.
  12. Just want to say - sincere thanks, great knowing you,thanks for your insights, condolences to Sam & family,Will always be in our hearts andcwecwill always be indebted to you
  13. Great to see we are using our picks in one of the best drafts of all time.Due to BP leaving and as we are using Viney Snr as Head of recruiting and up to now used John Turnbull Ex head of Hawthorn as a Consultant, it would be very wise to consider utilizing Rendell in some sort of fashion.We have a few people whom have worked with him,Viney himself, Craig, and of course Sellars maybe able to develop further with Rendell's background.He was offered the job as Senior Ass.to Primus, and declined it late last year.A wealth of experience ( over 35 years) that would be great for us.Also would assist us as a great ruck coach .
  14. Tim Watson from SEN has suggested that the initials-J S be included in the players jumpers for at least a year for the feeling that he is still with us and never be forgotten.
  15. RIP Jim, condolences to all the family & friends.Pain is gone but your legacy will never be forgotten.
  16. Totally agree-- we should do a marketing drive in a very sensitive way.Such as Jimma still wants 40000.,as long as Sam Stynes agrees.
  17. Saddest time in my life when we heard this morning that we have lost this great man.RI P.
  18. Hindsight is a great tool along with time.I feel in time,several players we have recruited will become elite footballers.We as a club just need a little luck with injuries.
  19. We are playing like a bottom 4 side currently, however, feel we will improve as the season goes on.I feel we will finish around 14 on the ladder at the end of the season.
  20. We will improve dramatically later in the year when we settle down.We will get through this predicament.I feel for WJ whom supports this club and wears his heart on his sleeve.
  21. Don't we have to stand together and get through this maze.
  22. Hi ,I remember you from last time- good commentator,thanks for tonight.Keep an eye on the mids for me please,also afrawley, needs a good game tonight, All the best JCB.
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