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Everything posted by jayceebee31

  1. Now I have got used to the site it is ok -in some ways preferred the old to move around .
  2. Not funny re LJ and his current problem.Buy gee I laughed ,I had forgotten these two comedians-Two off the best.Thanks for the memory and laugh
  3. I think McNamara in his 3 games showed tremendous promise. Kicked a goal from 50 metres out by memory. I think he will could make a temendous winger/half back or forward flanker.A utility for these areas mentioned.
  4. Can understand your thoughts re Neita but because of our injuries and him it may best to ease him in the backline on resumption and gaining confidence before giving him new challenges.Still think he would be an ideal winger -imagine Morton and Garland on the wing- SENSATIONAL.Reminds me of Woods & Clay when they played for the tigers. Thoughts you old timers. Nearly said WJ and others.
  5. Brian Lake does not play a forward role either, but like him the 3 talls named be given a licence to roam forward, and put pressure then on their forward opponent becoming a defender. This is only on an occassional scenario that I am advocating in the game.
  6. Thanks KC for your formative post. Would love to read your update from this weeks game.
  7. I agree- this would help us enormously with the development of our list.
  8. Another thing I'd like to see this year is a Rivers or Warnock or Frawley do a Brian Lake scenario and move forward like he does. Puts another tall forward in a position that defenders and coaches alike do not like. The three of them could pinch a goal or two. This was shown by Rivers two years ago and Bails played Warnock forward in his development role last year.What do you think?
  9. I think they will play both of them forward this week at Casey.Newton also trained well today.His kicking seems to have improved dramatically.Jones twitter today confirms this
  10. Agree- totally concur. Ridiculous to rush Watts. We will try others to cover LJ such as Dunn.Actually, I do not mind if Watts plays a limited amount this year at Melbourne. LJ's injury shows me that Bails is doing exactly what he should be with Watts. LJ's body was not right for senior football.Some ape would have crunched his slight body sometime.Someone would have done the same to Jack.Bails gave him a taste last year, let him finalise his schooling and now time to get his body right for AFL football. But if it is the case he develops at Casey by getting fit, confident etc.. I am extremely happy with that-we do not want to rush him- no way.
  11. Tingles- thanks for comment. I agree he will reurn as a backman initially, but he would make a great wingman. However avid Neitz thought he would replace him eventually at full forward.Very versatile and a brilliant utility.
  12. Agree with others in saying thank you WJ re insight.I had made a new thread before reading this with regards to Lyden Dunn and him moving forward.Very impressive at training this morning.
  13. Been told that Dunny will play a more prominant role as a forward this year to cover the loss of LJ and enhance the forward line somewhat,making it more flexible with reasonable talls till Watts can fulfill his role and LJ returns... At practice today, Dunn & Newton were the best at kicking practice.Dunn started his career as a forward and this role may help out with a forward line like this: HF: SYLVIA MILLER BATE FF: DAVEY DUNN GREEN with a rotation of Sylvia, Green, Bate & Miller at full forward for a time within a game. Davey may rotate with Wonaeamirri when fit and in form.What do you think?
  14. Well done- a great name to sponsor- will be a CHAMPION.
  15. Demon Tingles- it is my belief he could become an outstanding winger- great defensive yet very attacking. Your opinion please would be greatly appreciated. Please note after a return from the backline.
  16. No way- you are dreaming. Newton is proven to a certain extent- needs to prove he is worth while keeping Fitzi has done nothing as yet
  17. Agree along with 2010 stars- Scully, Trengove and Gysberts whilst Gawn and Blease star in 2011 whilst we wait for young Viney to enter the fray.GO DEES
  18. In some ways Liam having his first major injury he now knows how important fitness, exercise , strength and conditioning his body is.We all know how his body is so light and he will have to build up his strength and weight over the next few pre seasons. This time out will play a major part to this being strength to his shoulder areas.Similar to Jack Watts. Far too slight for the role we want to play him.Liam,I believe is far to light also.However the best with recovery to him and Ding Dong.
  19. I totally support and agree with your points Dan.
  20. Shocking news to read on the website both AFL & Melbournefc that Liam will be out for 16 weeks. This must be devastating to the club overall. Hoping that they rise on Saturday.
  21. Again thanks for sharing this news regarding Colin. After reading the shattering news regarding LJ I needed a pick up
  22. There is merit to seriously considerGrimes- in particular if he has a great year.Iagree with most but look at what David Hookes did with the Victorian cricket team, put in a very young captain and look at them over the last 5 years in all aspects.
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