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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. I was responding to a post which pointed to our facilities (as well as sponsors and business management) as evidence of Schwab's success since returning to the club and I was pointing out he had nothing to do with that so couldn't claim it as evidence of his success.
  2. Exactly right and I'm glad someone in the media has raised the issue of our rudderless leadership. I have no affiliation one way or the othe and was definitely not a fan Gardner or Szondy (absolute jokes the both of them) however I'm over waiting for results now and the lack of response from our CEO or President is bewildering. Neeld will be in trouble in a couple of weeks also if this keeps up but it is clear to me Schwab has to go and probably McLardy as well. Schwab has done NOTHING since coming back to the club except entrench divisions between different factions and between himself and the Football Department/players. Ask anyone at Freo and they'll tell you he is a cancer and has to go. I disregarded this as the bitterness of the spurned fan but now I'm inclined to believe them. He has no achievements to list since returning several years ago and offers nothing but empty platitudes devoid of substance. He is a slick talker and that's about it and to be honest I don't trust him as far as I could throw him.
  3. I don't get why people would be interested in anything he has to say anyway but if he has such a thin skin how about not sharing this stuff on a public forum. Keep it private and no one will know or give a crap.
  4. Rubbish excuse, Port had 6 new players it didn't seem to harm them so much.
  5. Think you missed my point, the part you highlighted was directed at Jack Watts and his comment, not at you.
  6. Ah, no actually following that logic we should sack the board. It's good to see you're so content with the state of our club while every sane supporter is sick to the stomach of the situation and the never ending platitudes sent our way to fob us off. While we demand accountability you come out smiling like Chamberlain claiming peace in our time.
  7. Show me the proof you speak of? Sponsors? Nup they've had to go begging supporters to try and line these up for them as they have failed miserably to lure any and have lost some such as Hankook who were led by rusted on supporters. Facilities? This was set up by the previous admin and is definitely not something Schwab or McLardy can take credit for. Business side of MFC? This is extremely vague and doesn't count for much but if you're talking of profit/loss we have struggled to make threadbare profits each year and have only done so due to supporters donating money in unprecedented amounts. This is not a long term sustainable business plan so this area is a big fail also. We will make a loss this year as well which is another cross for "business side" of the club.
  8. And the board/CEO/President appoint those who deliver the on field performances so ultimately the responsibility lies at their feet.
  9. From what I can gather the problem they have is he tries to micro manage FD issues when he has no expertise in this field. See the Whiteboard Wednesday's he thinks he has the brains/abilities to be a soccer style football manager when his only real skill seems to be being a slick talker.
  10. The culture is set from the top and the proof of the pudding is in the eating. We are a football club who exist to win football games and ultimately flags, if the club is failing in that then all of the senior positions in the club must be held accountable. Show me a successful club in the last few years that had an incompetent admin? Or show me an incompetent club that had a great admin? There seem to be some sacred cows around the club which is a large part of the problem of our culture. It is debatable whether Schwab and co have even done a good job off-field let alone great but if the team continues its slide into irrelevancy they must be held accountable regardless of the fact they're not the ones out on the field each week.
  11. On the contrary it might actually force them into action instead of relying on handouts from the supporters/AFL and letting supporters do the work of recruiting sponsors etc. Otherwise there is no urgency for them to act. I've already paid my $550 Trident membership so they've got my money whether I show or not. I don't want to stay away and don't want to hurt the club but it really is the only recourse we supporters have to influence anything as they refuse to listen to us or show any urgency to act. Most other clubs would have already had a letter from the President at the very least letting the supporters know that performance yesterday was unacceptable and the FD is under pressure to perform or get the arse. What have we got? Neeld acting like a stunned mullet at the post game press conference and Watts supposedly lamenting the fact we don't have a player like Selwood or Mitchell to lead the way. FFS how about YOU take the responsibility to lead the way instead of always waiting on someone else to do the heavy lifting.
  12. As opposed to before the Neeld regime where they could play on all the flair they wanted and looked a million bucks against crap sides 6 or 8 times a year and went to complete water playing bruise free footy for the rest of the year as soon as the slightest pressure was applied and it all became too hard? I'd rather they learn to play accountable footy instead being a bunch of downhill skiers their entire careers (the club not specific to Frawley/Garland).
  13. I agree - when I was a kid (in the late 80's) and even up to a few years ago going to the footy was more often than not fun. The big games and finals in front of big crowds were great and even those that weren't huge "events" were still great as I got to see the Mighty Demons strut their stuff. Even though we have never been an elite side in my time and have always been flawed to different degrees at least I knew for the most part we were in with a chance every time we fronted up. Now going to the footy is a chore that I persist with through sheer repetition/insanity. I love going with my family still but we just end up angry most of the time and its not enjoyable. I sincerely doubt whether I would keep it up if I were a primary school kid these days. I think I'd either jump ship (something that was anathema to me as a kid) or just become a supporter of the game as a whole attending the game of the week rather than following a particular team. I really do hope this club is able to turn it around in the next few years as I have a 2 week old son who is already a member - I look forward to watching the Demons play at the G every week with him and having a kick in the car park at half time but if we keep it up I fear he won't have any interest in the club and may even lose him to the Cats (his mums team). That would be an absolute shame and would make me very sad but I couldn't really blame him and in the very worst circumstance may even be tempted to go across as well. After all I want to watch good footy and regain the enjoyment/excitement I had of anticipating/attending big games not tear my hair out at the utter ineptitude of the club I love disappointing me again and again and again.
  14. It's like watching a different sport. In fact you could say the same for pretty much every other game this round.
  15. Would be nice of them to have some cucumber sandwiches cut up for them in the change rooms as well, but clearly our supporters are too horrible to support the players in such a manner.
  16. Best protest there is - don't turn up til the team does. Until then they won't get the message.
  17. Fair enough - if anyone at the club had a crack at the supporters yesterday after the utter shite served up by the club then they should walk immediately. We supporters have sat through enough crap for multiple lifetimes in the last decade (or five) it's about time the club had a look at itself instead of the loyal supporters who have had enough.
  18. Exactly - I hope we cop it from all angles this week but I doubt it will happen. No one really cares enough about us anymore to waste time commenting. You want to know what it means to be irrelevant, listen to the defeaning silence this week.
  19. What are you talking about? The comments made about "fickle supporters" were made at the season launch a week or two ago, I assume this is what you're referring to?
  20. Haha what a joke this comment is - we do support the club which is why we want to see under performing individuals given the arse and replaced with people mildly competent.
  21. If Neeld fails the board/CEO/President will roll as well. He is their appointment and they will live and die by it.
  22. I seriously fail to comprehend how Royal still has a job. It is baffling, he should have been given the arse at the end of 2011. One of the best defences in 2010 under Wellman turned to absolute shite under his watch and then he is moved sideways to the midfield where he brings absolutely nothing. Wellman was a great coach for us we never should have let him walk on his contract, one of the key reasons for Frawleys 2010 AA form and subsequent decline.
  23. HTFU - that is all. Desperation to be first to the ball and tackle hard when you don't get it and run til you puke then keep running. Everything else is just icing.
  24. God no. We need to get rid of the old boys club not entrench it.
  25. I agree - some will say these guys aren't the ones out on the paddock but the fish rots at the head and these guys must be held accountable for the pathetic and deplorable state this club finds itself in. Schwab is a used car salesmen who may be able to sell ice to eskimo's but has no substance beneath the surface. Has done nothing for this club since returning and never should have been welcomed back after our last experience with him.
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