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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. Pfft, lightweight. How erudite of you, that's the aim of every football club in the comp - the STRATEGY to get there is a different matter, something you've failed to articulate yet are happy to put blind faith in. That's fine if that's the route you want to take but you can hardly be critical of others if they are just a tad cynical after 50 years of the club spouting the same platitudes and continually delivering dross.
  2. If you don't know why the club is a shambles you might as well just give it away now. Hint - it has something to do with losing by 100 points every week. * Membership growing? Hmm don't think so, it's shrinking this year and did last year as well. * May keep the finances going? This isn't even a coherent point but our finances are worse this year than last so whatever point you're making is irrelevant. * A new Board member should help - well you'd hope so but there's no evidence this will be the case. * It wasn't pretty on Saturday - ding ding ding, well done, you've hit the nail on the head. This is what the supporters care about above all - most couldn't give a stuff if we're millions in the hole they'll turn up as long as the team is playing well. They don't have to win every week but they do have to be competitive. Kent, Barry, Clisby? They've shown nothing to date so can't say they have taken another step forward. It is early days and may work out but you can't claim it as a win as yet. Heard the same things about numerous players over the last decade. Matt Jones is looking OK, Terlich has his moments but nothing special yet. I'm not saying we should sack Neeld, I'm not saying we shouldn't - I can see arguments both ways, I think we need to give him a chance to have a decent crack at it - by the same token the early signs don't look promising and it will be difficult to justify keeping him on if the team continues tor ack up these demoralising defeats. Regardless of what anyone may think if we keep getting belted supporters will turn away in droves. I fail to see why being competitive is seen as exclusive to rebuilding the team into a finals/premiership contender, Sydney can do it, North can do it, Geelong has done it - it's football not rocket science, you don't have to be completely hopeless to have to have a chance to build towards being great.
  3. What is the long term strategy? If you believe in it you should be able to articulate it.
  4. Actually we've done it once over the past 6 seasons - we sacked Bailey after the worst loss in the modern era. He had 4 seasons and the team was still a shambles.
  5. Yep the scoreboards not right and the club is a shambles - so how would YOU fix it?
  6. Watts is no longer a "young KPF" - with Clark, Dawes and Hogan where will Watts fit in? If he can't get a game ahead of Sellar or Pedersen that should be setting off the bells ringing.
  7. Clark came before the club fell off the cliff (yes I know it was after 186 but there was still hope a new coach could turn things around) and Dawes was basically kicked out of Collingwood. You never know what a wad of cash will do but I'll give you strong odds Thomas will not be playing for Melbourne next year.
  8. Which top shelf mids are going to want to come to us? Some players (Viney, Wines) can have an impact straight away it's about picking kids ready to go rather than players who may look great but will need a couple of years to develop. I'm glad we got Toumpas but next draft we need to focus on players who can go from round 1. They don't have to dominate straight away but they do need to be able to compete.
  9. Yeah and when Swan was out on the [censored] they suspended him.
  10. They both came up through the Under 19's.
  11. IF the rumour is true Sylvia must be dropped and probably Frawley as well though at least he seems to have been trying to do the responsible thing.
  12. Taken from BF; One was definately Sylvia and the other frawley. I think frawley was trying to tell Sylvia he's had enough as Sylvia was very drunk. Sylvia didn't like what he heard and a push and shove happened. Probably not a huge story although does show the different characters of the 2.
  13. I agree - thing is, pretty sure we tried that last time and none would come which is why we ended up with Neeld. If we sacked Neeld anytime soon I'd want to be certain we'd get one of Eade, Ratten or Roos (though don't think there's a chance Roos would come). Possibly Choco Williams but I think the games passed him as a head coach.
  14. I tend to agree - I completely understand those who say Neeld needs to be given time but the fact is we may not have the time to give. As much as it pains me we can't afford to put a 5 year plan in place to build towards a premiership we need to focus on just winning a few games and being competitive in every game we play. Then we can focus on finals, top 4 and flags.
  15. That's true but today Garland showed he has no idea when playing one on one. Too many times he gave away stupid free kicks because he doesn't know how to make position or use his body and isn't strong enough to hold his ground.
  16. It goes back further than that. Guys like Yze, White, Johnstone, Robertson were exactly the same under Daniher.
  17. Who promised that and when did they say it? I think you're talking rubbish mate.
  18. We'll be lucky to crack 12K next week - 18K today and 3-5K WCE fans.
  19. Haha nah don't think so unless you said it under your breath? My last post (saying you should have tried harder) was a joke by the way
  20. No doubt but you can't tell me we are 100 points worse in just over half a game than West Coast, 150 points worse than Essendon and 80 points worse than Port. Those kind of drubbings come down to mentality and effort. Edit: And coaching.
  21. Too soon to judge - talls take time and Cook should be coming on any day now. Would help having Talia down back as well.
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