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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. You seriously can't see the difference between clubs who lose A player and us who could potentially lose 5 of our top 10 (or at least starting 18) in 2 years plays a number 1 draft pick the year before?
  2. Supporters are for the most part realistic. They're not going to hang a coach for not making finals in his first year or a GF in his second but it's not too much to ask to see some improvement and an indication they are on the right track. That's all we ask is to see we are on the right track but nothing in the past 2 seasons shows that at all.
  3. Well what do you expect? The man is a cokk.....roach.
  4. Agree, I'll freely admit I know nothing about the relationship of those in the club and can only go off what's reported in the media and on here, all of which I take with a grain of salt. On this thread I have one anonymous person telling me he has links to players and player managers and saying there is an issue and another anonymous person telling me knows an employee who works as a fundraiser within the club saying there isn't based on their observations in the rooms on matchday. Taking them at face value I'd have to go with GNF's comments over yours and remembering that it is with a grain of salt. I only say IF the relationships with Neeld are an issue then he has to go but ultimately I'm not in a position to make that call.
  5. We had top picks in 2003, 2007, 2008 & 2009 before the expansion clubs came along and had more top picks in 2012. We should have set ourselves up with those drafts without having to worry about picks in 2010 & 2011.
  6. The same people were in charge of the club at that time, just had a different coach and now a new (temp) CEO. And, with all due respect, a fundraiser wouldn't have much idea of what's going on with the relationship between coach/club and players regardless of whether they have access to the rooms or not.
  7. OK maybe saying we can't afford to lose Watts is over the top because it would depend what we got for him. If we got a good midfielder in return it wouldn't be a big loss. But we certainly can't afford to lose Frawley and we can't afford to lose Sylvia for nothing. Davey is also on his last legs so if we lose all of them I can't see how the hell we will 1) field a team next year who could beat even Port Melbourne let alone Port Adelaide and 2) meet the minimum cap requirements for next year. The club needs to make retaining these players a priority as we will be in big trouble if they all walk considering the dearth of talent on our list and the plummeting "games experience" stat that will be pointed to as reason to give the club/coach more time to be even competitive. If Neeld has to go to make sure these guys are retained then it has to be that way. You show me our best 22 next year if these guys all up and leave.
  8. I agree it should be on them but the fact is there's no way we can afford to lose one let alone all of them.
  9. Anchored to the bottom of the table for years on end while all our best players desert us for greener pastures? This really is the darkest timeline.
  10. IF (thats IF) we lose Frawley, Sylvia, Watts & Davey retires/leaves or signs a much smaller contract how in blue hell are we going to meet the minimum salary cap requirements next year?? And don't say we'll poach players from other clubs (Dale Thomas) because there is no chance in hell he would want to come especially when other clubs (eg GWS) could offer him the same amount of money we could to play in a rubbish team albeit they have a rosy future. Pedersen will think he's hit the jackpot as we'll have to restructure his contract to pay him $600K/year just to meet the 95%. This is my fear about Neeld. Losing the games, losing members etc I can cop to give him a bit more time to see if he can coach but if we are going to leak all our senior/best players because of him and have to field a VFL side next year he's gotta go now. Losing the players is what will hurt the club, members and sponsors will always return when we start winning but losing the players will mean we are just another 3-5 years bckwards from where we are today. The person who mentioned Fitzroy losing Lynch, Roos, Pert, Osborne etc hit the nail on the head.
  11. And tied in with that is who we pick up at the end of the year.
  12. At a minimum; - The same effort as last week. - Some structure coming out of defense (especially with our kick-ins). - Around 80 tackles for the game. - No quarters with less than 2 goals kicked (by us). - Nathan Jones getting a chop-out. - No kicks into the man on the mark. - No jogging to create options and no following your opponent by 5-10 metres when the opposition controls the ball.
  13. Have a look further upfield next time Frawley has the ball in his hands and you tell me what options he has to go to? His decision-making looks slow and poor because he is waiting for one of our players furtehr afield to present a decent option to him. He is not slow physically either.
  14. Not really, it just shows how poor our KP defenders have been. You tell me who has been better?
  15. You've gotta be joking - none of Garland, McDonald or Sellar (Sellar FFS!!!) can hold a candle to Frawley. He is the best defender we've had in at least the last quarter if a century and probably half a century. He's better than Danny Hughes, Ingerson and Shanahan no-one else even comes close (although we have had such prodigies as big Al Nicholson, Phil Gilbert and Damien Gaspar).
  16. They made several prelims in a row only a couple of years ago we've been in the bottom 4 or so for 7 years.
  17. The main priority this year is to get his name on an extended contract to secure him for the next 5 years.
  18. 1) They still have to be good players who can develop into consistent AFL players 2) Most of our midfield hasn't been around 6 years except Jones & Grimes. This is Trengove & McKenzies 4th season but guys like Viney, Toumpas, Matt Jones, Magner, Evans etc have only been around 1-2 years. We will clearly need to add more midfielders over the next 2 drafts (and hopefully at least one through FA/drafting) but if these guys are good enough the wheel will turn quickly for us if we can keep our KPP stocks (Clark, Dawes, Hogan, Frawley, McDonald) together. The midfield is by far the biggest problem on our list made more evident when you go through the players one by one - we have a lot of "flankers" but not many guys who you would have confidence in running through the middle (Blease, Nicholson, Strauss etc etc)
  19. This was the same critique on Essendon a couple of years back, had good KPP prospects but not enough good midfielders. The wheel can turn quickly because good midfielders are easier to find than good KPP and they develop quicker.
  20. Dawes when Clark is fit and then Hogan next year will help plug that gap. Gives our players a big leading target to kick to out if defence while still having a key forward roaming inside 50 who can be the target for the next possession. The main reason I thought picking up Dawes was a good move.
  21. I agree Macca but with one major distinction - he is employed to win a premiership, not just games. Of course one leads to the other but winning 10-12 games a year will get us nowhere. If the supporters can see improvements/signs of hope that the side is working towards that elusive flag I am sure they would be much more forgiving in cutting some slack to Neeld and the club. But when it seems we've gone (and are going) backwards the fans won't tolerate it. Today was some good signs despite the loss but I bet you Londond to a brick that good work will be outdone in the next fortnight when Freo strangle us next week and make us pay for our turnovers which Richmond didn't do so much and then against Hawthorn who will treat is with contempt again like they have the last 10 or so times we've played them.
  22. Not only that but often when we do have the opportunity to link up we turn the ball over through skill errors or poor decision making. Richmond won today because they had a bit more class and composure but I thought we played probably the best I've seen us play under Neeld besides last year vs Essendon. Our players put in effort and repeated efforts today and our structures seemed much better than they have been. Our players still have to learn to stand on their men and not 5-10 metres off but with a bit more polish we would not have continually turned the ball over in the back half (especially from kickouts) and would have taken advantage of more of our opportunities going forward. As othes have said add Clark, Grimes, Viney & Watts into that team today and it may have been a different result. If I was a Richmond supporter I wouldn't be too impressed with that game today they played pretty stupid footy for big chunks of time and got "strangled" to an extent by our players dropping back across half back. They had a 5 man forward line for much of the match playing a 7th man loose in defense - if I was a Tiges supporter if be asking Hardwick why? Anyway there was a lot to be maybe not happy but content with today. If we give that effort week in week out the supporters will be more inclined to allow the time Neeld asks for. It is still frustrating though that we've basically lost two games (Brisbane & Richmond) due to poor skill and decision making rather than being beaten as such by the opposition.
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