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Demon Disciple

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Everything posted by Demon Disciple

  1. I reckon one of the first things Garry would've wanted to see when first coming into his role was the Andrew's report. Obviously without me knowing one iota of what Garry has actually done at the club or what that report had revealed, it just can't be coincidence that all of this off-field action has taken place in sync with Garry's short-term role with the club. It wreaks of the Lone Wolf - "What's wrong? How do we best go about fixing it? OK, then let's fix it!" Garry's role cannot be underestimated in what has transpired over the past month. Neeld's role too, as he seems very much a type of person who will not tolerate laziness, procrastination, or anything else that would appear to hold us back. I eagerly await trade week, now that we seem to have people in power who aren't afraid to act.
  2. ever since Ricky was sent back to the magoos for poor performance, he has come back with a tenacity to tackle and do all the 1%'s. Such a demotion has made him become an even better player, so his value to us as a club has increased significantly. There is no chance in hell we will let him go, after he showed through the latter part of the season that he is willing to play more of a team oriented role. Kudos to Ricky for the change in mindset, it will not go unrewarded!
  3. All is answered on the MFC website, goes through what Craig will be associating himself with at the club.
  4. AFL.com.au reporting it too. http://www.afl.com.au/news/newsarticle/tabid/208/newsid/124371/default.aspx This Kim Hackdorn has absolutely NFI. How many times has he got things wrong now? Talk about amateur hour!
  5. Was a good get for sure. You could have at least told me that you are in line for our forward position too!!! You'd go better than Mahoney anyway. By the sounds of it though, you apparently charge a fair bit. You better be worth it .
  6. Senior coach - Neeld Senior Assistant - ??? Craig/Laidley (think Viney will stay in his GM of player development role) Defence coach - Rawlings Defence assistant - ??? Midfield coach - Royal Midfield assistant - Greaves Forward coach - ??? Sumich (if he misses out on the saints gig, then he needs to get more experience outside of the eagles) Forward assistant - Satterly 3 coaching positions to go.
  7. Kosi would just be a list clogger. We are trying to improve our list, not go backwards. Sure we are crying out for a genuine FF, but come on, this is just stupidity. No point getting a KPF just for the sake of getting one. If a DECENT one isn't available, then draft some. BTW, Kosi is not decent (just to clear it up). I don't want a quick solution, i want one that will provide longevity.
  8. Jesse White is not the answer to our problems up forward. He's just a glorified Paul Johnson. If we can't get someone DECENT to come to our club, we then have to draft one. This isn't the strongest draft, so the "best available" rule needn't apply. Go for needs, hello to one Todd Elton. Who knows, if we actually draft a true KPF, they might actually turn out to be quite good. No more forwards with versatility and nice disposal. The only nice disposal i want from my KPF is one that doesn't cack himself in front of the big sticks.
  9. How did Dom Tyson go? He's firming into top 3 calculations come draft time and might replace Wingard as #3 pick. Today's GF would have had a lot of say in if he might go at #3.
  10. Getting Neil Craig would be fantastic on 2 fronts. The first is his undeniable sports science background. Working with Misson will only benefit our club (as any fanatical fitness freak or diehard weight lifter can attest to, the more experience and knowledge at your disposal, the better the results of the hard work you put in). The second is the experience he has gained as being coach of the AFC. He experienced high's and low's throughout, and the lessons gained would be invaluable to a new head coach like Neeld. Plus having an AFL hardened coach assisting you would ease certain pressures. From what it seems on the outside, Craig is an extremely professional person and doesn't look like one who would go into a footy club and tear it limb from limb because of his ego (unlike some at the MFC). Though, that's what many thought of Ross Lyon.
  11. Of the coaches we could go after it will also be about what we can afford, along with if we go for a senior assistant for Neeld. B/L - Hudghton or Harley F/L - Sumich S/A - Craig or Laidley Of that lot, i'd go hell for leather at trying to bring in Harley and Sumich. The latter would cost a few bob, so go after Laidley over Craig (less $)
  12. Whilst there are still 2 coaching positions left to fill, Neeld has indicated that he is after well-experienced people to be on his coaching panel. Given that we are quite inexperienced, even if Craig accepts another job elsewhere, i feel that a senior assistant will be brought in to help in these matters.
  13. You only ever get to make one first impression, so i'd say that all players will try and stand up for Neeld. Whether they can sustain it is another thing all together. Neeld strikes me as a coach who demands that all players stand up, if you don't, you're gonna find yourself moving out very soon (which can only be a good thing). Demanding 100% and that you give 100% are 2 completely different things. One measures ability, the other endeavour. We've seen times at the MFC where there has been (brace yourself for the dreaded word) the potential for 100%, but never in my lifetime have i seen an MFC outfit show 100% in endeavour for more than 1 week at a time.
  14. Damn you Ferguson, we could have had him several seasons earlier, DAMN YOU!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. So with all the movement that has taken place, from a coaching point of view, what places still need to be filled? Midfield has been taken care of/filled - Royal/Greaves Royal moving to the midfield opens up for a new back-line coach and Mahoney moving into footy manager paths the way for a new forward coach too. Plus, Neeld might go after a senior assistant coach as well. Maybe Craig might become the latter, maybe he won't. Good acquisition if he came on board, wouldn't be upset if he didn't. More curious as to who will fill the coaching roles of fwd/backline.
  16. HAHA, when i initially posted, i assumed that mahoney had gotten the axe too. Only upon thorough reading did i realise that he had been spared (Quick edit was necessary). Slammed the desk with words along the lines of "You've gotta be F%$#@ng kidding me" and laughing in astonishment. Haven't asked him yet though, almost afraid to and wouldn't hear the end of it. Though if Mahoney were to go, so too would the usual "Look at Josh Mahoney's forward line" quip. Such is its repetitiveness, it's almost becoming one of the great traditions at every MFC home game on level 1 of the Southern Stand wing.
  17. This just goes to show how senile and idiotic Sheedy is. He has let his emotions get the better of him. He's gone out and recruited a fella that is only a few years away from being a pensioner (Jnr was finished as an AFL footballer and the game clearly passed him by, in fact he played beyond his years), and he's gone and "stolen" $cully as revenge as well. A fella who has an extremely suss knee (and will do for the rest of his career), a fella whose kicking is sub-AFL standard, and whose handballing, whilst quick, is so erratic, that every 3rd handball disadvantages his team. Let the old fool wallow in his own self-adoration. How soon will GWS realise that Sheedy is actually a cancer on a footy club? hopefully they find out after it's too late.
  18. http://www.theage.co...0920-1kjlc.html Good move this one. Opens up the role for Neil Craig to step into Connolly's role, and still provides for Connolly to use his mouth for the betterment of the MFC. As has been stated previously on these boards, Connolls could sell sand to the Arabians, CS too. Their strengths are of fantastic service to the club, and we are seeing that happening right now with CS. Funny what happens when they stick to the roles they were hired for. Me thinks Gary has said a thing or two to both of 'em, and Neeldy would have said that he ain't gonna put up with any of that crap. We had a real [censored] season, but so far, the off-season (which has lasted all of 2.5 weeks) has been really positive. Plus there is still our other major sponsor to be announced, along with a few more changes in the footy department (how many bloody lives does Josh Mahoney have?), cutting loose all the dead weight of our list, plus the possible successful bid for O'Meara or a good player in trade week. Good strides, and all this coincides with the appointment of Mark Neeld. Has there ever been an MFC coach loved as much, whose been in the job for only 4 days?
  19. I understand what you're saying, but Neeld seems to not put up with any crap. It's his way or go home, uncompromising. I'm pretty sure if things got muddled up, he'd walk in and fix it within a matter of seconds. I can't wait to see what he will do to our playing list and the many pretenders and dead bits of wood that have been riding on the coattails for far too long. Take no prisoners Neeldy!!!
  20. absolute [censored] that he was awarded mark of the year. Being totally unbiased, Walker's speccie was one for the ages, was night and day ahead of any other this year, then came NICNATS, then daylight to Petterd, then even more daylight to Krakouer's. Walker was robbed. His would have to be one of the highest grabs to be ever taken. Such a clean jump, such a clean grab and he was up near the top of Eureka Tower to boot. Agree with the goal of the year though. Fantastic run and carry down the entire field from ballantyne.
  21. Neeld will be absolutely licking his lips waiting for Viney to get onto our senior list. Viney Jnr is a no-nonsense tough, physical, uncompromising, take no prisoners type of player that Neeld will have lead this team out of the 50 year darkness.
  22. Agree with you DeeTerm. We need a small forward who is willing to play the full time role of a crumbing forward. That way should no other option be available, we can always go long and direct to our KPF's (if they are bloody in the forward line), if it cannot be marked then force a spillage and wouldn't you know, there's the small forward being front and centre to the pack, waiting for the ball to hit the deck and picking up the crumbs. Sure we have Aussie, but he needs to deal with more important things atm, like his mental health. Once he improves there, he needs to address his injury problems that plagued him, then maybe, just maybe, we might have the crumbing forward that we have dearly missed since he burst onto the scene back in that famous game in '08. Football only becomes complicated if you want it to be.
  23. Let's see..............We have no stay at home FF, nor a player that's willing to play the crumber role full-time, our midfield gets killed in contested possessions and clearances, and our backline would have to have one of the worst records with disposal by foot. Neeld has heaps to work with.
  24. What. no Jaeger???? In all seriousness though, i think it looks great. If there was one thing i would do (and i know you can't have everyone in the banner), i would have Sean Wight next to Jimmy on the right hand side of him (seems to be a little space left for that, maybe take a bit more of Jack Watts' left shoulder off). Just a way to pay our respects an acknowledge what he gave to the MFC. But other than that, i reckon it looks great
  25. Is currently on MMM and Barret asked him what type of footy will the mfc boys be playing, whther it be match ups or a real focus on suffocating the opposition. His response "we'll be hard". Was then asked "harder than the way they have been?" Long pause........... "i can't comment on that as i wasn't there at the time". One gets the feeling he sees our list as predominantly soft, and is gonna do something about it. If i was Morton, i'd be starting to get very worried, lol. Will he survive the pre-season? Will he make it past trade week?
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