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Demon Disciple

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Everything posted by Demon Disciple

  1. As much as i'd love Grimes to lead this club, Trengove will one day become Melbourne captain, and rightly so. His on-field leadership is all class and he was born to lead!!! He can start by being the first to drive 'he who must not be named's' shoulder into the MCG turf next year. Hell, even a part of me would applaud an idiot risking the $6,000 fine and a some-what lengthy jail-sentence, running onto the ground and giving $'s a piece of what he just served up to the MFC faithful......a big kick in the nuts.
  2. A fair chunk of the Storm's better/well-known players are from Queensland. Billy Slater, Cooper Cronk, Cameron Smith and from recent times Folou and Inglis. Becuase of this, i always support QLD come SoO time, that and the fact that i hate NSW's. If you think the AFL is corrupt, then the NRL will blow your freakin mind. It is basically a NSW competition, where the state thinks that all teams in the NRL should be from NSW, etc. Pre-lim finals are played in NSW all the time, only favouring home teams. I would love for the Storm to win the premiership this year and stick it up all those arrogant NSW drongos. They'll come up with some pathetic excuse to strip the Storm of another premiership, like some form of retrospective punishment. There is a reason that all teams outside of NSW seem to be stronger than those inside NSW. The culture of that state is p!$$ weak. That incestuous state is what is holding the game of rugby league back from becoming bigger and better. And to think those neanderthals believe that this amateur hour "sport" can take it up to AFL.
  3. I tend to look at it this way, in terms of membership numbers next year. If an unknown or assistant coach were to come in and coach us, we'd more than likely have 35,000 members in 2012. (backwards) If Ross Lyon were to come in and coach us, we'd more than likely have 40,000 members in 2012. (an increase) If Mick Malthouse were to come in and coach us, we'd more than likely have 45,000 members in 2012. (a huge increase)
  4. Might be a big week coming up for us!!!! Maybe the new coach Maybe the Scully announcement.........and more importantly, the compensation given.
  5. Make no mistake, i'd love to get O'Meara in the special draft. I'd be willing to throw both compo picks at GWS to get him. I'd love to get Elton with pick 12 in this years draft, also. Either way you look at it, we could either end up with, A) Todd Elton, Jaeger O'Meara and Jack Viney coming into our squad over the next 2 drafting periods, or B) Todd Elton, Jack Viney, plus another 2 x first rounders in next years "superdraft". Either way we could not lose, as we would have brought in some serious quality either way. Hence why i strongly hope that Tom Scully leaves. We'd get some quality kids, save a heap in terms of salary cap and put the club before 1 single player. Whatever Scully decides to do, because of the ramifications and strain it has put on our club throughout the year, it would be best for him to leave, as i would no longer look at him the way i did at the start of the year, but look at him with disdain. Probably best for both parties if he were to leave, and given the compo and timing of it, we would be in a much better position should he leave, than if he were to stay.
  6. Agree, 2 early picks in a quality draft, along with young Jack Viney would go a long way, along with the class of the 2009 draft (minus $cully of course), to building to a premiership. Not sure if he will last to pick 12, but would love to draft Todd Elton with it. Just offers another dimension to our forward line with some aggression to boot, as well as rucking in the forward line. Is already at a decent weight, good height, and with a summer in the gym, given his already-developed body, could easily pack on 5+kgs of muscle over pre-season without much worry to limiting body growth. Jack Viney fits the description, one would think.
  7. Adelaide option - Yeah, brings back memories of the Castle Carlton - Would love to make a play for him (him and Grimes could rotate between midfield and HBF - he has nice disposal too). Straight swap alone won't be enough. GWS - Deal of the Century. Including Warnock in such a deal would be like rubbing salt into an open wound - why (from a GWS pov)? Hawks - Again similar to Russell, would prefer Russell more, but Ellis would come cheaper (if only just a little bit). And to think, the silly season is still over a month away, then people will be moaning for the draft to hurry up and get here, then people will start to get sick of pre-season wanting the start of the season to come quicker, then season starts at which time we're not as good as what we thought we'd be, then we will be begging for the end of the season, then comes trade time again, then comes the draft in which we select one Jack Viney and possibly another 2 1st rounders, then we will again be frustrated with the long summer longing for season 2013 to start................then after a somewhat fast 27 weeks we finally raise the [censored] thing???? Tomorrow, Tomorrow, i luv ya tomorrow, you're always a day away.........
  8. Bate has had 7 years, that's right, 7 years to prove himself as a player for the MFC and because of this 1 game you are basing your decision. Pfft, talk about accepting mediocrity. All today did was enhance Bate's trade value. We have way too many passengers on our list, who only go when they have to. Whether it be for a new contract (i'm looking at you flash), or playing for their careers (Bate, Morton, etc). Such a pi$$ weak attitude is a big reason as to why we have been so poor this year. The attitude from far too many is so far short of what is required to play AFL it isn't funny. For too long now, too many at the MFC have felt that they are deserving of their place on an AFL list, they have forgotten what a privilege it is to play at the top level, let alone earn such a ridiculous amount of money. In any other industry, if so many played so poorly for such a period, they would get the arse. If it were up to me, i'd be getting rid of at least 8 players this year, it's probably lucky that i'm not in charge, but it would definitely send the message to the playing list. You want your wage? you want to play AFL? You want to put on the red and blue guernsey and represent the MFC? You show me why you should get the chance, you earn it. Players i would trade/get rid of - Bartram, Bate, Dunn, Maric, Morton, Scully (for obvious reasons), Spencer, Warnock. These players have either had way too many chances to prove themselves, have passed their use-by-date, or are simply sub-afl standard. Players that are teetering on falling into above category - Bennell, Davey, Green, Jetta, J.MacDonald, Rivers, Wonaeamirri (agonising, but injuries and recent tragic events might have gotten the best of him - God i hope not because he has real passion). That's 8 player's i'd get rid of, and another 7 that are threatening to fall into the category. In total i have doubts on 15 players on our senior list, aka 34%. Many might disagree with me, but there is no question that all of these players are treading a fine line, the former 8 have gone over the line. Will we get rid of all these 8 players? Absolutely not. Should we?..........yes. Sure this years draft is rather shallow, but for us to be serious about moving up the ladder, we need to get rid of the dead-wood that is holding us back, plain and simple. Trade in players, or draft players from 2nd tier competitions that will give 100%, like Myles Sewell (this guy is champing at the bit for a go in the AFL). We are not in the friend making business, we are in the premiership winning business. Mediocrity has resulted in a now 48 year premiership drought. Anything less than a ruthless approach will continue the rot. Be ruthless, make no apologies, be DEMONS. And it starts with those who are responsible on a weekly basis, the players. Anything less is unacceptable.
  9. One could say that his kicking action needs a bit of work. However, he has kicked 11.1 in his 3 games this year, which is pretty bloody accurate. What he's doing now seems to be working for him really well, so why change something that's not broke?
  10. What has been proven since Bailey's sacking, is that the board has been vindicated in their decision to remove Bailey swiftly. Recent results clearly show that he had the team in neutral then going backwards at a rapid rate. If CC and CS saw this and tried to reverse such a trend, then they can only be commended, as they were only one of a few it seems, to actually give a stuff about the MFC, not only long-term, but for the immediate future. Unfortunately we, as a club, cannot take a million years to come good, as we don't have the huge membership base and revenue streams to keep us afloat through numerous years of underachievement. It seems that Bailey and the playing group were in la-la land believing that the plan in place would guarantee a premiership, with very little to no changes needed along the way. This is an extremely naive view, one that cannot stand. We have gone so far backwards this year, and the "development" bullshitter believers aside (who will see a small ray of hope in any circumstance), with the favourable draw we were given this year, anything less than finals should've and has been seen as unacceptable. We will probably equal the same points level as last year, 8.5 wins (with such a good draw and another year of "development"). The media were sent into a feeding frenzy and started to stick the boots in, saying we acted to early on Bailey and how the board/FD were in disarray. The FD of CC etc, and CS, if they tried to amend such shortcomings, have to be commended for at least trying to get us back on track, and it seems the board made the correct choice in removing Bailey as quickly as possible, as the longer he was in charge, the more damage he would have done. As such, we are not in as bad a shape as most in the media would have us believe, yes we have some problems (as Don has stated, and will be rectified), but so does any club at one point or another. At least they had the balls to make a stand, one way or the other, and are now putting us back on track. The playing group need a real rocket sent up them, at least we appear to be a little stabler off-field as what was made out. I continue to have full confidence in the MFC, the playing group is the one that should be and is in the gun. And rightly so.
  11. I have serious doubts over whether he should be in our side. Not because of his personal problems, more power to him for trying to overcome those. Just his attitude and demeanour, when having a bad day. If we did recruit, he would need to show leadership and do all the 1%, chase, shepherd, taking own man away from the action to free up space for another forward. However, our forward line isn't functioning too well, with Watts the only one who is doing something, someone needs to lead into the space he has created. This could be Fevola. If nothing is doing, our guys could always bomb it in long, you know Fev will give it a red hot crack. He will also free up Jurrah to play as the third/fourth tall, something he will benefit greatly from. Ever since Neita's retirement, we have really missed not only him playing in the forward line, but his presence (the backman knowing there is a big body in the forward line). I am warming to the idea. Sorry JCB.
  12. John Butcher? Has done SFA since being drafted Trengove? does bugger all on the field IMO. overrated Dangerfield? Doesn't do enough for the price tag he'll come with. way overrated for his output Dawes? Melbourne have a better chance of finding Atlantis Wood? Hahaha.......seriously I reckon we should go all out for Sam Reid of the Swans. He is young, big, tough and can play at either end. Similar to Cook, these 2 could be dynamite switching rotating from CHB and CHF. Trading for Reid would alleviate all of Butcher, Trengove and Dawes, all in one hit. I agree, we need someone who is quick and is tough that could play all of HFF/HBF or through the midfield, HBF in particular. Jack Grimes has played this role, but we need someone quicker and with better disposal by foot. That a tougher version of Chris Yarran. I don't know if he is overly quick, but i'd prefer to get Sloane instead of Dangerfield from the Crows. Will cost less and his influence is just as great as Dangerfield's. As for Cameron Wood..........No, absolutely not. We already have our development ruckman in Max Gawn. Wood has been in the system for many years, and the only thing that makes his resume stand out, is that he is a Pies player.
  13. I hope like hell that Col stays with us but if he were to leave with Sydney the most interested, i'd ask for Sam Reid. If we got Reid for Col, i'd be sad to see him go, but happy with the swap. Even if Col does stay on, i'd really want the recruiting department to go all out in luring Sam Reid to the club. He'd be a fantastic acquisition to our forward line and would play the role of FF/CHF really well. He, like Cook, can play both CHF/CHB and their versatility could be used as a real weapon.
  14. Kennett just being Kennett. If he hasn't been in the media for a while, he'll take any opportunity he can to hear his own voice and put Hawthorn back in the spotlight. We must have been getting too much press (even if it was for bad reasons) for his liking. How quickly people forget how the Hawks attained priority picks during 2004-2005.
  15. Actually Striker, by the sounds of it, both Kaspersky and Hankook seem to be departing as sponsors, as the article states both gave a combined total of $1.5m/year. As Robbie says, how we can lose a major and long-term backer is bemusing, though i think De La Rue will continue to give $ to the club, just not as a major sponsor. The good news, however, is that a supposed sponsor willing to give $1.9m/year on either the front or the back, with the other side still up for sponsorship, which already has a few companies keen (going by the article).
  16. You're obviously one who bows to peer pressure quite easily. Who gives a stuff what the outside world thinks of us. Anything that benefits our club in the long-term, to the detriment of a quick fix, gets a tick from me. Short-term pain for long-term gain, 1 step back for 2 steps forward. However you look at it, we would come out ahead if such a bold course of action was taken. And i stand by what i previously posted.
  17. Honestly, i'd have no leadership group at the start of next year. Nor would i have a captain, vice captain or deputies. Through actions on the football field alone (that's where it counts), our captain and leaders will emerge. Then we will see who has the guts to step up and show true leadership.
  18. Let's, for a second assume that it wasn't true. Then obviously the board did not flip-flop and the game against Geelong was the point of no return. No harm no foul. Now let's assume that Schwab was out, but then it was decided for him the be re-instated. After the 186 point humiliation on the weekend, the heat must turn to those who can control such outcomes. It is unthinkable to sack 15-20 players (although they bloody deserve to be), so the one who leads them needs to go. That is the coach, pure and simple. It warrants such a backflip on who stays and who goes, because what happened on Saturday disrespected everything the MFC has stood for and all who have proudly served this club throughout our 150 year existence. If the board was going to sack Schwab, but instead swiftly removed Bailey instead, it is sending a very strong message to the playing group and the football department. And so it bloody should.
  19. Same here DF. But i disagree with you on Sylvia. He is one of, if not our best and most complete player. Make no mistake, he is a very very good player. If Scully were to go, it allows a bit more room to move for other player contracts as well as possibly going after a big name player. With the Scully compo picks, we could possibly have 3 1st round picks in the supposed 2012 "superdraft", or get a very good player in O'meara from the mini-draft, along with Viney coming in the year after next. With the coaches salary, i thought that was outside the cap? I could be wrong, but i don't think i am.
  20. Agree LS. At some point in the future, it's inevitable that last Saturday will be seen as a major turning point for our club, whether it be for better or worse. I don't know if anyone here is apart of the cheer-squad, or has access to it, ie. banner making. But i have a few suggestions. Would be great if other's offered some thoughts on what this weeks banner should say. But we must show that we, the supporters are united as one and right behind our great club. We support the Melbourne Football Club. Here are my suggestions. 37,000 Red & Blue hearts beat true Come what may, MFC we'll stand by you We must be brave, we must dream to dare Through our actions & actions alone We will show we care We must be strong, We must make our stand It's time for this old flag, To again be grand.
  21. Agree with everything there Hoopla. Something you should e-mail to the club, particularly the individuals' responsibilities.
  22. Ok sure. I'm fine with that, on the premise that if we are punished, so too should every other club that has gained compensation draft picks. Carlton in the whole 2nd half of 2007, Eagles in 2008&10, Bombers & Richmond in 2007, Filth in 2005. Bulldogs, Hawthorn and Saints in the early stages of 2000's. He can look all he wants, he ain't gonna be able to grab hold of something.
  23. Don't worry Prymke. We'll have the last laugh when Mick walks out of the coaches box wearing a Melbourne Guernsey, 5 minutes into the last quarter of the Grand Final, with the FILTH down by 40 points!
  24. "I made a decision to expose as many of our players as I could (to senior football) this year, so we could find out what they've got. We thought this year was going to be a platform. You don't win premierships unless you build a list, and a list is not 21 or 22 players. I have no hesitation in what we've done. It's the right thing for the club. If it costs me my job, then so be it. The club is always bigger than the individual." Put the club ahead of himself. Selfless. The MFC owes Bailey and the members an explanation of the exact reasons for his sacking, why CS was given a 1-year extension (if the playing group is disgruntled with him) and why CC has the full support of the club. No more hiding, total transparency. Save what credibility we have left. I also feel it is time to tell Tom he must let his decision be known.
  25. I'm a little underwhelmed with the press conference with Jim and Don. Us members deserve at the very least, the reasons why DB was sacked, why CS was offered a 1-year extension and why CC has the board's full support. I was impressed though, with Don McLardy.
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