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Everything posted by Vagg

  1. Settle down, BB! Why are you taking out your anger on your letter? What did it do to you to deserve being "roughed up" by you? Pick on something more your size in future, please! LOL
  2. Or, to put it another way... "Arguing with idiots is like playing chess with a pigeon... ...No matter how good you are, the bird is going to crap on the board and strut around like it won anyway"...!!
  3. Always had a soft spot for Don Williams, especially given he came and was Captain-Coach of the local Sale side in 1963, prior to his return to the MFC to be part of the 1964 Premiership team. Would be nice if young Seb made it on to the MFC list and was able to emulate some of his Grand-father's footy prowess!
  4. Jordan Lewis said on AFL 360 that he has not earned the right to captain the MDC, and he reckons it will be between Gawn & McDonald. That said, I still wouldn't be surprised to see Jordan named. But will be happy with whoever is appointed, just so long as they lead us to a victory over the blue boys!
  5. In fairness to Mark Robinson, he did state on AFL 360 last night that he thought the penalty should have been only 4 weeks...
  6. Love him or hate him, Donald Trump has got one thing right. And, that's his disdain for the media. And, doesn't that upset them?!! They just can't handle it when someone so high profile goes after them.
  7. What's with the Sgt Schultz quote? "Colonel" Hogan aint playing tonight! LOL
  8. Fox Footy had the Round 1 2011 clash between Melb & the Swans. Swannies led most of the game, until Brad Green put through an absolutely spectacular goal to put us in front with a few minutes to go. Alas, the Swannies managed to kick a point right near the end to end the game in a draw! Trenners played well, and it was Luke Tapscott's first game. He also played well, and they were talking him up as a real find for Melb, and a 10 yr player. Alas, was not to be. Anyway, back to 2017. Big game. Let's see the Mighty Dees bring it home in front of a big Friday Night crowd at the "G"...!!
  9. At least, with the Seniors playing the night before, would presumably mean ALL the emergencies for the senior game will be able to have a run with Casey...!
  10. I still maintain BOTH of last nights farcical decisions should be appealed by the AFL. BOTH were a complete joke!! Why single out just one of them??!!
  11. Apparently the AFL is considering appealing the lenient Houli sentence. Why aren't they also considering appealing the Schofield farce??!!
  12. Difficult to see how he'd run laps withOUT a hamstring, Brendan! (Preferably one in each leg...!) Boom Boom!
  13. Absolutely! He clearly hit Ollie on the chin with his elbow. Was intentional, the Umpire saw it and reported him on the spot. MRP gave him 2 weeks. Could have had it marked down to one if he was a smart cookie and took his medicine. To challenge that deserves the wrath of the tribunal, and the two weeks off. (In fact, they oughta throw a third week at him, just for good measure, as a message to not waste their time on such a clear cut case!)
  14. Just got home from a concert with Marina Prior & David Hobson. Yes, missed the match for the concert! But, so did David, who is a Dees tragic! He announced to the crowd that he was a little distracted tonight, as he had to keep an eye on the game! I had my daughter feeding me scores via text. Made it hard to concentrate on the concert! naturally David (and Me!) was very happy to announce Melb had won! I was about the only person in the crowd to celebrate with him! Shall now wade through the comments and watch the replay, and find out what all the fuss was about. Very happy tonight!!
  15. That's more like it, Clint! You might just get the job! LOL
  16. You won't get a job as a commentator on radio, Clint! "Please explain..."!!
  17. Too complicated for my poor ole brain! But, I DID notice that if both Geelong and Port get rolled this weekend, and we win, we slot into THIRD spot on the ladder! How cool would that be...?!!
  18. Very impressed at the calibre of the man. Clearly a strong character who is held in high regard, and for good reason. Very pleased he was inducted into the HOF, and even more pleased he is our Coach. The lads are in VERY good hands! Well done, Simon, and well deserved!
  19. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Would be VERY pleased to see Trenners given another opportunity, and for him to finally get himself back to the form he had pre-injury, and to be a star on the big stage. Would be SO good to see him a part of a successful tilt at finals glory by the MFC. Time is still on his side, so here's hoping...!
  20. No, mate. It's the way grown ups SHOULD act...
  21. Well, BB, clearly the powers at be (including coaches and player leadership group) beg to differ. They clearly see the need to be a team that is respected both on and off the field. That includes not being "big heads" and showing due respect to the opposition. Doesn't, of course, mean we are at all soft. People mistakenly confuse humility with weakness. Couldn't be further from the truth! I, for one, am impressed by the message being sent by Captain & Coach. Says a lot about the character of our guys, and I'm proud of 'em for it!
  22. Just saw Jack Viney's presser from this morning. He backed up my comments above. And, he again rolled out the "Humble & Respectful" phrase. So, think we can pretty much take it as a given that there won't be any repeats of this, at least in the near future.
  23. I'm kinda doubting Buggie will do this again. From what Goody said in the post game presser, I think he's of the view that, while it may have been just innocent banter between mates, it can be misunderstood and misconstrued, and have the undesired effect of reflecting negatively on the Club's desire to be seen as "humble and respectful" (Goody's words).
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