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Everything posted by Vagg

  1. That would be wonderful! But, wouldn't he call for SEN...??
  2. Nice thread! Thanks for all the info and pics, guys. Very much appreciated!
  3. Epic fail, Andy!! Since when did family come before footy?? (Only kidding! The kids grow up all too quick. Savour every moment and event that you possibly can, while you can. Otherwise, you'll look back with too many regrets in the years to come!)
  4. Well, if you write your report AFTER visiting the pub, please try not to slur your words...! Although, I have no doubt the lubrication will greatly enhance the exaggerated enthusiasm for all the lads who will be training the house down! I shall look forward to reading it! LOL
  5. Welcome back, Saty, and for that info. Old farts like me wouldn't have a clue what Instagram is, and don't particularly want to know. Please ignore the riff raff and return to feeding the hunger of those of us stuck in such far flung places as the Northern Colonies...! (Andy has your back...!)
  6. Maybe he should be called "Glenn" -- in honour of the Aussie music icon, Glenn A Baker...
  7. Looking at his size beside Gawnie, I'd suggest we add him to the playing list and make him 1st Ruck...!!
  8. Clever!! (I wonder how many of the young posters on here will get that?)
  9. The irony is that now, with this guy on our list, some of the "petty" comments on this site might be serious! LOL
  10. And, not an intrepid DL reporter to be found within a bull's roar...!!
  11. So, BR, you sayin' they all play topless?! Gotta admit, it'd be novel!
  12. Today's winner of the best Friday Funny -- by a country mile! Love it CB!
  13. I will not be even slightly upset if, at the end of the season, you get to say "I told you so!"
  14. Just looked at the pics. Good to see most of the guys are now wearing the outfit that is a replica of the MFC Guernsey. It looks so much better than that daggy thing with the red patch on the left shoulder. (Well, except Max, who seems to have his own, unique flesh-coloured version! LOL)
  15. I understand where you are coming from, McQueen. But, it certainly offers compelling arguments regarding the power of the mind in every aspect of our lives, and the importance of getting it right to aid in our success. We are only now really beginning to truly understand just how powerful our minds are (both conscious and subconscious...). There is a lot of interesting research out there on the subject these days.
  16. Anyone interested in this sorta thing might want to pick up a copy of a book called "Mindset" by Dr. Carol S. Dweck. Can pick up paperback version online for a few bucks. Well worth the read, and helps explain why some people, no matter how naturally talented, never reach their full potential, while others do.
  17. Hey, BB, I reckon that is great. I never could understand why all the teams seem to persist with a training outfit that bears no relation to their team strip. That other Melb one -- the one with the daggy red patch on the left shoulder of an otherwise blue shirt -- isn't a patch on the one that is a replica of our famous jumper. Just hope they stick with it...!
  18. Maybe he DOES know it's Monday. He just forgot to put on clean undies this morning...
  19. Must admit, I was wondering the same thing. Being from out 'o town, I kinda thought we had a pretty good set up these days, with a training field at Gosch's Paddock, and State of the Art gym etc shared with the Storm and a soccer team, just a hop, step and jump from the MCG. Yet, Peter Jackson in his interview seemed to say that we are the only club to not have new, wonderful facilities. What am I missing here?
  20. How very appropriate that "Judy" should coach the girls' team! LOL Seriously, while it's sad that he feels he isn't up to coming back from that dreadful injury to play top level footy again, it is wonderful news to hear that his passion and loyalty to the MFC is being rewarded with the coaching opportunities. Feels like a bit of an end of an era, what with the departure of Watts, Trenners and Col from the list. I wish them all well, and now look forward to the dawning of the next golden age of the MFC! (Just sorry they couldn't be on the list as part of it!)
  21. I'd be happy with a straight swap for Ollie Wines. Simples! Get it done, MFC!!
  22. If true, will be a sad end for another faithful servant of the MFC. Struggled to get a game prior to the terrible ACL. Wish him all the best for the future...
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