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Everything posted by Vagg

  1. Must admit, I was wondering the same thing. Being from out 'o town, I kinda thought we had a pretty good set up these days, with a training field at Gosch's Paddock, and State of the Art gym etc shared with the Storm and a soccer team, just a hop, step and jump from the MCG. Yet, Peter Jackson in his interview seemed to say that we are the only club to not have new, wonderful facilities. What am I missing here?
  2. How very appropriate that "Judy" should coach the girls' team! LOL Seriously, while it's sad that he feels he isn't up to coming back from that dreadful injury to play top level footy again, it is wonderful news to hear that his passion and loyalty to the MFC is being rewarded with the coaching opportunities. Feels like a bit of an end of an era, what with the departure of Watts, Trenners and Col from the list. I wish them all well, and now look forward to the dawning of the next golden age of the MFC! (Just sorry they couldn't be on the list as part of it!)
  3. I'd be happy with a straight swap for Ollie Wines. Simples! Get it done, MFC!!
  4. If true, will be a sad end for another faithful servant of the MFC. Struggled to get a game prior to the terrible ACL. Wish him all the best for the future...
  5. Yep, agree 100% Mono! That stuff is completely uncalled for! Just play good footy, and beat the other guy fair & square! I have every confidence Tomas will be the better for the experience.
  6. Excellent article! Well done, Tom, for writing it. Just goes to show how one moment in time, whether intended or not, can be life-changing. Think the article says a lot about the character of the man. I really hope he can put it behind him, and be a better person (and player) for the experience. Really don't think any of us can cast stones...!
  7. That last flag was on my wife's 12th Birthday! (How is it possible for such a young buck as I to be married to such an old woman?? Oh, wait! How old am I again...? OOPS!!!) Come on, Dees! It's time! Another flag in my lifetime, P-L-E-A-S-E!!!!!
  8. Yes, tragically yet another individual added to the list of MFC players who are remembered with the words "If only injury had not cut his time short...!!" Garry Lyon, The Ox, Stingay, Glen Lovett, etc. As I said in the other thread, Jack is a class human being who will, I have no doubt, excel at whatever he next chooses to put his hand to. Thanks for the service, the diligence and the exemplary example to one and all. You did the colours proud, giving your all. All the best, Jack!
  9. I concur with most others above. A very sad day when any AFL listed player is told there's no longer a place for them on the list. I, too, wish them all the very best for the future. Especially sad for Trenners. But, given his character, he will no doubt get on with life, and make a meaningful contribution in whatever his next endeavor will be.
  10. Me too! As others have said, a true icon of the game. He always seemed to have a smile in his voice, and upbeat. Really enjoyed his commentary over many years, including some work on the cricket a couple of years ago. So, that's two icons gone in a matter of days -- Drew and Harry Beitzel. Very fond memories of both. Alas, the modern day commentators fall a long way short...
  11. Indeed! If I remember correctly, think it was Dunny who was one of the stooges targeting Lin Jong's good shoulder due to that being the one with the strapping in last year's VFL Grand Final. I'm confident he won't have learned! LOL
  12. Anyone else notice he had his good shoulder strapped, just like Lin Jong did in the VFL Grand Final last year? Dunno if any of the Lions fell for it, though...
  13. Nothing was said about it in commentary, but it looked to me like Zorko popped Bernie fair on the chin when Bernie was on top of him. After the game, Bernie was seen to be feeling his jaw like it was a bit tender. Anyone else see the incident?
  14. Thanks, Mono! Flattery will get you everywhere! LOL (Just wish I had the footy talents of the real Bazza!)
  15. That name doesn't ring any bells, Earl. (But, early stage "Old Timer's Disease" may be setting in, so who knows? LOL)
  16. It certainly was a "unique" look...!! Great (and funny) memories! Those were the days!
  17. Yeah, they weren't on the panel. Must have been radio. But, Doug Bigelow is another one who was on that panel. Also remember eagerly waiting for each week's edition of "Footy Week", which Harry pioneered. If I remember correctly, it was distributed via a Supermarket chain. Harry was certainly a "larger than life" figure, and huge in footy back in the 60's. His demise was very sad.
  18. Sad to hear it. Well I remember the day when Harry reigned supreme over the ABC TV Footy Panel. Was joined by the likes of "Chicken" Smallhorn, Tony Ongarello, Doug Heywood and a few other notables whose names escape me at the moment. RIP, Harry!
  19. He was the only positive to come out of today's pathetic game!
  20. With this game following the AFL game, should mean all the emergencies for the AFL game will play for Casey. Means they all get a run, and also strengthens Casey. Good for the players. Good for casey!
  21. On AFL 360 they raised the accusation with him that he's been labelled as a "diver". They showed vision of the hit in the guts from Cunnington. He said he had braced for a wack, but didn't think it was coming, so relaxed a bit. Just as he relaxed, Cunnington hit him. Reckons he got it in the sweet spot that had him dry retching. Then, with a laugh, Bernie ended the story with "I probably deserved it...!". Gotta love the guy. He's a real character of the game. Glad he's at Melb, and hope he can turn it on against his old mob on Saturday. Says he always looks forward to taking on some of his best mates. LOL
  22. I think this "time wasting" option that the umpires have is a complete farce. If a player marks the ball within reasonable scoring range, he should ALWAYS be given the full 30 seconds to take his kick. If it is ALWAYS the rule, with no exceptions, then there is no grey area in the rule. Should players use the rule to their advantage, like ANB & Jordie did, then all well and good for being smart enough to use the rule to advantage.
  23. Agree totally, Dante. Only logical solution is to leave the rule as it is. If players are smart enough to occasionally use it to their advantage, good luck to them...!
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