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Everything posted by Vagg

  1. One for the Rules Committee...
  2. Possibly. I just can't shake the thought from my memory banks that Danny was the last AFL player I remember using a drop kick to kick out from Full Back. Ah well. Doesn't really matter either way in the scheme of things. I, too, had picture of Hassa on top of the old TV, and #29 on my jumper (knitted by my dear ole mum!)
  3. There's always someone to poor cold water on an old codger's good story!
  4. Deemania, YOU are the man! Only took 7 years (almost to the day!), but, finally, my vindication cometh! In spite of those at the time who howled me down as being demented with my memory of Danny and his raking drop kicks, still wanted to believe my memory had not failed me! Also think you may be correct regarding your feeling that a well executed drop kick would travel further than a torp. And, yes, Tassie was another beauty from back in our golden years!
  5. Would that be Peter Noone? (Great singer [with Herman's Hermits], but didn't realise he ever kicked a footy in the street...!)
  6. What a load of old cobblers! It's the COACHES ratings that matter...!
  7. Well, given HIS name is actually BRENTON Speed, I guess we are gonna have to cut him a little slack...! LOL
  8. Agreed! Don't recall hearing him call a game before. Excellent job. Kinda reminded me of Clinton Grybas. Just googled him, and it seems he's being used by Fox for a number of sports, including AFL & Thugby. Would be nice to get him full-time on the AFL! Sure makes a mockery of some of the other boof-heads they are inflicting upon us these days!
  9. Have to agree he was "wasted" down forward. But, only because we failed to get the ball out and down to him in quick time to take advantage of the one-out situation. So, I reckon the theory's fine -- just the execution that's lacking...
  10. The thing I liked, too, was the fact that, for long periods of the game, when the ball was in Brisbane's forward half, Hoges was alone with his opponent at CHF, waiting for the quick release from our backline. Alas, there weren't too many of those on the night. But, I like the idea of having him one-out, at the ready to pounce.
  11. I watched him come to the bench late in the last qtr. He looked very ginger. Was hoping he was just cramping up...
  12. Very shortly jumping on a train for the pilgrimage up to the Gabba. First time I've seen the Dees play live for several years. Looking forward to it, and expecting a BIG win! (Taking my Lions supporting neighbour, so should be interesting banter -- especially on the trip home...!) Go Dees!
  13. Agreed! A very good reason to implement a National AFL Reserves comp!
  14. Talked about how a team's culture can erode slowly, a bit at a time, without anyone realising, until the point where our team found itself over the past few days. Kinda like the frog on the slowly heating pan of water. Doesn't realise it's getting hot until it's too late.
  15. Chris Scott made the comment last night that the missed goal should not diminish the excellent play of Cam centering the ball and Max taking such a great, contested mark. He made the same comment about Menzel's great mark just before he missed his even simpler shot on goal. Said we too often forget about the great things the players do in the heat of the not so great moments. (Gotta admit, Chris Scott has some good things to say. His comments about the cricket debacle were also well put...)
  16. Crumbs! He's cutting it fine, Redleg! I sure hope you are near your phone when he calls! Otherwise we'll all be rooned...!
  17. Hmm! Go to where...?? How come you aren't subject to the same censorship crap as the rest of us? (How does it go again? "All Demonlanders are equal. Some Demonlanders are more equal than others..."! LOL)
  18. Sounds like a real pain in the rectus...!
  19. LOL. Tastes good to my poor, old palate, and the price is right. What more can I say...?!
  20. ...and definitely not the "full quid"...!
  21. What's the story with today's high intensity training at Casey? It happening? Or, did they decide to go to the Pub, instead? We hopefully have at least one intrepid reporter on the spot...
  22. Sorry, DV. I don't mean to be difficult. But, every time someone has a go at Collingwood's alternate jumper I have to shake my head. As much as I hate that team, the fact is their traditional jumper is predominantly BLACK, while their alternate is predominantly WHITE, and works perfectly well as a clash jumper... And, as Essendon now have a predominantly red clash jumper, we really have no grounds for having a go at them any longer, either. And, finally, as ours is now red & blue, kinda think the old clash jumper argument that raises its head every year is pretty much a non-subject this year... Yeah. I know. Off subject! Sorry guys! Back on subject, I like the 160 Yr jumper! (But, as stated earlier in this thread, my $300 will be going towards 10 bottles of 1495 Scotch. (Yep, I know I'm a cheapskate on BOTH fronts! LOL)
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