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Everything posted by Vagg

  1. TEN bottles of 1495 whisky!! (I'll drink to the nice jumper...! LOL)
  2. I heard that. Quite remarkable that he survived something like 55 years from the time he was first diagnosed...!
  3. My memory may be fading. But, seems to me Dillon was FF, while Parke was CHF. When Barry Bourke played FF, it was more as a decoy forward, as he wasn't all that tall... Think he was also a little before the time of Dillon & Parke.
  4. Agreed. Alas, I seem to recall that both Townsend and Emselle suffered some serious injuries and, when one was on the park, the other was injured. Not sure how many games they actually got to play in the same side, but both were seriously good Rovers. That Barassi bloke wasn't too shabby, either, in the Ruck-Rover role that he basically invented! Of course, around the same time, there was a very special lad running around on the HFF, snagging a few goals. Can't quite remember his name... Oh, that's right. Some no-name bloke called Barrie Vagg...! LOL
  5. What a great position to be in! Can't really argue with you on this. But, I reckon it would be real tough on the outs. In my opinion, you can raise an argument for each of them that they should be in the 22. But, how do you fit 29 guys into 22??
  6. Lucky! Been only very few odd moments of sunshine in Mudgeeraba...
  7. "Sunny Qld"...??! That's funny Jack! We've had 440mms of rain in the past fortnight, and still no sign of that strange orb in the sky! You telling little porkies to try to make your Southern mates envious, or somethin'? (Or, have you not bothered to leave the inner bowls of the Pub where you happen to be holed up, to see what it's REALLY like on the outside...? LOL)
  8. Not to worry. At least both those places are on THIS planet. The AFL website last week listed the venue of the Bullies/Hawthorn game as "Mars"...!! LOL
  9. I'm gobsmacked, if true! With the massive amount of space under all those massive Stands, surely there has to be HEAPS of space for an endless number of changerooms! If not, what on earth is all that space used for??
  10. So, to remove Watts, they first needed to find the right Lever, huh?! LOL
  11. Maybe he thinks Bayley is "home & hosed" for a Round 1 spot! LOL
  12. Looks like Burgs finally figured out how to get all the sand out of his laptop. He's filed several diary updates on the MFC site. Better late than never I s'pose...!
  13. Agreed! It's like the entire Club just fell off the face of the earth! (Well, the men's team, anyway!)
  14. I understand the surf was really pumping, so maybe the players voted to go to the beach instead...
  15. "Okay. I've found the steering wheel. Now, where in blue blazes are the accelerator and brake pedals??!"
  16. WOW!! The DL censor got me!! -- and butter wouldn't melt in my mouth! Thought I was using a perfectly acceptable term for a cat! (Starts with "P" and ends with "Y".) Oh, my, what have they done to the English language??!!! Mind you, I guess those of us old enough to remember the Pommie sitcom "Are you Being Served" would recall deal old Mrs Slocumbe getting into hot water for using that term for her cat, with the obvious other interpretation applied to that word by the male members of the staff...
  17. Looked to me like he was saying something like: "What's the matter with you, you big [censored] cat? I hardly touched you!!" LOL
  18. Yep, MD, with stats like that, they would have fitted right in with our mob, based on a lot of our previous performances! LOL
  19. Love it! Who said the Umps aint on our side? If they dress in the same colours as us, surely that counts for something!?
  20. I don't agree! Definitely on thin ice, young Andy!! (Would the site still function with you on the sidelines...?? LOL)
  21. I was thinking more along the lines of on stage -- with that hair do, would make a great Straw Man in the Wizard of Oz! (Only jokin' Saty! Love your work...! LOL)
  22. Like where you left the car keys...?? LOL
  23. I'm assuming you meant the Sydney Test. He said he wanted to do that one, and say goodbye to the listeners at the end of it, but that wasn't possible...
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