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Dee Dee

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Everything posted by Dee Dee

  1. 6: Watts 5: Oliver 4: Pederson 3: Petracca 2: Frost 1: Lewis Add Garlett, Viney, Jones, Tom Mac Hannan: a good effort.
  2. I bet Balls is pleased, carries #14 well. Excellent debut!
  3. 6: Watts 5: Oliver 4: Hibberd 3: Hunt 2: Jetta 1: Stretch
  4. If possible I'd like to see Bernie play at least 33 more games for the Dee's.
  5. IMHO young Hunt has far too much hair on his head and should give some to Nathan Jones.
  6. 6: Watts 5: Oliver 4: Spencer 3: Hunt 2: Salem 1: Garlett
  7. Kent was OK, better than most. At least he showed some aggression. Bernie Vince was the problem.
  8. Appears to be a pretty smart young man. I thought he played well last Saturday (clanger aside, and there were some worse ones from more experienced players). At the beginnng or the season I had ANB as depth, but now I'd have him best 22/24. He and his mate Billy look like great pickups for us.
  9. Have a look at the last quarter, JW was excellent: certainly worth a vote IMHO.
  10. 6: Oliver 5: Salem 4: Garlett 3: Jones 2: Gawn 1: Watts
  11. A few years ago we played a pre competition cup match against Port Adelaide at a country ground. There were few TV cameras used and so the view was quite panoramic. We the viewers were able to see the structure of the game to a far better degree than if the director had control of a dozen or more cameras. And here we have the problem with the with TV coverage, the "artistic license" of the TV director trying to be cute! Mix in Dwayne and Dermie or some of the big ego's on channel 7 and the recipe sucks!!!!!! With Australian Football, simpler is best. Good panoramic view, honest no bull, ego less commentary! ( Don't hold ya breath)!
  12. I believe the MCC gives the MFC a certain amount each year to cover the cost of MCC members attending Melbourne games. And of course as the football club is a sporting section of the cricket club they help the football club in various little ways.
  13. Kreuzer at his best (even after injury) should never be taken lightly, he can be very damaging.
  14. Clary the clearance King ( I was going to put all "K's" but thought better of it)!
  15. 6: Jones 5: Oliver 4: Gawn 3: Hogan 2: Lewis 1: Jetta Sorry T Mac, Vince, Hannan, Viney, Hunt.
  16. I just clicked onto the AFL live app on my iPad and the replay is there. Had a brief look at the start of the game: iPad to Apple TV to TV and it worked OK. I don't have time to look at the full replay just yet (1.20 pm Sunday) but will indulge myself tonight. Also as I ran the replay, the picture quality seemed to improve, and maybe hitting the pause button and letting the feed buffer may help. Also i'd expect the match to be on utube within about 24 hours.
  17. The most erratic football talent I have ever seen! I remember John Northey for some reason kept Jackovich in the 2nds for a long time before he was permitted to debut in the seniors. At that time I would get to the ground early to watch the seconds and especially Jackovich and invariably someone would arrive later and ask "how many's he kicked so far"? No name just "he"and everyone knew who "he" was! If my memory serves me correctly "he" kicked 14 in one reserves game. I also remember Jackovich giving a very young Dustin Fletcher the run around on one occasion. But I think Fletcher had the far better career. And Jacko went of to Footscray for an inglorious career end.
  18. On level 4 of the Cricket Club enclosure at the MCG you will find rhe Robert Flower terrace. At the same venue there is no Doug Hawkins terrace! The Robert Flower terrace will remain as long as the enclosure stands, while the pages of the Herald Sun contribute to Land fill.
  19. Hawthorn is the most successful club of the modern era (post 1960). At the moment the club seems to be on a slide which may take it eventually down towards the bottom of the competition. However if one looks back at the nearly 60 years since Hawthorn won its first premiership, 1961, its resilience has been remarkable. Maybe a decade or more will pass but I bet the Hawks will be back. Question: has any club dominated the VFL/AFL over a similar period as Hawthorn has since 1961. 13 premierships. Sh*t I'm jealous!
  20. Ooh, Wimin, a topic I can relate to. So: how many wimin post on this site? Are there just a token few? Or a full blown gaggle? The question must be asked for the sake of gender equality and the Ostralian way. Remember wimin make up half the crowd at matches.
  21. I was at that game. I think Paul Vander Haar was his direct opponent (maybe wrong, memory fades a bit after 26 years). Bennett sure could kick 'em long but he kicked 'em so high, if they didn't register a score the defenders had plenty of time to get back and contest. A great attribute in American football, but not so good in our game.
  22. I live in a bushland location and use a dumb phone ( better reach). But as a Telstra customer I was able to download the live pass app to my iPad Air, enter my Telstra ID and start viewing games. Was unable to view live coverage on my large TV but live pass replays are available on TV (via Apple TV). However for me the best replay quality is from YouTube. I'm not sure if it's the same for everyone but the quality is far better, far sharper this way and with a YouTube app on my TV I don't have to rely on iPad/AppleTV. And if I didn't want to watch games live the YouTube replays would be quite suitable (live pass not required).
  23. I like the fact that it's red and blue, with white being assigned just to the number on the back. Can we use it during away games during the season?
  24. It should. Apple TV will always mirror your iPhone or iPad screen on a connected TV. I'll try it out on Saturday night using my iPad (I only have a dumb phone)!
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