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Everything posted by 58er

  1. Did you see Robbie Jim or Gaz play to compare?
  2. We have won last 7 in 2021 and 2 in 2022 which makes 9 and nearly matches 2 in 2020 and 9 in row start of last year for 11.
  3. It's actually 24-4-1Last two games im 2020 20 last year and 2 in 2022. If you start with the last 9 in 2020 wE are 28-7-1
  4. Agree TC zi thought Angus kicking and disposal was excellent last night both in style of passes and consistency on very good delivery. Jordon was good and I thought Tommo saved us plenty of homes in defence. Kudos to all in defence msybe Hunty was off but all the others stood up well and teamed together and agsin put pressure in the Suns in attack as did the mids.
  5. Read the website, papers or watch TV!!! We are not your news service!!!
  6. They didnt have the injuries in Dec, Jan and Feb !!! Thats why!
  7. Hope the girls are allowed a training run on the G beforehand ie during the week.
  8. Well after 6 months of fame BBP you have made one of the most ungrateful and unsportsmanlike comments about about 3/4 of our team not being heroes in our magnificent drought breaking flag. Despite your churlishness that is not what 99.9% of Dees fans (you may in fact be the only one) thank goodness have celebrated the 2021 Flag. In fact the 23 on the day plus all players who played from ONE game up and indeed were in our list of 44 for the year deserve recognition for the success. There had to be a Norm Smith medallist and our Top5 were all amazing but the rest including Jacko Riv and Kossie and JJ all played their team role and greatly contributed. Go back and watch the game and see that EVERY DEMON played his heart out for US yes loyal fans but also for the 300,000 plus other Demon supporters throughout the world who have lived and breathed for that day. Boy you can ruin a party and not be appreciative of hours and days and months of training and dedication to go to the top of the mountain. You have just left a party of about 17 at base camp because they weren't adjudged in the top 5 or 6 on the day. Glad that there are so many more balanced and understanding people in life and sport who recognise true greatness when it is right in front of them. That is TEAM SPORT BBP and your namesake was a great example of that I am surprised you didn't go for a Band F winner instead! Maybe an apology would be appropriate to about 17 - 35- 44 Flag Heroes you have just dismissed and devalued by the flick of your finger!
  9. Yes they are and after 57 years fully deserve to be. It's relative to the achievement and I understand hero has an expectation of life and death associated with it. Often may have to receive a badge or commendation perhaps. Yes a medal I dare say. ( or two!) I have loved all the adjectives such as "flag hero" "Drought breaking premiership" "57 year long wait" and the no longer "long suffering supporter/s". Its all part of sports folklore as the words repeat back to back or successive are this season!! Go Dees !!
  10. Your summary of the Taylor/Lamb "genius" is both selective and simplistic. All you have summarised are two examples of the high selections in the draft and passed both Trac's and Angus as almost leftovers after Paddy McCartins No 1 selection by the Saints. If you consider the situation of a year or two earlier and the resulting constant criticism of non selection of high draft pick Josh Kelly we have had thrown at us when we selected Christian Salem ( and Roos next in line insistence that Billing's was the next pick in line and not Kelly ) then we have made excellent choices with Trac and Gus. Finally of course this has disappeared since Salo has developed into an A grader in the last two years and of course was a key factor ( in the top 3/4) in the GF. Salo a great choice after all. ( not by Taylor at that stage) Clarry in 2015 was a vary late high selection ( no 4) coming from back in the pack due to limited football in the last half of the season ( winning the Morrish Medal) and he was selected instead of the long rated No 3 Darcy Parish virtually in the last days by Taylor after enthusing Roos of his credentials. A "genius " move most of us would consider. But others such as the 2019 Draft of the big 3 Dogga Kossie and Riv plus 2020 and Bowey have sustained his recently recorded high status in the AFL as a recruiting guru. In addition trade selections such as Lever May Langdon Hibberd Melksham and of course BBB have enhanced the Taylor/Lamb dynasty.and our FD acumen along with our confirmation in Flag no 13. Plenty of runs on this board Sydney Demon and Jason is not finished yet and Roos always understood he would not be here when that Flag was hoisted last Wednesday.snd your summary there is very realistic and true of both Goody and Roosy's role in our 2021 triumph. Long May Taylor/ Lamb keep the recruits coming!
  11. Are you ringing Membership ? They are the folk who know these things best not the general Admin.
  12. Salem ???? Jordon won't be dropped this week.
  13. For out and out pace maybe Rivers Bowey Smith and Salem are behind Hunt and are no doubt ahead of Hibbo May Lever Petty Tommo and Tmac also Brayshaw. But it must be said that backline speed is generally in a straight line and most players with the ball look quick especially if all those "slower" players think and play clever football either with handballs or short or long disposals. Come to think of it how many times in 2021 can you remember any of our defenders being caught holding the ball? Hardly ever ! And it took a disgraceful decision on Wed for the umpire to decide Trac of all people was holding!!! Fact of the matter was that Two Dogs tackled him and with out prior opportunity the ump decided he held on too long which he had no way of disposal As he was surrounded by the two opponents snd not able to free the ball. It was a one off as no other decision on the night was paid the same It lead to the Dogs third or fourth goal on their 8 goal on the run burst. So all our defenders are skilled but some gave more genuine pace than others but no one is vulnerable with Tommo probably the slowest.
  14. No doubt it serves your purpose but looks a bit too Hospital like for me! Enjoy the Dees no matter where we are!!
  15. I dispute that in GA area Grt SthStand and leaving the ground and transport there were plenty of kids all in Demons jumpers!
  16. Why should Smith play Hibbo's role if Hibbo is playing it well like in the 2 big Finals. Hibbo is tougher more versatile snd has proven over 5 years he can mind a stronger or bigger or quicker/smaller opponents biz. Dusty Johannissen and others Cameron I believe. Until he fails in form he should remain as a first selected defender in our team. I was very pleased with Smithy's effort on Wed and he is developing in his skills in football well with more opportunity. We/ most of us have a soft spot after that practice match vs Adelaide and no one can not wish him success in his AFL journey which will also give his family a great boost. With our current elite Coaching panel I can see his development from Last year and Thursday night was a great example of this. Credit to Joel as he maintained a cool head was decisive and skilful and very unlucky with that free on Weightmann on quarter time. But let's not get carried away yet with similarities or statements that his kicking is better than our wonderful Full Back Stephan May. I actually don't think he makes the disposal errors that have been credited to him. 85/ 90% would be my card on his efficiency. Only Salem and Bowser and Spargo achieve that or more!! The greatest thrill for our Club on Thursday night was the special night for all fans ( Yes I estimate 45/50,000 were there ) closing our triumphant 2021 Flag celebrations. Added to that was the confirmation of more of the same ( with all forward line improvement evident that we can now hit the scoreboard in many different and challenging ways for our opposition, plus the team strength to maintain our superb backline defensive expertise under pressure ( after the initial shock of Salem and our lack of Centre bounce influence till the last 10 mins of the second quarter). Shades of Term3 in the Grannie without a bang bang bang! I am not sure but can't remember if we have ever been so well off in personnel or options in depth many of whom are just starting their exciting AFL careers with the the team ethos, selfless teammates and elite environment yo succeed, 1950/60's is that last time I suspect. We don't know how lucky we are really watching players of a generation like Gawny Clarry Trac Maysie Lever Lingers Viney Fritta and future stars already effecting games such as Dogga Kossie Riv Bowser and others. Never please take this for granted as many years of frustration has now been replaced by special times that only evolve with a Special Group like our 2021 heroes and their resolve for the future success.
  17. Correct BBP I am glad you clarified that injury as I believed it was an ankle type injury not his knee. Indeed Tmac has had ankle problems rather than knees. Oh and back once or twice. But he is a great team member and forward it back is valuable eith his height and strength. Often dies far more than the average supporter gives him credit for. Just like Kossie and ANB and Harmesy to a lesser extent.
  18. Agree yes Tmac got them feeling better also as Maysie had his hands full with Nort. But Maysie 2nd half was back to his best. Yes very good team effort from our defenders and their willing assistants from the mids and wingers. Total team effort again.
  19. You never stop signing players ! it's when it's time you go and keep 'em.
  20. Agree our mids were stagnant and Dogs had a free run for a while. But we stabilised and from say halfway through 2nd quarter we kicked those 2 goals and as in the GF only conceded 3 goals in the second half. Brilliant work by all the players in defence and the others who assisted by repositioning or just getting back to help.
  21. Our replacement most likely would be Tmac at this stage. Maybe Tommo at FB or later in the season Turner when fit may be a possibility. Even JVR might be a chance down the track.
  22. Are you serious ? There were plenty of kids there on Wed. Sat night who wouldn't go out in aSat night to the footy with their kids Let them live!! Kids would watch from home any way so May as well go.
  23. Surely you are saying we will struggle without Lever and Salem not WITH them. Dont necessarily agree as Tmac Tommo Maysie and possibly Smithy can all play tall. Our Achilles heel is often our Lack of small defenders matching opposition smalls. Reckon we got a bottle of self belief with our backline and all seemed to play their role once the mids proved too tough in the centre and our backs tightened up. 3.2 in a half ( 3.1 in the GF) is our mantra. And 11.5 is same as 10.6 in the GF also. And look at the changes in personnel on the night and before.
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