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Everything posted by 58er

  1. Orlando Oskar and ZaraS I understand your situation BUT 1. I have never had to wait more than about 20/25 mins for Membership to answer. 2. Email response was about a week in time that's not good but I simply rang and got through as in 1 above after 2 days. 3. Ring about 3pm close at 4pm weekdays but if online before are taking calls.or early at 9am. 4. Mum can't use the computer ? Can be done by going into Membership on the MFC website. 5. Ring and speak to Admin and ask them to return a call to youvre your memberships. 6.You can also get on a Rollover in Membership from season to season which starts in October and automatically comes out of your Bank Account (You can pay monthly if that suits better) 7. Ticketing for matches is different again this year and Membership can assist with help on any questions. I have always found Membership Dept to be about 25/35 mins wait away and also super accomodating. Good luck and Go Dees
  2. Probably more like 75,000 I would think if Bombers win one of their games.
  3. I would have Hibberd first as he minds players and can play tallish and small. And is a good distributor of the ball. Hunt will be better in with the other6 thatare regulars ( Tommo for Petty) Smithy can get some form and judgement in the Casey team and hopefully keeps injury free.
  4. They (JVand Fritta) did not play last week Give them some slack.
  5. His Footy IQ is limited and any of his so called attributes none are really up to AFL standards. Marking might be his best but coming from 3/4/5: deep last night is wasting a defenders position on the ground. He did not impact the game at all vs tall or small last night. Hunt had a poor game caught betwixt and between. He has a base to work off ie. pace and ball carry snd with the other 6 last year worked well. Smith had only 3 games and stuffed up his big chance on Cameron. Why Hibbo wasn't selected for that is mind boggling. Tommo is best on the taller less mobile types ie Martin and English and Schacke and Hunt is a safer bet vs smalls than Smith. Bowey Salo Maysie on Norton Hibbo maybe on Weightmann. as his strength might worry Bowey. Back to a team defence aspect and our mids on their game ( big game performances) any bath water or umpire disrespect should disappear when that Long awaited Flag is gloriously handled and raised by our previous 8 legendary Captains headed by the best in RDB. Can't wait.
  6. Dee Spencer Sam Mitchell says hi!! YES
  7. Goody's "hate affair" with Lockhart and his treatment is completely OPPOSITE to Joel Smith. Nearly fell off my chair just now when Goody said Joel ( and Tommo who was ok ) put together nice games and were fighting for Harry Petty's spot.Last night should have ruled out Smithy as all he did was fly in the air with about 3 others ( even got some frequent flyers points but no votes!) and never got to the contest. Chandler as Vineytime suggests could Perhaps train as a back pocket type as I can't really see him making it as a half forward. Can kick the ball a long way also! Refer last week vs North. I'll be surprised if one Demonlander doesn't put his 2 cents worth on my post sometime today!
  8. Wasn't an email to each member. posted on prominent part of website on Wed afternoon. Not everything these days is an email!!
  9. For GSake JD the Tmac experiment for a wing that never made more than training last season is where it belongs, out in the undergrowth outside Casey Fields fences with the slitherers and Aussie Zoo reptiles. After Tmac's great comeback season last year to drag his name up for a wing is ridiculous at best, pathetic and unhelpful at worst. Since when did he play any meaningful part or ever look like a modern day centreline asset? Yes you will point to 5 minute cameos at the start of games early in 2018 to get him primed up for CHF or FF. And delusional fans ( like the coach or whoever ) think he could be a full time wingers Club member with Angus and Lingers are about as clever as Mark Neeld on match day tactics. It's like not deleting an email on your 2018 inbox for a street closure for 3 days In June that year. WASTE OF SPACE. Thankfully 95% of Dees fans have consigned some old habits after last season and very soon either Howes or Rosman may be developed enough to release Angus to his former duties if that's the direction is favoured. That in no way is a certainty as I was privileged to see front and centre seated on the wing at Optus Stadium last September Angus play his best ever game and be in the top5 for us in our flag triumph. He was everything a player could have been anywhere in a Demon guernsey that day so it's not an issue that Tmac is any where near solving especially as he has found his mojo at CHF again and his 2018 cameos have been deleted from Coaches files and hopefully 2022 supporters memories of yesteryear. I trust you are too embarrassed to even reply to this post.
  10. To watch you had to register an interest and info on the day was sent, The main thing out of it was that each section of the Club gave a report or Coaching, Off Field, Playing but very few questions were asked snd even referred to. Richo Goody Perty and Tim Lamb gave reports and Ben Gibson compared the night which went for about 35 minutes from memory.
  11. I we would play Tmac in defence on McKay snd Weid 2nd ruck with Gawn and Dogga at CHF and changing in ruck with Weid on occasions .
  12. Partly but a Club promotion above all
  13. He was at least 55 m out so was not a guarantee to add to Bulldogs score so not overreact about that skill error. To be realistic a player should have run on the left hand side of Hannan snd the shot was about 5/7 m shorter, around the 48/50m distance. One of the best chances was Johannisen who would have been stuck in the goal square or thereabouts. Hannan will have plenty of pressure on him this year with Marra Bruce van Dem mere and Wallis plus Sam Darcy all better players even if it's not like for like.
  14. No one executes " equivalent skills" as Bowey has in 7 games. Throwing him out for an average practice game? Smith has made as many mistakes each game as Bowey has in 7 games. Can't compare even Hunty as his disposal is nowhere near Bowsers.
  15. Swap Bowey for Smith or Jordan and that's about it.
  16. He was in our Top5 it doesn't matter about Daniels. !! To be honest those 4 and Angus were easily the best for us and Clarry Salo snd Gus were all equal third in my opinion behind Trac and Fritta.
  17. Would that have happened with Tommo ? On the ground? Need a smaller more nimble opponent actually on Charlie rather than Smith who is not smart enough or fast enough!
  18. Don't agree with you rpfc. Doesn't mean he doesn't know how to play a winger It merely means he plays within his limitations and to his strengths. Angus is a Top 10 pick that has not produced perhaps a career that we all thought when drafted along with Trac 2 and he 3. You are very quick to forget that the concussion issues he has overcome have not been without some loss of that free flowing style with greater pace and flair all vote catching and highlight reel friendly in 2018. Fast forward and his on the ball career in 2019 and 2020 was not convincing but 2021 saw him placed on the members wing with the indefatigable Lingers running a marathon each week on the opposite snd never appearing to run out of pace and style with the ball improving before our eyes as an unlucky to miss AA in 2021. How to play a role to the satisfaction of himself team and starting to doubt and very demanding supporters resulted in a patiently built very credible team role as defensive back up, in pack pressure and when able an attacking option to either score or pass to leading forwards to enable a score. His Top 10 ability and toughness came to the fore as he made a position ( not always appreciated by some fans only interested in flair and highlights packages.) "He only got 14 possessions " and but his disposal and heavy work was good in close" but kicking a little astray to the forwards". Well he persisted and came good at the biggest time of the year Finals culminating in his third or fourth best on ground in the Granny snd was a major player in the vital third quarter as he refused to let the Dogs maintain ball control on the non members wing. And he put us in front and we never were to forfeit the lead. In all his most influential and courageous performance only a very good footballer with his pedigree he can play. Trust me I sat on that wing at Optus snd he does many other knock balls out of bounds spoils opponents marks and hand balls with deft precision to keep our "quiet" wing going under the radar. I haven't looked at his opponents possessions but would be very surprised if many in 2021 caused Angus to alter his match style and team requirements. His defensive work early in the third term bottled up the ball so Dogs couldn't get a clean possession to turn into enough to worry us on the scoreboard. We saved the game before we won it with our pressure then when things turned we never released the hand brake. This wing player knows how to play defensive and pressure footy so the on ballers and excitement machines can do their stuff.
  19. PS We beat Lionswih Hipwood and I think McStay in Sydney earlier in the year.
  20. Why would have Smithy been reselected vs Geelong after his very average effort vs Cameron with 5 goals out of 10 in the QF being kicked on him. I am considering his improved Adelaide and Geelong match form snd his gradual improvement in footy nous/smarts starting with none really to a team ability now to adapt much better. But the memory of Charlie C running Smith ragged ( and was far too fast) in that first quarter is scary. I think also Binman you are leaning to Smith because you know that Goody likes him and has had his way in the past ie Vs Eagles in 2018 Prelim Final. That was a disaster selection although it didn't lose us the game. What if also Petty was not injured would you still be favouring him over Smith? Does One med/good practice game with no pressure on plus 2 reasonable rounds 22 and 23 plus a horrible QF overrule 6 good AFL games and a block of excellent training plus good reset game and confidence booster after nearly 12 mths out of the game. ? Notice it's only Tommo you are gunning for as Hibbo Riv and Bowser appear to be locks like Salo Rick and Maysie. Its not a major issue but placing Smith as far ahead of Tommo is not what PK has advised at training and my points above are still valid re Tommo or Smithy.
  21. Referred to something they had done in New York on their previous (2019? ) off season trip and he Said this was much better than that!! May have been exactly what DEI has posted above. Loved Bailey's wry kind of schoolboy type grin as he revelled in the greatest day of his life on the biggest stage as he became a Demon ( snd AFL) legend for life. Reckon Bailey has quite a few more goals left in his career and may even be in our top 3 goal kickers when he retires in about 7/10 years time. Just another beautiful memory of the many goals that made our win so memorable. And I was there and saw them all.
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