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Everything posted by 58er

  1. Any quotes for us to see in 2009/2010 HFF from your catalogue on Jack? Nice to see how modestly you accept your own praise also!!!!
  2. Ridiculous comment Rjay Who decided to recruit Tom and his Dad? Oh GWS !!! Well it's not Tom and his Dad that decided They were screwed after accepting offers that the AFL should have investigated! Young players Should be tied for 3 years and no AFL change has yet been made to improve the game since!
  3. Spargs has been reported as a lock with Kossie for Round 1 with his improved preseason so far.!!! Is so good with ball in hand and generally a score results to self or others when he gets it.
  4. Sorry Mellie I have already ruled out Fritta far too valuable up forward for the wing and will take a power of beating as a vastly improved converter and and marking option in 2021.Don't disagree with you on his skills but our forward line needs Bayley's 40 plus goals far more than the wing. As I said Rosman is training as if he wants That wing and I believe he will get it if he keeps his level up. Plus he can go forward for cameos ( no not to switch necessarily with Bayley). Sslem can go to a wing possibly if Hunt or Smith or Hibbo make a flank their own along with The talented Mr Rivers on the other. Were looking much more serious already along with BBB plus Jacko and Tommy sharing ruck ( Tommy as reserve defender also ) snd cresting havoc up forward also. Agsin I rule out a Jacko/ Tommy wing other than for desperate changes needed if we need more drive.
  5. Don't be surprised If Rodman goes past all but Langers for the other wing. Has a tank skills and today stinga likened him tip The Bont!!!
  6. Great report made me feel as though I was there instead of in BRISBANE !!!
  7. Well you won't be going AND Supermarcado I would have thought you would be more Informed and check the facts. There is no $5 charge eith Ticketec or Ticketmaster for all bookings fir membership ticket holders. I just wish Sometimes some D/Lers would get there facts straight before shooting off and creating a reaction from precious little angels that don't want and can't cope with Civid like changes!
  8. Damo since when has Fritta Jacko or Tmac ( for a very small sample) proved they can play top level footy on a wing??? Thats not to say they may succeed on a rotational basis fir small periods during a game! This wing position is getting out of hand Lets look and train Rosmsn as our recruit and say Hunt or Salem whoever are bring tried as a full time option bringing speed and skill like Langers to the position. Its not a project position just because Tommo is suited better in defence. Hopefull dome sanity will prevail ASAP.
  9. Clarity is not the issue that should determine who is a leader or not. Appointed leaders are known snd some like Stephan May are born and will like in cricket give sage advice etc eithout players spitting your suggested dummy.
  10. Sorry dl4e I am not sure how reserved seat holders will be processed. BUT you will have to purchase a ticket ( for $0.00) wherever you are in the ground ad part of Covid safevplans the AFL and other sporting bodies are required to fo now. Judy having a reserved seat does not help tracing but a ticket for $0.00 does and you will need to abide by the same rules as all attendees at AFL games. What distancing ( if any) that may be applied early in the season is the other key. This has happened In the Brisbane games of AFL and last weeks Test Match in the Gabba Trust members area. it is quite simple really and protects you as much as the persons in your vicinity. Also get used to Card Only transactions St the venues. Some D/L ers are going to be far outside their comfort zone I imagine so will be interested to see reactions posted but really it's all for Covid safe Plans and Health requirements when you Really analyse these changes.
  11. Tommy Mac plays Both KP and interceptor role in one really and I like Petty ( if fit) and Mitch Brown in that role also. These options are real and of some substance. Hibbo Smith and Lever are not KP backs but smaller med size options in a glaring emergency. Lever has proven that one on one he is not the answer rather floating intercepting and distributing from the backline. Hore is like Lever But the last thing we should do is panic and get just an interceptor. A serviceable 195 cm marking and strong bodied defender would be more useful overall.
  12. Thanks FITP Under the AFL ticket sales are either Ticketec or Ticketmaster depending upon the state of Australia you are in. To change from either Is impossible as I don't know if an alternative or as you do glibly suggest create a new agency ! Yes occasionally there are glitches like 2018 but to be realistic sales of 70,000 tickets over a short period put great pressure and strain on any online purchase system Look at Govt agencies and Depts. i feel that your criticism appears to be a long held ( 3,years later) grudge or dissatisfaction and in addition are pointing to this as a security issue when all Clubs are using the same base resources along with arts and entertainment over a very long time. The AFL has not been in the news for any widespread security issues with either agency and if you are still Pointing to our Club admin Asserting we are losing fans and memberships widespread due to Our Direct Debit Options ( by choice) I am one who uses it then it must be the same at all Ckubs. I agree that any real difficulty or delay or process can be a negative in sales but these days so much felxibility and option is paramount and I haven't ever heard on supporters forums etc. that our Admin are Shooting them selves in the foot by not delivering in this aspect of marketing. Prrhsps D/L is not the right forum to complain but contact with the CEO or membership guru to allay your personal campaign thdtbyou ssy will kill our chances Of reaching 75,000 members within3 years. I can honestly say that the majority of members are far more concerned with the security of our defence ( and any leaking) than a very small or minor issues you have IMO scaremongererd in your post which seems more an individual preference than Club based.
  13. Well you didn't bother to comment on my questions FITP ? My post was indicating that if it's a VFL rather than a MFC accounting and paying matter then ALL Clubs are affected and why single us out for implied criticism!! You haven't even acknowledged if you agree or not that this is crucial in this process having been posted alternative information. Surely paying via monthly is a personal choice ( I do it) and direct debit is as common as any a method in time payment transactions over many years. If I get my Electricity and Private Health paid by DDebit what is the Extra security issues with a MFC membership? Pray tell oh wise one ??
  14. How cruel you are and impatient on an 18 year old but for lack of composure and enthusiasm of youth his 7.13 could and will probably be 13.7 this year maybe 18.12 !!! Look at the play vs GWS in Round 17 where he set up Spargo for a goal from the backline snd later kicked one in the square after running the length of the Gabba from defence and that is the learning he has done in his first full season! But you prefer to not recognise his ability and potential that others including Jordan Lewis can obviously see. Go and drink your half empty stein of beer or glass of wine and I hope you enjoy it!
  15. My understanding Petty around Christmas or late 2020 contracted a disease ( sickness) which restricted his training snd body strength. As a result Burgo is handling him with TLC as he patiently resumes full training on his modified style program. I honestly don't know the health of his groin issues which were of course last seasons problems and I can only go on that We have to wait an see the progress in front of our own eyes or as reported by the power(s) that be Burgo.
  16. No fees at all in Qld last year for AFL or for Test cricket a week ago with Ticketek..
  17. Hoping you are able to enjoy our season whether on the box or in the flesh as we warm up for hopefully a return to the Finals this year. i think many of the jig saw pieces are starting to complete the commencement of the puzzle viz. running and youthful youngsters with real talent to solve the soft spots in our Game plan armour and the off field expertise to assist the Senior coach in preparation and most importantly if allowed on game day.
  18. As long as you are speaking for yourself OD. Not all oldies are ambivalent about attending like you. Rest assured the plans for crowd numbers and style will have to be approved fir Covid health rules. Any one is free to wear a mask to any game if they feel threatened.in any way also on the train or bus there. Lets get as big a crowd as we can to start the season with a win urged on by a pro Dees loud and excited crowd to give the team a real boost.
  19. If the crowd allowed is 50,000 ie half Then each area is opened up but PRE SOLD not on the day at the ground but online at home or on the phone,
  20. More of the sections would be available fir larger crowds but if 50,000 are allowed for each week the seating the same fir each game Would most likely apply. Remember Covid distancing will be applied in some form. In Brisbane some areas have had tickets Sold in twos with gaps of two or one.Later groups of up to six have been sold also at the Test match last week.
  21. There will be some areas not opened up depending upon the expected crowd remember you have to pre purchase tickets prior to turning up so can only purchase Tickets from those offered at the agency (ticketec or Ticketmaster) Your scenario will be tested at games like The Round1 as with vs Vic teams the Southern Stand would normally be needed To fit the crowd in. The Premium Area sounds Like a reserved seat aree whic could be smallish do no problem but as for opening up all the top tierr of the Southern Stand I would forget it.
  22. Light on in the middle? No one coming through ? Sparrow JJ Harmes (back in mid field )plus Bowey and Laurie can play outside runners. Defenders may need Tommy Mac for depth and Brown (Mitch) can play Down back plus If Petty is fit it will lift our stocks immensely up forward or down back.
  23. For information of D/L I was in touch with the membership Dept last week and our membership is about 1,500 behind last year at this stage. From memory 28,000 was mentioned as a figure Last week. Easily matched or beaten with 1 or 2 good wins in the first few rounds. I have a good feeling for 2021 both on and off the field so let's get signing up Dees fans, there is a lot to like ie. BBB Jacko Kossie Riv snd the newbies Bowery Laurie and Rosman plus a rejigged Tommy Mac and our A and B graders led by Trac Maxy and Clarry all under the new Coaches Ooze and Chocco!
  24. Didn't you read the response re the procedure as an AFL one? Or is that not true? Stop being a drama queen How much has COVID Resulted in more/less sales In the market place as a result of in many instances cash only or no cash only card. For instance where I sit in the members at the Gabba the food and drink sales would appear by numbers in the queue to have plummeted over 2020 and at the cricket last week. Method is card only!! So explain that please FITP?. BTW I have never found the membership Dept hard to contact or difficult to deal with. They are always Polite and above helpful, especially last season with the tickets for all the Qld games. i am not sure what some people expect and the criticism of Finals tickets please explain your comments?
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