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Everything posted by 58er

  1. No that's not even close to any truth. Ths same could be Said for a lawyer plumber nurse or student or D/L er!!! JP is singled out because he is in the gold fish bowl. Our coaches are just the same as the population With marriage problems. Unfortunately it's not a very wise way to seek some Express tlc or salvation shopping yourself around during a pandemic! If this is what's happening at " The Family Club" then there is no help for the other 17 Clubs!
  2. HFF again you are concerned with accuracy. Well my post indicated Individuals and (By Clubs) as the source of the initiative of Simons Overseas courses and qualifications or skills as well as degrees. You have like me have no inside knowledge of who (Club or Simon) we're the initiator of any of the courses. You also have appear to have no knowledge of the Course or sort of skills obtained overseas by Simon. You finish saying you are awaiting evidence of His usage of the skills ( but have no specific knowledge of the content) and just wipe away any thing done as a course reward title obtained from a Virtual cereal packet to further dismiss any credit of the effort to improve. Your posts sadly are very similar to marketing or political statements made by Some Govts and Private Companies with mostly spin and lacking truth or Intimate lnowledge of the facts. I like you want Simon the be the best he can be and believe he has further to go and plenty to learn but not trying to improve with extra knowledge is not one of his failures. In 2021 we shall see if upgraded assistance in coaching will Also assist in improved of mainly game day impotence and decision making.
  3. While I respect your opinion your very guarded almost negative ( half glass empty) Questioning of BBB's suitability for our forward line and apprehension of his role as the spearhead plus his fitness capability Is really almost a smear against Ben and our Coaches and players. Here we have a bona fide A grader to add plus a group of highly rated new recruits specifically chosen to add and be given a great opportunity for our forward line to add further dimension/s to our scoring potential. It is challenging for all but no more than what the Coaching additions have proven they can deliver for other teams. My answer is a resounding YES to both of your doubting questions and believe a majority of Demons fans are positive about this influx of talent to both our playing and coaching ranks. I am so positive that a Finals berth is realistic and higher honours not totally out of the question. Your predictions ???
  4. The point is HFF That Simon has made efforts to gain further knowledge and skills In his own time BUT as usual you are determined to criticise or diminish some moves ( by the Club ) or individuals and give very little or no credit for initiative or Learning. Also please Give an example of what Simon could get To further his knowledge here or OS! That would qualify for a tick from you!!!
  5. Yes DD I thought of Lucas Cook I made an error I apologise. I was 3 games out !! That's all he played Hope you don't make a mistake All the best.
  6. No I commented on P2J saying that we trained once snd were lazy! About 10 comments ago You commented on the same post!!!
  7. James Cook didn't play an AFL game at all I don't think! KW why you say he was a good player more than handy???
  8. Don't think Locky is young enough given opportunity by Goody he won't improve ? Rest are more depth But Baker could be ok and Smiths last 3/4 games were an improvement. Time my friend be patient.
  9. Melb ask for donations of scarves for their "Internstional round" Where they hdbd out free tickets and give the people a scarf etc. Ring the Club and sort out .I suggest.
  10. And Ill join you DubDee in the fantasy stakes Rosman Will be better than Isaac Smith because he is about 3 com taller!! Seriously I think this bloke will be a huge X factor on a wing or up forward or wherever ! And BTW It's Time Tommo yes wasn't great on a wing but we prob didn't make it easy for him like GWS. I thought his switch to CHB a good success and believe he will be a very versatile foot soldier for us over the journey being able To play in many positions and be a solid contributor in most.
  11. P2J what a lazy comment We are getting each training session photos the same day and are on the website AFLW also!! In case you were not aware 4 years and under come back about 1st week in Dec and ALL are back 6 Jan. AFL rules. And if you have been awake most players were given extra programs by Burgo to do separately from 2020 end and over Cmas. Happy???
  12. Sorry but he has gone overseas more than once to grin further degrees or qualms or skills to improve himself snd gain knowledge to benefit his career. If thats not Getting some extra quals what is it?
  13. Isn't much good on smalls I Reckon Is a Lever clone and best intercepting Isn't quick enough for smalls. will play 3/4 games only bring depth!!!
  14. With great respect I would love Nev to recover his 2018 firm again but as a team we are going to improve far more if Jay Lockhart is given a fair go to become our future small defender in the backline. He players fast and aggressive footy which our backline Needs in our game plan. Goodwin mysteriously missed a trick in 2020 to not give Jay opportunities in the last half a dozen games. Reckon Jay is a potential bp fir the next 8/10 years!
  15. Absolutely Depending upon Where Salo plays I am tipping he might almost be an A grader at this years end. That would/may alter his price to outside suitors but really I would expect him to be offered a fair contract for a 3/4 year term by the Dees, and to accept it. Probably in the $5/6/700, 000 per annum or $2mill Or near for 3 years perhaps. Main reason I believe he will improve Again to another level ( like Trac) is that his last few games in 2020 He played with much greater urgency and Actually at a faster level Covering more Ground more in the centre and half forward lines.If he is played on wing or half forward his impact will benefit his skill and impact on our teams form improvement. I am aware some D/L ers are critical of ChristIan but urge them to look at his late form in '20 and also stop being critical because he was involved in the 2 Draft Roos decision with Kelly and Tyson in the early teens. Salo has plenty of skills that many other older players in our list would be eternally grateful for. He is critical because of his versatility and hope he goes forward or wing to influence our conversion in 2021.
  16. Why unfairly for Lions and Suns? They had the advantage in 2020 now it's our turn!!!
  17. Not entirely it is our request To play in the Alice This year we should request A Travel break after from The Alice game to ensure it isn't repeated. We don't always get what we want In AFL scheduling remember. Club rightly doesn't want to jeopardise our $500,000 p.a. Which last year was even more important than normal year. We have got to have a much better mental and tougher ( and a more ruthless) approach in any case.
  18. Go online to the Membership area and look at all the categories Reckon they are s three and can be ordered online
  19. Sorry BW 511 and Binman don't agree with your summary at all. Game plan is a style of football set up by the coach to go about playing footy AS A TEAM and therefore requires ALL players to be committed. Yes your leaders are involved but it's ALL the team not just a few stronger individuals and when played together the team is very hard to beat. We need to still strengthen our Game Plan and If we do the results will follow.
  20. We get a scarf each year Clint From Melb snd really Hobart Hurricanes we're not affected by Covid last year As their season was over and are not this year it would seem.
  21. Surely LH its a combination of most of the factors Travel schedule inc from Alice earlier in the week and on the day. Poor coaching inc. poor selection Not UP for this game Our consistent lack of a game plan that can be flexible for windy wet or other conditions or different opponents!
  22. If he was then it was B+ Good/ great players are often underrrated because of the poor team results. Jonesy improved IMO from a B grader when Roos joined to an A- inskills and team football. Trac went from a B or B + last season to an A grader in 2020. Gawn May and Oliver had pretty much A grade seasons in 2020 while I have reservations with some of the team aspect of our midfielders I expect that to be resolved by Yze as our midfield Coach.
  23. Dr D you are criticising both JackO and Tommy agsin. Tommy has committed to fitness and will be ready to play we hope back at his 2018 level in whatever roles we need h I'm 2021 ie ruck forward or defence. I again repeat that Jacko was 18 and only is 19 years NOW and his firm alone was potentially good enough in the tuck and up forward for us to miss him in the last 6 weeks when injured. His potential and X factor are huge and even if he only kicks 15/20 goals this season his all round team contributions all over the ground will be valuable. Open your bias up and back both in as it is crucial in 2021 that we get good years from both. I am confident this will happen and our improvement will be in Both the results and visibility also.
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