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Everything posted by 58er

  1. The facilities are far better there than Goschs with the new rooms and ground surface state of the art. Have you seen them yet? Please don't put a largely personal opinion As if it has affected the playing group. Yes if you asked most they would prefer the City location but you could not compare the facilities in any way to Goschs with all the Govt money spent in the upgrade at Casey.
  2. DS I don't care whether you or any other poster provide evidence of your claims re Holmes perhaps in the wash up you should also consider these matters that in your opinion "This basket case of a Club who hasn't won a flag for a million years" did around the draft preceding and up yo the night. 1. Due to some Very smart pick swapping Luke McCrae was only missed by Cwood ahead of us taking him snd he had been in discussions as the style of mid we were after But was thought to be more of a chance to go earlier. 2. For whatever reason/s it was reported that Jack Carroll would be our first selection of pick no 18. (Was I fact not taken till about in the 40's not by us even at 34) How do you explain we didn't take him? Fake news or leaking??? 3 3. Geelong yes did steal Holmes but I rather subscribe also to the theory we may have tried to divert our interest in FRASER ROSMAN with our third pick, who while the most speculative pick in the first 35 (Holmes was also relatively speculative for that matter) We shall see over the next 5:6 years who is the winner here! 4.we had been linked to JAKE BOWEY more for our third pick mainly for outside run and as a winger/forward I would say but we also went for a similar Smaller Type if not better rated snd who has a footy IQ "through the roof" in BAILEY LAURIE. Many would have thought That Carroll might be taken here or even at No 34!!.Not to be. 5. So after all your Hoo Ha and criticism I consider we did a brilliant cover up job to get the two best smalls for elite skill and disposal ( Jason Taylor made no bones we were looking for this type of player). 6. Lastly we swooped on Rosman when Carroll was still alive. Mission accomplished !!! 7. Our choices like all other draft selections are subjective And now the next years will see whether Carroll Or Holmes Shape up or our Outside smalls ( which no one can argue against on a needs Basis) and the X factor of a 194cm winger/forward are heroes famously In the Red and Blue and premiership stars to boot, ( we hope). 8. I am thrilled with our selections that's why I don't give a rats About your Over the top assertion of a half century of Mismanagement because we needed theses smart elite smalls to gry badly needed skill and movement Into a very much work in progress forward line. 9. Stop and think of the options now TALLS Ben Brown Weid Tommy Mac Jacko Mitch Brown and Rosman! MEDIUMS Trac Fritta Melky Gus Clarry Harmes Sparrow SMALLS Kossie Bedford ANB AVB Chandler/Neitshke Spargo Viney and Laurie and Bowery!! 10. In summary a Basket Case that has Mark Williams Drooling over his job ahead and former Dee YZE heroe of the 90's and early 2000"s returning plus elite fitness and performance staff is a half a GLASS FULL and not the empty basket case you Described.
  3. Quite obviously you haven't read the profiles of Bowey and Laurie or watched closely the highlights, Sydee. Both look miles ahead of even Kossie in their games highlights as they run dodge move smoothly and mark and pass surely no fumbles etc etc and kick goals. And the best thing esp about Laurie Is his elite footy brain but Bowey is also composed and highly competitive like Laurie as they Link up between backline centre and finish off with goals as only Trac does of our midfielders to date. To be honest Without downgrading any of our small forwards/ winger types both would Be in my Round1 team if fit and healthy and promising in the practice games. Even ahead of Kossie (really This shouldn't happen.ideally). And I am not underestimating Rosman who I believe will be a wonderfully versatile winger and firward or even intercept centre half back Or flanker at times. He has plenty of boxes ticked Size pace Marking goal scoring smooth mover and looks a reliable kick of a long distance. Size won't be the reason Sydee, these two are the best of the smalls as Indicated by Laurie nearly BOG On the Final in 2019 for the Chargers. Your all sowing your MFC SS: to delude you that small as we have recruited for years Is not great. All three will succeed because of their ability and determination plus football smarts and attitude. Of course you are entitled to express your view and opinion but I don't believe it's on the mark from anything I have seen in their interviews highlights and opinions of Sheehan Twomey and Taylor.
  4. In the photo up top Fraser has his polo on inside out? Hope he doesn't do that with his Match day Guernsey!!! Probably overwhelmed a little eh??? The sky is the limit for the Rosman!
  5. We need another winger and any one of the three with the smalls further developed. Half back is ok if Lockhart is used in BP and Riv and Hibbo/or Salem HBF. Personally I would like Salo on HFF but to Me both Bowery and Laurie Gould take a flank and wing. Rodman might need a few games At Casey to acclimatise but looks a forward also. Suddenly we may have very good flexibility across Back wing and flanks with Rodman also a versatile tall as an X factor from centreline down. Good night And nearly had McCrae and Holmes but I wonder if we might just be much better balanced fir speed and skill with Bowery Laurie and Rodman. Wonder also if we should have pick swapped early on to get MCcrae or Holmes especially. But overall I am happy the route we went down and it ends hopefully a long period of skill and speed Lacking. Now with Kossie it's going to be a group of forwards and mids hard to pin down fir all the game and in various positions.
  6. Might look awkward but the crucial factor is his drop and if that's ok then the ball will go straight. If his drop is too awkward and slow Then he will be caught holding. From the highlights he Probably didn't kick a classical drop punt but he seemed totally comfortable In his disposal and like in cricket if it is a trait that succeeds font changes it. Ie if it ain't broke don't fix it. Alls good I reckon as he played on and that's far better than what Gawny does.
  7. Yes legs might be a worry but neither looked timid or slow in the highlights so I think we have broker a couple of goers who will find their feet early on. They look as though they both have some smarts yo add to our mix.
  8. Spargs will look quick in tandem with these new recruits plus Kossie. No one will or should be stationery on our forward line in 2021 otherwise they will be on the bench and not going back on fir a whole! Not sure about Tommy Mac yet but we will wait and see!!
  9. One way or another you will I code Perty as long as we don't win the flag. Please dont post for a week if you can't give some positive contribution about the Club. It's very tiresome.
  10. I am almost crying at the thought of3 Cups not 1 or 2 but THREE !!! Five years of success if we get it right!
  11. Many see us as an underperforming flaky and unreliable football team. That is Perfectly changeable with coaching recruiting and attention to the 1% ers. With Yooze Choco Goody and Richo there are no excuses for brain fades lairising and player egos. Harry O would not survive in this environment and I don't expect any of our fair weather players to either.
  12. My expectation is that Jake will improve much further agsin this year and at 24 hr has the ability and time to repay the faith . I have this premonition he takes 4 marks in the last quarter of the Grannie to save us the game and win us the flag.Please don't tell me he can't do that when he is full of form and confidence.
  13. Are you angry we are paying Tommo "overs in your eyes" or that he is not a wingman but a IMO One of the Very valuable versatile players that can ruck, defend (3rd tall) and fill in down forward, plus perform as a winger at a pinch. I believe he lasted at GWS and played many games because he plays a team game and that is very valuable. He also concentrates and competes well. A good one in the trenches so to speak. Will grow on fans once they hive him a chance and not go an Oscar on him for lack of pace.
  14. A senior Coach nowadays dies very little on hands work. It is mostly coordination of the other coaches game plan and selection That occupy yome. Try going along to training and see the Senior or Head Coach standing mostly in the middle of the oval observing and overseeing the groups who are directed by line or strategy bosses.
  15. Why waste an unrealistic effort !!!????
  16. Only 10/20%? That's individually multiply it by 6 players snd you would get much more improvement. Suddenly Ooze has nothing to do now it's all up to Choco!!! Shoild br fascinating sering how all the stars align in the Coaches area plus our midfield!! I am backing 20%plus in both areas!!!
  17. What exactly It's Time and DrD is missing at Casey Fields??? Have you toured the facilities if so please share your list of little things you are alleging are missing ?
  18. Perhaps you should take a trip to Casey DJ? Ever been there? A tour of the new facilities would be a good start! Oh you may need your GPD for your first inspection and it's recommended you go on a Dees AFL Trsining day. PS Take your autograph book also!!!
  19. [censored] Pert has just rubber stamped one of the Top development coaches in the AFL, who has runs on the Board. IOW he has recruited a top football person to go with Yze In football as well as hired a fitness guru of world standard and a highly regarded assistant. If Perth not doing his job then I don't know who is??? Josh Mahoney will leave a legacy and it could well be a flag after his tireless draft and recruiting efforts. Again tomorrow night JT will have 3 to 4 good Chances to give us another group of youngsters to make a name fir themselves and be a part of history at our great Club Thank you Josh and good luck.
  20. Well your a bright little button looking like eighth full glass empty! Don't go outside Till 2022 as with your luck you are sure to catch Covid and give it to half our team! Ridiculous rumour based comment and opinions that surely Don't even rate a mention. Take a chill pill and Lie down for a month or two!
  21. These youngsters are the absolute future of our Club and their development will mirror our rise in 2021. That's why I am so bullish about our ability to go to another level with these go to young tyros. They are all hungry and ambitious and to be honest are all excitement machines in their own way. Hopefully we also add another 4 keen recruits From the draft to start their journey, plus others like Bedford and Jordan especially Ready to take off also.
  22. Tommo will earn his keep as a very valuable versatile stopgap and spare parts player who is for the team. He will prob never get full credit fir his roles but will ensure the opposition don't take the game away without a real fight. Third defender, support ruck change up forward and very occasional winger are all spots that He will handle and give support in a meaningful manner in 2021 and beyond.
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