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Everything posted by 58er

  1. Certainly agree ManDee at $1 per letter that's over the top but a parcel at that rate would be ok I feel and Maybe is ?
  2. No Panna that's not so as all players are exposed this year so can be judged whereas Vic draftees were not in games so only 2019 form was exposed in their initial year.
  3. Why do so many supporters dismiss Jay Lockhart? Easily The best small defender Developing and was outrageously left out from about Round 12 in 2020 by a Coach who just stopped developing him. Faith in ability needs to be shown fir confidence and Jays style and dare are just what our backline needs from the BP.
  4. We are going iN a bit light with Fritta as No 2 That's why heshould be 3 all the time and we will get the best out of him.
  5. That is more like it I was going to query that 175cm post but didn't have any facts only memory to counter it!
  6. May be it's just not ready till now??? And Aus Poat bashing is a bit out of date This year they have been fantastic !
  7. Why can't you get the Australian Post staff to place it into the P.O. Box if You give it to them by hand ? Seems more sensible.
  8. Because we haven't got any timeline yet but when it comes that will be addressed.
  9. Was he forced out early? Or retired through injury prematurely that's who I have listed not players who had a long and largely uninterrupted career.
  10. Well said Patches This is an elite coaching group that NOW has a fair bit of talent young medium and sort of oldish. How that Ooze Makes that Midfield gel together is the major factor IMO it's got too be team orientated not dominated by ONE individual so some egos might have to be defused a bit! the Forward line Is next. New recruits and BBB plus the Fritta and abundance of smalls and youngsters plus Jacko and if he makes a comeback Tommy Mac and Weid of course. Staffords got a lot of responsibility here it HAS to succeed. AND the game plan Goody this is your baby with all the coaches. Clesr simple instructions and tons of imagination With the players Versatility to match the style of play. Pace and skill will win out. Please please solve this also. REST is tweaking the defence and ensuring all players get further developed under CHOCO. WINNING is now our one motive to get the fans and MZG excited and develop the ability we know that is on our list. SUPPORT from all fans and members is vital to ensure that the players Are at their peak each and every game. AIM as Choco said is a flag not just to improve in 2021.
  11. Why were there 30 odd photos 2 days last week P2J ? Club snd AFL provided these So no real reason that Covid is influencing this pArt of our pre season In fact more are likely to show interest because if the draft trade and I believe the Ckub already gaining momentum From Williams Yze etc and our New recruits mystery aspect. We are missing our regular Goschs training gurus due to distance but some will/ may emerge as the new year and Senior players start training in January.
  12. Pauli Z I only quoted the forwards careers we lost through Injury home sickness and other reasons Gary had his broken leg but had a long career with the Dees not spoilt like players on that list Look at their lowish game totals ! No Lloyd or Dunstall or Lockett high games totals there except for Schwartz !!
  13. Answer to The Chazz ( And Paulo May be interested) First of all Chazz you have fallen fir the 3 card trick! Automatically dismissing Any player BELOW 180 cm ( 6 ft) and calling a 179 cm recruit a "MIDGET". That is why we haven't got a rounded list because our 181cm to 185 cm wingers and half forwards and the occasional below 180 cm players haven hit the role nailed due to skills and major impact qualities to succeed. Garlett had speed and Elusiveness Do he was a good choice. Flash Davey and Austin Wonnamirri also had pace and ball skills. But ANB Hannan and many others have only a limited ability to play that role. IF you viewed the highlights of both Laurie and Bowey it stood out like thevproverbial their pace elusiveness ball handling evasion and side stepping skills, kicking for goals and the thirst for the contest plus Bowey can take a mark! Most of these skills are Inborn In each player and are natural to their method of play So they don't have to learn like ANB Does without Any particular highlight and having got the ball his conversion is dodgy at best. Oh and all their coaches the AFL gurus Sheehan and Twomey plus JT have seen enough to know that although they are smallish in Stature that their elite disposal skills are also a huge part of their game. Spargo is IMO a good distributor of the ball but doesn't at this stage impact the game hugely. Kossie tuns well Is lightning quick and is learning his craft and will be a good/ great player fir us. BUT Laurie and Bowey are professional style potential elite A graders with bells and whistles ie many tricks that can play wing HFF FP centre and even hBF and maybe on the ball During their career. Writing them off is like saying a Small horse can't win or that a small player can't bowl. Sport is diversified these days and think of Caleb Daniel by 2 (even better msybe) with Kossie and Spargs improving our smalls can be a strength instead of an obvious weakness in numbers and class. Oh just to complicate we look like having a 194cm versatile winger come forward and maybe CHB or flanker intercepting In the team, with elite endurance and pace for his size. Should he bible verse a key position player then due to his height ? 22 players are a team and it's how they coexist and perform ie with a gxme plan that still needs improving that will enable us to rise to the level required to Win that elusive flag/s that both you and I yearn For every year., not whether we have 3 under 180 cm or 5 (Tigers have 8 in their team) in that lineup that triumphs.
  14. Can't help thinking worrying about next year is unwise snd stress inducing. Each year we manufacture high picks and if Josh M has left one legacy that is it. We also have had good results in the trade period recently so we manage to say in the hunt even if our No 1 oicksste evident in advance.
  15. Dean almost cruised around and was still getting used to AFL before his career was over. Over the years the Dees have not had much luck with "elite forwards' Injury snd other reasons have shortened their career so much so this I believe almost more than any other is a genuine reason Why this flag drought continues. Examples of the above are Schwartz Jurrah Jackovich Charles Farmer Dean Stephen Smith (his Hamstrings were dodgy ) Hogan Pike Mark Jackson a skinny tall player who kicked 6 one day surname or first name was Glen I think can't remember his Complete name) .Other fans could add but I are just remembering while typing this post. Biggest single factor was Schwartz whose 3 knee recos killed his amazing agility and movement. I will go to my grave confident that given a free reign from injury David would have been just as good as Wayne Carey and 1998 and 2000 and other seasons may have turned out different! BTW Schwartz played in the Reserves (or whatever they were called ) and showed his skill so much so that I said to my family at the time he would be our next CHF. We know his story and still feel for him as he was virtually cut Down in his prime but bravely played on really only a shadow of that 1994 glimpse. Letssee what happens in the next 5 Years starting in 2021.
  16. HUN have story that Pies are Paying $1.5 mill so which paper is right?
  17. Same as Lions In 2005 after their three peat although Clarko/Wright have not used the Annual Draft well nor the players they have recruited since 2016. Mitchell the best to date but some are still injury prone ( Patton Scully) and or inconsistent (Windgard).
  18. Trust me I think we have more of team needs with the two smalls plus theX factor of Rosman. Time will tell however but I am not in any way disappointed with our 3 selections and again give JT and his team a huge tick and can't wait to see the results to add to the development of Jacko, Kossie and Riv.
  19. Good observation P2J yes that would be great for Salo to explode along with our youngsters improving plus even the new draftees.
  20. Sorry forgot about James who wasn't handled the best really. Thanks.
  21. P2J sorry but you obviously missed the last 5/6 games in 2020. Go back and watch the Giants game and look at it fairly and watch Salem's impact On the play, speed, and ground cover ( into Forward line). He was very unlucky to not get one of the Votes that night. Yes he has cruised a bit too much in the past but with his extra fitness gained from his USA trip with Trac his last games in 2020 were by far his best as a block. The penny seems to have dropped and I believe He is on the way to being an A grader impacting in a major way and that's why I would play him on a wing occasionally HFF and a stint in the ball. With Bowey Laurie and Rosman all looking good prospects this may not need to happen to get pace snd skill forward and centre.
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