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Everything posted by 58er

  1. It is if it is developed well and a game plan evolves. Add our 3 newest recruits who ste vital in our mix snd game plan to them and we are nearly ticking all the nieces of talent and potential.
  2. DT your post is IMO partly correct and a true reflection of where we sit. I agree about the top8 players and that they produced good/ very good seasons in 2020. I would anticipate that they will be again able to set the standards that our team must aspire to. This will be raised as our Coaching group Is vastly improved. Also in this Coaching Brayshaw Tomlinson Smith Melksham and VDB could improve 20% by positional moves and smarter Skills use with the newer coaches influence. For eg. Tomlinson had a good last half at CHB Smith was playing his best footy near the end of the season Gus VDB and Melky had underwhelming seasons but we're hardly challenged fir their positions .This will change I believe As Jordan Lockhart and Sparrow develop into serious AFL players this year. And most importantly The class of 2019 and 2020 will rise to the challenge and replace the no performers or over the hill or poor form of previous group who were ok in 2018 And have been poor since. I can see Jacko Rivers and Kossie influencing our results and have great faith that Bowey Laurie and Rosman although Inexperienced will do a Threepeat of Ports recruits by 2021's end and provide the Speed, run and carry that our Game Plan Will need for us to succeed. The much Anticipated Game Plan will evolve whether Goody likes it or not as Our players ability To play will be far more instinctive and aggressive in their performance each week. This improvement will be a total player coach and environmental upgrade allround and elevate our level and approach therefore Results to a new high even more sustaining than 2018. Call me an optimist but this is what I Believe will happen This year and even better in 2022 so that we are fully in contention for top4 and It's potential honours.
  3. Everyone has an opinion on Tommy! This is just another one writing him off ! No one not even D/Lers can say that Tommy is finished or that he is on our list never to get a Senior game agsin or in 2021! If Tommy Is fit snd Regains his form and undoubted skills ( which I am backing him to) then he will be an irresistible asset to our team. This would put us in the mix for top 4 with many of the others improving due to greater coaching and game plan. That's why we start with an open or blank cheque In selection in our season and it's so exciting waiting for Th e development of the team to gain some honours.
  4. No All trading of players on Club lists is over except for Pre Season recruit or any Mid season recruit in around June. Too many people are writing Tommy off and I for one can't wait for him to ram this back at the perpetrators of hate against him. If he returns to near 2018 form we will be a finalist and Top4 probably!!
  5. Sorry rjay you said that if Jacko was not injured You would have liked to see if they developed SO WE DIDNT NEED TO RECRUIT BBB You inferred that that was the reason for Ben being recruited If that's not the catalyst in what your saying then I don't know what is. So he was injured and we recruited Benny I am saying that your comment is not the reason for Browns trade to us as we NEED him badly along with Jacko and Weid fir our forward line anyway.
  6. Thank you Debra and the Brayshaws plus all the other host families and player sponsors for the Dees. A most underrated and valuable resource which must give much comfort to all Footballers families and faith in our Club. Well done Dees !!
  7. RJay I don't for one minute think that The Jackson injury was the catalyst for recruiting BBB. Blind Harry Can see we need a mature "man" with a good record to lead our forward line and Ben or another forward was always the trade method the Club Needed to pursue. Weid and Jacko will learn and prosper from Ben ( and Johnathon Brown also) but all our forwards including our latest 3 draftees Bowery Laurie and Rosman are part of our most needed successful part of the Dees in 2021 and beyond. I have no idea if all will gel together but I believe such is the group of Coaches now that This success will be achieved. That Ben and Sam appear similar should nit be an issue if they play their part in the plan for our goal scoring To lead our attack in 2021 we should all Work as a group to get that ball Between the Goals for majors. 2021 is going to be a season like no other to enjoy a left over mood A d Montb assistance
  8. Wrong Dr. If you couldn't see his bulking up then you are either not looking or maybe a Spec savers apprentice. Vlearly Tommy has bulked up look at his thighs etc. I am looking for a renewed Fit and agile player who can play forward back or ruck. Lets not be stupid an try and play him on a wing he won't be up to the pace of our New wingers or Ed . Good luck Tommy.!
  9. Yes quite categorically look at his record You have Stubbornly tried to masssge stats by blaming selection, to try and prove your point and by saying you don't look at no's of games!! Bit like saying racehorse who won 30 races is only better because he was gifted more wins than a horse that won 3 races. Bradmsns better than Ian Craig??? Maybe Becsuse he was gifted about 25 centuries !!!
  10. Most if those attributes are born in players and are hard to msnufacture hence skills break down under pressure. Yhe best players are instinctive watch Trac it's so natural. Thatsxwhat these 3 players bring on top of Kossie Jacko and Riv all being the same. Thsts why I am so bullish about our chances this year !
  11. Given our chance and we stuffed it up vs Port and I had to sit through every miserable moment!! But win 3/3 or 4/2 in The first 6 rounds and beat say GWS and Cats then Frid night/s May be back on the agenda!!
  12. No JL doesn't but what he brings is an organised game plan of a decades success snd with young players who stick to it. ( rather like in Cairns and with Freo foing the same thing) against our mo game plan and disjointed vs wind approach which resulted in disaster. They don't (Swans) build up fir us they know if they can get good use of theball their plan will outshine our haphazard and inconsistent game plan and give success, year after year, in fact from 2006 which nearly every year they have made Finsls snd we have once!!!! It's not rocket science BBP.
  13. And P2J if the Cats slide as some predict then these 3 teams would be the first taking their place! easch one could nail the Cats coffin week by week at their fortress and the AFL would look good I would presume.
  14. Poita you have answered your own question ( don't agree Necessarily anyway) Why give back money when loyal supporters did not ask for it? It was there snd you were invited but I suspect that you feel more comfortable nitpicking now than asking fir reserved seats payments from your hard earned. The actual fsct is that the 40,000 who stuck fat are loyal and perhaps benevolent in your eyes. Whst is missing in this post and what Perty evades mentioning the 12,000 members who we lost from 2019 to 2020 are part of this downturn with IMO not a lot of Covid reason but sheer football disappointment and frustration. We need 55,000 to stick fat and 15/20,000 fair weather fans to add the cream when we experience sustained success and hopefully the long awaited 13 Th and plus premierships.
  15. Interesting team from Adonski but if we were to go young Petty aNd Lockhart would be in my defence.Bowey on wing Salem at HF instead of Hunt and Sparrow in lieu of Melksham. Tommo an emergency. Yhis is more like a Finals team in Sept with Rosman replacing who? Harmes??? I think Hibberd and Harmes are vulnerable but look at the pace and ground skill It's light years away from where we are now and our ball movement and run surely would become elite with all these speedsters. Think if a game plan that this team could produce!
  16. Poita they have had 3 games btween them!!! Have been at Club for 2 years one which the Club played about 3 games of footy in other than Seniors. Give them a chance!
  17. Dr D I have one issue with your list. To compare Jack Watts with all those others who only played abut 20-50 games each is not realistic. Jack May not have reached his potential as a No 1 pick ( just as much our fault through nit developing players and him especially) So to compare and list with others like Toumpas etc is unfair and derogatory towards Jacks efforts for the Club come yo think of it our record for development Is Poorish and these guys suffered also.
  18. Can't stone for Cairns We missed the 8 you never get that back!!!
  19. It's often who you play in those home games. Having Freo then say Suns GWS then Crows Would not be a membership selling draw BUT mst assist in getting crowds vs Big Vic Clubs therafter. But having Gerlong Tigers and Blues early on can boost membership figures as long as we are not being thrashed and showing form and wins, as more fans go to those games!
  20. Got nothing to do with it !!! If you perform in a year like 2018 then you deserve Friday night and other FTA opportunities. Shouldnt be penalised forever we also have finished ahead of many teams in 2017 and 2020.
  21. What in the hell have Manchester City, Barcelona got in common with the redevelopment of Casey Fields.??? Rather an opportunity to bignote with a set of statistice that are irrelevant. Probably good that the table can hardly be read anyway!
  22. Certainly agree ManDee at $1 per letter that's over the top but a parcel at that rate would be ok I feel and Maybe is ?
  23. No Panna that's not so as all players are exposed this year so can be judged whereas Vic draftees were not in games so only 2019 form was exposed in their initial year.
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