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Everything posted by dazzledavey36

  1. I could only imagine that a Peter Jackson board level would have done wonders for Bailey.
  2. Watching the bulldogs and saints play the way they do reminds me of Bailey era of 2010 and early 2011. Say what you want about him but on field he had us on the right track. We were playing some of the most exciting footy i had seen during my time supporting this club. Its no coincidence guys like Frawley Trengove Jurrah Gysberts Scully Grimez were developing really well and all looking like bona fide stars, we were all applauding what a young gun Jordie Mckenzie will be because he was tearing the competition apart with his tackle count. We were heading in the right direction on field. But thanks to the board administration led by Chris Connelly Cameron Schwab they killed of all the soul and positivity of this club. Im not going to go right into it as i will probably get a couple of weeks if i write on here what i really thought of those two. But if your board level doesn't support the coach and what he is trying to create you will have your hands tired behind your back which Bailey did unfortunately.
  3. Glad this backs up my arguement about players have social life and not being at home looking in a mirror like some id iot suggested yesterday.At the end of the days these players are only human. The loss would hurt em enough as it is. And people like Saty are absolutely kidding themselves when they say players don't read these forums. Players do it and thats why in the inner sanctum of the club players are always getting educated on how to deal with these issues.
  4. Good on him. Don't underestimate his leadership on and off field. It will help us in the long term in terms of culture.
  5. Because Malthouse was brought in to bring them a flag and instead he has turned them into horse sh it.Roos was brought in to improve our whole playing list and culture which he has done so far. Too many times we have pointed the finger at the coach and not enough at the players. When are players going to stand up and take responsibility? And for the love of god do NOT ever put Mark Neeld and Paul Roos in the same bracket. The only positive thing Mark Neeld ever did to this club was get us Paul Roos! The guy nearly killed off this club just like Malthouse is doing at Carlton.
  6. Mate he is a flop. Thats the reality.Cut ties at the end of the year.
  7. Jeez don't let Curry see this. If Roosy let them have a drink then he needs to be sacked ASAP because clearly they are not allowed to have a life outside of footy..
  8. Well Said ^^ I would not one ounce of grudge if Garland left at the end of the year. The guys deserves finals success. Keep ya chin up Garlo.
  9. Trade out Stefan Martin, Keeps Jake Spencer.. Only at Melbourne.
  10. So does that mean SWYL doesn't like Garland at all because he was crying?
  11. Not surprised pendles feels this way.this culture has been going on for a long time at that club.
  12. Looks as if Roos wasn't impressed with Dawes comment?
  13. Look at their game plan. It is fast attractive footy with the effort to move it as quick as possible. Luke Beveridge inherited this from the hawks and it is paying dividends. It suits their young talent. Dean Bailey had the same game game plan and its no wonders guys like Trengove Scully Scully Gysberts were thriving. Our game plan is [censored] full atm. Slow moving ball movement and chip sideways and backwards.. meh..
  14. so you want these 'human beings' to go home after the game and sit in front of a mirror for 6 hours and stare into it and say Well FK me, me and 22 blokes played a [censored] game so i might aswell just stew on it for the next couple of days.If going out for a quite drink is a big problem for you then you have serious issues mate. So i expect these two to get a fine and a couple of match suspension from the club? Because according to a couple of half wits like yourself players are NOT allowed social life outside of footy. FMD get a [censored] grip!
  15. Yeah because players should never be allowed to socialize outside footy. Their mind should be concentrated 24/7 on football and nothing else.FMD some people carry on here.. Who gives a [censored] if they go out for a drink as long as they are not doing Colin Sylvia's and staying out of trouble then they have ever right to go and have a beer. Did you find this also disappointing when majority of the team were on the grog having a good time after the round 1 win? Of course not. Its after a big loss you have to find [censored] weak little excuses to sink into the players. Pathetic effort.
  16. While he was good at Melbourne he still he was still a bit inconsistent. Soon as he went to Adelaide he absolutely sky rocketed in terms of development.If you think he would have developed better at the dees your kidding yourself LOL.. He developed into a beast because he had the likes of Simon Goodwin, Mark Recciuto, Andrew McLeod, Tyson Edwards to learn off. No way in hell he would have developed better at the Dees..
  17. Yeah i got the memo mate.But no one here will ever take you serious on your judgement based an incident that never happened.
  18. No you are pathetic SWYL!You said you wrote off Toumpas on the back that he cried at training when it NEVER happened. As someone pointed out it was Lucas Cook. So you have just wrote off a player on the back of no eveidence to back up your pathetic childish claim. Made yourself look like an absolute [censored].. again
  19. A proven AFL coach will tell you to not judge a player until they have 80 to 100 games up their sleeve.But who am i kidding.. i dont expect you and WYL to work that out.
  20. He never did that. Stop embarassing yourself with pathetic comments like this that you make up to give you a excuse to sink into a player.Pathetic attempt as usual.
  21. Yeah because at 20 games it will define your career..FMD
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