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Coach Dean Bailey


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the players come out and say this and that during the week....

when it comes crunch time, well.....

the number of times that we did the following: -

handball to a stationery target

handball to the feet of a moving target

kick the ball in the air to allow the opponent a chance

the number of missed tackles

the lack of intense running

the lack of talk

the lack of 1%ers

the lack of passion

how is this the coach's fault?

i don't want to single the bloke out but nathan jones turning the ball over on the defensive 50 when he had a man on - goal to mitch hahn... jones had to just get the ball over, couldn't...

it is time that the players took some responsibility for the poor performances!!

it seems too easy as melbourne player to blame anything else!!!

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Who's to say that the 16 new players that replace those that you believe need to be cleared will actually be any better? In all likelihood, in 2 years time, you might be saying that some of the players we drafted last year need to be cleared.

actually.. it stands to reason that some would. Thats actually somethig we need to get much better at. making the hard call. if someone hasnt come on..or is nt lookig liek they will ..cull them..straight away.. get new ones in.. and yo keep doing this til the general quality rises. its not a quick process . Thats just how it is.

We have , as a club , held on to players at all levels far too long.

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Who's to say that the 16 new players that replace those that you believe need to be cleared will actually be any better? In all likelihood, in 2 years time, you might be saying that some of the players we drafted last year need to be cleared.

And as Rhino stated in another post, clubs are less likely to trade high draft picks for average players.

Brisbane did; other clubs closer to success will also.

Fremantle are stupid; someone will take our experienced tripe with the view that 'the window is open'

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Who's to say that the 16 new players that replace those that you believe need to be cleared will actually be any better? In all likelihood, in 2 years time, you might be saying that some of the players we drafted last year need to be cleared.

Mo, they could not be much worse.

In 2 years time all the senior list (above 28yo) are likely to be gone. We get nothing from them now. We get less from them in the future. The window for value trading some of them has past.

We need to look at the next level Davey, McLean and Co. and see where they are heading and what benefit MFC can extract out of them for the future through development, trade or a bit of both.

Also, as is normal, some of the draft picks will not make it. They will go as a well.

However we must seek to make changes to the list to address systemic shortcomings that were there well before this cave in.

Leadership, pace and KPPs.

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actually.. it stands to reason that some would. Thats actually somethig we need to get much better at. making the hard call. if someone hasnt come on..or is nt lookig liek they will ..cull them..straight away.. get new ones in.. and yo keep doing this til the general quality rises. its not a quick process . Thats just how it is.

We have , as a club , held on to players at all levels far too long.

The point I'm trying to make is that Bailey needs to work with what he's got, and get the best out of them.

Devise a game plan around the players he currently has, and if he is able to change the list over a period of time, then modify our game plan to what he believes will achieve the ultimate success.

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gerard healy, who i absolutely hate, made a really good point.... these days it is just as important to get someone that makes good decisions...

we have too many players that make wrong decisions or will not make any decisions and compare this with a lack of skill, it has the ingredients of smashings!!

did we initiate the player behind the ball on saturday?

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The point I'm trying to make is that Bailey needs to work with what he's got, and get the best out of them.

Devise a game plan around the players he currently has, and if he is able to change the list over a period of time, then modify our game plan to what he believes will achieve the ultimate success.

Yeah I guess, Pandering to our soft inept senior players every whim, excusing their lack of discipline and commitment worked really well for ND.

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The point I'm trying to make is that Bailey needs to work with what he's got, and get the best out of them.

Devise a game plan around the players he currently has, and if he is able to change the list over a period of time, then modify our game plan to what he believes will achieve the ultimate success.

DB has only been at MFC for 4 months and his first emphasis has been on setting the right structures in place. In particular more disciplined approach to training and management of players. He is very strong on not playing underdone players and not bringing back early. So Rivers was always going to miss first few games. Would be easy to succumb to bringing Rivers and Wheels back to stop the big losses but what if they break down again!! Compounded a number of our injuries last year.

I do not see any evidence of the players being resentful for ND's sacking. Reality was that unless the MFC made top 4 ND was not going to be reappointed! The on field losses were what brought that forward! If the players were so Pro ND why didnt they perform better over the last 10 years (forgotten the 2nd half fade outs???).

I spoke to a few of the players yesterday morning at the kids clinic and they all seemed in good spirits. They are taking time adjusting to the new game plan and are very dissappointed they have been turning over the ball!!

Will be very testing time for MFC over next 6 to 10 weeks and there will be many kicking our club while they can. DB and CC will have some really hard decisions to make and some calls may come sooner than expected. Time to judge them will be at end of October after trades done for 2009

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It would be hard for the players to take Dean Bailey seriously when he doesn't have many football credentilas as a player.

If you look at recent coaches that have coached teams that have won a Grand Final you will notice they all have a similarity

Mark Williams- Captained Collingwood, Brisbane Vice Captain

Leigh Matthews- Captained Hawthorn

Mark Thompson- Captained Essendon

John Worsfold- Captained West Coast

Paul Roos- Captained Fitzroy

They all share that one quality needed to be a A.F.L coach, they have been there done that, know how to lead a team onto the football field.

Dean Bailey has nothing like these coaches, he may have a smart football brain, but can he relate to players, gain respect and motivate players through his experiences on the football field. These men above lived and breathed football all there life and have all the respect they can get. They are great footballers.

Dean Bailey was an average player and will most likely have a short career in AFL coaching due to his credentials.

I hope he can prove me wrong but I think we should be looking for someone players will look up to next time.

and for opposites, look at Tim Watson

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Our players are performing the way they are because they are CRAP. Read my lips... CRAP.

The few who aren't, are about 13 years old, running around carrying the weight of the world on their shoulders (Morton?!). To expect them to win games on their own is unrealistic.

Matthews, Malthouse, Jesus Christ himself couldn't make us play better given our lack of skills, confidence and brains.

If you're implying that Bailey is a soft coach you are out of your mind. He's coached 2 games. Our senior players have played more than 150 games. So who are you going to blame for our complete lack of ability and hardness?

People will find any excuse to avoid focusing on the real issue at hand, the players. They are the reason we are losing.

Much the same group that got to the 2nd week of the finals 18 months ago. They are not as crap as the rubbish we are being dealt at the moment.

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It would be hard for the players to take Dean Bailey seriously when he doesn't have many football credentilas as a player.

If you look at recent coaches that have coached teams that have won a Grand Final you will notice they all have a similarity

Mark Williams- Captained Collingwood, Brisbane Vice Captain

Leigh Matthews- Captained Hawthorn

Mark Thompson- Captained Essendon

John Worsfold- Captained West Coast

Paul Roos- Captained Fitzroy

They all share that one quality needed to be a A.F.L coach, they have been there done that, know how to lead a team onto the football field.

Dean Bailey has nothing like these coaches, he may have a smart football brain, but can he relate to players, gain respect and motivate players through his experiences on the football field. These men above lived and breathed football all there life and have all the respect they can get. They are great footballers.

Dean Bailey was an average player and will most likely have a short career in AFL coaching due to his credentials.

I hope he can prove me wrong but I think we should be looking for someone players will look up to next time.

You can guarantee Voss and Buckley will be added to this list some day...

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Incorrect, he needs to implement the best plan and structure and find players that can work to it. Those that can't, see ya.

I tend to favour this method. If that measn some stalwarts..( but bad listeners) o to tthe Zebbies for the remainder of their contracts..so be it!!

Why wait til end of year..or next season.. As I put it once before..the players are either with him, or agin him !! the latter can go that way >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Better to play and better the willing, than persevere with the belligerent, and then top us as time and opportunity presents.

make no miistake...were already in season 09 !!

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The point I'm trying to make is that Bailey needs to work with what he's got, and get the best out of them.

Devise a game plan around the players he currently has, and if he is able to change the list over a period of time, then modify our game plan to what he believes will achieve the ultimate success.

There's no point devising a game plan built for substandard players. It might make you competative on a general level, but you'll rarely win a premiership with an game plan built to suit average players. You need players good enough to execute the game plan. If the players aren't good enough to execute the plan, drop them and find players who are.

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DB has only been at MFC for 4 months and his first emphasis has been on setting the right structures in place. In particular more disciplined approach to training and management of players. He is very strong on not playing underdone players and not bringing back early. So Rivers was always going to miss first few games. Would be easy to succumb to bringing Rivers and Wheels back to stop the big losses but what if they break down again!! Compounded a number of our injuries last year.

I do not see any evidence of the players being resentful for ND's sacking. Reality was that unless the MFC made top 4 ND was not going to be reappointed! The on field losses were what brought that forward! If the players were so Pro ND why didnt they perform better over the last 10 years (forgotten the 2nd half fade outs???).

I spoke to a few of the players yesterday morning at the kids clinic and they all seemed in good spirits. They are taking time adjusting to the new game plan and are very dissappointed they have been turning over the ball!!

Will be very testing time for MFC over next 6 to 10 weeks and there will be many kicking our club while they can. DB and CC will have some really hard decisions to make and some calls may come sooner than expected. Time to judge them will be at end of October after trades done for 2009

Tony, I totally agree with everything you've stated in your first 2 pars. What concerns me is the comment by the players that "They are taking time adjusting to the new game plan".

I don't believe that the structure of the side compliments Bailey's game plan.

A forward line comprising Neitz, Robertson and Miller/Newton is too immobile.

Our backline lacks the class to generate any creative run.

And our mids lack evasive skills.

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.... he needs to implement the best plan and structure and find players that can work to it. Those that can't, see ya.

Absolutely spot on.

What concerns me is the comment by the players that "They are taking time adjusting to the new game plan".

I don't believe that the structure of the side compliments Bailey's game plan.

A forward line comprising Neitz, Robertson and Miller/Newton is too immobile.

Our backline lacks the class to generate any creative run.

And our mids lack evasive skills.

New game plans and disciplines are hard to train into a side particular one that is young with senior players that are not fully committed and focussed on team aspects. St Kilda is a case in question. Essendon will have a few dips until they get it right.

The structure of the side does not compliment Bailey's game plan. Neitz and Robbo are fast become yesterdays footballers. Newton is at a crossroads with questionable attitude and commitment.

So what game plan suits all the shortcomings we have.

The game of footy has changed so much in the last 3 years that it focussed on the ability to run run run. All positions are mobile on the ground and players need to be both offensive and defensively hard. Thats where our game is going. We must compete against these sort of tactics.

We dont have the cattle and the cattle will change.

DB needs to find those players who under all circumstances are committed, accountable and able to carry out instructions over the next 3 to 5 years. Most of senior players dont tick every box. Some dont tick any. DB and CC need to look at the list from Davey, McLean and make that assessment over the next 3 to 4 rounds and their plot and plan accordingly.

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So what game plan suits all the shortcomings we have.

...... probably spending the arvo over in the Royal !!! :lol:

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Not much startling wil happen til round 7...they've said that !!

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Not much startling wil happen til round 7...they've said that !!


"Connolly, himself an off-season signing, said Bailey did not yet know exactly what his players were capable of, and would only decide which players to keep his faith in after another four games. "Once we have a clear view of our playing list then we can move forward as a whole list," Connolly told Triple M radio yesterday."

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Do you think the players haven't warmed to Dean Bailey because the players were so dirty on Danners sacking. Until Neitz and Robbo etc are gone will the coach gain respect? From an insiders view what sort of feeling is it between players and coach. Do the players feel they got a No Name brand coach and expected better?

The current coaching panel is not to blame. They have to start from this year. I mean, why did we get rid of our best tall back - Fergie - for too many years Daniher, Fagan and Cameron hung all their hopes on Nicho!!!!! So I reckon it's a recruiting problem for tall players. Why delist Shane Neaves, Chris Lamb and Fergie?? Nathan Carroll continues to punch above his weight and please dont tell me Ben Holland is the answer!!!!!!

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"Connolly, himself an off-season signing, said Bailey did not yet know exactly what his players were capable of, and would only decide which players to keep his faith in after another four games. "Once we have a clear view of our playing list then we can move forward as a whole list," Connolly told Triple M radio yesterday."

sort of like ...


We need patience folks.. Rome wasnt built in a day... Hmm maybe ought not mention Romans and Christ in same breath!! lol

All wil be revealed...I suppose...maybe.....eventually.

It stems from his convo on SEN..heard that too :)

that was my point..nothing happening really til round 7

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Nathan Buckley on 3aw couldn't understand a few things Dean Bailey was doing on the weekend. If Buckley can pick out problems in our game, why can't our coach. Nathan Buckley obviously understands the modern game better than our coach. It does make a difference when you've played the game and have credentials to back it up, everything comes naturally cos they made the game what it is today. I hope it works for Bails but i don't think hes good enough for AFL

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