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Because it has nothing to do with Liverpool.... It has to do with the fact that it would be great for the team and the supporters....

Who cares if the idea is copied...

It has everything to do with Liverpool!!! It's their theme-song!

As far as asking who would care... I'd care, and unless I'm mistaken I'm a member...

If we have songs and chants and themes that runthroughout the club for a year, ten years, the duration of a particular player's stay (Oooze for example) or 50 years I want them to be OUR themes, not ones directly borrowed from other clubs and organisations. As far as I'm concerned it's [censored]-weak that we are so desperate for something for supporters to identify with that we can't come up with something of our own. It's lovely that Liverpool fans feel a connection to this song, that it brings a tear to their collective eyes, but that is not MFC... It's not us.

It's simple really...

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Singing or chanting anything uplifting that is Demons related has its place but definitely not YNWA. Hackneyed and simply not ours.

Especially if it's sung regardless of the outcome. It reminds me of Richmond supporters in particular over the last few years who clapped their team off the ground after another 'honourable loss'. I never want to see us singing, chanting or applauding after a loss thankyou unless a loyal servant is retiring.

If the team deserves the accolades either during the game or after it, then belt out something Demons-related by all means. I reckon there are two choices.

FWIW, when the team gets on a roll during a game the crescendo of 'MELBOURNE! MELBOURNE!' etc does it for me every time. This has been the case since I saw my first game in the sixties. And don't worry, the players can hear it all right. At least they know they're getting recognition for something positive rather than a cosy pat on the back for another loss or a tune that will make them wonder which pitch they're playing on.

And there's no problem with launching into 'IT'S A GRAND OLD FLAG' at just about anytime the team deserves it.

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Not being a soccer fan (other than playing the game socially) I haven't seen that chant/song before......and hope I don't see it again. It must be a culture thing because, up until the last couple of words, I thought it was one of the lamest things I have seen at a game of ANY sport!!!

Rest assured THAT song will NEVER be sung for the MFC at the G.........EVER!!!!

Before I go on; How many of you Liverpool supporters are MEMBERS of Liverpoolfc?

I'll take a guess and say NONE. And that's about how many memberships we WILL sell if associated to a club playing another code of football on the other side of the world. Other than selling memberships there is no other reason to associate with them. So why bother doing it?

Back to the 'chant'.

It was good to see that some people on here actually acknowledged that WE DO have a song we can sing to before the game, and after it too if we win. A Grand Old Flag. (perhaps you can learn the words if you don't know them?)

Personally I can't see chanting through the game catching on, perhaps very short ones, much like we already do, but nothing eleborate.


Because it would take valuable time away from screaming at umpires, opposition players and calling out "Ball", "how far", "how long", "in the back" not to mention something we SHOULD really cherish in OUR game.

The ability to sit next to and heckle opposition supporters!!!!! (I can't see Liverpool fans doing that without riot police on hand). And that is probably WHY they chant; because the opposition supporters are all the way down the other end of the stadium!!

Not only that, but also the speed of play would not allow it to happen sucessfully. Can you imagine supporters winding into a chant as a player, say Aaron Davey, gets shirt fronted. The chant would be broken in a split second with howls of abuse towards the culprit. I am sure everyone on here could list another dozen instances in a game that would have the same affect.

I think the trumpeter has some real potential when it comes to getting the crowd involved. Perhaps short bursts of something simpe but strong that could both inspire the players but also let them know to 'get in a have a real go' if they are being soft and getting beaten. It could possibly work at boundary throw-ins and before centre bounces.

But in the mean time here is something to start with....

Its a grand old flag

Its a high flying flag

Its the emblem for me and for you

Its the emblem of the team we love

The team of the red and the blue

Everyheart beats true

For the red and the blue

And we sing this song to you

Should auld acquaintance be forgot

Keep your eye on the red and the blue

Go Dees - 2008 is gunna be great

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Not being a soccer fan (other than playing the game socially) I haven't seen that chant/song before......and hope I don't see it again. It must be a culture thing because, up until the last couple of words, I thought it was one of the lamest things I have seen at a game of ANY sport!!!

Toad, you 'haven't seen that chant/song before' yet you find it lame!

I hate Liverpool FC with a passion, yet I find the song awe inspiring.

Each to their own, I guess!

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Toad, you 'haven't seen that chant/song before' yet you find it lame!

I hate Liverpool FC with a passion, yet I find the song awe inspiring.

Each to their own, I guess!

I know the song but haven't seen the Liverpool faithful singing it before.

And yes, until the last few words I found it VERY LAME.

It's definitely a round ball football culture thing. I don't watch the round ball game (apart from what I see on the news) so am not in touch with such cultural idoisycrasies.

Frankly it's laughable that an MFC supporter could even suggest that and MFC crowd would even contemplate singing it. Clearly there is a lack of knowledge there regarding their fellow supporters.

As far as a chant goes; I am all for putting a 5 second chant together for breaks in play for boundary throw-ins and even a longer one for the break in play after goals. But I will reserve my singing voice for the National Anthem before finals and 'It's a Grand Old Flag" after we win. (and I bet most other Demons supporters will too).

If everyone who has responded to this thread is SO keen to find something uniquely MELBOURNEfc then lets put something together, get in touch with the club and cheer squad and make it happen.

Go Dees - Melbourne (clap clap clap) Melbourne (clap clap clap) Melbourne (clap clap clap) ;)

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I absolutely love that song! I send shivers down the spine when just the pacemakers, but is ampified when sung in a stadium like that. I dont think that it is feasible to have such a thing in football (other than the grand old flag) when chanting is only in pockets throughout the ground it will not be vocal enough. If I could arrange it I would have every MFC supporter start saying AHHH either timed or prompted by the scoreboard. each adding their AHHH in turn sounding like a jet engine, strong and united then go into it's a Grand Old Flag! Magic

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Yep an inspiring song. But would not work

I really don’t think we’ll ever see a culture of fans singing/chanting at the footy. Soccer has large periods of play without anything significant happening.

The chants help create atmosphere that is needed, especially during dull games. Get them singing during the game, and you will get them singing with atmosphere before the game.

PS. I hate Liverpool

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I absolutely love that song! I send shivers down the spine when just the pacemakers, but is ampified when sung in a stadium like that.

You raise a salient point...all other likes/dislikes aside ... this works there ( and any reasonable Soccer venue in Europe etc ) as the accoustics of these little places suit the echo'y sound. The larger, more open stadia that we use arent so useful for this.

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Something that hasnt even been touched on.. is the fact that Soccer spectating is by far and wide almsot a wholy male preserve. The point ? Get a few blokes together .. add beer.. add some territorial bravado...and there's your recipe for chanting.

You just dont thave that here ..and for mine.. thats good..

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more women are getting involved in football, but you are right, go back 20 years and it was all males.

I realise.. was careful not to say...only a male thing.. but compared to Aussie Rules or League its very much spot the chick !! And I wouldnt in my wildest dreams consider EPL a 'family' outing .

Ive only been to 3 English venues.. The Lane, Highbury, and Wembley.. the latter being a friendly..and was ok to watch.. the other games were full of 'igniition point' vibes !!..Its very different there...cant speak for Europe..would only be heresay.

A little goes along way there.. get a hundered sods all all chanting and it reverberates.. and everyone joins in.. Just not conducive to that here..... its a different culture ( thankfully !! )

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Not being a soccer fan (other than playing the game socially) I haven't seen that chant/song before......

you mean that chant/song sung at every game by Liverpool supporters..?

The ability to sit next to and heckle opposition supporters!!!!! (I can't see Liverpool fans doing that without riot police on hand). And that is probably WHY they chant; because the opposition supporters are all the way down the other end of the stadium!!

Well you'd definitely be the right person to ask, given your vast knowledge of football, Liverpool and its supporters

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you mean that chant/song sung at every game by Liverpool supporters..?

Well you'd definitely be the right person to ask, given your vast knowledge of football, Liverpool and its supporters

Oh wise one, PLEASE tell me the last time their was a riot at an AFL match that was subsequently broadcast across the globe!!!

That's right NEVER.

What I DO know about the two different codes is that supporters of ONE (AFL to spell it out for you) can sit side by side but the other CAN'T. Anyone who turns on a TV and watches the sports results can work that much out.

Clearly there is a gaping hole in my life because I DIDN'T know that fat middle aged drunk English men from Liverpool have been singing a girlie song before their team plays soccer. :o

To answer your question. Yes I am the RIGHT person to ask. Why because I follow AUSSIE rules football, and have done ALL my long life. And in case you haven't worked it out yet I DON'T split my allegences. I also understand the culture of AFL and KNOW that singing girlie songs before a game WILL NEVER HAPPEN. So get over it.

Perhaps you are old enough to remember Cheer Leaders in the AFL/VFL. They didn't work either.

If I want to know about the EPL culture I'll summon you.....but don't hold your breath.

Go Demons

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Liverpool are the equivalent of Collingwood with their filth supporters.

Why would we want to associate with them?

EAAAAASY bigfella! We're all Dee fans here, and don't let us forget it, but don't ever associate a team of mine to the filth of Collingwood!

Quick point, as well. It's clear here that most people wouldn't think it could work, that much is obvious, but i think the idea isn't far fetched. The idea is to insight some passion into our supporters and let the players know that we are out there supporting them.

That whole trumpeter that came in at the start of every home match thing should be embraced more by the members IMO as that IS something that we could be recognised for. Singing the song with the backing track is all well and good, but if we can actually get everyone chanting and belting out the song with the trumpeter, THAT is something that could work well.

Just a thought.

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Oh wise one, PLEASE tell me the last time their was a riot at an AFL match that was subsequently broadcast across the globe!!!

That's right NEVER.

What I DO know about the two different codes is that supporters of ONE (AFL to spell it out for you) can sit side by side but the other CAN'T. Anyone who turns on a TV and watches the sports results can work that much out.

Clearly there is a gaping hole in my life because I DIDN'T know that fat middle aged drunk English men from Liverpool have been singing a girlie song before their team plays soccer. :o

To answer your question. Yes I am the RIGHT person to ask. Why because I follow AUSSIE rules football, and have done ALL my long life. And in case you haven't worked it out yet I DON'T split my allegences. I also understand the culture of AFL and KNOW that singing girlie songs before a game WILL NEVER HAPPEN. So get over it.

Perhaps you are old enough to remember Cheer Leaders in the AFL/VFL. They didn't work either.

If I want to know about the EPL culture I'll summon you.....but don't hold your breath.

Go Demons

By the tone of your response, you sound like a prepubescent xenophobe, who'll never travel overseas for fear of catching a culture bug.

Anyway, when was the last riot at an EPL game? And do Victorian teams' supporters sit side by side with the Adelaide Crows supporters at AAMI stadium?

And maybe people from overseas watching an AFL game on TV, involving a home side and an interstate club, think that our supporters are segregated, when they see a small pocket of support for the interstate club.

Get a life Toad!

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Instead of trying to copy other teams songs why not create our own?

We are dawning on a new era where anything is possible.

Enough of the old culture where new ideas are thrown away as petty or stupid, bring in a new culture with fans that bleed red and blue and create an atmosphere like no other.

The basis for this needs to start with the avid fans, THAT IS US, we speek and think melbourne every day. They are in our hearts every day.

Think of this..

Round 1 2008

The first game with a new coach, new administration and most of all a new breed of supporters.

The players walk down the race to roaring crowd with a Grand old flag playing.

The players huddle the crowd builds with a roar as the break. Why not a song that indivdualy recognises the players as it is a great privlidge to play for this great team. Each players confidence and aggression lifted as their name is chanted. Idividually recognising the players will bring them together as a team.

We do not need to ditch the Demons clap clap clap or Melbourne Clap Clap Clap. I for one attempt to start these chants when the dees came to QLD. It is not the actual chants that are different between AFL and soccer. It is the ferocity that they are chanted with. If we create a new song that idolises this club. The Support of the fans will only increase our players motivation to be first to the ball, to be the fastest and to be the most aggressive as they know that we expect nothing but the best when they pull on the red and blue.

We have time to create anything and everything for the new season to create a new stereotype for the MFC supporter. I am sick of the "MFC supporters are not passionate" LETS CHANGE THIS!!

We have a chance to do this for once and for all with a new start.

Bring on the songs!! Bring on Chants!! Lets make them our own

Bring on the new generation of the MFC!! Bring on 2008!!

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