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Does anybody care about the Carlton result on Sunday?

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I've noticed a distinct lack of discussion about the Carlton match on Sunday (compared to other weeks).

-Is everybody over this season?

-Does anybody care if we lose this Sunday?

-Do people actually want us to lose to get the best draft picks possible?

-Will you be upset if we lose?

-Are you going?



-No I'm not over this season

-Yes I do care if we lose this Sunday (still haven't got any closure from last years losses that cost us top 4)

-No I don't want us to lose for draft picks as the NO 1 pick isn't guranteed to be the best

-Yes as its probably our last chance of getting the 4 points for 2007.

-Ken Oath I'm going


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-Is everybody over this season?

Very much so. Sorry, but I am.

-Does anybody care if we lose this Sunday?

Nope, as long as the kids show something and we don't get belted, I'm happy.

-Do people actually want us to lose to get the best draft picks possible?

I never want to see us lose, but I really want the best possible draft pick as compensation for this horrible season.

-Will you be upset if we lose?

Not really.

-Are you going?

Silly question. Of course.


If the weather is ugly like today, around 38,000

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-Is everybody over this season?

Yeah, this season sucks balls!

-Does anybody care if we lose this Sunday?

Not really, due to if we lose they don't get a priority pick before the draft

-Do people actually want us to lose to get the best draft picks possible?

No, i don't want to lose but pick 2 or 3 will be good

-Will you be upset if we lose?

Depends on how we play, and the fact is once I'm at the ground i care a lot more.

-Are you going?

Damn straight I am.


With fev out i reckon 32, 593

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So you're a bit each way on that question ;)

I'm not trying to speak for Jaded (or anyone else), but I think the sentiment is that I will be barracking for us to win, but if we don't I will be far less disappointed than I would be normally.

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The only reason why I want us to lose is so Carlton doesn't get the first pick.

true that. As much as i want to inflict as much pain to carlton for costing us a top four spot last year, carlton winning this week, will hurt them more.

(who are we kidding, it was our fault we lost twice to them). We should look at ourselves before taking revenge on the blues.

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-Is everybody over this season?

Yep, bring on 2008.

-Does anybody care if we lose this Sunday?

I always care if we lose, but this wont bother me much.

-Do people actually want us to lose to get the best draft picks possible?

No, I am of the opinion that you never tank a season.

-Will you be upset if we lose?

Disappointed yes.

-Are you going?

No, I'm actually going away skiing on Sunday for a week. (And I aint ashamed of it either, before people jump on me).



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I am not over this season just yet. Yes our finals aspirations are gone but I am more excited about the next 9 weeks than I have been about the last 6.

I can't see anything but a win, win, win if we actually lose. :wacko:

Think about it, if we lose...

Carlton lose a priority pick, that's a win.

They will also go one more game ahead of us on the ladder, effectively helping us towards a better draft pick at season end. That's a win too.

And we are going to see some of our younger players play and get more valuable senior experience. That's a double win.

And if we actually win.....well I'll be happy too. ;)

Can't go due to family commitments.

Crowd = 35.000 Carlton supporters baying for Pagan's blood.

P.S Newton 6 goals.

Go Dees

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I've noticed a distinct lack of discussion about the Carlton match on Sunday (compared to other weeks).

-Is everybody over this season?

-Does anybody care if we lose this Sunday?

-Do people actually want us to lose to get the best draft picks possible?

-Will you be upset if we lose?

-Are you going?



I'm more over this season than I realised until I actually thought about it. I've got surprisingly little interest in the finals race and premiership contenders and all that. I've even let footy tipping slide :o It's hard, when you can't see your team moving out of the bottom four even with a good run.

I care about Sunday's result, particularly since my brother supports Carlton.

I definately don't want us to 'tank' for draft picks, but it would be annoying to have five wins instead of four and the extra pick around 20. If it came down to one loss for an extra likely player / Judd-trade sweetener...

I'll be upset if we lose, I always am. But the pain lies in how we lose - getting smashed all day OR losing in the last minute because of some weak free kick (I still hate Lloyd for that Elim Final Dive) would really [censored] me off.

Can't go, live on wrong planet, spaceship out of order.

We'll see if the break in the weather comes through by Sunday. I reckon there will be more people curious about this game than we'd expect. 38,000

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I'm not trying to speak for Jaded (or anyone else), but I think the sentiment is that I will be barracking for us to win, but if we don't I will be far less disappointed than I would be normally.

That pretty sums up my sentiments towards the rest of the season, thanks grazman........

Winning would be great and is always preferable to me.

But it will be wonderful to see everyone (from the kids to the seniors) play and try to re-gain, maintain or obtain a position in the side.

But then at end of the day we all know the reality of our situation, and that just means less disappointment than usual if we lose.

Particularly since I am more then interested in how they play, rather than the end result, especially considering there are a few futures on the line out there now.

And most will get a pretty fair selection shake from now until the end of the season, hopefully :unsure: !!!

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A win would say a lot about our youngsters because the team is full of them. Carlton has been going terribly so a loss would be disappointing but as long as we go close (AGAIN) I won't be too disappointed given no Neitz, Rivers, Bell, Yze, Whelan, Moloney, Johnstone, Green etc. The pressure is totally off the players now and I think they will come out and really enjoy themselves.

A win would be nice but a loss means no number 1 pick for Carlton - which means we can't lose.

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-Is everybody over this season?

Season from hell, i'm so over it.

-Does anybody care if we lose this Sunday?

I still care, but no where near as much. It's more of a pride thing now.

-Do people actually want us to lose to get the best draft picks possible?

The only time i've ever wanted to lose was the final game of 2003, but i don't EVER want us to to tank for draft picks.

-Will you be upset if we lose?

Yes, but not too upset. As long as we get plenty of games into the kids and they show something, i'll be happy.

-Are you going?

F-oath i'm going, a mate of mine knows Buckley, but more than that, the players need our support this year.



65% Carlton-35% Melbourne (if we're lucky, but i hope more)

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* -Is everybody over this season?

yes, was over it several weeks back.

* Do people actually want us to lose to get the best draft picks possible?

No don't want to lose, but yes i want the best draft picks. Think there's other games we're more likely to lose than this one.

* -Will you be upset if we lose?

After the emotional battering last week, I am now void of any sort of emotion.

* -Are you going?

Yes, looking forward to seeing the youngins and this new coach have a crack.

* -Crowd?

Don't care, Carlton home game and am crap at predictions anyways.

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-Is everybody over this season?

-Does anybody care if we lose this Sunday?

-Do people actually want us to lose to get the best draft picks possible?

-Will you be upset if we lose?

-Are you going?



No. There is lots to develop for 2008

I am more concerned about the performance of certain individuals

I want us to get the best possible draft picks we can given the outcome of our season.

Instinctively yes. If we as a team and individuals play like the Richmond game 1st half it will be hard to take solace for next year.



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Is everybody over this season?...its not finished then ??

-Does anybody care if we lose this Sunday?.....see above

-Do people actually want us to lose to get the best draft picks possible?...we wont exactly have to try to get them !! lol

-Will you be upset if we lose?... nupp...just want an honest at' 'em effort by all...lets see what we've got squirelled away

-Are you going?.. ......yep, got the skis sharpened and waxed, the Rangey is all serviced !!

-Crowd?.......... ......Bloody Bourke St's gunna be packed !! ;):P :D

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I for one do care .Weve been screaming for our younger players to play, well guess what a lot of them are on the park this week.

If we get nothing else out of this season , we get to see them play , and more importantly they get to play at this level with each other.

I no the season is " dun and dusted" for some but for me the future is what Im looking for.

Win as many games as we can and instill that feeling into a young group and they will go far.

Test the players ,test the coaches , then the club can make the choises they need to make for the clubs future.

Go to the games, support the players and club,and get ready for the ride however bumppy.


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-Is everybody over this season?

I'm not. I didn't think we'd be as good this year as many others did, so the fall from grace hasn't been as painful. I think we're heading in the right direction, and the development of our younger players - and particularly new kids on the block like Petterd - keep things interesting.

Every game and season has a story, so it's always interesting - what's going to happen to the fringe players, who's going to come on, who's finished, etc.

-Does anybody care if we lose this Sunday?

I always want to see the Dees win, and I guess at the micro level I want to win every game we play. However in the grand scheme of things I won't mind too much if we lose a few.

-Do people actually want us to lose to get the best draft picks possible?

I want us to have the best draft picks possible, but if you ask me before any game whether I want us to lose the answer'll be no.

-Will you be upset if we lose?

It's often disappointing but football isn't the be all and end all of my life :)

-Are you going?




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-Is everybody over this season?

There's probably atleast 1 person who isn't

-Does anybody care if we lose this Sunday?

Somebody will.

-Do people actually want us to lose to get the best draft picks possible?

Yes, some of them do.

-Will you be upset if we lose?

If it's close then yes, if not then not so much

-Are you going?




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-Is everybody over this season?

Yes, season is over

-Does anybody care if we lose this Sunday?

Tired of losing, but its not the end if we do

-Do people actually want us to lose to get the best draft picks possible?

Some people do

-Will you be upset if we lose?

Disappointing, but not the end of the world

-Are you going?

A little bit hard- cant go live interstate


Depending on the weather, between 30 and 45,000

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-Is everybody over this season?

Very disappointed in this year but can't wait for '08 as I honestly believe we still have what it takes to be up there with the best and injuries have cost us this year. Hopefully the taste of constant defeat won't sit well with our boys and they will all have something to proove in '08.

-Does anybody care if we lose this Sunday? With Jaded here - don't like getting beating but winning is not going to do anything for us this year so.......whatever.

-Do people actually want us to lose to get the best draft picks possible? As above

-Will you be upset if we lose? Kind of getting used to it.

-Are you going? They aren't allowed to start the game unless I am there.

-Crowd? 32,873.

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-Is everybody over this season?

Yes, season is over

-Does anybody care if we lose this Sunday?

Tired of losing, but its not the end if we do

-Do people actually want us to lose to get the best draft picks possible?

Yes, I want to lose..because than Carlton don't get the priority and increases our chances of gettign a better draft pick. Some people say tanking is wrong, I say it's clever.

-Will you be upset if we lose?

Read above

-Are you going?

Nup, I have a throat infection. lol. otherwise, I play footy on saturdays.


There will be 33,387 people at the game.

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Is everybody over this season?

Not really, I think the season still has a lot to offer.

Does anybody care if we lose this Sunday?

Winning or losing is less important to me at this point than just seeing the right signs.

Do people actually want us to lose to get the best draft picks possible?

No. I never "want" us to lose.

Will you be upset if we lose?

As above, winning or losing is less important to me at this point than just seeing the right signs, but I am always upset to some extent when we lose.

Are you going?

I'll be watching it on TV; would go if I could.



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I've noticed a distinct lack of discussion about the Carlton match on Sunday (compared to other weeks).

-Is everybody over this season?

-Does anybody care if we lose this Sunday?

-Do people actually want us to lose to get the best draft picks possible?

-Will you be upset if we lose?

-Are you going?


I'm well and truely over this season. Watching for the future now.

Always want us to win but care more about the effort.

See above (will take the draft pick if we get it but would NEVER want to loose)

Always upset if we loose.

Will decide 1 hour before if I go.


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