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Team v Dockers


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Daniher is useless if he can't see bizzel adds more to the side than Mechano man Holland and Ferguson... he is just as good if not better in the air and can actually run a bit and kick the ball half decent... sure he is 30 plus now but ND isn't exactly going youth policy so bloody get him in.

A backline of Carroll, Whelan, Bell, Rivers, Bizzel, Buckley looks much much more assured and classy than Brown, Holland, Ward etc.

Bring in Pettard also along with CJ... How can you say Cj doesnt have it when he hasnt been given a fair run in his preffered position on the wing... also bring in Byron... even if he plays only 60 % of game time he will cause some of those Freo softies to [censored] themselves. Dunn to have one more week at Sandy, same with Sylvia...

6 Changes, all add positives, pace and a bit of class to our team

IN: Bizzel, CJ, Rivers, Pickett, Pettard, Buckley

OUT: Ferguson, Brown, Holland, Wheatley, Jamar, Ward/moloney (if injured)





BUCKLEY FOR WARD/MOLONEY (if he's injured)

PETTARD FOR JAMAR (adds pace and a bit of grunt)

Play Yze forward pocket all game not bloody on the half back line how obvious is it he is only useful as a permanent forward now.... i am sure he could still snag 2-3 a game if played there all game...

Yze, Green, Davey deep.... we arent going to win by plonking Paul Johnson down forward... cant take a grab let him Substitute with White in the Ruck.. Bate gets another week, i don't think sending him back will do much to be honest...

Next week you add Sylvia, Dunn and suddenly we have in our team some young blood, 11. this week is promising and a good balance.

1. Buckley

2. Pettard

3. CJ

4. Davey

5. Jones

6. Miller

7. Rivers

8. Bell

9. Bate

10. Moloney

11. P. Johnson


12. Sylvia

13. Dunn



B: Whelan, Carroll, Bell

HB: Buckley, Rivers, Bizzel

C: Johnstone, Jones, CJ

HF: Bate, Miller, Bruce

F: Yze, Green, Davey

F: White, Mcdonald, Moloney

IC: P. Johnson, Pettard, Pickett, Godfrey

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I do, and so do half the fans..or at least everyone sitting around me on Saturday. As i've said- a player who will get cheap kicks in a winning side, yet when the going gets tough, doesnt want it. i've seen him drop 4 chest marks in the past two weeks. He has no idea whose around him, gets tackled all the time and doesn't use his body. he better find a way to rectify his style before seasons out

Yes, lets delist a bottom-age recruit in his third season. He is clearly the biggest issue we have.

I think the only way to win a flag is if we keep holding onto Godfrey and Brown and Bizzell. Also, lets bring back Woewodin.

If only we delisted Johnstone after three seasons...


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Out: P Johnson, Bate

In: Petterd, Bizzell

B: Bizzell Carroll Whelan

HB: Bell Ferguson Petterd

C: Johnstone Jones Ward

HF: Bruce Miller Yze

F: Jamar Green Davey

R: White Moloney McDonald

Int: Holland, Godfrey, Brown, Wheatley

Emg: P Johnson, C Johnson, Bate

The Outs:

P Johnson - Battled hard but one of the big men need to go

Bate - Needs a game or two Sandy to build up his confidence to find that flair he played with last year

The Ins:

Bizzell - Worked very hard all summer and deserves another oppurtunity

Petterd - Like Dunn and Bate last year, the introduction of a fresh face may give a spark

If fit:

Rivers in for Holland

Sylvia in for Wheatley

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for what its worth, my 22

B: P. Johnson Carroll Whelan

HB: Bell Rivers Brown

C: Johnstone Jones Wheatley

HF: Pickett Miller Yze

F: Holland Green Davey

R: White Bruce McDonald

Int: Jamar, Ward, Sylvia, Godfrey

Emg: Ward, Bate, C Johnson

In: Rivers(If fit), Pickett(if fit), Sylvia(if fit)

Out: Ferguson, Moloney(Ward if fit), Bate

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Even though we were hopless I think there were some positives.

Since the start of the year I have wanted Bruce down back he reads the play better than most and can play on talls and smalls.

P.Johnson to CHB is a good move and may have saved his career at least for another year. He can't ruck and has done nothing up forward. I am hopful that he can fill Holland's role.

Bell played his best game for the year.

Green proved that he is a lot better playing as a forward who occasionally plays midfield than the other way around.

Yze had heaps of chances to turn his form around before he got dropped Davey should be the same. He is still chasing hard but can't get near the ball. He definately needs help from Pickett I think you will see a different Davey when Pickett is out there the same goes for Johnstone when McLean comes back it will allow him to be released.

Next year we must recruit heavily in the midfield we need to get that right before we look at the backs and forwards, games are won and lost in the midfield. We have a massive weakness in our half backs and wings. We must get speed on the wings and we must get halfbacks that can not only provide dash but also must hit targets Brown and especially Ward don't cut it anymore.

The real negative has been our defensive pressure we have not put any pressure on the ball carrier and our tackling has been terrible we really miss Bartram in this area.

If Sylvia was to ever come back I would change his position to half back. He reminds me of a Beau Waters hard at the ball and man he is also good overhead. Waters had lots of groin problems when he was a forward\midfielder since he's moved to half back he has had no injuries. I am no medical expert but I think it would be easier for him to play half back where he can read the ball instead of having to run all day in the midfield or relying on providing quick leads in the forward line it couldn't hurt.

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For us to win, we need a big target up forward. To many times our players just bombed the ball in the fifty hoping that someone would mark it. Yes, green did a great job, but he plays a robbo role. We have 3 options with Dunn, Newton and Garland. I still think that Dunn isn't ready due to his injury, and that Newton should be given a go up at Full foward. But I highly doubt that one of these guys will get their chance with ND claiming he will try to choke up games.

Bjgc I think we will be looking for a ruckman with our first pick considering the time they take to develop, than we'll be looking for at the midfield.

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Good teams guys, but mine is the best

Just to recap -

In - Sylvia, Pickett, Dunn, Petterd, Rivers, Buckley, C.Johnson

Out - Ward, Yze, Wheatley, Bate, Godfrey, Brown, Ferguson

B - Whelan Carroll Bell

HB - Rivers Holland Pickett

C - Johnstone Jones Green

HF - Dunn Miller Bruce

F - Davey Sylvia P.Johnson

R - White Moloney McDonald

I/C - Petterd Buckley C.Johnson Jamar

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IN: Pickett, Bizzle, Rivers, C Johnson, Pettard

OUT: Jamar, Johnstone (Inj), Moloney(groin), Holland, Godfrey

Brown has been very good since coming back....at least gives us a bit of run and attack out of the backline and through the middle.

PJ should replace Jamar who just isnt getting any better....

ANd occo? dropping davey? you have to be kidding or just stupid. Its not smart footy to drop one of you best players (even when they are out of form) when half your team is out injured. You take the luxuary of dropping davey when the team is flying and we have plenty of replacements. He will have to find form in the seniors.

Thank god Occo isnt on the selection panel!

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arent moloney and trapper def outs now?

so the story goes....another 2 to the injured list....Moloney and Travis.

Leave Paul Johnson in the team, he was one of our better ones on Sunday.

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I do, and so do half the fans..or at least everyone sitting around me on Saturday. As i've said- a player who will get cheap kicks in a winning side, yet when the going gets tough, doesnt want it. i've seen him drop 4 chest marks in the past two weeks. He has no idea whose around him, gets tackled all the time and doesn't use his body. he better find a way to rectify his style before seasons out

Well i hope you have read my post in the first few posts on this topic. I have seen him play and he has the goods. Bate will be a great player and u will look like a loser when he is. Dont say i told u so and i am copying this post so when hes good i can prove u wrong and wrap ur underpants around ur head. leave him alone

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For us to win, we need a big target up forward. To many times our players just bombed the ball in the fifty hoping that someone would mark it. Yes, green did a great job, but he plays a robbo role. We have 3 options with Dunn, Newton and Garland. I still think that Dunn isn't ready due to his injury, and that Newton should be given a go up at Full foward. But I highly doubt that one of these guys will get their chance with ND claiming he will try to choke up games.

Bjgc I think we will be looking for a ruckman with our first pick considering the time they take to develop, than we'll be looking for at the midfield.

What is ur belief on C.Johnson may i ask. i find it interesting that someone in their multiple season is left alone on bagging rights and Bate is crusified. And Bate delisted lol. You would make a moccery of our players, the loss of bate cause of that reason, well i would give up following melb as a footy club.


Look at that link. 221 disposals, 8 goals, 38 tackles in 14 games. If he played 22 games thats 347. he averaged 15 a game IN HIS FIRST AFL SEASON.

now lets look at another play hmm GREEN. 477 disposals, 11 goals and 21 average disposals a game.

For a player in his what 4 or 5th season, Bate is doing ok. I cant convince you anymore and you will prob dismiss what i say. But i know im not the only one on here that disagrees with you. Anyway i guess everyones free to their thoughts; just a silly one if u ask me

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I'll go with the worst case scenario; hypothetically these players are out: Rivers, Moloney, Sylvia, Pickett

These players are confirmed as out: Neitz, Robbo, Johnstone, Frawley, McLean, Bartram

In: Bizzell, C.Johnson, Dunn

Out: Johnstone, Moloney, Wheatley

B: Whelan - Carroll - P.Johnson

HB: Bizzell - Ferguson - C.Johnson

C: Bell - Jones - Ward

HF: Brown - Miller - Dunn

F: Davey - Holland - Green

R: White - Bruce - McDonald

I: Jamar - Yze - Bate - Godfrey

E: Buckley - Petterd - Wheatley

I just feel Bizzell will be a better option than Wheatley who seems to have poor form ATM.

Bell probably needs to go onto a wing and try and play a Moloney role.

I'd like to see C.Johnson play off half back in his natural position he can hopefully give us some run. Brown and Ward will need to play midfield, our team is overloaded with flankers ATM so it's time for the more experienced players to go into the middle and lead. I'd like to see Bate play in bursts in the guts ditto Yze - who can be pretty creative at clearances.

Dunn can give us another target up forward and can kick goals.

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Yes, Wheatley's kicking is ok, but I counted 3 separate incidents yesterday in which he refused to go at the man with the footy. That's always been his issue, looking a million bucks when he has space in front of him, but having absolutely no idea how to apply any sort of pressure going the other way.

He'll stay, but gees at least Ward chases and tackles (albeit the fact that he's often chasing his own man, who he got 100m away from).


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Jamar and Green to play out of the goalsquare. Green leads out of ff and Jamar stays there for the inevitable Daniel Ward like long bomb. You must have someone tall down there to compete in their air. Davey running towards goal to crumb under jamar (i.e. start him at hff so he can run INTO the fwd line). Yze toplay fwed also with miller and a rotating midfielder. Carroll will get first crack at Tarrant and im pretty confident he has the ability toplay well on him. Pavlich, hmmm....Rivers if fit? Wheats? Biz? im not sure.

I think we can beat them but its going to take a big all-round effort.

No passengers alloowed this week demons!!!

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[quote name='The Cold Hard Truth' date='Apr 16 2007

The Outs:

P Johnson - Battled hard but one of the big men need to go

Battled hard!!! He was one of our best players.

He certainly gave Mooney something to worry about when he went to CHB.

I reckon the kid has a real future in the back line.

Leave him in - he gave his all!

I agree - he battled hard, has some presence and looks like he knows what it's about. Jamar has not had a meaningful touch this year.

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We have to look at who we are playing, the Dockers, their style is hard running, quick team, Pavlich is the only real power forward, Carroll plays well on him, the wil end the Giant up forward to change with Longmuir, give PJ another Crack down back. Tarrent will get Bell. We need to inject some pace into our team to combat Freo's foot speed. On our side Rivers is doubtful, Pickett is still under done, Col who knows and the other injuries we all know about.

B: Whelan Carroll PJ

HB: Petterd Bell Biz

C: Wheatley Jones Buckley

HF: Bruce Miller Davey

FF Dunn Green Yze

R White Macdonald TJ

Int Godfrey Jamar Moloney Brown

In Petterd, Buckley, Dunn, Biz

Out Holland, Ferguson, Bate, Ward

Petterd and Buckley over CJ and Pickett because of Freo's speed and hard running both Buckley and Petterd are quick, if Rivers is fit comes in for Biz, if Sylvia is comes in for Dunn

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