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The Barnaby


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Don't think I've ever started a new topic before, and apologies to those who are sick to death of it, but I just noticed one little item in yesterday's paper that made my flesh creep.


I can handle his being an adulterer - none of my business and I suppose they all do it. I can handle him arranging cushy jobs for his girlfriend and dirty week-ends at the taxpayer's expense - again, I imagine they all do it.


I can almost handle him being a sleazy hypocrite in opposing marriage equality because he supported the "sanctity" of marriage while having a bit on the side - yet again, I bet he had plenty of company. 


I could handle that incredible appearance on the 7.30 Report, where our Deputy PM sat there looking like a shell-shocked beetroot saying it was all "private". 


But then I came across a little sentence, in the final paragraph of an article in yesterday's Age, in which it mentioned that he'd opposed screening for cervical cancer for young women because it would "encourage promiscuity".


That was it, for me. That was enough to get me off my lazy ass and start a new topic. I've got two young daughters. That lard-faced, big-hatted lying conservative would rather condemn them to death than have them breach his "morals".


What a snivelling hound. What a fat-lipped hypocrite. What an alt-right creep.


What a Barnaby!  


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Good one mate. Didn't see you start a thread when:

Tony Burke spent $250,000 on travel for his mistress that was also his staffer

Bill Shorten faced rape allegations

Bill Shorten got Chloe Bryce pregnant while both were still married

Bob Hawke dumped Hazel for his biographer

Gareth Evans cheated on his wife and hooked up with Cheryl Kernot (who was also married)

Craig Thompson spent thousands of dollars on union fundson prostitutes and Gillard supported him becuase she needed his vote

Gillard supported the vile Peter Slipper that sent appalling texts referring to the female anatomy again because Gillard needed his vote 

It's the hypocrisy that is appalling and Joyce should perhaps be put to the sword on that given his previous comments however it's got nothing to do with the side of politics as you can see from above. It's neither conservative nor Labor or Green. Its got to do with the character of the people involved. The sins of the flesh have been committed since time immemorial.

The ALP are being hypocritical once again in pursuing Joyce this week because they are trying to avoid sending Susan Lamb to the High Court and have her dual citizenship adjudicated on. Take off your blinkers and see the real game here.


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I began my original post by saying that I didn't care about the adultery, that of course all sides did it ( I never heard the allegations about Shorten, but I'd suggest you should have some pretty solid evidence before repeating them here - of course I remember Bob and Blanche,  Gareth-Gareth, Toady Thompson etc - if you care enough to start a thread on them, go for it).


As I said, it was Barnaby's voting against screening for cervical cancer, and his reasons for it, that got on my goat. The sheer hypocrisy. I did a bit more reading on it since I posted this morning, and apparently there was a screening for boys that was introduced a year or two later, and he didn't vote against that. Boys, in the Barnaby mind, will be boys. What a jerk.


Not sure why you're bringing in the citizenship thing, or why you think it's hypocritical on Labor's part. I'm not a latched-on Labor supporter. I reckon, once the precedent was set, they should all have been referred to the High Court (I suppose Labor would counter Lamb with Frydenberg - both sad cases) -  I couldn't care less. The only ones who seem to have acted ethically were The Greens.  



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4 hours ago, jnrmac said:


it's got nothing to do with the side of politics. It's neither conservative nor Labor or Green. Its got to do with the character of the people involved. The sins of the flesh have been committed since time immemorial.



This is all that needs to be said......

( you added the sin of avarice to lust but you forgot to mention envy, pride, gluttony, sloth and wrath).


No side of politics is immune from the 7 deadly sins.

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7 minutes ago, jnrmac said:

Textbook hypocrisy

Hey Jnr - what was the background of the Shorten allegation? Was there any evidence, was there an investigation, or was it just another groundless Murdoch smear? I've never heard it before (sorry for my ignorance, but I tend to read mainly the quality press). I mean, I could say I spotted Barnaby shagging the sheepdog, but it doesn't mean much unless there's some sort of evidence.


If Tony Burke or any other politician, Labor or Liberal, is proven guilty of rorting the system, throw the book at em. Was thrilled to see the loathsome Obeid get jail-time. If Kathy Jackson is guilty of what they're alleging, off with her head. I couldn't care less. Whenever you get a whiff of power - even from a fundamentally decent organisation like Labor - the bloodsuckers will come out. They need to be stomped upon. You can post all day and I'll say "Well done, Jnr, for your contribution to honesty in public places."


But this is Barnaby's moment in the sun. 

I'm not saying he deserves to go to jail or lose his job, or whatever - as far as I know, there's no law against voting against screening for cervical cancer while you're bonking the secretary (although there should be a law against those hats - as my dad used to say, the bigger the hat, the smaller the cattle). 

All I'm saying is that he deserves to be called out for the potato-headed hypocrite that he is. 


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1 hour ago, jnrmac said:

I'm sure you can google it. I'll get banned if I print the details here.

Dunno why you think you'd get banned. It was in the Herald Sun. I followed your advice and looked it up. The police did investigate it. Even Andrew Bolt admitted there was nothing in it. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/blogs/andrew-bolt/improbable-rape-claim-dropped-update-shorten-names-himself/news-story/8b80a5982615271f88037f224f53bb54


An unsubstantiated allegation made about him when he was 19. I'm with Andrew on this one - in bringing it up, you only cheapen the discussion. 

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6 hours ago, jnrmac said:

Good one mate. Didn't see you start a thread when:

Tony Burke spent $250,000 on travel for his mistress that was also his staffer

Bill Shorten faced rape allegations

Bill Shorten got Chloe Bryce pregnant while both were still married

Bob Hawke dumped Hazel for his biographer

Gareth Evans cheated on his wife and hooked up with Cheryl Kernot (who was also married)

Craig Thompson spent thousands of dollars on union fundson prostitutes and Gillard supported him becuase she needed his vote

Gillard supported the vile Peter Slipper that sent appalling texts referring to the female anatomy again because Gillard needed his vote 

It's the hypocrisy that is appalling and Joyce should perhaps be put to the sword on that given his previous comments however it's got nothing to do with the side of politics as you can see from above. It's neither conservative nor Labor or Green. Its got to do with the character of the people involved. The sins of the flesh have been committed since time immemorial.

The ALP are being hypocritical once again in pursuing Joyce this week because they are trying to avoid sending Susan Lamb to the High Court and have her dual citizenship adjudicated on. Take off your blinkers and see the real game here.


So we can’t make any judgement on Barneby’s behaviour because others from Labour have been found wanting in the past?  What is your fricking point Jnr! 

I mean why have you left out Ben Chifley? Surely you have something on him as well.  

Edited by Earl Hood
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21 minutes ago, Earl Hood said:

So we can’t make any judgement on Barneby’s behaviour because others from Labour have been found wanting in the past?  What is your fricking point Jnr! 

I mean why have you left out Ben Chifley? Surely you have something on him as well.  

De Jnr's of this world ALWAYS have an answer. Only thing for sure other than taxes and death.

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39 minutes ago, Earl Hood said:

So we can’t make any judgement on Barneby’s behaviour because others from Labour have been found wanting in the past?  What is your fricking point Jnr! 

I mean why have you left out Ben Chifley? Surely you have something on him as well.  

Fricking point? I am going to have to google that.

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On 12/02/2018 at 9:23 AM, Jara said:

Don't think I've ever started a new topic before, and apologies to those who are sick to death of it, but I just noticed one little item in yesterday's paper that made my flesh creep.


I can handle his being an adulterer - none of my business and I suppose they all do it. I can handle him arranging cushy jobs for his girlfriend and dirty week-ends at the taxpayer's expense - again, I imagine they all do it.


I can almost handle him being a sleazy hypocrite in opposing marriage equality because he supported the "sanctity" of marriage while having a bit on the side - yet again, I bet he had plenty of company. 


I could handle that incredible appearance on the 7.30 Report, where our Deputy PM sat there looking like a shell-shocked beetroot saying it was all "private". 


But then I came across a little sentence, in the final paragraph of an article in yesterday's Age, in which it mentioned that he'd opposed screening for cervical cancer for young women because it would "encourage promiscuity".


That was it, for me. That was enough to get me off my lazy ass and start a new topic. I've got two young daughters. That lard-faced, big-hatted lying conservative would rather condemn them to death than have them breach his "morals".


What a snivelling hound. What a fat-lipped hypocrite. What an alt-right creep.


What a Barnaby!  


Here's a conundrum for you. If Barnaby was quoted in Breibart saying the same thing did he still say it?


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42 minutes ago, Wrecker45 said:

Here's a conundrum for you. If Barnaby was quoted in Breibart saying the same thing did he still say it?


Not sure what your point is Wrecker? Are you equating the Age with Breitbart in credibility? Are you going to back the deputy PM our new Bazza McKenzie, with his silly hat, against Malcolm the PM? Happy to watch the coalition implode over this [censored]. 

Edited by Earl Hood
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20 minutes ago, Earl Hood said:

Not sure what your point is Wrecker? Are you equating the Age with Breitbart in credibility? Are you going to back the deputy PM our new Bazza McKenzie, with his silly hat, against Malcolm the PM? Happy to watch the coalition implode over this [censored]. 

It shouldn't be that hard to work out. The source is so important to the left wing preachers but the content is bordering on irrelevant. That's why it's important the quote came from the age and not Briebart even though a quote is a quote.

i'm also happy for the Turnbull government to implode over this. Although I'm not sure how Shorten can raise the bar  ...... The ex wife has more than a story to tell and yes I know the family. And yes it is much much worse than anything in the Joyce saga so far.   

Edited by Grapeviney
The allegations you refer to have been investigated and gone no further, so please be careful with what you post.
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12 hours ago, Wrecker45 said:

Here's a conundrum for you. If Barnaby was quoted in Breibart saying the same thing did he still say it?


Don't quite get what you're saying, Sensei.


If Bananaby was quoted anywhere, be it in Breitbart or Mein Kampf, I'd do what I normally do: weigh it up, see if it made sense, see if it was true. I'm sure even Breitbart has the odd truth in it somewhere. 


Personally, I'm praying that he stays on as Deputy PM. I think he's a fine man, an outstanding leader, eloquent, handsome, well-hatted - and the best present Labor's had for years. He'll win a few votes from the sheep-shaggers in Tamworth - and cost the Coalition the election.

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On 17/02/2018 at 10:08 AM, Jara said:

Don't quite get what you're saying, Sensei.


If Bananaby was quoted anywhere, be it in Breitbart or Mein Kampf, I'd do what I normally do: weigh it up, see if it made sense, see if it was true. I'm sure even Breitbart has the odd truth in it somewhere. 


Personally, I'm praying that he stays on as Deputy PM. I think he's a fine man, an outstanding leader, eloquent, handsome, well-hatted - and the best present Labor's had for years. He'll win a few votes from the sheep-shaggers in Tamworth - and cost the Coalition the election.

Not sure how the rural voters will judge him Jara. I mean they recently voted him in with a 65% primary vote in New England despite his efforts as Water Minister presiding over the wholesale theft of taxpayer funded environmental water from the Barwon River uncovered by Four Corners. This was water theft on an industrial scale by primary industry corporations often foreign owned! All this at the expense of hard working farmers downstream and towns that nearly ran out of water last year. Barnaby’s response off record was to joke about whinging greenies! National party voters never cease to amaze me, the ordinary struggling rural voter is of limited interest to the Nats who look after the big miners, irrigators and frackers. 

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I reckon that huge New England majority was largely based on the fact that people thought it was ridiculous that he had to resign from Parliament. I agreed with them on that one, and wasn't surprised he won so easily. 


That water theft business: jeez, how depressing. I'd thought it was just some cowboys sneaking out at night and opening the valves or something. Then I saw the 7.30 / 4 Corners reports: my god, the scale of the theft. Huge, multi-national corporates just building dams, diverting massive amounts of water, killing the river for those downstream - all with the connivance of scumbags like Bananaby.   


The worst thing is that those guys always win. Throw your hat in with the monsters and you've got it made. You can bet that the second Bananaby leaves Parliament, he'll be lowering his fat ass into some million-dollar job created just for him by The Rhino.

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14 minutes ago, Jara said:

I reckon that huge New England majority was largely based on the fact that people thought it was ridiculous that he had to resign from Parliament. I agreed with them on that one, and wasn't surprised he won so easily. 

This really hasn't been really been discussed and I thought i would make comment it.

The whole citizen saga absolutely made me see red. I understand what the constitution says and I understand the  problematic word - dual citizens are ineligible to be CHOSEN to sit or to sit in parliament. There is probably some wriggle room if it wasn't for the word "chosen". 

What gets my goat is a clerical oversight led to tens of thousands of our dollars being spent on court costs and people elected not being able to represent in parliament and yet we have travel rorters on both sides of the political spectrum who basically steal money from the taxpayers, apologise and give it back and all is forgiven.....

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On 2/12/2018 at 3:37 PM, jnrmac said:

however it's got nothing to do with the side of politics as you can see from above. It's neither conservative nor Labor or Green. Its got to do with the character of the people involved.

So Junior, why are you going to so much trouble to show transgressions only on the left side of politics? 

The issue I have with Joyce is that he pushed the No vote on the basis of good old family values, whilst at the same time porking his Chief of Staff, who was then set up with a nice position in Matt Canavan's office once their relationship came to light within party ranks.

Of those cases you cite above, and in particular the Tony Burke case which comes closest in terms of scenarios, it would seem that the right (or, in this case wrong) side of politics learned nothing in the interim.

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49 minutes ago, Jara said:

Omg, Hardtack - it's worse than I thought. He was porking his Chief of Staff? As well as Miss Vicki?  And, presumably, Mrs Joyce from time to time? 


I didn't know that. What a man. 

Actually I am in awe ! I can't keep one relationship together let alone three.

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