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The adventures of President Donald Gump

Earl Hood

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2 hours ago, ProDee said:

Know nothing about them.  If they were peace loving innocent people then of course.  If not, then not so much.  Being a Doctor doesn't convince me either way.  

How you and other Israel-hating Leftist weirdos are against the Jews but instead support a religion and people that want to kill every living Jew simply for being Jewish is extraordinary.   Not to mention they would also like nothing more than to relieve you of your own head.  All true orthodox Muslims hate every single kaffir.  The ones that don't, and thank God most don't, don't understand the Qur'an or what is truly expected of them.  ISIS, Hamas, and other terrorist groups practice Islam as it's intended.

But that's the Left for you.  The vilest and most stupid people that God ever put breath into.

How the intelligent Grapeviney leans to the left is one of life's great mysteries.  And it's not lost on me that he edits or deletes some of my posts as a favour.  He keeps me safe from trigger happy George :)

How the intelligent Grapeviney leans to the left is one of life's great mysteries.  And it's not lost on me that he edits or deletes some of my posts as a favour.  He keeps me safe from trigger happy George


He'd do us all a favour if he deleted anything you write that isn't about football.

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43 minutes ago, Earl Hood said:

Meaningful rebuttal/discussion are you serious? Have a good look at your last half dozen posts. You are not open for meaningful discussion, if you can’t see that it is your problem. No use putting up any of my opinions you just throw back utter bile.

And as for your Hamas’s tools post of photos of palestinians throwing stones and Molotov cocktails and burning tires to be somehow a threat to the nuclear armed, Israeli State 21st century military machine  is bordering on utter lunacy! Again I say take your medicine you need something! 


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35 minutes ago, ProDee said:



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2 hours ago, Jara said:

Pro im curious. Have you ever actually spoken to a Palestinian? Or been to Israel? 

Actually this is a very interesting question for ProDee, have you ever travelled overseas to other cultures, Pro? 

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Let's clear up a few things.

Firstly, Hamas have admitted that of the 62 people killed, 50 of them were actually Hamas operatives, and another 3 belonged to Palestinian Islamic Jihad, so good riddance to bad trash.

Secondly, as Pro posted above, it's well known that Hamas like to base their operations out of schools, hospitals and other civilian facilities, happy to sacrifice their own people - including kids - in the interests of advancing their political narrative. It staggers me that people even doubt this. Did they not see what's just happened in Indonesia, where girls aged 8, 9 and 12 were part of suicide missions courtesy of their kind and caring parents? What kind of sickness afflicts these people?

And finally, if you want to talk about propaganda, check out this recent gem from the Palestinian Information Centre, one of the most popular / viewed websites for the Palestinian faithful. Hahahahaha!!



Edited by Grapeviney
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12 hours ago, ProDee said:

Know nothing about them.  If they were peace loving innocent people then of course.  If not, then not so much.  Being a Doctor doesn't convince me either way.  

How you and other Israel-hating Leftist weirdos are against the Jews but instead support a religion and people that want to kill every living Jew simply for being Jewish is extraordinary.   Not to mention they would also like nothing more than to relieve you of your own head.  All true orthodox Muslims hate every single kaffir.  The ones that don't, and thank God most don't, don't understand the Qur'an or what is truly expected of them.  ISIS, Hamas, and other terrorist groups practice Islam as it's intended.

But that's the Left for you.  The vilest and most stupid people that God ever put breath into.

How the intelligent Grapeviney leans to the left is one of life's great mysteries.  And it's not lost on me that he edits or deletes some of my posts as a favour.  He keeps me safe from trigger happy George :)

Here's the reference to trigger your memory, Pro - sorry, mine was playing tricks with me. It was three daughters and a niece. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Izzeldin_Abuelaish, and the doctor's name was Izzeldin Abuelish. 

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2 hours ago, Jara said:

Here's the reference to trigger your memory, Pro - sorry, mine was playing tricks with me. It was three daughters and a niece. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Izzeldin_Abuelaish, and the doctor's name was Izzeldin Abuelish. 

Ok.  Yes, I've read it. 

What do you want me to say ?

And no, I've not traveled to the Middle East.  I have no intention to.  Although the pyramids would be amazing. 

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10 hours ago, Grapeviney said:

Let's clear up a few things.

Firstly, Hamas have admitted that of the 62 people killed, 50 of them were actually Hamas operatives, and another 3 belonged to Palestinian Islamic Jihad, so good riddance to bad trash.

Secondly, as Pro posted above, it's well known that Hamas like to base their operations out of schools, hospitals and other civilian facilities, happy to sacrifice their own people - including kids - in the interests of advancing their political narrative. It staggers me that people even doubt this. Did they not see what's just happened in Indonesia, where girls aged 8, 9 and 12 were part of suicide missions courtesy of their kind and caring parents? What kind of sickness afflicts these people?

And finally, if you want to talk about propaganda, check out this recent gem from the Palestinian Information Centre, one of the most popular / viewed websites for the Palestinian faithful. Hahahahaha!!



Gee, Grapeviney, people like you stagger me with their logic. The 'evidence' that of the 60 people murdered, 50 were Hamas Operatives comes from a site devoted to spreading Israeli propaganda misinformation and lies. To be frank, I do not believe anything that comes from an IDF source. It's about as reliable as the Colon in the UN pre Invasion of Iraq  when he held up the fictitious phials that supposedly contained enough weapons of mass destruction to wipe out 'civilization', or the Soviets maintaining till 1991 that the Germans were responsible for the Katyn massacre..

Can you now point to the hospitals and schools and civilian facilities Hamas hid their victims in during last week's slaughter.

And, once again, what the F has the tragic bombings in Indonesia got to do with Palestine?????????

Or, are you just smearing a religion? Now, it seems to me you, are and I'm surprised that as a jew and a victim of indiscriminate and also focused 'smearing ' and worse during its history, a jew would indulge in pure unabashed hatred of another religion. It does not make sense.

But then again, neither does your 'report', sources from IDF - the Purest Army in the world ,  what a tragic joke - that Hamas has admitted that 50 victims were Hamas Operatives and another 3 were Jihadists.

Edited by dieter
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2 hours ago, dieter said:

Gee, Grapeviney, people like you stagger me with their logic. The 'evidence' that of the 60 people murdered, 50 were Hamas Operatives comes from a site devoted to spreading Israeli propaganda misinformation and lies. To be frank, I do not believe anything that comes from an IDF source.

It didn't come from an IDF source. It came from a TV interview with a senior Hamas official. If you've got a problem with the numbers, take it up with your pals at Hamas.

And I've taken the liberty of deleting your most recent post, equating Zionism with Nazism. I hope, like Pro, that you're grateful for this editorial intervention, because if WJ or Andy saw it they would boot your sorry backside permanently from the site without a moment's hesitation. 

You're welcome.  

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2 hours ago, daisycutter said:

jara you need to stop staring at the trees, open your eyes and behold the forest

I'm confused. I ask Pro if he's ever actually been to this country he's got so many opinions on and you say it's me who has to open his eyes? 

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52 minutes ago, Jara said:

I'm confused. I ask Pro if he's ever actually been to this country he's got so many opinions on and you say it's me who has to open his eyes? 

you brought up a civilian victim (dr and 5 children), you asked if a poster had been to the middle east, you asked if a poster had ever spoken to a palestinian

what's the point with this trivia? there are innocent victims in all conflicts (on both sides), what would a tourist visit to middle east prove (i've been to egypt twice and israel and turkey and i'm none the wiser re the arab/israeli conflicts for having taken the trip), and what is proven by meeting a nice palestinian or muslim civilian living in australia re this conflict 

they are all cheap, meaningless red herrings

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1 hour ago, Grapeviney said:

It didn't come from an IDF source. It came from a TV interview with a senior Hamas official. If you've got a problem with the numbers, take it up with your pals at Hamas.

And I've taken the liberty of deleting your most recent post, equating Zionism with Nazism. I hope, like Pro, that you're grateful for this editorial intervention, because if WJ or Andy saw it they would boot your sorry backside permanently from the site without a moment's hesitation. 

You're welcome.  

The quote is taken out of context: it is an 11 second exerpt. You know that, you are not that dumb. And he WAS NOT saying they were Hamas operatives, or Jihadists, he was trying to say the people who were murdered would have agreed with what Hamas was trying to do by organising these demonstrations. And that's what they were, they were demonstrations against the Occupation, against being confined into an uninhabitable ghetto like Gaza, about being totally dispossessed 70 years ago. It is every man and woman's right to demonstrate against these conditions.

As for your deletion of my post, once again, you are so selective, Grapeviney. The article was an attempt to understand European Colonialism, it was an attempt at explaining just why the so-called Christian Western world goes shock horror when a white man dies, and is totally oblivious to the wholesale slaughter of Asians, Africans, Arabs, Indians, Chinese, Australian aborigines, American Indians etc etc etc. The author of this article - like the writers he quotes, James Baldwin, for example - make equations about the shocking number of fatalities directly attributable to European Colonisation and he equates the indifference shown by the Western world to the sheer scale of deaths and this process caused with what Europeans and other Western Nations regard as the vilest and most objectionable characters in their history, namely Hitler and the Nazis. The article lambasts all perpetrators of these historical atrocities with the term Nazis and Hitler-like, he does not single out Zionists. 

Now Grapeviney, maybe make yourself acquainted with the letter published in the New York Times in 1948. The letter was signed by over twenty very prominent American Jews, including Albert Einstein and Hannah Arendt. The letter was in regard to the visit by Menachim Begin to solicit funds for his Party which then became Likud. They used the term Nazi and Fascist to describe Begin, and his history ,and his Party. I guess WJ and Andy would have had to permanently ban them from this site as well by your reckoning...I could post it here but you'd probably try to ban me from the site if I did...

Edited by dieter
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1 hour ago, ProDee said:



So frigging funny, ProDee, what, imagine a Palestinian armed with a pistol. How dare he. Why should a Palestinian have a pistol to face the third most equipped and deadly army in the history of the universe.

Indeed, just proves your point, the Palestinians are wanton, arm bearing TERRORISTS. Why, some of them EVEN HAD SLING SHOTS AND ROCKS. We won't mention the deadly tyres and the even more deadly children.

By the way, ProDee, how many Israelis were murdered during this combat? Also, ProDee, do you have any idea what the Palestinian Death Toll since 1976 is compared to Israel which is an occupier, condemned - for once - even by the United Nations? I bet you have no idea....

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1 hour ago, ProDee said:






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4 hours ago, dieter said:

The quote is taken out of context: it is an 11 second exerpt. You know that, you are not that dumb. And he WAS NOT saying they were Hamas operatives, or Jihadists, he was trying to say the people who were murdered would have agreed with what Hamas was trying to do by organising these demonstrations. And that's what they were, they were demonstrations against the Occupation, against being confined into an uninhabitable ghetto like Gaza, about being totally dispossessed 70 years ago. It is every man and woman's right to demonstrate against these conditions.

As for your deletion of my post, once again, you are so selective, Grapeviney. The article was an attempt to understand European Colonialism, it was an attempt at explaining just why the so-called Christian Western world goes shock horror when a white man dies, and is totally oblivious to the wholesale slaughter of Asians, Africans, Arabs, Indians, Chinese, Australian aborigines, American Indians etc etc etc. The author of this article - like the writers he quotes, James Baldwin, for example - make equations about the shocking number of fatalities directly attributable to European Colonisation and he equates the indifference shown by the Western world to the sheer scale of deaths and this process caused with what Europeans and other Western Nations regard as the vilest and most objectionable characters in their history, namely Hitler and the Nazis. The article lambasts all perpetrators of these historical atrocities with the term Nazis and Hitler-like, he does not single out Zionists. 

Now Grapeviney, maybe make yourself acquainted with the letter published in the New York Times in 1948. The letter was signed by over twenty very prominent American Jews, including Albert Einstein and Hannah Arendt. The letter was in regard to the visit by Menachim Begin to solicit funds for his Party which then became Likud. They used the term Nazi and Fascist to describe Begin, and his history ,and his Party. I guess WJ and Andy would have had to permanently ban them from this site as well by your reckoning...I could post it here but you'd probably try to ban me from the site if I did...

Taken out of context? LOL, that old chestnut, hey. If he'd meant that all those killed were merely sympathisers with Hamas objectives, he would have said so, and NOT given a precise number - 50 out of 62.

As for the offensive and now deleted article, you should be grateful that I've also saved you the embarrassment of associating with it on an intellectual level. As I've mentioned in several earlier posts, I'm sick of people - the Left - equating every single action they don't like with Nazism, or Hitler. It's a false equivalence and it's intellectually lazy. Colonialism is not and was not Nazism, and not every bad person is like Hitler. Is it really that hard to discuss Pol Pot, or Stalin, without saying he was like Hitler? 

The same goes for the Irgun, who could very reasonably be described as a terrorist organisation. But as Nutbean pointed out a few pages back, the Irgun was nothing like the Nazis, not in philosophy, and not in their actions, and the NYT letter - which you've already posted - fails to make the case on that count.      

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11 minutes ago, Grapeviney said:

Taken out of context? LOL, that old chestnut, hey. If he'd meant that all those killed were merely sympathisers with Hamas objectives, he would have said so, and NOT given a precise number - 50 out of 62.

As for the offensive and now deleted article, you should be grateful that I've also saved you the embarrassment of associating with it on an intellectual level. As I've mentioned in several earlier posts, I'm sick of people - the Left - equating every single action they don't like with Nazism, or Hitler. It's a false equivalence and it's intellectually lazy. Colonialism is not and was not Nazism, and not every bad person is like Hitler. Is it really that hard to discuss Pol Pot, or Stalin, without saying he was like Hitler? 

The same goes for the Irgun, who could very reasonably be described as a terrorist organisation. But as Nutbean pointed out a few pages back, the Irgun was nothing like the Nazis, not in philosophy, and not in their actions, and the NYT letter - which you've already posted - fails to make the case on that count.      

Dear Grapeviney

You are in the position of power here, you can pontificate and delete at your whim. You then list a series of generalized refutations of what you have personally deleted as though you are like the Pope, I.E. speaking Ex Cathedra. Pro Dee does that too. It's like you are not only the sole arbiter, but also the font of all unassailable evidence as well. 

It has been said for a long time now that if the truth is unassailable then allow debate. Allow differing opinions and points of view. 

So that, for example, the article you censored - published online by Counterpoint - which presents Colonization from the perspective of the Colonised is taboo and censored. Why, because it mentions the H and N words.

You then state - once again - as though you are Pontius Pilate and the font of all wisdom - that the letter signed by so many prominent prescient Jews in 1948 'fails to make the case on that count'.  Good luck to you Grapeviney, it must be so happy to be the judge and jury, it must be so comforting to smugly sit on your sofa and censor everything you don't agree with.

Welcome to Democracy, the 'Only democracy' on Demonland, to coin a phrase.

By the way, I would love to meet you and share a bagel or a poppy seed cake and a coffee. In the end, we all share a common humanity and I guess I've decided to devote my life to embracing that humanity, a humanity that embraces every creed, culture and way of life, especially the culture and way of life of the people who have been wrongly stigmatised and persecuted. Hence my total support and admiration and commiseration for the people the Nazis persecuted, E.G. the Jews, the Poles, the Gypsies, the Russians, the Gay, the people they deemed untermensch. I urge you to think about it and cut through the propaganda, there is no Untermensch. We are all the same given the chance to be who we are. That's why, for example, I abhor the racist ramblings of Prodee.

I'll leave it to you...

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36 minutes ago, Ethan Tremblay said:

I’m actually quite uncomfortable with having someone on this site who openly supports a known middle eastern terrorist group. 

You mean Israel???????

Or, to quote Moshe Dayan: One man's Terrorist, another man's Freedom Fighter.

Get a life Ethan, you seem to think there is only one definition of the word terrorist: yours...


Edited by dieter
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23 minutes ago, dieter said:


You then state - once again - as though you are Pontius Pilate and the font of all wisdom - that the letter signed by so many prominent prescient Jews in 1948 'fails to make the case on that count'.  Good luck to you Grapeviney, it must be so happy to be the judge and jury, it must be so comforting to smugly sit on your sofa and censor everything you don't agree with.


Oh FFS. For the second - and final - time, the NYT letter you posted is already on the board and was never censored. 

I tried to post the letter yesterday> it seemed to have been censored. It's actually the letter which uses the word Nazi: I am only quoting.

New Palestine Party. Visit of Menachen Begin and Aims of Political Movement Discussed. A letter to The New York Times. Saturday December 4, 1948 by Albert Einstein, Hannah Arendt, Sidney Hook, et.al.

New Palestine Party. Visit of Menachen Begin and Aims of Political Movement Discussed. A letter to The New York Times, published in the "Books" section (Page 12) of Saturday December 4, 1948

by Albert Einstein, Hannah Arendt, Sidney Hook, et.al.

Source: Text from original microfilm

Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the "Freedom Party" (Tnuat Haherut), a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties. It was formed out of the membership and following of the former Irgun Zvai Leumi, a terrorist, right-wing, chauvinist organization in Palestine.
The current visit of Menachem Begin, leader of this party, to the United States is obviously calculated to give the impression of American support for his party in the coming Israeli elections, and to cement political ties with conservative Zionist elements in the United States. Several Americans of national repute have lent their names to welcome his visit. It is inconceivable that those who oppose fascism throughout the world, if correctly informed as to Mr. Begin's political record and perspectives, could add their names and support to the movement he represents.
Before irreparable damage is done by way of financial contributions, public manifestations in Begin's behalf, and the creation in Palestine of the impression that a large segment of America supports Fascist elements in Israel, the American public must be informed as to the record and objectives of Mr. Begin and his movement.
The public avowals of Begin's party are no guide whatever to its actual character. Today they speak of freedom, democracy and anti-imperialism, whereas until recently they openly preached the doctrine of the Fascist state. It is in its actions that the terrorist party betrays its real character; from its past actions we can judge what it may be expected to do in the future.

Attack on Arab Village
A shocking example was their behavior in the Arab village of Deir Yassin. This village, off the main roads and surrounded by Jewish lands, had taken no part in the war, and had even fought off Arab bands who wanted to use the village as their base. On April 9 (THE NEW YORK TIMES), terrorist bands attacked this peaceful village, which was not a military objective in the fighting, killed most of its inhabitants (240 men, women, and children) and kept a few of them alive to parade as captives through the streets of Jerusalem. Most of the Jewish community was horrified at the deed, and the Jewish Agency sent a telegram of apology to King Abdullah of Trans-Jordan. But the terrorists, far from being ashamed of their act, were proud of this massacre, publicized it widely, and invited all the foreign correspondents present in the country to view the heaped corpses and the general havoc at Deir Yassin.
The Deir Yassin incident exemplifies the character and actions of the Freedom Party.
Within the Jewish community they have preached an admixture of ultranationalism, religious mysticism, and racial superiority. Like other Fascist parties they have been used to break strikes, and have themselves pressed for the destruction of free trade unions. In their stead they have proposed corporate unions on the Italian Fascist model.
During the last years of sporadic anti-British violence, the IZL and Stern groups inaugurated a reign of terror in the Palestine Jewish community. Teachers were beaten up for speaking against them, adults were shot for not letting their children join them. By gangster methods, beatings, window-smashing, and wide-spread robberies, the terrorists intimidated the population and exacted a heavy tribute.
The people of the Freedom Party have had no part in the constructive achievements in Palestine. They have reclaimed no land, built no settlements, and only detracted from the Jewish defense activity. Their much-publicized immigration endeavors were minute, and devoted mainly to bringing in Fascist compatriots.

Discrepancies Seen
The discrepancies between the bold claims now being made by Begin and his party, and their record of past performance in Palestine bear the imprint of no ordinary political party. This is the unmistakable stamp of a Fascist party for whom terrorism (against Jews, Arabs, and British alike), and misrepresentation are means, and a "Leader State" is the goal.
In the light of the foregoing considerations, it is imperative that the truth about Mr. Begin and his movement be made known in this country. It is all the more tragic that the top leadership of American Zionism has refused to campaign against Begin's efforts, or even to expose to its own constituents the dangers to Israel from support to Begin.

The undersigned therefore take this means of publicly presenting a few salient facts concerning Begin and his party; and of urging all concerned not to support this latest manifestation of fascism.

New York, Dec. 2, 1948

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Getting back to the original issue, the move of the US embassy to West Jerusalem and with all the propaganda machines working overtime I don’t know who to believe as to what happened on the ground, like who got shot and their background etc.

I just ask if you are doing a cost benefit analysis of Trump’s decision on the embassy please point out to me the benefits. We know the costs so far, some 60 dead and hundreds injured, no matter if they are humans worth worrying about, as some query. 

Forget that, please explain to me the benefits, given the poor images it shows of the 21st Century Israeli Defence Forces in lethal action against people throwing stones and the resultant condemnation of Israel by many European Nations, etc, etc. 

I say this symbolic act is the equivalent of poking a stick at a caged animal. We do it just because we can. 

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6 hours ago, daisycutter said:

you brought up a civilian victim (dr and 5 children), you asked if a poster had been to the middle east, you asked if a poster had ever spoken to a palestinian

what's the point with this trivia? there are innocent victims in all conflicts (on both sides), what would a tourist visit to middle east prove (i've been to egypt twice and israel and turkey and i'm none the wiser re the arab/israeli conflicts for having taken the trip), and what is proven by meeting a nice palestinian or muslim civilian living in australia re this conflict 

they are all cheap, meaningless red herrings

Lemme get this straight. Somebody on this site makes a load of cruel allegations and smears against members of a particular ethnic group (e.g. not caring about children being shot because of what they'll grow up to be) and you think the question of whether or not he's ever actually met a member of said group is...."trivia"? 



Sounds like one of my racist old farmer uncles banging on about "boongs" back when I was a kid, though I doubt they'd ever met one. When I did actually meet them, I found them the nicest people I'd ever known.


Will try to reply properly about the visiting the country comment when I'm not so busy, but - briefly - I've been to Israel a couple of times - not really as a tourist - well, I suppose I was on a tourist visa, but I was staying with Jewish friends of mine who'd left Melbourne in the eighties to live there. By Israeli standards, they were very progressive - (one was a doctor) believed in the two-state solution, had Arab friends and colleagues etc.


I loved the country - progressive in many ways, very advanced, friendly people, at least the ones I met - but I also got a sense of what life must be like for the Palestinians - see themselves, quite rightly,  as having been oppressed by Europe since the Crusades (colonisation, Sykes-Picot agreement, etc) - the thing that concerned me most was this weird alliance between fundamentalist Jews and Christians who continued to steal Palestinian land for illegal settlements on the West Bank (14 years since I was there - dunno what it's like now, but I presume under Netanyahu it's worse) That and the fact that you had millions of Palestinians crammed into that hellhole known as the Gaza Strip - a breeding ground for angry young men if ever I saw one (not that I actually went there). 

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1 hour ago, Jara said:

Lemme get this straight. Somebody on this site makes a load of cruel allegations and smears against members of a particular ethnic group (e.g. not caring about children being shot because of what they'll grow up to be) and you think the question of whether or not he's ever actually met a member of said group is...."trivia"? 

You really are a dope.  And it's irreversible.

I don't care about "ethnicity".  I don't care about skin colour.  I care about culture and behaviour.  I care about adherents to Satan's religion.  Race or ethnicity is completely irrelevant.  

I despise Islamism, which is practised by many Muslims in the Middle East and specifically Hamas in the region we're referencing.  Palestinians hate the Jews, not because of the measly portion of land they occupy, but because they're Jews.

Islam is as much a political ideology as a religion.  It is vile.  It is misogynistic.  It is cruel.  It is hate filled.  It is a death cult that hates you, Jara.  It hates your children and anything you cherish.  It wants to oppress you at best, or kill you at worst.  It hates and kills gays.  It hasn't a single redeeming feature.  Yet dumb $#@!@ like you not only defend it, but grovel to it.

Name a western country that is better off with Muslim immigration ?  Just one will do.  

Leftist s.crotes enable the spread of this sick ideology. 

How you can defend terrorists against a persecuted peoples and the only democracy in the Middle East is staggering.  You decry the only free country in the Middle East and support police states that wish you harm.

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3 hours ago, dieter said:

You mean Israel???????

Or, to quote Moshe Dayan: One man's Terrorist, another man's Freedom Fighter.

Get a life Ethan, you seem to think there is only one definition of the word terrorist: yours...


No Hamas, a declared terrorist organisation whom you clearly sympathise with. 

You should be a little more careful with how openly you support them.

Edited by Ethan Tremblay
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    VOTES: Rd 16 vs Brisbane

    Captain Max Gawn has a considerable lead over the injured reigning champion Christian Petracca in the Demonland Player of the Year Award. Steven May, Alex Neal-Bullen & Jack Viney make up the Top 5. Your votes for the loss against the Lions. 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

    Demonland |
    Melbourne Demons 30

    POSTGAME: Rd 16 vs Brisbane

    The Demons once again went goalless in the last quarter and were run down by the Lions at the Gabba in the final minutes of the match ultimately losing the game by 5 points as their percentage dips below 100 for the first time since 2020. 

    Demonland |
    Melbourne Demons 455

    GAMEDAY: Rd 16 vs Brisbane

    It's Game Day and the Dees are deep in the heart of enemy territory as they take on the Lions in Brisbane under the Friday Night Lights at the Gabba. Will the Demon finally be awakened and the season get back on track or will they meekly be sacrificed like lambs to the slaughter?

    Demonland |
    Melbourne Demons 920
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