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The adventures of President Donald Gump

Earl Hood

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1 hour ago, nutbean said:

History by its very nature generalises.

I asked my father in law who hid with his family in a roof space in Zilina (Czeshoslovakia) during the Nazi occupation his recollections. Before they went into hiding there was a steady stream of escapees from the death camps that came through their town. ( I did not realise that escaping from the camps was not uncommon). He said that they indeed told stories of the gas chambers. Whilst no one for a minute was unaware of the brutality of the occupiers towards Jews, the stories of mass extermination were viewed as "stories from madmen" - they simply were incomprehensible and were just not believed.



53 minutes ago, Grapeviney said:

Let me get this straight.

They killed so much that it became routine and banal, but by and large they weren't involved in killing Jews?

Interesting theory.

Here's what the US Holocaust Memorial says about German military complicity, and here's an account from Yad Vashem (the Israeli equivalent).

Members of the German military murdered or were complicit in the murder of Jews as well as people with disabilities, Roma (Gypsies), Soviet prisoners of war, and eastern European civilians. 

The German military knowingly supported the Einsatzgruppen, which worked in the rear of the German lines in the east as mobile killing units.

Long after the war, a myth persisted claiming the German military (or Wehrmacht) was not involved in the Holocaust and other crimes associated with Nazi genocidal policy. This belief is untrue. The German military participated in many aspects of the Holocaust: in supporting Hitler, in the use of forced labor, and in the mass murder of Jews and other groups targeted by the Nazis. 

The military’s complicity extended not only to the generals and upper leadership but also to the rank and file.


The Wehrmacht was quite "nazified" by 1938, after Hitler gained the respect and fear of the armed forces by taking over territories, such as Austria and parts of Czechoslovakia, without having to resort to war. In addition, by that time, many young soldiers had joined the armed forces straight out of the Hitler Youth movement (Hitlerjugend) and the Reich Labor services. Some officers may have disapproved of the atrocities carried out by the Nazis when Germany invaded Poland in September 1939; however, they kept quiet after Germany vanquished FRANCE in May and June 1940 in a striking display of military strength and might.

Members of the Wehrmacht stood by as Einsatzgruppen units attached to the army carried out the mass murder of Jews. Some Wehrmacht units even gave the Einsatzgruppen military support. A very few Wehrmacht officers objected to the extermination of Europe's Jews.



By the way, Christopher Browning's critique of Goldhagen is based on his investigations according to the infamous Millgram experiments where the so-called good guys were trying to understand the minds of the bad guys, the nazis, who all followed orders.

The Calley Vietnam massacres, the massacres perpetrated by US soldiers in Iraq show how easy it is to get groups of men to shall we say behave badly.

There is also the famous British General who after WW 2 delivered holus bolus all the Yugoslav emmigrants who sought protection in the British zone of Austria to Tito, all of the White Russians to Stalin. Count Tolstoy wrote about this in 'The victims of Yalta' and the 'Minister and the Massacres'.

The British general who delivered thousands of people to Tito and Stalin's butchers - many were murdered literally around the corner, within earshot, sued Tolstoy for libel. He admitted delivering these people to be butchered, his excuse: I was only following orders.

No doubt there were instances of Wermacht involvement in Einsattsgruppen atrocities but it was, despite what's imputed by Golhagen and others, not common practice.

The fact that so many Mishling soldiers returned to Germany after the war to discover  not only the full extent of the Nazi horrors but also the fate of their Jewish relatives indicates that Wermacht involvement was not widespread.

There is a very sad book published in about 2002 about the fate of Mishling German soldiers: Hitler's Jewish Soldiers by Bryan Mark Rigg.

This is, in the end, a very sad and horrific topic. The reason I'm interested in it is because what my mother and father told me does not in the main co-inside with what the victors want people to believe. I fully and totally accept that the Nazis did horrific things to Jews, Gypsies, the insane, Poles, Russians etc. I also know that it is not as black and white a story as people like Goldhagen want us to believe.

I leave you with Roman Polanski's answer to why there are decent Germans  and Jews behaving badly in his film 'The Pianist'.

Polanski replied: There were good Germans, there were bad Germans. There were good Jews, there were bad Jews'.

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32 minutes ago, dieter said:

I fully and totally accept that the Nazis did horrific things to Jews, Gypsies, the insane, Poles, Russians etc. I also know that it is not as black and white a story as people like Goldhagen want us to believe.


It is black and white. The Nazis tried to wipe the Jewish people off the face of earth, no ifs, buts or maybes.

It's instructive that on the previous page you post swathes of internet links about British genocides without any kind of critical analysis of the material, but the Holocaust is somehow 'not as black and white' as we're led to believe.

38 minutes ago, dieter said:


I leave you with Roman Polanski's answer to why there are decent Germans  and Jews behaving badly in his film 'The Pianist'.

Polanski replied: There were good Germans, there were bad Germans. There were good Jews, there were bad Jews'.

Wow. Just wow. Don't think I've ever heard anyone victim-blaming the Holocaust before. Hopefully the 6 million Jews who perished were the 'bad Jews'. 

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12 minutes ago, Grapeviney said:

It is black and white. The Nazis tried to wipe the Jewish people off the face of earth, no ifs, buts or maybes.


We can always read history and find fringes and elements  that go against the general theme. I think there needs to be great care taken ( read resistance) by placing too much emphasis on the exceptions and diminish what the history clearly is. In the case of the holocaust there is the indisputable facts -a repugnant regime with a documented, systematic policy of removing a race from the face of the earth. Nothing more nothing less.

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41 minutes ago, Grapeviney said:

It is black and white. The Nazis tried to wipe the Jewish people off the face of earth, no ifs, buts or maybes.

It's instructive that on the previous page you post swathes of internet links about British genocides without any kind of critical analysis of the material, but the Holocaust is somehow 'not as black and white' as we're led to believe.

Wow. Just wow. Don't think I've ever heard anyone victim-blaming the Holocaust before. Hopefully the 6 million Jews who perished were the 'bad Jews'. 

No wow man, I'm just quoting what Polanski - a Jewish film maker and Holocaust survivor  - said.

And, I put into a context, namely Godhagen's ridiculous  - and ridiculed by people like Hillberg -  assertion that all Germans were implicated in crimes against the Jews.

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25 minutes ago, nutbean said:

We can always read history and find fringes and elements  that go against the general theme. I think there needs to be great care taken ( read resistance) by placing too much emphasis on the exceptions and diminish what the history clearly is. In the case of the holocaust there is the indisputable facts -a repugnant regime with a documented, systematic policy of removing a race from the face of the earth. Nothing more nothing less.

I'm not talking about 'fringes and elements  that go against the general theme.

I'm asserting what became my experience based on the lives of my parents and their relatives and friends, that unlike what Goldhagen says, not every German was implicated. As Raoul Hillberg said about Godhagen:  his  book is "totally wrong about everything" and "worthless".

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55 minutes ago, Grapeviney said:

It is black and white. The Nazis tried to wipe the Jewish people off the face of earth, no ifs, buts or maybes.

It's instructive that on the previous page you post swathes of internet links about British genocides without any kind of critical analysis of the material, but the Holocaust is somehow 'not as black and white' as we're led to believe.


I post details of British ignominy because it has never been properly examined in English speaking countries. The reason? I believe it's because the Brits mainly mudered Blacks and Asians and Arabs.

Lest we forget...

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33 minutes ago, dieter said:

No wow man, I'm just quoting what Polanski - a Jewish film maker and Holocaust survivor  - said.

And, I put into a context, namely Godhagen's ridiculous  - and ridiculed by people like Hillberg -  assertion that all Germans were implicated in crimes against the Jews.

You quoted him for a reason. If you disagree with it, then say so.

And no-one on here said that 'all' Germans were implicated; it was you who asserted that the German military wasn't 'by and large' involved in the killing of Jews, even though they killed so often that it became routine and banal. 

21 minutes ago, dieter said:

The reason? I believe it's because the Brits mainly mudered Blacks and Asians and Arabs.


It's OK, because there were good blacks and bad blacks, and good Asians and bad Asians, and good Arabs and bad Arabs...

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1 minute ago, Grapeviney said:

You quoted him for a reason. If you disagree with it, then say so.

And no-one on here said that 'all' Germans were implicated; it was you who asserted that the German military wasn't 'by and large' involved in the killing of Jews, even though they killed so often that it became routine and banal. 

It's OK, because there good blacks and bad blacks, and good Asians and bad Asians, and good Arabs and bad Arabs...

This is becoming quite silly, you know, old boy.

The bottom line is you believe what you want to believe, that's up to you.

I have a different experience, I believe what I chose to believe.

3 minutes ago, Grapeviney said:

And no-one on here said that 'all' Germans were implicated; it was you who asserted that the German military wasn't 'by and large' involved in the killing of Jews, even though they killed so often that it became routine and banal

Golhagen wrote all Germans were implicated, just for the record. 

And I'll stick with my assertion that in the main the Wermacht was not involved in killing Jews.

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27 minutes ago, dieter said:

This is becoming quite silly, you know, old boy.

The bottom line is you believe what you want to believe, that's up to you.

I have a different experience, I believe what I chose to believe.

Golhagen wrote all Germans were implicated, just for the record. 

And I'll stick with my assertion that in the main the Wermacht was not involved in killing Jews.

No, let's not pretend that this is some sort of contested issue.

You can believe whatever you choose, I'll stick with history and fact. 

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1 hour ago, Grapeviney said:

No, let's not pretend that this is some sort of contested issue.

You can believe whatever you choose, I'll stick with history and fact. 

Wish that was true...You believe what you've been told to believe.

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7 hours ago, nutbean said:

We can always read history and find fringes and elements  that go against the general theme. I think there needs to be great care taken ( read resistance) by placing too much emphasis on the exceptions and diminish what the history clearly is. In the case of the holocaust there is the indisputable facts -a repugnant regime with a documented, systematic policy of removing a race from the face of the earth. Nothing more nothing less.

Unfortunately, Nutbean, that kind of language - 'Nothing more nothing less' - can't even begin to embrace the sheer horrific complexities which only a human endowed with the wisdom of the mythical Solomon can unravel. It's precisely the exceptions and fringe elements, I believe, that give us hope that it won't happen again. The rest of us are like sheep who bleat and babble and follow orders and keep repeating the same old tragic man-made horror known as history.

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18 hours ago, dieter said:

This is becoming quite silly, you know, old boy.

The bottom line is you believe what you want to believe, that's up to you.

I have a different experience, I believe what I chose to believe.

Golhagen wrote all Germans were implicated, just for the record. 

And I'll stick with my assertion that in the main the Wermacht was not involved in killing Jews.

Imagine Donald Trump said that. You would have your left leaning knickers in a knot.

You choose what you want to believe. I've seen what you post and I believe that!

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6 minutes ago, Wrecker45 said:

Imagine Donald Trump said that. You would have your left leaning knickers in a knot.

You choose what you want to believe. I've seen what you post and I believe that!

I believe in The Truth and nothing but The Truth so help me god.

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On 06/12/2017 at 7:24 PM, dieter said:

I take your point.

On the other hand there was a headline on the front page of the Herald Sun about 8 years ago - the banner outside the Balwyn Newsagent proclaimed it loud and strong: MUSLIM ROBS BANK.

What I'm getting at is when any crime or atrocity committed by a muslim often - especially in this day and age - people like ProDee and Wrecker and the great unwashed rabble blame it on the Muslim faith.

All I did was point out that most of the most heinous crimes in history have been committed by so-called Christians.

Or, as my father put it, the Wermacht chaplains told German soldiers god was on their side.

My father worked out the Allied Chaplains told their soldiers the same. The same god, mind you....

In the end, it makes me angry when people who know nothing about another religion - Hanson and Lambie for example when they ooze delerium when talking about sharia law - ascribe all kinds of ghastly things to it. As a Jew you might recognize this pattern in history and I put it to you that the mad ravings of the Muslim haters in the so-called christian world come from the same people who once ranted Anti Semitism.

If what you say about the Herald Sun is true regarding the Muslim bank robber I would call that a dog whistle and condemn it.

I say that assuming the Koran doesn't glorify robbing banks. 

When the Koran clearly advocates killing non believers and then Muslims kill non believers in the name of Islam I will point the finger.


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  • 4 weeks later...
2 hours ago, Dante said:

I believe that you're an apologist for the Nazi War Machine.



Fie upon fie, this coming from a former Allie. We fought at Stalingrad together, then you changed sides when the wind changed, Dante. What a disappointment you were. Then again, you were a lousy fighter anyway. You should have stuck to poetry or entering nose picking contests.

Anyway, if you really believe that, I believe you are a mental midget.

Next you'll be calling me a man hating radical lesbian.

You might as well. It would probably be more intelligent.

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13 minutes ago, dieter said:

Fie upon fie, this coming from a former Allie. We fought at Stalingrad together, then you changed sides when the wind changed, Dante. What a disappointment you were. Then again, you were a lousy fighter anyway. You should have stuck to poetry or entering nose picking contests.

Anyway, if you really believe that, I believe you are a mental midget.

Next you'll be calling me a man hating radical lesbian.

You might as well. It would probably be more intelligent.

I didn't fight with anyone you idiot, you assume that I'm of Italian decent when in fact I'm not, my grandfather came to Australia from Ireland.

I find your posts to be, in the main, vile diatribes against anyone that questions you. Im amazed that you are still allowed to post on here.

BTW you and your posts are now on ignore, you disgust me.

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49 minutes ago, Dante said:

I didn't fight with anyone you idiot, you assume that I'm of Italian decent when in fact I'm not, my grandfather came to Australia from Ireland.

I find your posts to be, in the main, vile diatribes against anyone that questions you. Im amazed that you are still allowed to post on here.

BTW you and your posts are now on ignore, you disgust me.

Phew, one less humorless clod.

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On 09/12/2017 at 11:20 AM, Wrecker45 said:

If what you say about the Herald Sun is true regarding the Muslim bank robber I would call that a dog whistle and condemn it.

I say that assuming the Koran doesn't glorify robbing banks. 

When the Koran clearly advocates killing non believers and then Muslims kill non believers in the name of Islam I will point the finger.


But does it clearly advocate the killing on non believers?


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1 hour ago, Ethan Tremblay said:

You are a naughty boy, Ethan: this is a Hate Site, as toxic as The Elders of Zion. You should be ashamed.

TheReligionOfPeace.com: Working to Streamline the American Empire’s “War on Terror”

by Garibaldi on July 10, 2012 in Feature


by Garibaldi

Before Loonwatch launched in 2009 the web was inundated with a plethora of anti-Muslim Islamophobes, who for a full 8 years (since 9/11) organized and propagated their narratives on Islam/Muslims largely unopposed (notable exceptions). A cornerstone narrative that was developed and used by the Islamophobia Movement during this time was the myth that “All Terrorists are Muslim.” This narrative had wide circulation until it was debunked by Danios.

The fallback arguments that Islamophobes have since tried to amplify are two: 1. even if all terrorists aren’t Muslims, the overwhelming majority of terrorists are, and 2. most terrorist attacks worldwide are committed by Muslims, hence, in a further leap of logic, Islam is to blame. This argument conflates the tactic of terrorism with the religion of Islam, a claim whose proponents don’t even consider Islam a religion but rather a “political ideology.” More on this later.

TheReligionOfPeace.Com and the Faulty “Islamic Terrorism Ticker”:

If you visit JihadWatch, AtlasShrugs or any of the too numerous to count anti-Muslim hate sites and blogs, you are likely to find on the sidebar a hyperlinked image claiming that “Islamic Terrorists have carried out more than _____ Deadly Terror Attacks Since 9/11.” The image was created by the anti-Islam hate site, The Religion of Peace (TROP), associated with Islamophobe Daniel Greenfield, aka “SultanKnish,” who you will recall earns a pretty penny from the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

islamicterroristattackssince911.jpg?w=15(as of July 7,2012)

The clear visual intent of this “Islamic terrorism ticker” is to provoke an emotive fear and anxiety of a global, monolithic, totalitarian Islam (read: Muslims), that is waging terror everywhere through thousands upon thousands of unmitigated and random attacks. On TROP the “terror ticker” serves as ammunition for the site’s stated missionary proposition of portraying “Islam” as “the world’s worst religion.” It also aids in the attempt to tie terrorism to Islam.

Even a cursory glance at TROP’s list of so-called “Islamic terrorist attacks” reveals it to be nothing more than a deeply biased, propagandistic spin-job that conflates:  real terrorist attacks, (semi)religious/culturally motivated crimes, attacks on military personnel and attacks by secular groups with no ideological basis in Islam — all in theaters of occupation, civil war and separatist conflict.

Sheila Musaji comments on this aspect of TROP’s list, writing,

This site lists acts committed around the world – some in wars, some having nothing to do with Islam, but to do with nationalist or political struggles, some in civil wars. No links are given. No sources for any of this just a list of supposed attacks carried out by “Islamic terrorists”.

Musaji’s complaint about their lack of links or citations to attacks holds true, however, one can generally glean where they grab their information. Some of it is likely from verifiable news sources while other sources are Right-Wing Christian/Zionist sites and news aggregators such as World Net Daily, BosNewsLife and Arutz Sheva.

A sampling of the entries on TROP’s “terrorism attack ticker” list  is quite revealing. One of their most recent entries is an attack near Turbat, Pakistan. This is how TROP spins this nationalist/separatist attack:

According to most reports Balochistani nationalist separatists are suspected (via. CNN),

Attackers on motorcycles killed 18 Pakistani day laborers traveling through Pakistan’s Balochistan province on their way to Iran on Friday, according to Home Secretary Naseebullah Khan Bazai.

No one has claimed responsibility for the attacks, but Bazai said authorities suspect Baloch insurgents who have been fighting Pakistan’s government over economic, political and human rights issues.

According to Bazai, the day laborers from Punjab and Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa provinces were heading to Iran to seek work when four assailants on two motorcycles drew close and opened fire, killing 18 and injuring two.

The incident happened about 74 miles (120 kilometers) from Turbat, CNN affiliate GEO TV reported.

Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf’s office condemned the attack, saying in a statement that “the cowardly act will not weaken the resolve of the government and people to defeat the forces of evil.”

These facts are no hindrance for TROP’s propagandistic methodology, they likewise file this attack under “Islamic terrorist attack.”

Non-religious crime:

Criminal gangs as well as a low scale insurgency operate in Dagestan. No group has claimed responsibility for gunning down the cop. Interestingly enough if one searches Google for “off-duty cop gunned down,” one will notice many findings of such incidences occurring recently in the USA. Should such killings likewise be termed “American Terrorism,” or since the majority of Americans identify as Christians, “Christian Terrorism?”

Attack on Foreign Occupiers:

British soldiers who are part of a coalition force in Afghanistan are not civilians, therefore this attack is not one that falls under so-called “Islamic terrorism.” Terrorism in most definitions refers, in one way or another, to the targeted killing of civilians in the furtherance of a political cause.

Suspected non-religious motivated crime:

TROP seems to have taken this report from BosNewsLife, which according to its About page is a Christian news agency. News reports of this incident do not mention the religion of the two individuals who were killed. They are described as two musicians and brothers, and most reports say a “religious” motive is not suspected. Again, this does not fit the paradigm of so-called “Islamic terrorism.”

Tribal/Cultural crime:

A sad and despicable murder, but definitely not related to Islam or terrorism. TROP’s attempted spin here is to conflate Islam with the so-called cultural practice of “honor killing,” which exists in various cultures around the world.

Nationalist/Secular Attack:



The BLA are nationalists yet TROP labels them “Islamic Terrorists.”

TROP once again conflates separatist groups who have specific nationalist aspirations with so-called “Islamic terrorism.” The BLA (Balochistan Liberation Army) claimed responsibility for the attack,

QUETTA: The Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) has claimed responsibility for Wednesday’s attack on a passenger train, warning people to refrain from traveling on the Pakistan Railways coaches as “such attacks will continue until the independence of Balochistan.”

According to Meerak Baloch, a spokesman for the BLA, the portion of the train which was attacked actually carried Pakistan personnel of the Pakistan army.

“We have warned all people, including the Balochs, Sindhis and Pashtuns, to stop collaboration with the Pakistani army or traveling on Pakistani trains,” said the spokesman who called the media from an undisclosed location. The spokesman said such attacks on the Pakistani army would continue in the future as well.

Domestic violence:

A very sad story, related more to patriarchy and domestic violence than “Islamic Terrorism.” It also should be pointed out that instances of husbands beating or forcing their wives to vote the way they want is not limited to Muslim countries.

Honor killing:

Once again, a sad and despicable murder, but definitely not related to Islam or terrorism. TROP’s attempted spin here is to conflate Islam with the so-called cultural practice of “honor killing,” which exists in various cultures around the world.

Reprisal attack, inter-ethnic violence:

Myanmar is home to the displaced Muslim Rohingya peoples, a group that is considered one of the most oppressed in the world. The country is seeing some of its worst inter-ethnic violence in quite some time with the beleaguered Muslim minority facing the brunt of the violence. These attacks are better categorized under sectarian and reprisal violence, not “Islamic terrorism.”

Honor Killing:

Also an unbelievably sad and despicable triple murder, no doubt, but definitely not related to Islam or terrorism. TROP’s attempted spin here is to conflate Islam with the so-called cultural practice of “honor killing,” which exists in various cultures around the world.

Attack on Foreign Occupiers:

Once again, NATO soldiers are not civilians, this does not fall under the general understanding of “terrorism,” let alone the ephemeral concept of “Islamic terrorism.”

Separatist attack on soldiers:

TROP leaves out the fact that there has been a separatist insurgency in Southern Thailand since 2004. The majority of the population in the South are Muslim Malay who feel marginalized and discriminated against by the predominately Buddhist Thai government. This does not fit under the rubric of terrorism. Those targeted by separatist insurgents were Thai soldiers and not civilians (via. AP).

Police Col. Samneang Luejeangkam says the attackers hurled a grenade into a school in Yala province’s Krongpinang district on Saturday while soldiers were taking part in a daily briefing in the schoolyard.

 Soldiers guard state schools in the area because teachers are often targets of the separatists, who regard them as representatives of the government.

More than 5,000 people have been killed in Thailand’s three southernmost provinces since an Islamist insurgency flared in 2004. Muslim residents have long complained of being treated as second-class citizens in the predominantly Buddhist nation.

Honor-related Crime:

Another terrible honor based crime.TROP’s attempted spin here is to conflate Islam with the so-called cultural practice of “honor killing,” which exists in various cultures around the world.

Honor Killing:

Once again, a horrific and despicable double murder, but definitely not related to Islam or terrorism. TROP’s attempted spin here is to conflate Islam with the so-called cultural practice of “honor killing,” which exists in various cultures around the world.


While certainly falling under “assault” and disregard for freedom of religion/expression this has nothing to do with “terrorism.”

Possible Honor Killing:


A horrendous triple murder, but again, definitely not related to Islam or terrorism. TROP’s attempted spin here is to conflate Islam with the so-called cultural practice of “honor killing,” which exists in various non-Muslim cultures around the world.

The above is just a rough sampling of “attacks” over a period of a month that TROP included as terrorist attacks but that would not fit most definitions of terrorism, let alone so-called “Islamic terrorism.”

TROP also reports many incidents of attacks as the work of Islamist/terrorist groups when no group has taken responsibility or when law enforcement is unsure of the culprit. They omit facts, decontextualize, leaving out the fact that most of these attacks are part of larger insurgencies against the state. They also just plain lie about some attacks.

The Correlation Between the US “War on Terror” and the Exponential Increase in Terrorism in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan:

It goes without saying that experts on terrorism, actually anyone involved in counter-terrorism does not rely on TROPs silly “Islamic terrorism ticker” in their listing of terrorist attacks. Most experts laugh off TROPs clear missionary attempt at maximizing “Islamic terrorism” by inflating the numbers with everything from nationalist attacks to so-called honor killings.

What TROP and other Islamophobic sites will also cover up is the obvious correlation between the US “War on Terror” and the exponential rise of terrorism in Muslim majority countries, specifically Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. These three countries account for more than roughly two-thirds of terrorist attacks over the past 7 years.

In Danios’ groundbreaking article, Most Victims of Islamic Terrorism are Muslim…And Why America is to Blame for it, he begins by pointing out that the threat of terrorism to Americans and Europeans is “very minimal.” The brunt of terrorist attacks around the world is absorbed by Muslims. One would think that this being the case Muslims would be at the forefront cheerleading the “War on Terror,” but they aren’t,

Muslims around the globe (including in Afghanistan and Iraq), overwhelmingly disapprove of the so-called War on Terror.  In fact, they hold very negative views of the United States (at least in regard its foreign policy), viewing “‘U.S. interference in the Arab world’ as the greatest obstacle to peace and stability in the Middle East.”  This, in spite of the majority holding very negative views towards Al-Qaeda and its tactics.

So why do Muslims hold such negatives views of US foreign policy and the “War on Terror” despite also holding overwhelmingly negative views towards AlQaeda and its tactics?

It’s because they know what is painfully obvious: it is U.S. military intervention in the region that is most responsible for creating the problem of terrorism.

Statistics and graphs illustrating the number of terrorist attacks pre-War on Terror and post-War on Terror highlight this point vividly.


In the year before the Iraq War (from 3/19/2002 to 3/19/2003), there were only 13 terrorist attacks and 14 terrorism-related deaths in Iraq.  In the year after the Iraq War (from 3/20/2003 to 3/20/2004), there were 225 terrorist attacks and 1,074 terrorism-related deaths.  In other words, the U.S. invasion of Iraq resulted in an over 1600% increase in terrorist attacks and an over 7500% increase in terrorism-related deaths in just one year.  

At the height of the Iraq War, there were 3,968 terrorist attacks, resulting in 9,497 deaths–which amounts to an over 30,000% increase in terrorist incidents and over 67,000% increase in terrorism-related deaths as compared to pre-war years.
Here is a graphical representation to help visualize the data from RDWTI:

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What a beauteous thing it be : to use a huge plurabibilitiness of words, labels and headings to draw the reader’s eye away and to obscure the fact that the question being answered is not the question being asked.

Is this naked intellectual dishonesty or simple garden-variety hypocrisy ?


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    BLOW THE SIREN by Meggs

    Fremantle hosted the Demons on a sunny 20-degree Saturdayafternoon winning the toss and electing to defend in the first quarter against the 3-goal breeze favouring the Parry Street end. There was method here, as this would give the comeback queens, the Dockers, last use of the breeze. The Melbourne Coach had promised an improved performance, and we did start better than previous weeks, winning the ball out of the middle, using the breeze advantage and connecting to the forwards. 

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    AFLW Melbourne Demons

    GETAWAY by Meggs

    Calling all fit players. Expect every available Melbourne player to board the Virgin cross-continent flight to Perth for this Round 4 clash on Saturday afternoon at Fremantle Oval. It promises to be keenly contested, though Fremantle is the bookies clear favourite.  If we lose, finals could be remoter than Rottnest Island especially following on from the Dees 50-point dismantlement by North Melbourne last Sunday.  There are 8 remaining matches, over the next 7 weeks.  To Meggs’

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    AFLW Melbourne Demons

    DRUBBING by Meggs

    With Casey Fields basking in sunshine, an enthusiastic throng of young Demons fans formed a guard of honour for the evergreen and much admired 75-gamer Paxy Paxman. As the home team ran out to play, Paxy’s banner promised that the Demons would bounce back from last week’s loss to Brisbane and reign supreme.   Disappointingly, the Kangaroos dominated the match to win by 50 points, but our Paxy certainly did her bit.  She was clearly our best player, sweeping well in defence.

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    AFLW Melbourne Demons 4


    In keeping with our tough draw theme, Week 3 sees Melbourne take on flag favourites, North Melbourne, at Casey Fields this Sunday at 1:05pm.  The weather forecast looks dry, a coolish 14 degrees and will be characteristically gusty.  Remember when Casey Fields was considered our fortress?  The Demons have lost two of their past three matches at the Field of Dreams, so opposition teams commute down the Princes Highway with more optimism these days.  The Dees held the highe

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    AFLW Melbourne Demons 1

    ALLY’S FIELDS by Meggs

    It was a sunny morning at Casey Fields, as Demon supporters young and old formed a guard of honour for fan favourite and 50-gamer Alyssa Bannan.  Banno’s banner stated the speedster was the ‘fastest 50 games’ by an AFLW player ever.   For Dees supporters, today was not our day and unfortunately not for Banno either. A couple of opportunities emerged for our number 6 but alas there was no sizzle.   Brisbane atoned for last week’s record loss to North Melbourne, comprehensively out

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    AFLW Melbourne Demons 1

    GOOD MORNING by Meggs

    If you are driving or training it to Cranbourne on Saturday, don’t forget to set your alarm clock. The Melbourne Demons play the reigning premiers Brisbane Lions at Casey Fields this Saturday, with the bounce of the ball at 11:05am.  Yes, that’s AM.   The AFLW fixture shows deference to the AFL men’s finals games.  So, for the men it’s good afternoon and good evening and for the women it’s good morning.     The Lions were wounded last week by 44 points, their highest ever los

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    AFLW Melbourne Demons 3

    HORE ON FIRE by Meggs

    The 40,000 seat $319 million redeveloped Kardinia Park Stadium was nowhere near capacity last night but the strong, noisy contingent of Melbourne supporters led by the DeeArmy journeyed to Geelong to witness a high-quality battle between two of the best teams in AFLW.   The Cats entered the arena to the blasting sounds of Zombie Nation and made a hot start kicking the first 2 goals. They brought tremendous forward half pressure, and our newly renovated defensive unit looked shaky.

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    AFLW Melbourne Demons 11
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