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Terrorist attack on Canadian Mosque


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8 minutes ago, Biffen said:


I'll take the bait again.

 I've  lived in Altona North for a year and in Paris as well.

Between the Bataclan and the Rue de Republic. In the Marais. I've spent time in Nice as well.Remember the spots where all those people were executed for socialising?

I smoked a lot of hash with an Algerian who was training to be a pilot but they wouldn't let him sit the last test.

"I hate the French,I F..king hate them all" he would say to me quite often .


Does ya tink, me boy, the hatred by the Algerian might have something to do with the way the French raped Algeria during the Algerian  war of Independence, not all dat long ago, mi amigo.

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Just now, bing181 said:

You can lead a Biff to Altona and Paris, but you can't make him think.


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Just now, dieter said:

Does ya tink, me boy, the hatred by the Algerian might have something to do with the way the French raped Algeria during the Algerian  war of Independence, not all dat long ago, mi amigo.

A little yes.

I hated my maths teacher in year 11.He stunk and was boring but I grew up and moved on with my life.

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1 minute ago, Biffen said:

A little yes.

I hated my maths teacher in year 11.He stunk and was boring but I grew up and moved on with my life.

But he didn't rape you, did he, or shoot your mother and father and brother and sister and grandfather and grandmother like the French did to the Algerians.

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23 minutes ago, dieter said:

But he didn't rape you, did he, or shoot your mother and father and brother and sister and grandfather and grandmother like the French did to the Algerians.

Please ,I'll cry.


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21 minutes ago, dieter said:

P'rhaps it was/is a combo of the petrol fumes on north Altona and a thousand bong or two too many with Algerians in Paris.

No it was Moroccan hash in joints ,rubbed in Diesel.

I was a bit too close to the refinery in Altona Nth though ,smart pants.

I dont do bongs.I may be a bogan but I'm not cheap.

Edited by Biffen
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16 minutes ago, Jara said:

omg Altona North! You poor bugger. No wonder you're so cranky. I went to school there (raised in Laverton - even worse - pedophile priests behind every altar -  thank god I was an ugly child. 

An absolute wasteland Jara.

Has all the appeal of an Indian toilet and the same aroma.

All the social cohesion of Johannesburg .

With the cultural attributes only Devonport would envy.

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6 hours ago, Biffen said:

Even though it can be frustrating debating with conservatives, I do always enjoy it, because they're so ridiculously easy to shut down. The conservative viewpoint is almost always a straw-man argument.

Let's walk you through this one, Biffen. And I should point out that I am a hardliner when it comes to rape, sexual abuse and domestic violence. Our laws are weak and require upgrading to ensure rapists and other perpetrators are locked up for 25 years to life. Just bear that in mind before you accuse me of anything here.

Now, let's get to this sham of an article.

So the article starts by stating that the European Agency for Fundamental Rights have produced a report that says Sweden and Denmark experienced the most sexual assaults in the EU during 2012. It then proceeds to compare the stats in Sweden and Denmark, with those of the UK, France, Germany and Finland over that time. The only factual information given is a report by the European Agency for Fundamental Rights that says the two former countries experienced the most sexual assaults in Europe.

But then the article continues by quoting the Gatestone Institute, which is a reasonably well known conservative not-for-profit international policy council and think tank.

It then frames these quotes to give the overall impression that Muslims are the reason for this, based on no supplied evidence whatsoever.

The Gatestone Institute says "over the past 10 to 15 years, immigrants have mainly come [into Sweden] from Muslim countries such as Iraq, Syria and Somalia. Might this influx explain Sweden's rape explosion? It is difficult to give a precise answer, because Swedish law forbids registration based on people's ancestry or religion. One possible explanation is that, on average, people from the Middle East have a vastly different view of women and sex than Scandinavians have."

So even a conservative think tank has no "precise answer" and instead tries to blame the law for not matching its fears and conjectures.

Gee, I wonder if this article has a conservative agenda behind it? Surely not, it's only framing quotes from a conservative think tank as if they were facts themselves to draw an unsubstantiated link between Muslims and rapes committed in Sweden and Denmark during 2012.

Talk about a home run. Thanks for the "evidence", babe.

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48 minutes ago, Jara said:

omg Altona North! You poor bugger. No wonder you're so cranky. I went to school there (raised in Laverton - even worse - pedophile priests behind every altar -  thank god I was an ugly child. 

The first band I was in (1972) was based in Altona/Yarraville...was interesting.

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5 hours ago, Biffen said:

Please don't call me racist,I really am not.

Naww. Snowflake.

5 hours ago, hardtack said:

I hope that you're not insinuating that that is how I think.

And why do you keep shifting the goal posts? You cite an article that relates to Sweden and Denmark and I respond to that, so now you talk of a wave of assaults across Europe.  No one is saying that they are isolated incidents, and pack animals are certainly not confined to one particular belief system... are ALL catholics pedophiles or are all pedophiles catholic? (I notice you had no response to the Westminster and Vatican pedophile cases even though they are on a par with the Rotheram case you mention... is it because they have nothing to do with islam, which somehow excuses them?)

Conservatives often do it, because their original argument falls over.

3 hours ago, Biffen said:


I'll take the bait again.

 I've  lived in Altona North for a year and in Paris as well.

Between the Bataclan and the Rue de Republic. In the Marais. I've spent time in Nice as well.Remember the spots where all those people were executed for socialising?

I smoked a lot of hash with an Algerian who was training to be a pilot but they wouldn't let him sit the last test.

"I hate the French,I F..king hate them all" he would say to me quite often .

No wonder he never got that Pilots license .

In Altona Nth there was a crash on the corner intersection about 15m from my house ,ALWAYS involving Lebanese teens,usually in stolen cars ,usually crashing through people obeying the law with kids in the car and putting them into the neighbours house.This happened not once but SIXTEEN times in ONE year.Sometimes the crash was Lebanese and Lebanese hitting each other .How would you sort it out? By getting on the phone and hitting the mayhem button and have 60-80 family members duke it out on the street ,naturally!! The police would arrive and do nothing of course.Lots of Black BMWs (stereotyping again)

I know of what I speak.

I have met some great Muslims too ,many in Paris ,but they were none too devout.I have no problem with Muslims who are basically non-religious ,or those many, who are not aggro.

The new Fascists are the Lefty twerps like yourself who ignore the multiple post I've put up and chirp in with your "have nothing to back it up" you dill.I've backed up every stupid reply on here.Are you illiterate or just lazy?

Why would I bother otherwise-do you think I like educating you triggered ,feminist, whining, cliched bores?

Go out and enjoy Paris while you can buddy.

Oh, he's back and still making broad generalisations, based on his own experiences in North Altona. 

You don't seem to see the difference between saying there are some problem apples in the bunch and saying the entire batch is rotten. But of course you don't.

If you've met great Muslims that you consider "basically non-religious", perhaps that's because you've put that lens on them, not that they're not Muslim. These people are Muslim, it's just they're like the majority and not radicalised... like we keep saying.

As for backing up "every stupid reply on here", you haven't backed up a single thing. Haha, absolutely blinkered.

And when cornered, like all good conservatives, you descend into name-calling. Well played again.

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AF Darling,

At the time these stats were taken there was really only socialist governments in place in most of these countries except Britain.They were scared of alienating the ethnic voter base that kept them there.

We can argue stats till the cows come home and you may think you have had some kind of home run against me for providing them but alas , my dear ,you are again mistaken.

You've not addressed Rotherham,which is the result of governments terrified of stereotyping people as you are because I realise you want to love everyone and are terrified of offending anyone as stupid as you.Your desire to be loved is wonderfully naive and belies your kind yet indiscriminate heart.

These stats were in fact made by a humanitarian organisation.They do not count unreported rapes,which constitute at least half the incidents if we are conservative. The quote was taken from the Gatestone Institute by The Independent as an addition to the numbers,presumably because a  graph alone is a dull read.Bully for you that you've learned to verify a source for once although you are still miles off applying your well learned critical theory to something other than your own navel fluff.

If you took a look at the real issue,it's patsies like you who believe its rude to examine the idea that your thought processes are infallible and that we need to love everyone,regardless of their beliefs.

If half -wits like yourself go unchallenged you see formerly harmonious societies flooded with too many immigrants of the wrong type,in the wrong place.

Whenever I see a an ironic "ha-ha" I know you're shooting blanks like most male feminists.

Yes it's different in Altona North compared to Fitzroy North ,we don't have many Velvet Undergrads there you see.

I suggest you get out of your safe place as you are an academic oaf with the introspection of Kim Kardashian.

Let's address your naming calling. "Nazi,white supremacist ,bigot,racist,KKK,Conservative and most offensively,Snowflake".

Pull your finger out AF,you've got nothing interesting to say on the issue that has actually made me stop and think.

I do hope we are not supporting your films with a government grant. Not exactly a Blue Poles investment if we are.

You're a lazy,lazy boy and I assume your films are as unwatchable as you are unreadable.

Go and eat your lentils before you get dizzy again.

They might give you the air power to get off the couch from watching your Mike Moore doco and allow you to get some much needed fresh air.

If you ever get paid work,you will have the right to say who does and doesn't come here to live,and why.



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47 minutes ago, Biffen said:

AF Darling,

At the time these stats were taken there was really only socialist governments in place in most of these countries except Britain.They were scared of alienating the ethnic voter base that kept them there.

We can argue stats till the cows come home and you may think you have had some kind of home run against me for providing them but alas , my dear ,you are again mistaken.

You've not addressed Rotherham,which is the result of governments terrified of stereotyping people as you are because I realise you want to love everyone and are terrified of offending anyone as stupid as you.Your desire to be loved is wonderfully naive and belies your kind yet indiscriminate heart.

These stats were in fact made by a humanitarian organisation.They do not count unreported rapes,which constitute at least half the incidents if we are conservative. The quote was taken from the Gatestone Institute by The Independent as an addition to the numbers,presumably because a  graph alone is a dull read.Bully for you that you've learned to verify a source for once although you are still miles off applying your well learned critical theory to something other than your own navel fluff.

If you took a look at the real issue,it's patsies like you who believe its rude to examine the idea that your thought processes are infallible and that we need to love everyone,regardless of their beliefs.

If half -wits like yourself go unchallenged you see formerly harmonious societies flooded with too many immigrants of the wrong type,in the wrong place.

Whenever I see a an ironic "ha-ha" I know you're shooting blanks like most male feminists.

Yes it's different in Altona North compared to Fitzroy North ,we don't have many Velvet Undergrads there you see.

I suggest you get out of your safe place as you are an academic oaf with the introspection of Kim Kardashian.

Let's address your naming calling. "Nazi,white supremacist ,bigot,racist,KKK,Conservative and most offensively,Snowflake".

Pull your finger out AF,you've got nothing interesting to say on the issue that has actually made me stop and think.

I do hope we are not supporting your films with a government grant. Not exactly a Blue Poles investment if we are.

You're a lazy,lazy boy and I assume your films are as unwatchable as you are unreadable.

Go and eat your lentils before you get dizzy again.

They might give you the air power to get off the couch from watching your Mike Moore doco and allow you to get some much needed fresh air.

If you ever get paid work,you will have the right to say who does and doesn't come here to live,and why.

Again, you always know you've beaten someone and that they've got no leg to stand on when they resort to name calling.

Rotherham is completely irrelevant to your "evidence" and hence it wasn't worth addressing. But I will say now that not releasing certain details of those cases to the public was a frankly ridiculous and inexcusable lapse of judgement. But if that's all you and old mate Teresa May have to hang on the Left politically, when you and the loony Right have got little evidence for your wide-reaching every-muslim-is-a-terrorist-unless-i-met-them-in-paris-and-anyway-they-weren't-really-religious conspiracy, then you may as well give up.

And I'm sorry to disappoint you but my business is financed by private individuals, as well as government grants. The later being the go to for your idol Donald, so I wouldn't be too quick to jump at that, lest you be deemed a hypocrite and that would never do.

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11 hours ago, A F said:

Again, you always know you've beaten someone and that they've got no leg to stand on when they resort to name calling.

Rotherham is completely irrelevant to your "evidence" and hence it wasn't worth addressing. But I will say now that not releasing certain details of those cases to the public was a frankly ridiculous and inexcusable lapse of judgement. But if that's all you and old mate Teresa May have to hang on the Left politically, when you and the loony Right have got little evidence for your wide-reaching every-muslim-is-a-terrorist-unless-i-met-them-in-paris-and-anyway-they-weren't-really-religious conspiracy, then you may as well give up.

And I'm sorry to disappoint you but my business is financed by private individuals, as well as government grants. The later being the go to for your idol Donald, so I wouldn't be too quick to jump at that, lest you be deemed a hypocrite and that would never do.

Comrade AF,

You're a prime example of why the arts shouldn't be funded by the state. 

You think Rotherham is not worth a mention?

Name calling extends to leftist outraged students like yourself.

The new fascists are those like you that turn up to protest and start rioting when the tears well up.

You couldn't beat your way out of a Fabian meeting on affirmative action with a manbag .

Time for your nap.

You  seem all tired and grumpy .

What's your point?

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3 hours ago, dieter said:

I tell you guys, playing footy on a wet or frosty Saturday morning in these parts was BRUTAL.

Hey, yeah - I did that too. We'd get in the car and wonder "where are we going to get beaten up today? Yarraville? Footscray? Broady?"

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15 hours ago, Biffen said:

An absolute wasteland Jara.

Has all the appeal of an Indian toilet and the same aroma.

All the social cohesion of Johannesburg .

With the cultural attributes only Devonport would envy.

Uh....sounds terrible. When I lived there, it was kind of rough, very multi-cultural, but actually a pretty happy place to grow up. 


These days I live out in the leafy green hills: wallabies, sugar gliders, kids on horses. Much better for the head (except when it's on fire  - just got back from one ten minutes ago :(  (I'm in CFA) - ah well, everywhere's got its problems.

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2 hours ago, Jara said:

Hey, yeah - I did that too. We'd get in the car and wonder "where are we going to get beaten up today? Yarraville? Footscray? Broady?"

Then there was Seddon, and Kingsville and St Albans and Braybrook. I played for Sunshine Under 16's. My claim to fame was kicking 2 goals and getting mentioned in the Best in a final against West Footscary (Sic). My opponent was Laurie Sandilands.

At one stage in the match, my fellow ruckman - a rather pugnacious, shall we say, wide and squat boy named Garry Ross smacked Sandilands behind play. I was in the vicinity. West Footscary troopers came from everywhere to even up. I was about to yell out It wasn't me It wasn't me, but they ran past me to baste Garry Ross with some forearm pudding.

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There is a wonderful and very timely video of a young chap named Taleb today who became aggravated with the young staff at McDonalds in Guess where?

Yes Altona North!!!!!!

Apparently his order wasn't filled in the way he wanted so he reacted to the teen staff as any reasonable person would!!!!! Death threats.


Please post it for your own education.

It's totally relevant and timely .

And totally entertaining!!!!!!

You will find it in the Age.

He intends to sue the police for upholding the law.

Naturally another yoof  or 3 of (MEA) joined in to obstruct police work.

So mace was deployed- lol.

To break the stereotype , it was a Black Merc not a BMW.

Watch and learn AF- and never question the oracle of Altona Norf again!!!!!!!!!!! 

There is a god. 

Hope you all get a good laugh.

Source- the Age.

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1 minute ago, Biffen said:

There is a wonderful and very timely video of a young chap named Taleb today who became aggravated with the young staff at McDonalds in Guess where?

Yes Altona North!!!!!!

Apparently his order wasn't filled in the way he wanted so he reacted to the teen staff as any reasonable person would!!!!! Death threats.



Well, Tiiter and Bwisted, what would you have done in the same circumstances? McDonalds staff are not what they used to be..

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5 minutes ago, Biffen said:


Please post it for your own education.

It's totally relevant and timely .

And totally entertaining!!!!!!

You will find it in the Age.

He intends to sue the police for upholding the law.

Naturally another yoof of (MEA) joined in to obstruct police work.

To break the stereotype , it was a Black Merc not a BMW.

Watch and learn AF- and never question the oracle of Altona Norf again!!!!!!!!!!! 

There is a god. 

Hope you all get a good laugh.

Source- the Age.

I betcha he was a Christian Lebo, any money Titter and Bwisted. How do I know he was a Lebo ?Cos they all drive Mercedes Benzes, mate, all of them.

But the christian Lebos, they live in Altona North, mate, no Mosques/Synagogues/Orthodox churches there, mate.

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1 minute ago, dieter said:

I betcha he was a Christian Lebo, any money Titter and Bwisted.

Somehow I think not.

You are so lucky you left Northern Turkey when you did.

Crickets and tumbleweeds from the apologia .

Most entertaining video!!!!!!!!!!!

Put it up AF!!

I can't watch it enough!

If nobody can cut and paste it  my point on your cowardice is proven.

Allahu MF Akbar all right.


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