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My 3 word player analysis V The Swans


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N. Jones- was well controlled

Grimes - accountable but fragile

Salem - we've found one

Watts - far from acceptable

Dawes - tried but failed

Viney- energetic but flawed

Frawley - a forgettable game

Byrnes - didn't justify selection

Tyson - prolific and creative

Dunn - our most consistent

Cross - just a professional

Pederson - continues to surprise

Vince - gutsy and creative

Kennedy- Harris - making steady improvements

McDonald - should never kick

Howe - little boy lost

Jamar - outstanding in ruck

Bail - was probably playing

M. Jones - impressive under pressure

Terlich - see McDonald's comments

Jetta - excellent until subbed

Georgiou - limited but conscientious


Why is everyone saying Jones was well controlled when he had 33 possessions? Are some people actually dumb? Yes he wasn't as influential, but he was still solid as always.

If his name was Ablett, with the same game it'd be hailed as another good game for "the legend."

Geez Louise


Why is everyone saying Jones was well controlled when he had 33 possessions? Are some people actually dumb? Yes he wasn't as influential, but he was still solid as always.

If his name was Ablett, with the same game it'd be hailed as another good game for "the legend."

Geez Louise

Agree I thought N J was one of our best again.


Love your work. But you have taken a glass half empty approach, while I viewed most as glass half full

N. Jones- strong and active

Grimes - strong but careful

Salem - brief but classy

Watts - indifferent and lazy

Dawes - beaten by opponent

Viney- energetic but flawed

Frawley - poor forward's game

Byrnes - didn't justify selection

Tyson - strong but contained

Dunn - our backline general

Cross - sets a standard

Pederson - grunt and skill

Vince - creative but limited

Kennedy- Harris - a real spark

McDonald - beat Buddy Franklin

Howe - spark's gone out

Jamar - good ruckman's game

Bail - had little impact

M. Jones - intense and poised

Terlich - ok, but shaky

Jetta - strong and defensive

Georgiou - limited but conscientious


Jetta 'excellent'?

Tyson 'prolific'?

N Jones 'well controlled'?

Jamar 'outstanding'?

I thought he (jamar) was very good considering it was his first game back.

Harsh on Viney.

I reckon we all love his hardness and perseverance, and he takes no prisoners, but his kicking is a huge liability to team confidence. It is not just that it often lacks penetration but it rarely drops onto his boot correctly, and rarely does his intended target get to mark the ball. He either kicks it and makes the recipient have to stand still and wait for it, kicks it behind them, or just stuffs the kick all together. We might be expecting too much of him but his kicking efficiency this year has got right under my skin.


Watts - long time gone

Salem - sub no more

Jamar- taps without advantage

Roos - taking us somewhere

Umpires -are you kidding?

Goodes- class and skill

2014- room for improvement


Roos must do his magic with Watts and Howe.

Too much talent to play in the twos. I hope we dont have to drop them. But something needs to be done.


I thought he (jamar) was very good considering it was his first game back.

95% of his hit outs went straight to the swans

N. Jones- strong and active
Grimes - strong but careful
Salem - brief but classy
Watts - indifferent and lazy
Dawes - beaten by opponent
Viney- energetic but flawed
Frawley - poor forward's game
Byrnes - didn't justify selection
Tyson - strong but contained
Dunn - our backline general
Cross - sets a standard
Pederson - grunt and skill
Vince - creative but limited
Kennedy- Harris - a real spark
McDonald - beat Buddy Franklin
Howe - spark's gone out
Jamar - good ruckman's game
Bail - had little impact
M. Jones - intense and poised
Terlich - ok, but shaky
Jetta - strong and defensive
Georgiou - limited but conscientious

pretty much agree with all of that except Viney, he's not flawed he's just young, has played 15 games, he'll be our captain in 5-6 years


I thought he (jamar) was very good considering it was his first game back.

I'll cut him slack for it being his first game back, but we will go nowhere until we find a ruckman who can play football. Jamar cannot mark the ball, it's sad really.


Watts - long time gone

Salem - sub no more

Jamar- taps without advantage

Roos - taking us somewhere

Umpires -are you kidding?

Goodes- class and skill

2014- room for improvement

agree about umps, they are pathetic


Watts - long time gone

Salem - sub no more

Jamar- taps without advantage

Roos - taking us somewhere

Umpires -are you kidding?

Goodes- class and skill

2014- room for improvement

Spot on


I'll cut him slack for it being his first game back, but we will go nowhere until we find a ruckman who can play football. Jamar cannot mark the ball, it's sad really.

We had one in Clark, couldn't be in 2 places and now he's in none. A big, big loss...

...but we really need to get a developed ruck who's not getting a consistent game. Think Mummy at the Cat's, Jacobs at Carlton...


We might be expecting too much of him but his kicking efficiency this year has got right under my skin.

He might not penetrate, but Viney aint no Cale Morton with ball in hand. Expect his kicking efficiency stats to steadily rise. His fundamentals are OK, so no need to chuck a tanty over it.

They guy works hardest for his size and age. Work-rate, tackling, fighting, 2nd-effort, 3rd-effort, another tackle, and we wonder why he struggles a tiny bit? His a kid. His tank is 70% of what it will be. His knackered when he finally gets it. As Roos said, 16 are doing the work for 22. Viney is doing the work for 2.


Luke Darcy - Didn't like aggression (when we were into Buddy early in the game. Thought we were going to waken the monster)

Luke Darcy - Loved our aggression (and in-your-face approach in the 2nd quarter)


95% of his hit outs went straight to the swans

Yeah. And 95% of the time Spencers went to the opposition too.

Guess what? When they win the tap it goes to the right spot. Our mids are just not there. Our mids cannot read the tap.

Not that I think it makes a big difference. The ruck is the most overrated position on the ground.

N. Jones- strong and active
Grimes - strong but careful
Salem - brief but classy
Watts - indifferent and lazy
Dawes - beaten by opponent
Viney- energetic but flawed
Frawley - poor forward's game
Byrnes - didn't justify selection
Tyson - strong but contained
Dunn - our backline general
Cross - sets a standard
Pederson - grunt and skill
Vince - creative but limited
Kennedy- Harris - a real spark
McDonald - beat Buddy Franklin
Howe - spark's gone out
Jamar - good ruckman's game
Bail - had little impact
M. Jones - intense and poised
Terlich - ok, but shaky
Jetta - strong and defensive
Georgiou - limited but conscientious

Pedersen skilled and Vince limited?

Not sure about that...


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