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Mark "Jacko" Jackson


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A walk down Melbourne's memory lane would be incomplete without Jacko - 'I'd be bigger than the Bee Gees'

The man was larger than life when he strutted the stage at the MCG or wherever but I knew in my heart of hearts that as long as we had to rely on his showmanship and antics on the ground, we would never amount to anything.

He came to us from Richmond (where he couldn't get a senior game because they had Michael Roach and Brian Taylor) in 1981, kicked a bag - 76 goals - in each of his two seasons but we gladly let him go to St. Kilda where he kicked 10 goals one day but got sacked before the end of the season, played rugby, went to Geelong and finally ended up climbing goalposts playing in the VFA for Brunswick where he attracted 15,000 one day. Became a Hollywood actor in TV, a singer and a boxer.

Reckons he'd be bigger than the Bee Gees if he was playing today. If I was Barry Gibb, I'd sue.


To the contrary, if he was playing today he would struggle to even get drafted and probably just be one of those country footy superstars who never made it for personal reasons.


Was it Kelvin Moore who told him he'd never be a footballer so long as his arse pointed at the ground - prompting Jacko to do a handstand?


To the contrary, if he was playing today he would struggle to even get drafted and probably just be one of those country footy superstars who never made it for personal reasons.

Easy to say but in reality he was a very effective full forward.

His stats are very good.

Nightmare of a bloke to have in the team but he wouldn't have been picked unless he contributed.


hahahaha yeah jacko was a funny dude , ya gotta have a laugh , that he ended up at the hand bags was the biggest joke of all , , hahaha but he did entertain


Well, he was certainly individual....... thats got to be OK :)


Jacko was before my time but I would have loved to see him play. If not for anything but the comical value.

I think his concept of 'showmen' is interesting and how there is none left in the game. He may think being a 'showmen' is someone who will suspended for 8 weeks following a massive hit, or threatening an umpire or mouthing off at opposition supporters. That may get attention but I think we all agree it's for the wrong reason.

I'd take a hanger from Howe, a dash from Hill, a snap from Bartel or a chase down from Nic Nat long before I'd see entertainment in someone being a thug or a moron.


Well WJ you've ruffled my rooftiles.

My Jacko was the only one in his era to be able to stand up or stand upsidedown to Essondons Rotten Ronny Andrews.

Do you remember Gerrard " the Gents " bullet like passes to Mark at fullforward.He also had a better conversion rate than than the other much maligned FF Fev.

Yeah Jacko became a nomad but so too did Healy who went on to win a Brownlow at Sydney !

If our club legend RDB wasn't such an egotist at the time we'd have another 2 celebrated club champions !

No wonder Gerrrard sits on the couch and fence !

Play New York Mining Disaster and see where we're coming from !


And while I'm having a dip name me two more on the current list fit enough to pull in a crowd or bring more memberships ?


How many melbourne forwards since Whacko have kicked mid 70's (or better) goals two seasons in a row?

I'm old,my memories slipping but I still think the accurate one WJ is in further decline !


The whole club turned on Jacko when he punched Robbie Flower in the head in an in-house practice game . A natural talent but an insane egotist.


The whole club turned on Jacko when he punched Robbie Flower in the head in an in-house practice game . A natural talent but an insane egotist.

I've seen Jacko fight-I'm sure he missed.

I think he holds the AFL/VFL record for the most consecutive games starting on debut with at least one goal to his name.


To the contrary, if he was playing today he would struggle to even get drafted and probably just be one of those country footy superstars who never made it for personal reasons.

That's probably right and it's been the case for a while. In the early 90s, I was on a board which represented the region which covered the TAC Cup Dragons team (the team went through some name changes from Central to Prahran and now Sandringham). One year there was a player who was among the best in the region but a lair who also had a record of problems with the law. He used to stand out in games with his bleached blond hair and his undisciplined play. They tried but alas, the kid wouldn't learn, missed training sessions and eventually was dropped off the list. He was definitely a talent who could quite easily have made it in the AFL but for his attitude.

I have no idea what he's doing these days but I'd be surprised if he's leading a happy or a healthy life.


I had forgotten Jacko played for the MFC.

Now that you have reminded me I thinks its time to change Clubs.

Not a fan of Mr Jacko

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:


He could play. No doubt about that. But he was (is) a nutcase.

I'm really testing the memory here, but was he the one that threw a can of beer back into the crowd at Windy Hill, or am I thinking of someone different?


I had forgotten Jacko played for the MFC.

Now that you have reminded me I thinks its time to change Clubs.

Not a fan of Mr Jacko

:wacko: :wacko: :wacko: :wacko:

Try to focus on the 'MFC got rid of Jacko' part, you'll feel a little better.


To the contrary! I think Jacko got the most out of himself. He had an accurate kick up to 40 metres. Was OK on the lead but that's about it. Couldn't jump, couldn't take a pack mark, wasn't quick and useless with the ball on the ground. He was a decent target though and 76 goals in a season was a good effort. He also allowed Gerard Healy to kick a few one year (77 from memory) by dropping plenty of marks!


How many melbourne forwards since Whacko have kicked mid 70's (or better) goals two seasons in a row?

G. Lyon '94 & '95, D.Neitz avg. 72 in '02, '03 & '04


Didn't he kick 100 goals in a season for The Tigers Reserve side?


Didn't he kick 100 goals in a season for The Tigers Reserve side?

Yep. 1980. "Disco" Roach kicked a ton in the Richmond Seniors, Jacko a ton in the magoos and Peter Lane got the century in their U19's.

Plus they had Brian Taylor waiting in the wings. An embarrassment of full forward riches


G. Lyon '94 & '95, D.Neitz avg. 72 in '02, '03 & '04

Dare i say "elite" company?


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