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About puntkick

  • Birthday 29/07/1947

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  • Favourite Player(s)
    Mark " Jacko " Jackson Peter " Crackers " Keenan Brent Croswell Alistiar Clarckson

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Just north of Albury
  • Interests
    Psychology related to MFC & Demonland

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Mighty Demon

Mighty Demon (3/10)



  1. I hope Mr Pert is engaging with whoever is succeeding in extracting these countless millions of $s from the state government for the never ending development of the " tennis precinct " now scheduled to flow on to 2024 I also hope he is engaging with the " traditional owners '' of the land who are now so revered on the big game occasions at the MCG I well remember when the MFC trained on an open oval on the north side of Swan St and it was the only development between the Yarra River and Punt Road on that side I also well remember the development of the south side of Swan St for the 1956 Olympic Games.It too was pretty much public parkland enshrined to us by our forefathers apart from the Commonwealth land occupied by the Artillery and Engineers depots ( that's where our Vietnam conscripts departed from ) .When the freeway was approved ironically that land ( next to Gosch's Paddock was acquired) and was transferred up the road to where Rod Laver Arena now stands as compensation. To the best of my recollection the MCC/MCG is administered by an authority which automatically includes the Premier Tennis or the traditional owners of Yarra Park ?
  2. I watch all of my summertime Aussie Rues on NITV Why can't I watch Eddie and his team on there ?
  3. I believe next year its to be played in Portsea on horseback !
  4. Its a bit like the MFC story, no commentary !
  5. Speaking of the above hello hello !
  6. Now that Mitchell has rushed back to the sanctuary of the nest maybe Clarko will steer Lewis up to Brizzy too ! MFC has propped up the Dawks for years its all really been about jobs for the boys Tom $cullie right may the downhill slide continue to gain momentum I'm sure Clarko once said a coach shouldn't stay more than 10 years but now he's got the Dingley challenge of course ! May " comeback Jeff " continue the mayhem
  7. We are F'd !
  8. Thanks for explaining that WYLB. I always imagined it was because of your proximity to Ripponlea and your distinguished service to the ABC !
  9. Can't wait for Carlton to go bust !
  10. Does a preaedjactualtion count as a faulty detonator ?
  11. On the contrary I thought he was a hard at the contest player who under the most trying circumstances made the best of team decisions He was indeed unfortunate to miss many goals under extreme pressure When Mills was holding onto his jumper in a most unsportingly act which was captured on tv Buggy simply replied with a backhanded fend off That the reprisal was featured on tv was to be expected as it was bigger than anything Cassius Clay handed out 10/10 a perfect hit but it was neither premeditated or intentional I thank Buggy for his time at the MFC and wish him well at his next club " Don't confuse mouthy as being hard " This pretty much sums up your contributions on here !
  12. Speaking of Lewis ?
  13. I'd like to explain mine but I"m still too traumatised from when BBO hit the c button instead of the p button many years ago !
  14. If you were a real Demon Disciple dazzle you'd be buying in Table Top !
  15. Its so perifial to the last 50 years !
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