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Cam Schwab on SEN

DirtyDees DDC

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Just listened to Cam Schwab on SEN, sounding very professional as usual.

He talked about Tom and compared the situation with Jack Watts last year, where Jack was out of contract for most of the season. Cam said that that Tom is a terrific person from a very good family; very focused (all stuff you'd expect Cam to say, but it reinforces the general impression people have about Tom). It sounded like he had good lines of communication and was in regular daily contact with Tom. Cam stated that the media hype surrounding Tom and GWS was not a distraction to Tom (and i think he said the club too).

Cam was concerned that Tom was being painted as someone he wasn't (could be a reference here the Mike Sheahan's article where he compared Tom to Nathan Buckley).

He also talked about Fev and the scorpions. The club would prefer that Fev did not play with Casey, but it was up to Casey to make that decision.

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Just listened to Cam Schwab on SEN, sounding very professional as usual.

He talked about Tom and compared the situation with Jack Watts last year, where Jack was out of contract for most of the season. Cam said that that Tom is a terrific person from a very good family; very focused (all stuff you'd expect Cam to say, but it reinforces the general impression people have about Tom). It sounded like he had good lines of communication and was in regular daily contact with Tom.

Cam stated that the media hype surrounding Tom and GWS was not a distraction to Tom (and i think he said the club too).

Cam was concerned that Tom was being painted as someone he wasn't (could be a reference here the Mike Sheahan's article where he compared Tom to Nathan Buckley).

He also talked about Fev and the scorpions. The club would prefer that Fev did not play with Casey, but it was up to Casey to make that decision.

Why don't people seem to realise this?

It's only a distraction for insecure supporters.

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Why don't people seem to realise this?

It's only a distraction for insecure supporters.

I promised myself and few others not to post on this subject again but I am a tragic.

Comes, goes, stays, plays, up, down - makes not one iota of difference to the team and the coaches unless it is allowed to be ( aka Thompson/Ablett).

I keep drawing the comparison between the Scully and Sylvia - what is the difference between them ? both unsigned ? both needed and valued ? both possible targets ? The difference is the media hype and rumour ( be it correct or incorrect)surrounding one of them - Why would we have the club treat the negotiations of the two any differently ? To appease nervous supporters ? To stop media hype and speculation ?

The club (should) runs the negotiations as a mature professional unit. No ultimatums, no demands of statements of love and fidelity. We negotiated well with Davey and Green ( what we know) - not backing anyone into a corner and we negotiated well with Bruce and drew our line as to what we were prepared to offer.

I have faith that club has open lines of communications with all players management and put our best case forward - at the end of the day it will be what it will be ( but do NOT take a negotiation approach based on rumour/speculation and pandering to the emotions of both the supporters and the shark feeding frenzy media)

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I promised myself and few others not to post on this subject again but I am a tragic.

Comes, goes, stays, plays, up, down - makes not one iota of difference to the team and the coaches unless it is allowed to be ( aka Thompson/Ablett).

I keep drawing the comparison between the Scully and Sylvia - what is the difference between them ? both unsigned ? both needed and valued ? both possible targets ? The difference is the media hype and rumour ( be it correct or incorrect)surrounding one of them - Why would we have the club treat the negotiations of the two any differently ? To appease nervous supporters ? To stop media hype and speculation ?

The club (should) runs the negotiations as a mature professional unit. No ultimatums, no demands of statements of love and fidelity. We negotiated well with Davey and Green ( what we know) - not backing anyone into a corner and we negotiated well with Bruce and drew our line as to what we were prepared to offer.

I have faith that club has open lines of communications with all players management and put our best case forward - at the end of the day it will be what it will be ( but do NOT take a negotiation approach based on rumour/speculation and pandering to the emotions of both the supporters and the shark feeding frenzy media)

Good comparison.

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Well we might just talk about the how the grass is growing then. The Scully can of worms has been opened for consumption by the football public and so it goes on. Unfortunately there is only room for one big 'Who goes where" media controversy in the public consciousness at a time. Tom's the unlucky guy. If Tom does present at this alleged press conference and kills the rumours then there no doubt will be some other high profile candidate selected to continue the tradition. The ball is in his court if he wishes to put an end to it. Everyone who has offered an opinion irrespective of their views is just another attendee at the circus. Cut out the high moral ground bull please.

Edited by america de cali
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I promised myself and few others not to post on this subject again but I am a tragic.

Comes, goes, stays, plays, up, down - makes not one iota of difference to the team and the coaches unless it is allowed to be ( aka Thompson/Ablett).

I keep drawing the comparison between the Scully and Sylvia - what is the difference between them ? both unsigned ? both needed and valued ? both possible targets ? The difference is the media hype and rumour ( be it correct or incorrect)surrounding one of them - Why would we have the club treat the negotiations of the two any differently ? To appease nervous supporters ? To stop media hype and speculation ?

The club (should) runs the negotiations as a mature professional unit. No ultimatums, no demands of statements of love and fidelity. We negotiated well with Davey and Green ( what we know) - not backing anyone into a corner and we negotiated well with Bruce and drew our line as to what we were prepared to offer.

I have faith that club has open lines of communications with all players management and put our best case forward - at the end of the day it will be what it will be ( but do NOT take a negotiation approach based on rumour/speculation and pandering to the emotions of both the supporters and the shark feeding frenzy media)

here here

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I promised myself and few others not to post on this subject again but I am a tragic.

Comes, goes, stays, plays, up, down - makes not one iota of difference to the team and the coaches unless it is allowed to be ( aka Thompson/Ablett).

I keep drawing the comparison between the Scully and Sylvia - what is the difference between them ? both unsigned ? both needed and valued ? both possible targets ? The difference is the media hype and rumour ( be it correct or incorrect)surrounding one of them - Why would we have the club treat the negotiations of the two any differently ? To appease nervous supporters ? To stop media hype and speculation ?

The club (should) runs the negotiations as a mature professional unit. No ultimatums, no demands of statements of love and fidelity. We negotiated well with Davey and Green ( what we know) - not backing anyone into a corner and we negotiated well with Bruce and drew our line as to what we were prepared to offer.

I have faith that club has open lines of communications with all players management and put our best case forward - at the end of the day it will be what it will be ( but do NOT take a negotiation approach based on rumour/speculation and pandering to the emotions of both the supporters and the shark feeding frenzy media)

Well said.

rpfc endorses this view.

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Why don't people seem to realise this?

It's only a distraction for insecure supporters.

Well paint me red & blue and call me insecure.

Cale Morton not distracted when he answers questions incorrect?

Jack Trengove gets 3 articles that all take in the one subject for the majority.

More media and radio interviews than I can recall from a demon perspective to start any season, yet the focus is on a single team member rather than the group.

Doesn't sit well with me.

But I'm just distracted and insecure.

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Guest Thomo

He talked about Tom and compared the situation with Jack Watts last year, where Jack was out of contract for most of the season.

Thanks for the write up.

Just to clarify, Jack was not out of contract during last season, his contact ended at the end of the season, and a new one was not signed until then. Similar to Scully, he is contracted this year.

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Well paint me red & blue and call me insecure.

Cale Morton not distracted when he answers questions incorrect?

Jack Trengove gets 3 articles that all take in the one subject for the majority.

More media and radio interviews than I can recall from a demon perspective to start any season, yet the focus is on a single team member rather than the group.

Doesn't sit well with me.

But I'm just distracted and insecure.

like i said the other day, when Grimes is searching for an option from the kick-out, i highly doubt he is thinking about Tom Scully's playing future

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Thanks for the write up.

Just to clarify, Jack was not out of contract during last season, his contact ended at the end of the season, and a new one was not signed until then. Similar to Scully, he is contracted this year.

And not a good comparison. For most of last year Jack was widely looked upon as a turkey in the making. Not so for Tom.

Edited by america de cali
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Cut out the high moral ground bull please.


I have not offered nor will I offer an opinion as to whether TS is staying or going - I have no insight and zero idea. No moral high ground here at all.

I will offer an opinion on negotiating. I am happy to debate this with anyone due to my past and present experience in this very field. ( resume available on request).

As much as football is emotional it is run like a business. Demand and supply. Players worth and bargaining position vs clubs perceived players worth and clubs bargaining position.

Rule one and the most important rule - understand the playing field of the negotiations before commencing. Without disrespect to Juice or Bartram - you could plonk a contract down in front of them now and say sign or go - you would handle Scully/Davey/Green/Sylvia differently - where demand is likely to be considerably higher. You then go the polar extreme and look at Chris Judd leaving WCE. He completely held the whip hand in his negotiations as expected. Understand the playing field and act accordingly.

Rule two - discard and disregard distractions and periphery issues (rumour, innuendo, speculation) that have little to no effect on the final outcome (unless you let them be).

Rule three - look at individual aspects of the negotiation and see if they are fair and reasonable. With reference to rule two - to delay a contract negotiation until the later part of the contract is not unreasonable.

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Well paint me red & blue and call me insecure.

You're insecure.

Cale Morton not distracted when he answers questions incorrect?

I'm not sure what you're talking about here.

If he answered a question incorrectly, it could be because he was hungry or a hot girl walked past in the background or his mind wandered because he's being asked boring repetitive questions by a journo. Again.

It could be a multitude of reasons and you're trying to draw an exceptionally long bow.

Jack Trengove gets 3 articles that all take in the one subject for the majority.

Do you know how these little interviews work?

JT would've been asked about a million and one things, but the journo chooses to include what they want to focus on.

Besides JT being bored of the subject during an interview, it would be quickly forgotten.

I'm still yet to see a link between this line of questioning and performance on-field.

(although I'm sure as soon as we suffer a bad loss, or Scully plays poorly or someone doesn't see him and use him as an option, you'll think your theory has been proven true... which is kinda sad).

More media and radio interviews than I can recall from a demon perspective to start any season, yet the focus is on a single team member rather than the group.

Doesn't sit well with me.

That's right, doesn't sit well with you.

The players are used to repetitive questions and absurd media speculation.

It happens all the time.

But I'm just distracted and insecure.

Yes, you are.

And I'm embarrassed for you.

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Schwabby, ultra professional. Has any other CEO delivered/communicated to their club as well as what Schwabby has ?

Whiteboard Wednesday's a great example.

He has been terrific on every level A great man to have at the club and as you say ultra-professional. There have been some messy administrations recently, think Hawthorn, Port Adelaide, Brisbane. We are lucky to have te current coach and admin staff presenting a united front and working to the same plan. We are also lucky that this team headed by the great man has been able to sell the plan of the slow build to the supporters and members.

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And not a good comparison. For most of last year Jack was widely looked upon as a turkey in the making. Not so for Tom.

Only by ignorant casual fans, who believe the media hype & refuse to think for themselves.

JW has never looked like a bust.

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Then he must have knocked back some whopping offers to stay with us.

Maybe he did.

You'll never know.

Just like you're only speculating in Scully's case.

Do you have a point to make, or are you just trolling for the sake of it..?

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Going back o the original subject as posted by Dirty Dee. I didn't listen to Cam. But what appears to be said as according to DD is nothing new or unexpected. He a good officer and tows the company line. For that he is very professional. If he had good news he would have screamed it out. He also acknowledges concern at perceptions that now linger but denies this has affected the playing group or Tom. Sounds like damage control to me.

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Thanks for the write up.

Just to clarify, Jack was not out of contract during last season, his contact ended at the end of the season, and a new one was not signed until then. Similar to Scully, he is contracted this year.

Thanks for the update Thomo. I wasn't 100% sure when he signed.

When i tuned in thought they were interviewing Tim Harrington and i thought - gee this guy is good - great depth of knowledge. Turns out it was Schwab. Pity he was part of the group that gave too many concessions to GC and GWS, but that's another story.

He also discussed the NAB cup and said we need something before the season starts, because it's too hard to go from your typical pre-season to a full scale AFL match - too many guys would get injured.

I guess he's saying that the NAB cup is the bridge b/w pre-season training and a proper match, and we should view our performances so far in the NAB cup in that context.

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Going back o the original subject as posted by Dirty Dee. I didn't listen to Cam. But what appears to be said as according to DD is nothing new or unexpected. He a good officer and tows the company line. For that he is very professional. If he had good news he would have screamed it out. He also acknowledges concern at perceptions that now linger but denies this has affected the playing group or Tom. Sounds like damage control to me.

Speculative, considering you didn't even hear the interview.

I did hear it, and it was anything but 'damage control'.

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Will continue to delete posts that offer nothing, let's discuss the MFC shall we and not let the discussions veer off into useless rants and trading of insults.

Having missed the interview..is there anything else that CS had to say. Surely it wasn't all about Tom Scully.

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Speculative, considering you didn't even hear the interview.

I did hear it, and it was anything but 'damage control'.

I said according to DD's words. I trust he gave us an accurate retelling of the facts as he heard them. I am basing my opinions on what he said. Are we not supposed to comment on second hand information?

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