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2010 Membership Thread

LeBron James

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Because the MCC themselves never, ever, do any direct selling of anything at all in the reserve.

I think sometimes people lose sight of the fact that the MCC are the significantly larger and more important club in the relationship between the two. We do not, and will never, call the shots. Nor should we.

Correct. Some MFC supporters might be shocked to realise that.

I would not be happy if the MCC were selling Collingwood memberships and merchandise.

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Correct. Some MFC supporters might be shocked to realise that.

I would not be happy if the MCC were selling Collingwood memberships and merchandise.

Not arguing importance of one over the other, however the relationship is special and thus in an entirely different league to that of Collingwood. Formally "symbolised" by the signing of a document by both club presidents last year with the following wording:

"The relationship between the Melbourne Cricket Club and the Melbourne Football Club is as old as the game itself. Our clubs share both heritage and heroes, sparked by the spirit of Tom Wills in 1858 as he sought a means of keeping his Melbourne cricketers fit during the winter months. A game was born, and so was the Melbourne Football Club.

If the MCG is ‘the paddock that grew’, we cultivated it together, through hope and hardship, with characters and colour, and with a shared heart that always beats true."

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You're forgetting that MCC members have already forked out over $500 for their membership, which is a fair whack. I think a lot more MCC members would be on board if they actually got something for their money (like general MFC members who get entry to footy games for their money). If the club could come up with a way of giving some value for the $50, which is currently a donation really, then I know a few people who I reckon I could badger into joining.

Agree - as per the old thread: Carrot for MCC members

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Agree - as per the old thread: Carrot for MCC members

It'd be great if we could think of a decent carrot though...

I like BrettMCG's suggestion in that thread Tricky. GF tickets is a pretty good carrot. Could be a way of bypassing the ballot for some MCC members. Whether or not that carrot is big enough though.....

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MCC Members have already paid to get into the GF.

Only half of the reserve is balloted and the rest is available for walk-up.

There's no way on God's green earth any additional seats would be balloted or any of the existing allocation would be set aside for MFC members.

Yes, we have the largest following within the 100,000 MCC Members, but roughly 80% of the total membership are NOT MFC supporters. It's sensational that we get all the boosts that we already do from MCC, but interfering with the Grand Final access of 80% of the membership would be crossing the line.

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So we have 10,000 MCC/MFC members. Despite the fact that it is good for the club to have these people on board to begin with rather than not committed at all, doesn't it also mean that we start waaaaay back financially in terms of actual income from membership?

20,000 members are fully paid up for this year so far and 10,000 MCC affiliate members. That is compared with 40,000 fully paid up members at other clubs. If the cost of an MCC afiliate membership is $50, and the average club membership is about $150+, does this mean that we are currently really only sitting on a membership of about 23,000-24,000 in monetary terms? That would make North Melbourne's income from membership greater than ours. Am I reading this wrong? Doesn't sound as rosy to me. We need to attract way more non-MCC members. Not saying it isn't great to be getting these people on board, just that maybe they aren't going to be the financial saviours of the club.

Edited by pringle
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So we have 10,000 MCC/MFC members. Despite the fact that it is good for the club to have these people on board to begin with rather than not committed at all, doesn't it also mean that we start waaaaay back financially in terms of actual income from membership?

20,000 members are fully paid up for this year so far and 10,000 MCC affiliate members. That is compared with 40,000 fully paid up members at other clubs. If the cost of an MCC afiliate membership is $50, and the average club membership is about $150+, does this mean that we are currently really only sitting on a membership of about 23,000-24,000 in monetary terms? That would make North Melbourne's income from membership greater than ours. Am I reading this wrong? Doesn't sound as rosy to me. We need to attract way more non-MCC members. Not saying it isn't great to be getting these people on board, just that maybe they aren't going to be the financial saviours of the club.

Good points pringle - we would need to take into account the break down of the 10000 - EG % of $160 premium v $50 "recognised" members. Probably fair to assume a larger portion are the latter.

My point is that these people would otherwise not have signed up at all - so better some $ than none, furthermore they count towards the official recognised stat, which is all important for attracting sponsors etc.

Any membership is also good for the club as it is generally recurring income that can be relied on and allow for future $ projections & budgets.

We have a fully dedicated membership dept, whose job it is market for attract new members from across the board; MCC certainly won't be saviors of the club....but every bit helps.

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Whilst the current tally shown on the website stands at 30,445. They said on TFS that 31,000 had been surpassed. That's excellent news and puts us ahead 1000 memberships than at the same time last season. (29th April).

Based on that news, I envisage at the very least 32,000 signed up members for season 2010. And we could well reach 33,000 with some home games to come.

Well done Mfc !

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We have a fully dedicated membership dept, whose job it is market for attract new members from across the board; MCC certainly won't be saviors of the club....but every bit helps.

This is why we are pushing Casey. As Cameron Schwab has said, we have the best conversion of supporters to members, yet we only have 31,000 members (10,000 of which already have a MCC membership). If we continue the onfield success & our players continue to vistit schools in Casey, give away memberships to kids, our presence is always in the area, the memberships will grow - look at Hawthorn & the Waverley region.

It will take a few years, but it will happen.

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MCC Members have already paid to get into the GF.

Only half of the reserve is balloted and the rest is available for walk-up.

There's no way on God's green earth any additional seats would be balloted or any of the existing allocation would be set aside for MFC members.

Yes, we have the largest following within the 100,000 MCC Members, but roughly 80% of the total membership are NOT MFC supporters. It's sensational that we get all the boosts that we already do from MCC, but interfering with the Grand Final access of 80% of the membership would be crossing the line.

I didn't mean for MFC members, I was referring to those MCC Members, who at the time of becoming members of the MCC nominated "Melbourne" as their team supported on the MCC subscription form, which is how the 20-30% statistic is generated. You would, of course, do it with all other clubs based on who is competing. I am an MCC Member and as much as I look forward to the day the MFC next play off in a GF, I dread to think how many longtime MFC/MCC members will miss out because of other MCC Members who are supporters of non-competing clubs just deciding to turn up as they please. Surely you could block off a few thousand seats based on club support as nominated at the time of membership acceptance, or at least restrict the ballot to those groups.

Also the notion that MCC Members have already paid for entry to the ground is false. This only applies to Full Members.

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Excellent progress. Only a few hundred away from last year's tally and if comparisons can be made, 1500 more members joined up from this point until close of trade in 2009. That means we should be on target for at least 32,500+. If we win this weekend, who knows how many pumped fans will turn up to a big Friday night clash against the Bullies and decide to sign up on the night.

Also, been trying to convince a bandwagon mate to join up. He's an MCC member who has refused to watch us for the last 3 years and instead spends many a weekend at the snow. He even used to drive a Volvo and a Range Rover at different points in his life. Can he get his MCC-MFC affiliate membership from the regular membership tent at Etihad stadium (a stadium he is actually scared to go to) or does he need to wait until a game at the MCG? I'm sure he can get it at the tent, but just checking as he'll [censored] and moan if I send him on a wild goose chase.

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im 99% sure he would be able to as it is just another box on the form that you tick.. dont 100% know though

With regards to the MCC/MFC membership, i think its good without being great

i sign up to this $50 membership each year knowing ill get virtually nothing out of it, which seems a bit pointless, but i do it anyway

one option that i think would make it better would be to make it 60-75 bucks and make it a etihad stadium membership,3 game-ish? (how ever many away games we play there)

as i think alot of mcc members wouldnt go to the dome becuase of the notion they have to pay, i think it would be a great excuse for even more mcc to sign up, because at the moment it kind of seems pointless, fickle supporters need a reason to sign up and i think that would give it to them


Edited by Jonesy!!!
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im 99% sure he would be able to as it is just another box on the form that you tick.. dont 100% know though

With regards to the MCC/MFC membership, i think its good without being great

i sign up to this $50 membership each year knowing ill get virtually nothing out of it, which seems a bit pointless, but i do it anyway

one option that i think would make it better would be to make it 60-75 bucks and make it a etihad stadium membership,3 game-ish? (how ever many away games we play there)

as i think alot of mcc members wouldnt go to the dome becuase of the notion they have to pay, i think it would be a great excuse for even more mcc to sign up, because at the moment it kind of seems pointless, fickle supporters need a reason to sign up and i think that would give it to them


Jonesy I think it's a great idea to create another option for MCC/MFC members, as we've got approx 1/3 of total members who are MCC/MFC and most (like myself) consider this a donation to the club. If we are able to get more $$ out of members and attract more members to the club I'd be all for it, especially as it would cater to a vast number of MFC members. I'd certainly take it up, as it would allow all MCC/MFC members to see all our home Vic based home games (whether at the G or Dome) with the $$ going to the club and not the AFL.

Long term (say 20 years) if the MFC does end up establishing a training/administration base in the Docklands area, I believe such a category would go a long way towards creating a ready made supporter base in the CBD area. A spin off from such a category of 3 game membership (at the Dome) created for MCC/MFC members, could be that the club create a 3 game away membership category specifically designed for those people who live and work in the Docklands/CBD. If we can tap into the CBD/Docklands market (especially given the Corporate support that could be obtained for a Docklands training base/community facility which would include gym/fitness centre & training field). There's enough corporate support there to suggest that in 10 years time we could have an admin/training base that rivals the Lexus Centre in terms of Corporate sponsorship for such a facility.

Ideally I'd love to see the MFC request to play the 3 away games at the Dome on a friday night and see a greater push for the MFC tap to into the corporate market located in the CBD/Docklands, who could watch the game as part of their friday night drinks.

Edited by The O
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Ideally I'd love to see the MFC request to play the 3 away games at the Dome on a friday night and see a greater push for the MFC tap to into the corporate market located in the CBD/Docklands, who could watch the game as part of their friday night drinks.

The words ideal and games at Docklands don't go together. Let the corporates come to the MCG for our home games on Friday night

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Excellent progress. Only a few hundred away from last year's tally and if comparisons can be made, 1500 more members joined up from this point until close of trade in 2009. That means we should be on target for at least 32,500+. If we win this weekend, who knows how many pumped fans will turn up to a big Friday night clash against the Bullies and decide to sign up on the night.

Also, been trying to convince a bandwagon mate to join up. He's an MCC member who has refused to watch us for the last 3 years and instead spends many a weekend at the snow. He even used to drive a Volvo and a Range Rover at different points in his life. Can he get his MCC-MFC affiliate membership from the regular membership tent at Etihad stadium (a stadium he is actually scared to go to) or does he need to wait until a game at the MCG? I'm sure he can get it at the tent, but just checking as he'll [censored] and moan if I send him on a wild goose chase.

I think it says on the MFC site that there will not be facilities at Etihad to sign up new members that there will be next week. Nothing stopping anyone from using the internet or just ringing MCC and doing it over the phone.

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The words ideal and games at Docklands don't go together. Let the corporates come to the MCG for our home games on Friday night

Good point Roost It. It certainly ain't ideal. I was simply trying to suggest that if we've got to play games at Dome (which of course we do as an away team) maybe we could get some benefit out of them.

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the whole idea of the dome membership would be just to give that MFC/MCC membership more appeal which it currently lacks, alot of people dont see a point in buying it,myself included, the club is just relying on the real faithful buying one

it would only be for games at the dome, which mcc members rarely go to, ive got a north/mcc mate this week and he isnt going purely on the fact that its not at the mcg, its rubbish and im sure there are alot of these type of supporters that go for melbourne

We play 2 games there this year so have the $50+whatever 2 games worth of membership is worth.. something like $65 with 2 games entry would have to sell more than 50 bucks with nothing

Edited by Jonesy!!!
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I think it says on the MFC site that there will not be facilities at Etihad to sign up new members that there will be next week. Nothing stopping anyone from using the internet or just ringing MCC and doing it over the phone.

Really? That's not very good. Opposition clubs always sell memberships at our home games. Why would we not have 2 or 3 tents around the ground? I'm sure many people who haven't been to a game yet or hadn't made up their mind will be expecting to be able to buy a membership at the game this week. Would be a shame if they couldn't.

For example, I know my mate (who I mentioned earlier) won't be at the game next Friday night and despite the fact that it's not hard to do it online, he definitely won't pay for the MCC-MFC membership/donation unless I'm physically there with him and directing him to the tent. So unless there is a tent there tomorrow, he will most likely not pay his $50 or be counted in our tally this year. It's all about making it as easy as possible as many people as possible (not the bulk of US on this site of course, but for the "swinging voter").

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