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Just a note on Debt Demolition:

I got a phone call last night from an agency representing the MFC that was selling off the last of the DD raffle tickets. The raffle closes this Friday, so I guess they'll wait until that's done and dusted to tally up this year's contribution.

Given that timeline, I'd suggest there will be a final update some time early next month.

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I find all this criticism over club communication petulant, and some are fast losing what little respect I have for them...

Care or care not, that is my view.

Whilst that is your view and you freely give it,VIRTUALLY ON EVERY TOPIC- let others do the SAME.

Edited by jayceebee31
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I have one major beef currently with the MFC -that is how it is currently letting us know vital information. We have been asked to contribute all year to different things ,lastly the debt demolition fund- and for weeks now it has sat on $827,924,we do not know if this is the final total or what.Many of us have contacted them directly without a reply or any notification.Secondly, I am peeved in the way we are treated by our own website at MFC.I feel that they could update us on major points such as injury updates- How is Blease going, Garland, Wonaeamirri etc..

Again, it is my opinion, we members do not ask the club for much. However we are stakeholders in this club and deserve at least the right to be and kept informed. What do you think? & What can be done about it ?

Maybe we need to get a petition going or something like that ar get Whispering Jack to write to them or Andrew but try to put a collective voice to this issue. Your thoughts please?

They ask us to come up with directions, ideas etc.. we do and send them in and do not get the courtesy of a reply sometimes.

Also,I'd like to get an update on the Youth Summitt and what happened or happening after that.

Noticed today- that the Debt Demolition tally has been taken off MFC website,replaced by membership . Therefore, I guess, it is all over Rover. We now await to see final amount.

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I have also had terrible dealings in regards to responses by the MFC.

Offered them a fairly high profile radio/media opportunity.. and even if they didn't want it... they could have at least replied. If someone could forward me Schwabby's email i'd appreciate it.

Speaking of which my show interviewed Ron Barassi and i will be uploading it for those who are interested. Delved a little bit into his life and spoke about the MFC, Jimmy, and his thoughts on a second team in West Sydney.

Very nice guy.

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  • 2 months later...

In revisiting one of my earlier topics due to the lack of information our MFC is giving us re our training, injuries etc. and the progress of the likes such as Blease, Garland,I'd like your thoughts.. This is also been highlighted with the rumour that Strauss has broken his arm and today I heard on SEN( Kevin Bartlett) that Thorp is injured and will miss at least 8 weeks. I now doubt that we or anyone will pick him up- but gee I think we should be told by our own website. We as members deserve to be updated. I'm very disappointed that after 6 weeks of training we are no wiser,except for the great work of Demonlanders or Ologists. I'm aware that Whispering Jack & George from the Outer will soon give us information, however I would have liked the MFC website to keep us abreast -- Your opinions?

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Why would they bother tell us about Thorp? They haven't posted anything on the website about him training at the club or for that matter McDonald or Tenace. Strauss is still at training and a broken hand is hardly major news at this time of year, considering he'll be right to go after xmas.

I think you're clutching at straws JCB. If you're think these are "newsworthy" stories for the MFC especially considering the draft is today, or that the majority of members would be interested about such trivial matters then I think you're deluded. If these matters are worthy of posting on the website, what next? Bailey getting back from his O/S trip? What Jack Watts is doing for Xmas? What Morton's mum plans of feeding him to bulk up? Maybe you'd like to read about Jones' recent surfing trip?

Edited by The O
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do not ask what the club can do for you

think what you can do for your club B)

( with apologies to jfk )

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From a distance I did notice a player sporting an arm cast on Wednesday this week. May have been Strauss I reckon, but he should keep his fitness OK.

The impressive trainer has been Jones. This dynamo is fanatical about training and hates it when he or a team mate miss a target. He curses himself or yells at his team mate to do better. A great sign for the club so long as it doesn't develop into abuse, which I am sure it will not.

A few of the boys still need kicking skills polished up although this has generally improved.

In one exercise the ball was thrown to ground , then picked up by a nominated player who in turn handballed to a 2nd player running towards goal and had to deliver a 30-40 m pass to a full forward. A big effort was needed to actually get 5 direct kick passes in a row to that leading forward. It was a real battle to get this footpassing accurate into the fwd 50 and this is still a issue with the players we have. Yes they are working on it, but it must improve.

Generally they all look fit and there appears to be no fatties back from their break.

Quite a bit of boxing skills happening and 2 of the indigenous boys show real talent here.

Bate on the bike a fair bit and each session sees a group of a dozen or so do 1/2 training then off to the Casey pool.

Impressed with physique of a few of the 2nd & 3rd year players whilst general running fitness looks good across the board.

Hope this helps a bit with those who have had communication issues.

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Guest ted bundy
From a distance I did notice a player sporting an arm cast on Wednesday this week. May have been Strauss I reckon, but he should keep his fitness OK.

The impressive trainer has been Jones. This dynamo is fanatical about training and hates it when he or a team mate miss a target. He curses himself or yells at his team mate to do better. A great sign for the club so long as it doesn't develop into abuse, which I am sure it will not.

A few of the boys still need kicking skills polished up although this has generally improved.

In one exercise the ball was thrown to ground , then picked up by a nominated player who in turn handballed to a 2nd player running towards goal and had to deliver a 30-40 m pass to a full forward. A big effort was needed to actually get 5 direct kick passes in a row to that leading forward. It was a real battle to get this footpassing accurate into the fwd 50 and this is still a issue with the players we have. Yes they are working on it, but it must improve.

Generally they all look fit and there appears to be no fatties back from their break.

Quite a bit of boxing skills happening and 2 of the indigenous boys show real talent here.

Bate on the bike a fair bit and each session sees a group of a dozen or so do 1/2 training then off to the Casey pool.

Impressed with physique of a few of the 2nd & 3rd year players whilst general running fitness looks good across the board.

Hope this helps a bit with those who have had communication issues.

have you noticed morton, iv been to training 4 times and couldnt see him?

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Yeah, me too, I think the club should really make an effort to keep 30,000 members informed of every minute detail going on because there are at least 100 who feel a need to know RIGHT NOW! RIGHT NOW DAMMIT! I WANT TO KNOW - WHO WE'RE DRAFTING BEFORE THE DRAFT, WHO IS INJURED BEFORE THE SCANS ARE FINISHES, EVERY MINOR HICCUP IN TRAINING, AND THE PERSONAL HISTORIES OF ALL PLAYERS.

For the record, the guy in the sling was Strauss, who pranged his wrist during boxing and will be fine in no time.

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If these matters are worthy of posting on the website, what next? Bailey getting back from his O/S trip? What Jack Watts is doing for Xmas? What Morton's mum plans of feeding him to bulk up? Maybe you'd like to read about Jones' recent surfing trip?

Funnily enough, the Club does communicate that kind of thing.

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Why would they bother tell us about Thorp? They haven't posted anything on the website about him training at the club or for that matter McDonald or Tenace. Strauss is still at training and a broken hand is hardly major news at this time of year, considering he'll be right to go after xmas.

I think you're clutching at straws JCB. If you're think these are "newsworthy" stories for the MFC especially considering the draft is today, or that the majority of members would be interested about such trivial matters then I think you're deluded. If these matters are worthy of posting on the website, what next? Bailey getting back from his O/S trip? What Jack Watts is doing for Xmas? What Morton's mum plans of feeding him to bulk up? Maybe you'd like to read about Jones' recent surfing trip?

My point is keeping us informed- that is what the MFC WEBSITE SHOULD BE DOING.They are not. They have not, as stated gave us any update re training, injuries etc.. since starting on the 12th October. In the meantime, Garland, seems to have had a relapse, Meeson-ditto, Thorp- dunno- but reported to have broken ankle(doesn't matter know- as was not drafted.Hey, as a member I would like to know what is happening to my team. I am a shareholder. If it was a public company,one would be informed straight away,it is law to keep shareholders briefed if any changes.

Our club doesn't keep us informed on the major stakeholder- assets- the PLAYERS.

I'd like to know by theclub- how Wonaeamirri is going. ditto Blease.If you don't - bad luck- I do.

Why have a website - if it does not keep us notified.

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My point is keeping us informed- that is what the MFC WEBSITE SHOULD BE DOING.They are not. They have not, as stated gave us any update re training, injuries etc.. since starting on the 12th October. In the meantime, Garland, seems to have had a relapse, Meeson-ditto, Thorp- dunno- but reported to have broken ankle(doesn't matter know- as was not drafted.Hey, as a member I would like to know what is happening to my team. I am a shareholder. If it was a public company,one would be informed straight away,it is law to keep shareholders briefed if any changes.

Our club doesn't keep us informed on the major stakeholder- assets- the PLAYERS.

I'd like to know by theclub- how Wonaeamirri is going. ditto Blease.If you don't - bad luck- I do.

Why have a website - if it does not keep us notified.

I think you are asking for too much.

Transparency is fine, but some things don't need to be yelled at the world.

If I was Garland I would want my employers to respect a certain amount of my privacy and let me get on with my footy and my life. I wouldn't need my employers telling all and sundry the extent of my injuries.

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My point is keeping us informed- that is what the MFC WEBSITE SHOULD BE DOING.They are not. They have not, as stated gave us any update re training, injuries etc.. since starting on the 12th October. In the meantime, Garland, seems to have had a relapse, Meeson-ditto, Thorp- dunno- but reported to have broken ankle(doesn't matter know- as was not drafted.Hey, as a member I would like to know what is happening to my team. I am a shareholder. If it was a public company,one would be informed straight away,it is law to keep shareholders briefed if any changes.

Our club doesn't keep us informed on the major stakeholder- assets- the PLAYERS.

I'd like to know by theclub- how Wonaeamirri is going. ditto Blease.If you don't - bad luck- I do.

Why have a website - if it does not keep us notified.

I take you're point in keeping members informed, however what satisfies one person is different to what satisfies you and is different for each and every member. My problem with this is "how much information is enough"? You can provide too much information. My point is that you can't satify everyone and that forums such as this and 'ology are designed to satisfy everyone's interests. Maybe you could contact the MFC and ask to include an additional item for a "training report" where a different MFC player/administrator writes a weekly report/update on training and news around the club, still I feel that's not going to suffice you as not every player would be mentioned. The MFC (and it seems almost all other clubs) seem to post very limited information in the off-season. I agree that this should be an area the MFC needs to improve, especially considering the push for the youth membership.

Thankfully Football clubs are not public companies. FYI it's not the law to keep shareholders informed of "any" changes, only those material to the companies interests.

Edited by The O
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I think you are asking for too much.

Transparency is fine, but some things don't need to be yelled at the world.

If I was Garland I would want my employers to respect a certain amount of my privacy and let me get on with my footy and my life. I wouldn't need my employers telling all and sundry the extent of my injuries.

Yes- get your point but your companies shareholders would want to know.Whether or not an employee is sacked, hurt or whatever,it can have a huge bearing. Privacy in this case does not matter- as most of our opposition know anyhow

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Everyone on Demonland and Demonology is to some degree a 'trainspotter' wanting information - its just that some of us live with their parents and wear anoraks and some of us just like talking about Demons!!

Agreed the club needs to be as communicative as possible & restrictions such as cost, time, sensitivity of the info etc are all legitimate.

I notice that the Crows are posting regular pre-season training video reports http://bigpondvideo.com/adelaidetv/226034

Stuff like this goes a long way

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Yes- get your point but your companies shareholders would want to know.Whether or not an employee is sacked, hurt or whatever,it can have a huge bearing. Privacy in this case does not matter- as most of our opposition know anyhow

Yeah, but a bearing on what?

On our fortunes as a club?

What if our fortunes as a club were enhanced by allowing Garland to get on with his rehab without giving out constant updates?

Would that change anything? Or is it all about knowing everything that is going on?

I know of something that went on down at the Cattery 3 years ago that being revealed at the time would certainly aide transparency, but certainly wouldn't have helped their attempts to win a flag, indeed 2 in 3 years.

Do the fans still want to know? Or do they deserve to know whether or not they want to know? Here is a metaphysical question - does anyone deserve to know something they are not sure they want to know?

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I'm afraid membership of a sporting club does not make privacy laws moot.

This entire thread is a farce.

I am glad we are all allowed our opinions- me included. And I take offence of your attitude,

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My point is keeping us informed- that is what the MFC WEBSITE SHOULD BE DOING.They are not. They have not, as stated gave us any update re training, injuries etc.. since starting on the 12th October. In the meantime, Garland, seems to have had a relapse, Meeson-ditto, Thorp- dunno- but reported to have broken ankle(doesn't matter know- as was not drafted.Hey, as a member I would like to know what is happening to my team. I am a shareholder. If it was a public company,one would be informed straight away,it is law to keep shareholders briefed if any changes.

Our club doesn't keep us informed on the major stakeholder- assets- the PLAYERS.

I'd like to know by theclub- how Wonaeamirri is going. ditto Blease.If you don't - bad luck- I do.

Why have a website - if it does not keep us notified.

No club is going to give away info on training. What do ou expect they are going to tell you anyway? If you want training updates, look at Nathan jones twitter page otherwise, training is training, drills, skills and gameplan. As for injuries, that is hardly important at this time of the year and they are not certainly going to broadcast it to all the other clubs.

We are members, not shareholders and as if a public company is going to inform shareholders who didn't turn up to work, who fell of a ladder.

As for debt demolition, just look at the website.

Yes it is a boring time of year, one which supporters have little imput but you'll just have to wait for the season to get closer. People just like to have a whinge I suppose.

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