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Youth Summit

Straight Sets Simon

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can you please elaborate on this?

It was actually me that brought this up on the day.

The MFC at the moment have 2 seperate 'cheersquads'. One behind the goal, and a 'rogue' cheersquad in the pocket of the Olympic stand.

This is because of some disagreement within the original cheersquad about someone being kicked out or something like that.

This means that an already smallish cheersquad is split in two, making the 'official' one behind the goal look terrible on TV.

This has to be rectified. Melbourne needs to stand united - especially in terms of a cheersquad which is shown constantly on TV, and looks appalling if half the seats are empty.

I was amazed that Jim Stynes was unaware of this, and hopefully it can be fixed before the season begins.

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It was quite an interesting morning. Having been to the original summit, and being able to compare, during the 'Youth Summit' today, the facilitators seemed to have stricter ideas of what they wanted the groups to talk about - with Communications, Branding, and Match day being the 3 specific areas each of the groups focused on at different points during the morning.

This told me that the club knows exactly where it needs to improve, and the fact that is it canvassing ideas from supporters is fantastic.

A lot of people had very similar ideas - which again, makes it easier for the club in terms of where they are going wrong. The website and emails were heavily focused on during the Communications section. "What would make the MFC site more appealing to you?"

A few of the ideas that came out here were live news feeds from all of the major news sources - meaning that for MFC news, the club site can be the first (rather than the last) place to go. More extensive player profiles, as well as more player content and player/fan interaction. I also really liked the idea that someone brought up of making the site slightly more edgy by giving fans the ability to 'customise' their own MFC site. You sign up, design the homepage you want with the type of items YOU most want to see (i.e. injury news, player video, gallery). Obviously this would be a fair way off, but this is exactly the type of thing that would make the MFC site far more appealling.

The branding section was run by the President of Globe Australia. The discussion was based around how to make the club more appealing to a younger audience - what is 'cool', and what is not. I loved a few of the ideas that came out based on making fun the MFC stereotype. Someone suggested an MFC trip to the snow which involved a massive snow-ball fight (I remember a few years ago when on a Queens Birthday game, the snow was brought to the 'G. This could be done again). The discussion covered issues like "How important is the club's history to younger people" and "What is more important [to a younger audience], the team or the individual players?".

Brent Moloney was involved in this discussion, and he pointed out that Melbourne really needed to attack Auskick kids - somehow get more involved and forge a deeper connection with more young kids - because we aren't going to get adults to change clubs, but we can influence the kids.

The final area that my group visited was the Match day section. This discussion was based what we do on match day, how to make match day more appealing, and how to make the day more of a social event, rather than just a football game. Ideas varied from official club pre-game drinks at a nearby, MFC affiliated pub. This was people who don't necessarily feel comfortable going to the football by themselves can meet other Demons supporters, and feel more associated with the club. Further ideas included interactive games for kids before the game and at half time (much like is done at the cricket), having more 'Demon' areas in the group were people know other Melbourne supporters will be sitting and actually outnumber the opposition, and also the Premier League-style idea of each player walking out onto the ground with a young kick (whether they be actual Melbourne supporters, or the Auskick team representing Melbourne that day). Anything that can give kids more of a connection with the club, and an interaction with players, can only be a positive thing.

I was really impressed by the involvement of the players. Jack Watts and Brent Moloney were both keen to add their two cents during the group discussions, and I'm sure others were too. I know its been said a million times, but I must say it again, Jack Watts is the most impressive young man to have walked into the MFC in my lifetime. He's very sharp, very polite, very sociable and certainly not too overawed. At one point during the Match day discussion the facilitator told us not to worry about a budget with our ideas, to which Watts replied (slightly under his breathe) "That's realistic...". And when the young players introduced themselves, Watts reminded us all how old he was and to "Please be patient".

Jim Stynes mentioned to us all that in his day, the players and staff were very much kept away from the supporters - and from what I can tell, Stynes wants to move away from that mentality. Every player spent time with each of the groups, in each of the different areas. While some are quite shy, it was really good to see them interacting with supporters (I'm sure it helped that many their today were around their ages). Players there on the day included Simon Buckley, Paul Wheatley, Brent Moloney, Tom McNamara, Jack Watts, James Strauss, Jared Rivers, Mark Jamar and Sam Blease (please let me know if I've missed someone.)

Hopefully the club took something out of the day. I continue to be impressed by the kind of people that Jimmy is attracting to the club both in the coaching staff and the off-field areas. The club is in a dire situation, but we really are giving ourselves the best chance at stepping up to the plate and becoming a force once again - but this of course will take time.

As Jack Watts stressed, "be patient"!

Sounds like some good ideas... We need to be more innovative, instead of us being 50 steps behind we need to be 5 steps ahead.

Our website is rubbish, slow to load, content all over the place, but as you mentioned it is Telstra's so we have to work with what we got.

Player blogs would be something intersting... ala some NFL and NBA players have there own blogs giving updates, have some of our younger players doing the same things on the website.

Snow ball fight... lets go further, lets have a snow day at the g! Get as many kids to come along and we can have a snow hill down the hill out from of the members... teach kids how to ski and board... Have a snowboard jumps competition and all!!! Get Mt Buller or Hotham to get a few of there snow guns out...

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Sounds like some good ideas... We need to be more innovative, instead of us being 50 steps behind we need to be 5 steps ahead.

Our website is rubbish, slow to load, content all over the place, but as you mentioned it is Telstra's so we have to work with what we got.

Player blogs would be something intersting... ala some NFL and NBA players have there own blogs giving updates, have some of our younger players doing the same things on the website.

Snow ball fight... lets go further, lets have a snow day at the g! Get as many kids to come along and we can have a snow hill down the hill out from of the members... teach kids how to ski and board... Have a snowboard jumps competition and all!!! Get Mt Buller or Hotham to get a few of there snow guns out...

yeah and they should have a water slide from the main scoreboard back to richmond station, that way we can get there quicker after the game, but you have to be a member to use it. :lol:
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yeah and they should have a water slide from the main scoreboard back to richmond station, that way we can get there quicker after the game, but you have to be a member to use it. :lol:

That'd be AWESOME. Ha.

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I would like to see the website moved out of under the AFL-Telstra deal. Simplified and given a more supporter oriented approach, including a forum section (maybe build demonland into it). Have our own videos, with our own ads by our own sponsors. Without major changes the website will always be the same to me, it will be the website i visit when someone here posts a link to an article on it.

I pretty much only come to demonland, but I come here a lot, and if the MFC website was a 1 stop shop for my demon related internet needs I would go there a lot.

I don't know the financial agreements we're currently in, or how much it costs to run such a website but it won't grow into anything more than it is under the current arrangement, and growth should be the major priority for all facets of MFC. While the club is losing "clicks" to demonland/ology (many thousands by me alone, daily) they are losing growth, in what is the new frontier of football media.

Edit: Also an iphone friendly version would be great, mark my words, everyone under 25 will have iphone-like phone in 3-4 years, and they will be browsing the net with them.

Edit 2: speaking of iphones, we need an iphone application that is demons specific, I have been thinking of an app I could write and this could be perfect. I just can't figure out anything good to write into it... this needs some thought.

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It was actually me that brought this up on the day.

The MFC at the moment have 2 seperate 'cheersquads'. One behind the goal, and a 'rogue' cheersquad in the pocket of the Olympic stand.

This is because of some disagreement within the original cheersquad about someone being kicked out or something like that.

This means that an already smallish cheersquad is split in two, making the 'official' one behind the goal look terrible on TV.

This has to be rectified. Melbourne needs to stand united - especially in terms of a cheersquad which is shown constantly on TV, and looks appalling if half the seats are empty.

I was amazed that Jim Stynes was unaware of this, and hopefully it can be fixed before the season begins.

I was aware of this and have found that the Olympic Stand squad run by Angelo (mohawk Dee's supporter) is a far more welcoming place than the behind the goals cheersquad. One stime last year I attempted to join the cheersquad behind the goals and was tolled to pizz off. It was after half time, the seats were unfilled and these arse whole 'suppoorters' were more interested in the politics of the seating arrangements than filling the seats and having a united cheersquad. They were two old ducks that had a go at us and I fired back. IMO these are the types that shouldnt be allowed tobe members of the squad..they alienate people and are more concerned with their own agendas than supporting the club.

I too was at the Youth Summit but obviously wasnt in your group. Had I have heard this raised I wouldve raised the issue with Jim. he needs to know about this.

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I was aware of this and have found that the Olympic Stand squad run by Angelo (mohawk Dee's supporter) is a far more welcoming place than the behind the goals cheersquad. One stime last year I attempted to join the cheersquad behind the goals and was tolled to pizz off. It was after half time, the seats were unfilled and these arse whole 'suppoorters' were more interested in the politics of the seating arrangements than filling the seats and having a united cheersquad. They were two old ducks that had a go at us and I fired back. IMO these are the types that shouldnt be allowed tobe members of the squad..they alienate people and are more concerned with their own agendas than supporting the club.

I too was at the Youth Summit but obviously wasnt in your group. Had I have heard this raised I wouldve raised the issue with Jim. he needs to know about this.

That sort of stuff is rubbish and embrassing for all supporters and members. for a long time our cheer squad has been the laughing stock of the comp.

On a side note I went to a non-melb game with a friend a while back who followed one of the teams playing. Having crappy top deck seats at TD, I decided to go up to some of the people in the cheer squad there and said that we had been seated at the other end in the opp. cheer squad. Within seconds people had moved and had welcomed us there front and centre, I might add I had my dees scarf on as well but that didn't matter they were more then welcoming.

They were just happy to have a couple of extra people supporting their team (or in my case, getting into the stkilda players they were playing against them. ala the G train).

If I was a new supporter to the game, I know which team i would taken a membership with!


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That sort of stuff is rubbish and embrassing for all supporters and members. for a long time our cheer squad has been the laughing stock of the comp.

On a side note I went to a non-melb game with a friend a while back who followed one of the teams playing. Having crappy top deck seats at TD, I decided to go up to some of the people in the cheer squad there and said that we had been seated at the other end in the opp. cheer squad. Within seconds people had moved and had welcomed us there front and centre, I might add I had my dees scarf on as well but that didn't matter they were more then welcoming.

They were just happy to have a couple of extra people supporting their team (or in my case, getting into the stkilda players they were playing against them. ala the G train).

If I was a new supporter to the game, I know which team i would taken a membership with!


Which team cheer squad did you join? A great idea, very crafty of you.

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I was aware of this and have found that the Olympic Stand squad run by Angelo (mohawk Dee's supporter) is a far more welcoming place than the behind the goals cheersquad. One stime last year I attempted to join the cheersquad behind the goals and was tolled to pizz off. It was after half time, the seats were unfilled and these arse whole 'suppoorters' were more interested in the politics of the seating arrangements than filling the seats and having a united cheersquad. They were two old ducks that had a go at us and I fired back. IMO these are the types that shouldnt be allowed tobe members of the squad..they alienate people and are more concerned with their own agendas than supporting the club.

I too was at the Youth Summit but obviously wasnt in your group. Had I have heard this raised I wouldve raised the issue with Jim. he needs to know about this.

I am an MCC Member and was Totally unaware of this Problem. This is a serious Problem that Must be Rectified. The Bad eggs Here must be shown the door. Why would a Young Kid want to Join a cheer squad that is not Freindly and welcoming. These "Two Old Ducks" need a Good talking too.

We are all Melbourne

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Player blogs would be something intersting... ala some NFL and NBA players have there own blogs giving updates, have some of our younger players doing the same things on the website.

In our small broken up groups I mentioned this - Gilbert Arenas in particular - and Mark Jamar seemed to like the idea.

I went on to say that even players rotated, taking turns writing blog entries would be interesting. Supporters just want an insight into the players' personalities.

As we formed back into our larger group the word 'blogs' was thrown out, but I think the idea was lost in translation, but something may be taken from it.

Its important to remember that although there were ideas thrown out here & there, essentially this was just some young supporters donating their morning to the club to act as a focus group.

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I'd also like to add that Jimma did mention Hamish Blake and that he would be doing some promo work for MFC this year. He didn't go into further detail.

In our gruop we were informed that Hamish is a bit reluctant to be Melbourne's #1 ticket holder (at this stage) as he is very new to football and only became known as a fan because Ryan Shelton dobbed him in. He will however be fronting the DOB in a Demon Campaign

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In our small broken up groups I mentioned this - Gilbert Arenas in particular - and Mark Jamar seemed to like the idea.

I went on to say that even players rotated, taking turns writing blog entries would be interesting. Supporters just want an insight into the players' personalities.

As we formed back into our larger group the word 'blogs' was thrown out, but I think the idea was lost in translation, but something may be taken from it.

Its important to remember that although there were ideas thrown out here & there, essentially this was just some young supporters donating their morning to the club to act as a focus group.

Yea the Gilb is a good one, as you'd expect when you are not playing at all :rolleyes: . Chris Cooley of the Washinton Redskins is also a good one. The rotation is a good one.

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I'd also like to add that Jimma did mention Hamish Blake and that he would be doing some promo work for MFC this year. He didn't go into further detail.

I already mentioned this on Demonology but Jim indicated I believe that Hamish may be involved with trying to get PINK(pop-star) in a MFC jumper when she come out here soon. Would be excellent publicity. Kids love PINK , especially young girls.

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Just one more thing that Cameron Schwab mentioned that I thought was really great was that Casey would be referred to as a "campus", in the same way that universities have multiple campuses. That is the MCG would be a campus, bubbledome (?) and Casey would all be campuses of the MFC. It's only a little thing, but to me it turns what sounds like a weakness (not having a single home base) into a strength (having a broad range of bases and facilities).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just wanted to add something here.

I think the focal point in pushing Melbourne FC to the youth should be Aaron Davey. He's our most marketable item and gives our club a branding amoungst young kids around. The nickname 'Flash' is also something very marketable as well. Aaron is also the sort of bloke who would enjoy the interraction with the kids and one who would handle it in the right manner.

Something to pass onto the club, or no?

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last year the club asked members who the player was that had the broadest appeal and be used in all mfc promotions - it was nathan jones. I agree that Aaron would have a huge following amongst younger members however I still believe that nathan jones appeals to "younger" with the way he plays and looks.!

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