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President Stynes


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LOL. Stynes didn't write the headline. I'm still waiting to see where he promised to reveal all today!

Ok..as youre obviously challenged

This has been brewing for a while. It has picked up speed all the past fortnight. In this last week he ( Stynes ) has allowed it to become common knowledge that he will assume the mantle.

He has been interviewed by the Herald. Obviously something has been colluded as its an exclusive. Stynes is no nong . He wil have briefed the H-S on what he intends etc etc.

He would have had ssome say in what the nature of the article was about.

Its been touted on media that in teh exclusive liftout this Sunday Stynes will reveal his plans on saving the Dees

The headline ( yes he doesnt write htem..very astute of you ) would have been run by him as part of the exclusive.

So we have all the road signs..and then nothing !!

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Ok..as youre obviously challenged

This has been brewing for a while. It has picked up speed all the past fortnight. In this last week he ( Stynes ) has allowed it to become common knowledge that he will assume the mantle.

He has been interviewed by the Herald. Obviously something has been colluded as its an exclusive. Stynes is no nong . He wil have briefed the H-S on what he intends etc etc.

He would have had ssome say in what the nature of the article was about.

Its been touted on media that in teh exclusive liftout this Sunday Stynes will reveal his plans on saving the Dees

The headline ( yes he doesnt write htem..very astute of you ) would have been run by him as part of the exclusive.

So we have all the road signs..and then nothing !!

You are the challenged one!!

Stop getting over excited over something you have no control over. Re-read what you have already posted.

In your child like mistyped 'engrish', you stated: "Why..is was touted al lshall be revealed today..where is it.". Still you cannot support this claim....

Now stop wasting my time and go back to your coloring books you simple fool!

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Ok..as youre obviously challenged

This has been brewing for a while. It has picked up speed all the past fortnight. In this last week he ( Stynes ) has allowed it to become common knowledge that he will assume the mantle.

He has been interviewed by the Herald. Obviously something has been colluded as its an exclusive. Stynes is no nong . He wil have briefed the H-S on what he intends etc etc.

He would have had ssome say in what the nature of the article was about.

Its been touted on media that in teh exclusive liftout this Sunday Stynes will reveal his plans on saving the Dees

The headline ( yes he doesnt write htem..very astute of you ) would have been run by him as part of the exclusive.

So we have all the road signs..and then nothing !!

I'm with you on this one. Ox this morning said there'll be some very big announcements in the next two weeks....

At the moment Jimmy is sounding like a politician, lots of rhetoric, little substance. If he wants to be seen sitting in the outer then that's fine and I'm happy enough for the transition to occur, but I lost faith in the "magical" powers of ex-football players to resurect clubs a while ago. He'll need to bring something a little more concrete to the table than just spin.

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I'm with you on this one. Ox this morning said there'll be some very big announcements in the next two weeks....

At the moment Jimmy is sounding like a politician, lots of rhetoric, little substance. If he wants to be seen sitting in the outer then that's fine and I'm happy enough for the transition to occur, but I lost faith in the "magical" powers of ex-football players to resurect clubs a while ago. He'll need to bring something a little more concrete to the table than just spin.

Agree we need more than spin. The 150 function was only hours ago, I think out of respect Jimmy was waiting for this weekend to be completed before the "takeover".

We need some quick action after Monday....

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The suspense is killing me. Gardner has done a so so job but everyone reaches a use-by date and now it's time for Big Jimma to come on down.

Looks like Jim has kept his word by keeping his powder dry and his gun in the holster until last night's 150th celebration was behind us.

Only just mind you as outside Crown as I left I saw a bloke selling early editions of the Herald Sun trumpeting Jim's plans to save the club.

Well not exactly plans to be correct - talk of an unknown dream team and great (but unstated) ideas to bring the Club back from the edge.

Which brings me to the really interesting part of the night for me. There was talk at a number of tables that I visited that Jim is by no means over the line. While impressed by Jim's willingness to get involved some have been asking "Do the Club need a ruckman or a super smart and connected business leader to take us forward"? Word is that an alternative to team Jim is being worked on as we talk in case the big fella fails to deliver.

Promises to be a fascinating day and week ahead.

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The suspense is killing me. Gardner has done a so so job but everyone reaches a use-by date and now it's time for Big Jimma to come on down.

Looks like Jim has kept his word by keeping his powder dry and his gun in the holster until last night's 150th celebration was behind us.

Only just mind you as outside Crown as I left I saw a bloke selling early editions of the Herald Sun trumpeting Jim's plans to save the club.

Well not exactly plans to be correct - talk of an unknown dream team and great (but unstated) ideas to bring the Club back from the edge.


When the Club should have been given maximum air time for its 150th year gala, Jim Stynes has used the HS to get his own publicity about his so called plans.

As you correctly state the dream team is unknown and his ideas unstated and has sucked the exposure out of a major Club event.

Given he has chosen to railroad and upstage the existing Board and the Clubs main event, he needs to deliver and deliver good as he needs to do far more than just publicity.

Hardly keeping his powder dry! More like a shot across the MFC bow.

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When the Club should have been given maximum air time for its 150th year gala, Jim Stynes has used the HS to get his own publicity about his so called plans.

As you correctly state the dream team is unknown and his ideas unstated and has sucked the exposure out of a major Club event.

Given he has chosen to railroad and upstage the existing Board and the Clubs main event, he needs to deliver and deliver good as he needs to do far more than just publicity.

Hardly keeping his powder dry! More like a shot across the MFC bow.

The article itself didn't really detail what he was going to do and in fact he didn't actually say what his plans were for the next week, let alone the next 5 years. To me his point was everyone that has a connection with Melbourne making a stand and pulling this club out of the dark ages. He was showing passion to get the fans to the ground, frankly i'm [censored] off with the lack of voice from the club to get us there. It's taken Vlad saying he'll take the game away from us next year to get this game and the club's 150th heroes stuff in the news.


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As you correctly state the dream team is unknown and his ideas unstated and has sucked the exposure out of a major Club event.

Given he has chosen to railroad and upstage the existing Board and the Clubs main event, he needs to deliver and deliver good as he needs to do far more than just publicity.

He went to the reporter with the story did he? A little bit of role reversal perhaps? Did he pen it for him aswell?

Nobody cares about our 150 heroes, except us. Its sad, but its true. If it was the Pies event, there would have been an extra paper made to fill with stories, its just the facts. They had their 2 or 3 stories, what did you expect?

The paper went with the story which would create the most interest, as you may have noticed papers tend to do that.

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You are the challenged one!!

Stop getting over excited over something you have no control over. Re-read what you have already posted.

In your child like mistyped 'engrish', you stated: "Why..is was touted al lshall be revealed today..where is it.". Still you cannot support this claim....

Now stop wasting my time and go back to your coloring books you simple fool!

Cant argue to the substance of a point.. just pick off silly typo's you're a legend.

And still yet nothing from the great man. Well some of you may snidely think of it as hot air etc..

of getting excited over nothing..and you're right..We've being offered NOTHING at present.

Hopefully the Team Stynes Brigade will do us al a favour and start colouring in the book youre obviously fond of and provide some flesh to the vacuous grandstanding at present.

He waits ? thats respect ?? This has all been orchestrated and played out BEFORE the big night.

well if there is a plot to all this..I for one would like to know what is actually going on. Not because Ive nothing but colouring on my mind but because Im actually interested as a member and concerned that so far its all smoke and mirrors.

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Agree we need more than spin. The 150 function was only hours ago, I think out of respect Jimmy was waiting for this weekend to be completed before the "takeover".

We need some quick action after Monday....

He showed no respect in sucking the publicity from a major Club function.

Poor form.

He needs to show a fair bit of more substance behind his publicity spin.

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He went to the reporter with the story did he? A little bit of role reversal perhaps? Did he pen it for him aswell?

Nobody cares about our 150 heroes, except us. Its sad, but its true. If it was the Pies event, there would have been an extra paper made to fill with stories, its just the facts. They had their 2 or 3 stories, what did you expect?

The paper went with the story which would create the most interest, as you may have noticed papers tend to do that.

The Club has pitched this as our major event for 150 years where many supporters pitched up to $500 to go. It is important to the Club and an important celebration of our history. We need to get all the positive publicity we can for the Club.

Are you suggesting that Stynes actions reflect a lack of care about our 150 heroes when you state you care? If so, your smartass response merely shows your sense of care up.

If it was a Pies event, I doubt you would have a "hero" of the Collingwood Football Club having the gall to upstage the Club at such a major function for his own political purposes?

Apalling timing and gesture that was a slap at the Club that it does not need at this time.

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The Club has pitched this as our major event for 150 years where many supporters pitched up to $500 to go. It is important to the Club and an important celebration of our history. We need to get all the positive publicity we can for the Club.

Are you suggesting that Stynes actions reflect a lack of care about our 150 heroes when you state you care? If so, your smartass response merely shows your sense of care up.

If it was a Pies event, I doubt you would have a "hero" of the Collingwood Football Club having the gall to upstage the Club at such a major function for his own political purposes?

Apalling timing and gesture that was a slap at the Club that it does not need at this time.

Please tell me where I said Stynes actions reflect a lack of care? What i was saying was NON Melbourne people dont care about our 150 heroes dinner, which is why the media would run with the story which will sell papers.

Did Stynes do this interview at the actual event did he? Who ran with the story? Stynes, or the Hun? Who got the story organised, Stynes or the Hun?

I would agree with you if Stynes stood up at the function and rang his bell, but geez, this story was probably written at the start of the week.

I love you suggesting Stynes did it to slap the club at a time when it doesnt need it. Yeah, that sounds like him. The man who is gonna save this bloody football club.

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The Club has pitched this as our major event for 150 years where many supporters pitched up to $500 to go. It is important to the Club and an important celebration of our history. We need to get all the positive publicity we can for the Club.

Are you suggesting that Stynes actions reflect a lack of care about our 150 heroes when you state you care? If so, your smartass response merely shows your sense of care up.

If it was a Pies event, I doubt you would have a "hero" of the Collingwood Football Club having the gall to upstage the Club at such a major function for his own political purposes?

Apalling timing and gesture that was a slap at the Club that it does not need at this time.

Me thinks the clouds are brewing. There are people out there ready to react to the 'Styne's' manoeuvre/proposal/option.

All will not be peace and tranquility. :angry:

Sad. :huh:

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Me thinks the clouds are brewing. There are people out there ready to react to the 'Styne's' manoeuvre/proposal/option.

All will not be peace and tranquility. :angry:

Sad. :huh:

Rhino didnt want you to let out his plans at this special time for the club. You should be ashamed Rhino, smacks of disrespect.

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Please tell me where I said Stynes actions reflect a lack of care? What i was saying was NON Melbourne people dont care about our 150 heroes dinner, which is why the media would run with the story which will sell papers.

Did Stynes do this interview at the actual event did he? Who ran with the story? Stynes, or the Hun? Who got the story organised, Stynes or the Hun?

I would agree with you if Stynes stood up at the function and rang his bell, but geez, this story was probably written at the start of the week.

Its irrelevant where and when Stynes did the story, who ran or organised it. Stynes has either done this for his own publicity or has shown himself to be tactless and naive in his dealings with the media.

He either know full well the impact of his interview (s) with the HS or is to dim to realise when MFC are in the spotlight for one of the few positives in a difficult year he would allow his own interests to suck the attention away. At best he looks like a media muppet that has been used for cheap headlines. Not a good omen for President.

The man who is gonna save this bloody football club.

He need to do it with a bit more substance and nous than he has shown thus far.

I will be very interested to see who and what he puts on the table.

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Its irrelevant where and when Stynes did the story, who ran or organised it. Stynes has either done this for his own publicity or has shown himself to be tactless and naive in his dealings with the media.

He either know full well the impact of his interview (s) with the HS or is to dim to realise when MFC are in the spotlight for one of the few positives in a difficult year he would allow his own interests to suck the attention away. At best he looks like a media muppet that has been used for cheap headlines. Not a good omen for President.

This is one of the more bizarre posts I've ever seen on this website. Deestroyers had salient points, and you are making inferences out of how a newspaper presents a story.

Stynes' success with the media with his charity work doesn't smack of someone "tactless and naive" with the media; heaven forbid we have a high-profile President! If you honestly though the MFC Function would get more column inches then Stynes then you need to work on your own understanding of the media.

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Dare say the club could do with a shot across the bow. We are in some serious [censored]. 4 Mill plus in debt, another million or so to lose this year. In the current climate this club needs to generate some serious interest and soon. Celebrating our past is great but to mine I'm more concerned with the present and the future. The existing board have not generated the hard edge this club so desperately needs. Can Stynes? I don't know but I doubt Garry Lyon would be so heavily backing a dud. It seems as though Stynes has done his research and by the sounds of it gathered a good team. Looking forward to more details. Now lets go [censored] some Pies!

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Its irrelevant where and when Stynes did the story, who ran or organised it. Stynes has either done this for his own publicity or has shown himself to be tactless and naive in his dealings with the media.

He either know full well the impact of his interview (s) with the HS or is to dim to realise when MFC are in the spotlight for one of the few positives in a difficult year he would allow his own interests to suck the attention away. At best he looks like a media muppet that has been used for cheap headlines. Not a good omen for President.

He need to do it with a bit more substance and nous than he has shown thus far.

I will be very interested to see who and what he puts on the table.

RR, you may know a lot more than we do - then you should put up.

But what we have to go on, to all intents, is a civilised handover of Gardner to Stynes et al. Thats what all the publicity and 'hints' have indicated.

Given that, and no comments from the club AT ALL, Stynes comments/revelations can be taken as 'keeping the faithful' in the loop. No more than that.

So, RR if you know more than this, let us in on it. As a member, I feel like I am being kept out of the loop on ALL things, from management to player injuries (what gives with Grimes, for example - nothing from the club other than being put on the long term injury list; rumours everywhere).

Fair dinkum, I feel like an effing mushroom. :angry:

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I want this club to be successful and to grow as much as any of you, and I respect Jimmy's contribution to both our club and the community, but I am terrified that we are losing a business-savvy president for someone who has little understanding of how a multi-million dollar organisation needs to be run.

I will support whoever is in charge of this club, but this might not end up being the fairytale that some people are hoping for.

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Stynes' success with the media with his charity work doesn't smack of someone "tactless and naive" with the media; heaven forbid we have a high-profile President! If you honestly though the MFC Function would get more column inches then Stynes then you need to work on your own understanding of the media.

This is in a sense the core of my misgivings. We are to suppose he is indeed media aware..possibly even savvy. if this is the case then surely he would be only too aware of not only the interest and disquiet that 'his move' would stir but that he ought to handle it with kid gloves and give no grounds for misunderstanding or any reason for doubting.

If this was his directive...then this is the first balls up!! As an exercise of media guidance its an abject failure.

Strangley we are sponsored by the Aged..and in all reality they gave very little coverage to the whole thing. Sheez...if this is how our allies treat us...then we may have some stormy days ahead.

Look I fully hope Stynes does have a plan..even more I hope it is encompassing and finds favour leading to success. I actually want it all to work, whatever it is. But is would be rather nice to know just what that is.

On the surface ists a nicey nicey handover.. or it could be read as a very amatuerish effort at management.

I fervently hopee as some allude if not deride me to observe..that its a brouhaha about nothing.

I thought as members we might command more respect from the club. Its one thing to call us to arms its another to take us for granted.

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The amount of negativity is frightening. Certainly no offence intended to any Melbourne supporter but no wonder MFC are where they are at. It appears a reasonable portion (if this site can be deemed a representative sample) of our members/supporters fear change. Whether you are scared or not the current president and administration have not done enough to secure our long term future.

If you think Jim Stynes does not have the clout or the required credentials to lead our club, then in my opinion your are deluded.

Keep the faith as the plan will be announced in the weeks to come. The AFL already are aware of it and from all rumoured reports are 100% happy with the new plan and Jim Stynes. Whether we like it or not we need the AFL to support us. They do not support our current administration and that has become a real concern

Paul Gardner would not hand over so readily if he felt the new phase would be detrimental to Melbourne

We need to embrace change and be brave moving forward.

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I want this club to be successful and to grow as much as any of you, and I respect Jimmy's contribution to both our club and the community, but I am terrified that we are losing a business-savvy president for someone who has little understanding of how a multi-million dollar organisation needs to be run.

I will support whoever is in charge of this club, but this might not end up being the fairytale that some people are hoping for.

i think stynes is qualified for the job. remember that president/chairman is a different role than CEO. we have macca on board for the business side of things, we need a president with a profile. we need a president who will come out and tell the afl to back off. we need a president who will unite the club. i think the stynes faction could well bring 'the club' together, past players, split groups etc...

i dont want blood, so i hope its smooth. but there have been rumbles about PG for a while. how long does he have left if stynes doesnt replace him now? 6 months? 18 months? if we have a group ready to go, now might be a better option.

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................we need a president who will come out and tell the afl to back off. we need a president who will unite the club.

And we also need members on the board who have, or have access to, serious $'s. Currently we don't have any; all (?) other clubs - at least the ones I know of.


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With PG now formally stepping down what will/can Jim Stynes bring to the table ?

Stynes is a hero back in Ireland so I think we might see a re-ignition of the irish connection.

I also think he might try and build a real family atmosphere at the club.

Anyway off to watch the match.

Wish I could be there :(

Only get to go to a few games a year as I live over 2000km away now, am a paid up member though. That will never change !!!


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