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  2. What I meant is that there are coaches that are capable to extract the best of their team even if the list isn't perfect. Goodwin doesn't strike me as one, I don't mind being wrong btw. 2021 was a perfect season, including our performance on the field.
  3. Wearing #44 at training according to @WalkingCivilWar
  4. This is a silly argument. We only won it because our elite players were playing elite football? That’s how every flag is won!
  5. Ok I have found my first reply that shows your post and I was completely mistaken. Wrong and I apologise
  6. Sesto, Will V and Jeffo are out there. I just spotted Luker. Huge solid “kid” wearing #44 They’ve only just started training yet he looks like he’s been with the boys for years.
  7. Clarrie will come good. It's most likely not going to be this year though. No preseason to speak of and other issues distracting for 6+ months.
  8. Never said it wasn't. It's a flag. Someone was going to win it...and was us and fully deserving of it. That said. It wasn't like any other season. On one hand irrelevant as it was what it was and we won. On another , in minds of many....and arguably about 90% from other allegiances , some place an* next to it. Is that legitimate? The answer is it's purely subjective and down to the individual. To say some don't see it that way is simply a reality. The other is ... in the history of this game the 2021 AFL Premiers... are us. I'm not feeling particularly close to another just atm ;) Hopefully this changed Go Dees
  9. You go and find it Stop putting words in my mouth
  10. Correct me by showing me your original post. I replied on the basis that you stated McCrae told Maynard to do it. As I said..regardless of AFL mischief he should have been suspended and ,at the time ,that he probably wouldn't be. I am happy to apologise if you show your post. I do think it's old news though in any case
  11. Really disappointing comment about the premiership Picket.
  12. On board with this, as a supporter the flag wasn’t what I’d been waiting for as it happened on tv, I couldn’t be there and that itch won’t be scratched unless we win one at the G. But that doesn’t mean it’s not a genuine flag - we won it and anyone else would be claiming it too.
  13. I lied. The sun’s disappeared and massive dark grey clouds are rolling in. I just felt a few little drops of rain. Good news: I have an awesome MFC umbrella Bad news: it’s at home
  14. Because a fair chunk on here are self-flagellators who like things to be terrible and our achievements diminished.
  15. Flags are always hard to win . We had a team that was at the cusp of greatness. The squad as always needed some turnover but retained the nucleus to keep it in the premiership window. We lost in straight sets after consistent high level peformances. Maybe opposition had cracked the system , but inaccuracy and atrocious umpiring combined with the incident just destroyed us. We have a squad with mixed talents Goody has tried to introduce a greater depth by having players with a natural replacement. Injuries and Pettys form have created difficulty and opportunity. The system as I have previously stated , (defence and surge) can still work if all players play their role. Its on the coach to get the players motivated again. I think he can do it and the second half offers the opportunity to play different players, different structures, pattern etc but retain the core of the team and hide the successful strategy from our opponents. The potential of our team has not been diminished. I still have faith
  16. I wasn’t sure if I’m allowed to post since I was given an ultimatum from Pickett Fence, (I wasn’t aware Andy had promoted him to mod status🤷‍♀️)… sing like a canary or don’t bother posting. I decided I don’t like either of those options. Anyways, despite the glorious winter sunshine I don’t expect there’ll be many supporters here today. Partly because it’s following a huge loss, but mainly because they’ll likely think training has been relocated, same as it was after the Eagles loss. I’ll be watching from a distance today for obvious reasons, therefore let’s set the training report bar reeaaallll low… like, so low that we’re all tripping over it.
  17. Daicos is a phenomenal runner, especially in space. Surely Anb is the only one that can keep up and even have the burst to maybe chase him down. As a left field I wouldn't mind seeing McVee tagging him for a brief patch but really that's just my bias to see him more around the ball. A guy can dream.
  18. But is she good in a contest, Ms Jaded?
  19. I was sitting near the bench and Fullarton stated he shoulder was subluxed (translation: A shoulder subluxation occurs when the humerus partially slides in and out of place quickly) and was holding his arm quite gingerly. Would not have helped but he also had some poor moments, especially the timing in flying for marks or rucking was quite poor.
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