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Everything posted by diesel

  1. A gentleman and a scholar. I have no idea why zebgrowler on the other hand wants to downplay Sandy GF wins of recent times which I would remind him have included ex Melbourne listed players. Surely this proves the alliance is strong from top to bottom? Those complaining that the development of Melbourne listed players has been hampered by the alliance IMO are scapegoating Sandy for the inability of some to take the step up to AFL.
  2. I've seen one show and the club and Primus got some excellent exposure, plus chicks (most) love this sort of thing, it's all good. I just hope those who really believe this has stuffed him as a footballer in '08 can get their heads around it.
  3. This really got my goat today. If there is such a thing as instinctive football then we need to learn it quick. We don't take the first option and as a result I doubt anyone playing up the ground would have a clue how or where the ball is going to come into our forward line! I hope it is all a ruse and that in two weeks time the game plan they have been tested on will unfold in all its glory! Certainly we need our best back and I was glad to I hung around to watch Sandy. Jared Rivers looks primed and Wheels, Wheats and Barts all played their part.
  4. Don't know why she told you that unless that is where she got hers? They were handing them out of the back of the truck/stage.
  5. Unforunately when it comes to family days they are a bit ho hum as far as the media is concerned unless you have an Acker or Eddie to gob off about something. I am sure we will make the most of our 150 birthday at times but if we oversell it then people will quickly ignore it. Except for Bev being a bit tongue tied during the intros no other complaints here. Kids had a good time and the players were all acommodating.
  6. BBZ, has it been normal to load the Sandy seniors up with MFC listed players in practice matches? Just wonderng if there is any change in policy?
  7. The packaging read "high in protein, low in carbs" or something along those lines and being health conscious I was thinking "great" unitl I read "dog food" in small print at the bottom (there was one for cats as well). I don't think anyone here will fess up to actually eating any but I am willing to bet someone probably accidentally tried it Good on our sponsor Pets Paradise (I imagine) for supporting the cause. Too bad I don't have dog!
  8. Where are the athletes training and competing? The new stadium does not include a track as far as I know.
  9. I'm not surprised we seem polarised on pre-season form with thoughts along the lines of.... 1.These are PRACTICE matches the FD has continually said the aim of which is to ease everyone unijured into the season <_< 2.The sky is falling I'll go with the former. Until we play in a match that means something with something like our best or near best team that is not rotating or resting players it is not sensible to make any judgement.. I anticipate one side of the argument will no doubt exercise bragging rights post round 1.
  10. It'll get down there enough. It's how it comes in that has been the undoing.
  11. Wouldn't be surprised. We seem to eat our own in tough times as much as any club! I agree about this being a non-event though. What next? Dobbing players for farting in public?
  12. Haven't watched one for 20 years! Usually nod off an hour in. Didn't even watch all of Sydneys'! I will be at the footy. Good excuse to miss another although the Chinese will probably do a good job. First communist opening since 1980!
  13. More curious is that they left parts of the old fence. I wonder how I would go if I asked Bayside Council if I could demolish part of my heritage listed property and build something new and unsympathetic?
  14. Shite! I will try and come down and hopefully will only have to watch. In actual fact had scans on my knee today so playing is definitely out of the Q. in any case
  15. It would probably be as simple as Richmond paying it out (remembering they made a $1,000,000 profit) and maybe CAC had a clause in his contract?
  16. I agree. Think I rated it about a 2 or 3. In particular it pieces me off that highlights are shown at the end of quarters of 'away' teams and MFC supporter groups are spread all over the place. The trumpeter is playing a lone hand in trying to rebuild a home environment.
  17. It would be a massive coup for them if it came to be but the draw is already seriously comprimised so I don't see it happening. nor do I take it seriously and i don't think it will bring any pressure on the Roos. The Roos should look at a similar offer, all home games at Carrara and away games at the 'G'
  18. Show me a politician who does tell the whole truth! BTW if interest rates were capped at 13% why would I give a flying fig if they are REALLY 22%? I applaud you for your research though (or outstanding memory)
  19. Not really our choice but we know who is driving up the cost of being competitive in this era and have been left with no choice. For your info the Brisbane deal is over. We are "promoting" the game by playing in Canberra at the mo. Can we ever imagine Collingwood doing such a noble thing in the interests of promoting the game. No Chance!! Besides the MCG wouldn't be available for extra Melbourne home games. Get the F*** off our ground, move back to your spiritual [censored] hole and that problem will be solved Having a big crowd does not equate to promoting the game. In fact the Sydney game as one off split round game was/is yet another example of how the AFL has become the hand maiden of Eddie McGuire and Collingwood.
  20. Garbage, MFC has embraced the national code to the extent of selling games interstate. Collingwood have "appeared" to by creating a circus and gimmickery around their infrequent intertsate trips (e.g. low altitude return from WA) This may be so but every club has roughly the same percentage of supporters who are members, every club churns the same percentage of members year in, year out. Every club has a percentage of supporters who go into hiding when things go bad. Collingwoods base has always been bigger and therefore these numbers will always look good for Collingwood compared to Melbourne, et al. Morals aside the fact is Collingwood are the golden haired, spoon fed child of the AFL and we must become used to competing with one hand tied behind our backs for the time being.
  21. He's still just a goose IMO and os were the police involved. Never underestimate the value of a good lawyer though, ask OJ? When it is all said and done Cousins still breached his contract.
  22. I fear not! By coming out of the cartel case with no criminal record Pratt will be annointed by Caaarton as a man who can do wrong and get away with it (much like Jack did during his reign there). The AFL also have no intent to punish those with high profiles or popular stars of the game until they have made the AFL look like absolute fools, as alluded to in WJ's article.
  23. I am glad MFC has given MW the opportunity, after all what else could he achieve in the VFL?
  24. He is finished as a footballer and has always had a questionable output. Do we need another underachiever on our list?
  25. This is exactly why Brisbane wanted him. I hope supporters who are bitter at the trading of Travis can come to realise that we would never see the best of Travis in an MFC jumper on a consistent basis (we never have). 10 years was long enough to seemingly drift through a career. I trust with pick 14 we can get a commited goer. If that happens it will be a win/win.
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