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Everything posted by ThreeOneSix

  1. I was a Tapscott fan and I agree with titan. Tappy would also be my first to get the boot, could not get him away from the club quick enough.
  2. Not sure, obviously I've missed something.
  3. Completely over it. If Viney wasn't playing last week I wouldn't even of watched and I can't remember the last time I felt this way. After years of supporting a non-competitive side, I think I'm just a little worn down. We really need to throw a stack at some quality free agents this year, something has to give.
  4. Agree, there is always a couple that slip out of the first round. Nothing is ever a guarantee anyway, both players SHOULD go first round. All these quality players can't fit in the first round. One of Salem, Freeman, Crouch, Dunstan and Dumont could very well slide to our second pick.
  5. Don't want them in the draft this year. Would be happy if they just sit out this years draft, don't care about next year. If Essendon aren't penalized by losing draft picks then Adelaide are officially the stiffest side in recent times.
  6. It seems like Barlett is concentrating on getting the football side of things and empowering the right values. Whilst PJ appears to be about getting the right people in to achieve that vision. We are heading in the right direction.
  7. Guaranteed, LOL... That is ridiculous Norm. Both SHOULD go first round, but there are no guarantees bud. This time last year people would've guaranteed Brodie Grundy to go top 10.
  8. Judd didn't have a massive frame coming into the system, he went alright straight away.
  9. There is not a hope in hell Crouch goes before Aish or Kelly. If we did take Crouch, then no complaints, but it won't happen.
  10. Craig can make whatever moves he likes, our year is beyond shot. If Toumpas or anyone earns games, let's see them in, it's great. The end of the year cannot come quick enough. It feels like year in year out all we have to look forward to at this time of the year is the draft. Can't remember a time when this wasn't the case, it's sad. MFC depresses me, I can only imagine how the players feel sometimes, poor blokes. Let's hope things turn around next year.
  11. My cousin in SA rates Aish higher than any draftee to come out of SA in recent times. I've personally never really taken to Aish, he is classy - but he is outside, but I don't know as much as others, so I will take his opinion for what it's worth. I think Aish and Kelly would be good players to draft if we get a PP. Then look for an inside mid at 20/21. I don't think we'll decent trade, we'd want Sidebottom or Martin, but that is unrealistic.
  12. Josh Kelly. Ever since Knightmare has said that Kelly won't be suitable at AFL level - posters run with it, I think it's BS and I respect KM extremely highly, I just disagree. Kelly and Aish are blue bloods as far as pedigree goes and on performance over the champs Kelly was top notch. I've really warmed to Kelly lately. I have been pro Dom Sheed the past few months, but blokes I speak to - who know better than myself - say they'd take Aish and Kelly before Sheed easily. That doesn't mean a lot... But there will be an inside mid sitting around 20, one will slip.... no doubt, it's a quality first round - and apparently even. Dumont is my favorite player of this draft, It would be a dream if he fell to 20/21. Top 3 for mine would be.. 1. Boyd. 2. Aish. 3. Kelly. I'd have Billings top 5 as well.
  13. Toumpas deserves a game, he is an AFL player who has finally earned himself a game of football. Why would we hold Jimmy back? That would mean we award him games when he doesn't deserve them and then hold him back when he has earned his games. I think good on Jimmy and hopefully he'll kick on now he's earned his game, this a big game for Toumpas and let's hope he performs. I'd rather see Toumpas succeed than any other player we have and I've been critical of him at times, but the kid has emotion and heart. There are a few numbers I'm considering putting on the young blokes jumper for 2014 and I'd love him to get aboard Toumpas, Viney or Hogan.
  14. Sam Newman just represents Hird, Dank and blokes with agendas in this case. It's fair to say that most people are now siding with the AFL on this one.
  15. Wouldn't give up a lot, but he'd be good if we could get him through the PSD.
  16. We mightn't get Roos but he won't be in a hurry to get to Brisbane. Whoever we do get, they will have a better chance to succeed than Mark Neeld had. Any players who don't want to be at our club, off ya go, go on, roll along. "F-Off to Carlton" - Brent Moloney
  17. Pick 10-11 would be seriously worth looking at. If Watt's wants out, then he wants out and pick 10-11 is perhaps overs. I'd rather keep Jack, but we shouldn't pay overs for him, even if we can afford it - Jack should be paid what he is worth, not overs. If Jack wants out, off you go, he owes MFC nothing and we owe him nothing, I just think Watts has weathered the storm and he'd be silly to leave. If Jack leaves, then that builds pressure on him at his new club, his pressure to perform at MFC from next year onwards won't be strong anyway. Hogan is the new messiah, so Jack will be able to go about his business and thankfully the pressure on Hogan will be eased by having Viney the next hyped youngster.
  18. Yeah Watts would be silly not to put that clause in a well paid contract - although it wouldn't be a good look to put himself before other players development. I don't believe Jack Watts is about that, I agree with Jack Watts stance at the moment, there is no reason to start potting Jack yet. Jack Watts doesn't strike me as the type of bloke to jump ship for a quid. Watts is no Scully, I've only heard people speak highly of Jack Watts, I've only heard Sheedy speak highly of Tom Scully.
  19. Nah, too early.. Third round and should be there. Dumont, Dunstan, Crouch or Taylor - one will be there at 20/21 and are all quality players. I think Dunstan might be there and I'd take him before Jones, not sure the others will be there. Although, Brodie Grundy slipped last year - as did Kennedy and I expected both to go top ten, especially Grundy.
  20. To my eye Wines was one of the top 3 players in the champs. Crouch wasn't and Sheed really taken him to school when WA played Vic Country. Oliver Wines stood our so far that it wasn't funny, Matt Crouch hasn't. Toumpas cherry picked off half back whilst Wines was a beast and tackled like a maniac - that is why people whinge. I'm not against Matt Crouch and I think he would fit well in our side, but Dustin Martin and Ollie Wines really stood out in the champs, like beacons. Crouch didn't... The champs and senior football are a more accurate representation of AFL than TAC cup. Crouch is going well in the TAC - but don't jack off over that.
  21. Thankfully Paul Roos knows the importance of a strong board, it creates a strong foundation to success, certainly the right decisions get made from the top. If our board is absolutely in order - and Brisbane's board isn't - then Roos will be at MFC before Brisbane, regardless of playing lists. Sydney WERE NOT and ARE NOT a successful club because they have the best talent... The players at Sydney play great football because they are in the right environment - an environment created from the top on down. Brisbane's board are a rabble at the moment and the MFC have a leg up, we have PJ and if we can get Walsh on board - Roos would be mad not to follow. Throw in the prospect of Hogan, Aish, PP? and a pick 20 and Roos would see a great opportunity. Our forward and backline will be solid in 2014, we just need a quality midfielder and we also have talent to develop. MFC is a great opportunity and that is why Eade and Choc are keen and I believe that Roos is holding out till our board is right.
  22. Another BOG on the weekend, slow down a bit Zak. Nath, get in his ear, FFS.
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