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Everything posted by ThreeOneSix

  1. Rockcliff, Parker and Sloane are players that sides have overlooked - without real explanation. Recruiters are like sheep and for a few years there they believed with the game speeding up - that athletic types were the future. I enjoyed Rocky as a junior, he was always classy around the goals, not surprised he has gone on with it.
  2. Probably that we got over compensated for Tom Scully. Don't worry, she'll find something. Roos will change the players perception, so at least they won't read Caro. On a personal note though, I think it's pretty pathetic we have media commenting on football related issues - considering most of them have never even played. I guess that is just the world we live in these days, people don't really need qualifications - so long as they are front and centre and getting a headline.
  3. This is why I have so much respect for Roos, he is an Ozzie OG. Barry Hall still basically cries that Roos ignores him, now Roos is screening Collo's calls. Roos' action speak for themselves, he gets results without even muttering a word - because he has RESPECT. Our list will play for Roos, they wouldn't play for Neeld because he'd done nothing to earn the respect from the group.
  4. That is what Grimes tries to do. Jack Grimes has more strings to his bow as a midfielder than Terlich would. Keep in mind we'll have two midfielders next year with Viney progressing. Then on top of that there about about 5-6 guys who are worth persisting more with in the midfield than Terlich. Those players :Trenners, Toumpas, Howe, Jones, Grimes and McKenzie will probably tag most games. I understand where you are coming from, but maybe you underestimate how important Terlich is down back as well. If Terlich isn't down back, so we want to see more of Dunn? I don't! And.. I'd rather Terlich running out of the backline than Frawley.
  5. It's been rumored that kids want out of Brissy - Leppitsch even voiced his concern immediately after being appointed, that his first move would be to prevent the walk out. Then there is the rumored falling out between Voss and Rockcliff. So you are probably on the money... Rockcliff is impressive, he'd be definitely worth pick 2, without hesitation, hearing him speak in interviews - he knows his football.
  6. Terlich would be a solid midfielder at best and we need more than that. He is a terrific back man and would never reach those heights in the midfield. We need more than solid midfielder, we need absolute ruthlessness - or another Jack Viney! Crouch would fit that bill, but could we instill that ruthlessness into a better skilled draftee - that is the question! Salem would definitely fit the mould if he slipped to 20. Terlich is a back man and if it ain't broke, then you know what they say.
  7. Due to his endurance and gut running, Kelly always finds himself on the outside, but that is mainly a result of burning off his opponent. I know most people say Kelly is purely outside, I don't subscribe to that theory... Aish skirts off the packs more than Kelly - and does it brilliantly might I add. I'd liken Kelly very much to a Gaff, with a touch of McKrae and the gut running abilities of a Kieren Jack, he'll be hard to overlook.
  8. Massive bias towards towards genetics here, but definitely favoring both Aish and Kelly due to having football blood running through their veins. Shame we didn't get a PP, both will be absolute class. Kelly is head and shoulders a better player than Scully was as a junior, for one Kelly isn't so rigid and rushed as Tom - and Kelly is far better on his non dominant side. It will be hard to split them.
  9. He should be aiming at improving, Sylvia is much maligned, but he has improved his consistency over the past few years. I think there is no doubt Col can step it up, he should be aiming to break into the elite bracket of players, he appears to have all the tools. Roos should ride Sylvia to get the absolute best out of himself, because if he could do that, we'd have a very good player on our hands. Col coasts too much, just content on being a good player, it's time he tried to be a great player.
  10. I think we were all expecting Moloneys midfield vacancy to open up opportunities for Trengove, Tapscott and co to step up, but no one really stepped it up. Jones and Viney had a dip and granted Matt Jones made the most of his opportunities, but they all still would've got a chance with Moloney in there, Viney would've had more protection and Jones more freedom.
  11. Spot on, the brownlow is a joke. I seen something on big footy the other day that said something like Ablett has two brownlows - when he has consistently been the most dominant player since 2007 - at the very least 2008... Since that time maybe two were up for grab, but Ablett should have 5 brownlows, he is lucky to have 2. People think that just because Ablett has 2 that it's great, etc... But it's a joke, the kid has had 5 DOMINATE years and only has two, so [censored] the umpires and they should scrap the voting system, the award should go to the leagues best player.
  12. I think a better player than both will slide outside the first round, it's an even draft. I hope Salem slides, it's possible, Taylor, etc.. There is a few players with a touch of class that could slide, we can hope. No one thought Grundy would be there last year, so touch wood.
  13. Give Tebow one thing, he gets the absolute most out of himself, I'd much rather have him on our list than Cale Morton or Jordan Gysberts.
  14. Tambling has absolutely NO inside game. On top of that he is injury prone. Too small, too soft and injury prone to play as a mid - plus probably hasn't got the tank. And... Not skillful enough to play a crumbing role and has no football smarts to fall back on. Come to think of it, he doesn't really have much going for him. At least he has earned a quid out of football I guess.
  15. Swallow is exactly what our club needs. This kid underachieved this year, but he is going to be a gun. Big bodied midfielder who can kick a goal. I'd give up pick 2 in a heart beat for Swallow, his body alone is 4-5 years ahead of Aish or Kellys. Swallow will be a player, we should chase him. Jones, Swallow and Viney would be a good midfield in 2014. Would be a something to work with and throw in a fully fit forward line and we should improve rapidly.
  16. Roos was a gun player, very underrated both him and Dougie Hawkins. I never liked him myself, but he was an exceptional player in his day.
  17. I was disappointed at first.. But.. If the AFL was easy to play in and go well, then many more kids would be making it. He was a first year player, coming off a below average pre-season (his first), coming off hip surgery, no gym foundations, no core, most likely bugger all speed work.. Then he was thrown into the AFL system with the expectation from us blokes that he steps in and dominates - like Viney. Let's give the kid at least a full pre-season before we start writing him off.
  18. We'd take him at 20, big bodied midfielder. I didn't think he was all that clean with his hands, but that said it's a weak draft for mine. A player like Dunstan could have a ready made impact, if we were to take Aish or Kelly, then Dunstan would be a logical fit at 20.
  19. Unless Sloane, Rockcliff or someone of that calibre is on the table, we should look at taking a kid. Aish or Kelly for mine.
  20. I agree and the stronger the MFC can get, the more we'll be able to kick down on these clubs that are currently kicking down on us. The only thing is that free agency will ensure that strong clubs stay strong. We need to use the pre-season draft this year and pull off a coup, convince a GWS or GC player to do a Luke Ball. Roos has already shown that he is willing to do what it takes to land top shelf talent, let's hope he can convince more players to leave their own clubs high and dry.
  21. We put too much emphasis on picks... Would the club be better off whinging about picks or scouring the country for a hidden gem. Accept the decision, move on and channel all our energy into unearthing the next James Hird, etc. Just because we didn't get gifted pick 1, that does not mean we cannot pick up a player equally as good. Our chances are less, but they increase if we have the right blokes in place and take the right player. Whilst people are whinging about us receiving no votes in the brownlow, they need not look past Tom Rockcliffs effort while they are at it. If I recall, Tom was a rookie pick? And he is near better than anyone in that draft year - at least top 3.
  22. It means that we are not competing on a level playing field. We are starting off on a deficit before we even grace the field. For all our short comings and poor performances, how can a side be expected to succeed starting so far back. But... That is the challenge that Roos said he relished, we do at least appear to have the right people in place. We are in a better position now than the same time last year, but it's going to take a lot of work before we see results. I don't think we are the Port Adelaide of the comp, they had better talent and top shelf talent sitting there for use leading into 2013. They'll have more leading into 2014, they will make further inroads, we simply don't have that talent, but we'll need to do something.
  23. Same, it's not acceptable in today's football climate. It's not even nearly acceptable.
  24. He king hit him, hahaha... That was classic, f'kin gold! Gee it would be good if Crouch slipped to 20.
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