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Everything posted by Yossarian

  1. Even with your posts blocked, you're flooding my screen with your emotional crap.
  2. Looking forward to us improving and seeing Chip resign mid-year. No issues with him putting off talks at all. I'd do the same.
  3. Happy with the choice of captains, happy with the leadership group and happy with the number of guys in the leadership group. I love that none of these guys are speculative, they're all experienced and solidly embedded in our best 22 (Trenners unfortunately being the exception) and all quality individuals. There's a lot to be excited about at the club right now.
  4. Are you sh*tting me? Mitch Clark saying his foot's fine is no more valid than your thoughts on the matter?Are you being serious right now? Are you mental? Do you need medical assistance? edit: [censored] up the quote.
  5. Are you always grumpy stuie or do you take your grumpyness out on demonland?
  6. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/sport/afl/nathan-freeman-could-be-the-midfielder-to-ignite-melbourne/story-fni5f22o-1226754243295#ooid=twODB2ZzpxSZnKZrjbGUL4z6jR-R-1Dv Looks good to me.
  7. Very impressive interview. Geez our polo shirts are looking drab though, how do we have so much trouble getting a decent coloured red?
  8. Toumpas said he was eager to help turn the club around with fellow young guns Jack Viney and Jesse Hogan. “It’s a massive challenge that I know the other two boys and I are going to embrace,” he said. “We all see ourselves being very good players in the future. “It’d be an honour to lead this club into the future, because we have numerous other players like Dean Kent, Mitch Clisby, [Dean] Terlich and Matt Jones … that are going to lead this club in the future.” Can't help but love this kid.
  9. Abs are made in the kitchen mr gysberts.
  10. If it's a Leading Teams model then the captains and leadership group will be decided on in a similar fashion to how they were under Neeld, but in a less roundabout way. Roosy explained it during his leadership talk that the size of the leadership group is chosen then players decide who they want in it. The coaches then select a captain/captains from the elected leadership group. The only difference between the two of them is that under Leading Teams you vote directly for the player, whereas Neeld and co had them voting on their traits. Which seems really dumb in hindsight... giving each one of your teammates a personality test. Ugh. Anyway, looking forward to seeing it take shape, hopefully before the season proper. Edit: Grimes ©, Jones (VC)
  11. Makes me wonder if having Roos worked against us in the case of guys like Blease and Tappy. "Well if Paul Roos doesn't think he can develop him into a decent player, what chance do we have?"
  12. Wish him the best with the rest of his career. Always liked Col.
  13. Love his media conference. Very impressive young footballer.
  14. That's the point, dude. If we finish 9th, not only will I be stoked, he'll be far more inclined to want to stay because he'll see us as heading in the right direction. Not to mention we'd be far more attractive to decent players at other teams. And if we finish in much the same way we do now and he decides to go then yeh, it'll be pick 5ish, so we move on.
  15. Audio's here if anyone's interested: http://www.fiveaa.com.au/audio_josh-mahoney-melbourne-footy-ops-manager-on-vince_107650
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