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Everything posted by Yossarian

  1. Lack of confidence doesn't stop you putting up your arms when you're the man on the mark. Couldn't believe I was seeing that from a professional footballer. Just stood there with his arms down then jogged away after the kick with his head down. At least 3 times that happened.
  2. Happy with that. Biggest surprise is Dunny, not that he's in there, but that I'm happy he's in the leadership group after 2 years ago strongly wanting him delisted. Good luck to all three of you. You deserve the leadership titles.
  3. Aside from playing for free kicks instead of going for the footy, this is the main issue I have with old mate Wattsy. Drops his head if a ball goes over his or his lead isn't honoured. Your role is to keep presenting, don't worry about everyone else's role, just play your own and go when it's your turn.
  4. Gonna be in Melbourne for this one and first time to the MCG since I was twelve. Where do all the Dees supporters hang out at the G?
  5. Doubt he'll get a run unless Terlich is a late out. Happy to see him elevated though and hope he gets a run at some stage.
  6. Where the f... does he pull a list of 6 names from? How could anyone be positive that at season's end, Melbourne will put together "6 names"?! There might be 7 people worth talking to, but no... it's been decided in April that at some time in September, we'll write down "6 names." Jesus christ. Is this guy on crack? Seriously... Barrett... come on man. What an absolute plum.
  7. What I've learned from having sesamoiditis the last few years is that there's some things that don't just heal, even when you're still young and otherwise fit. Some types of pain you just have to learn to live with.
  8. I shouldn't, but I'm having a great time reading the Freo posters looking forward to when Col sorts himself out and fulfils his potential.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-1K_b1x2Fc So dumb.
  10. Interested to see the change in dynamic between these two after a commanding win for Roos and a resounding loss to Bomba.
  11. F***, I'm glad PJ's in charge to deal with this. Love Mitch. Hope he decides to stay around.
  12. That'd work out well if Fitzy gets concussed and McDonald gets a corky.
  13. Regardless how you feel about the guy, this is disgusting.
  14. No need to be such a condescending [censored] about it. You're worse than Ben Hur these days. I'm 'emotionally attached' to the guy after seeing him in tears when he was told he was leaving us for a spot on the full list at Freo. I felt for the big guy and have wished him well since.
  15. Who are you people? Do you live in a caravan? Are you annoyed you can't get analogue channels on your shitty old tv anymore?
  16. Gotta get around to signing up again so I can win that car.
  17. Wouldn't mind if they had an easier link to contacting the club at the end of the article. It's minor and it'd stay minor if you could say pssst Burgo, ya done used the wrong word. Maybe Burgo should pm his email address to all the best spellers on Demonland. We'll be like planeteers for spelling corrections etc. Grammarteers.
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