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Everything posted by Yossarian

  1. Need to change the name of this place to Emotionland. The banner just pictures of Robert Smith looking moody.
  2. Frustratingly, I expect it to be Terlich out, Jetta in. Getting rather dreary, this year.
  3. It's a great story, but I don't understand the Paul Roos connection.
  4. Yeah? What do you have against optimism?
  5. This is much harder to watch sober. P.s. you're a pos hh. An emotional weed.
  6. Does playing in Darwin at the same time as the Port/Dons game on a Saturday night mean I have to listen to Basil Zempilas for two straight hours again? I don't think I can put myself through it.
  7. Have a listen to this guy talk on Open Mike and then come back and tell me that he wouldn't make a good AFL coach.
  8. Anyone get to one of the U18 games to see Billy play? He was getting some harsh reviews from SA posters on bigfooty for his poor footskills early on. Seemed to go alright in the one SANFL game I saw him play, but most of his disposals were handballs.
  9. Hoping to see Tappy get his chance at seniors before the end of the year, even I have been disappointed by him pretty much every time he's been promoted.
  10. This whole conversation blows my mind. Really hope half of you guys are trolling.
  11. Regardless of the incredible debating prowess of Beezlebub and Ethan Tremblay, I'm looking forward to seeing how this develops. Think it's a good place to grow the brand, even if it's impractical to move our facilities there.
  12. Mate, if you want to get petty you can go fist yourself.
  13. If I was going to New York, it wouldn't be for the baseball, I'd probably avoid it like the plague. And I barely noticed the footy was on when I toured Melbourne with the old band. Footy is Melbourne for you. For other people it's a good original music or art scene, for others it's shopping and others still it's a soy latte and a mushroom burger, or whatever people eat in those little cafes. I take the footy as something you pick up over time as you soak up the culture. I reckon you have a far greater chance of developing fans from people who are in Melbourne long term than someone who's there for a week and sees a footy poster at the airport.
  14. To you it is. You're delusional if you think the majority of people are visiting Melbourne for the footy.
  15. It's planting a seed in an untapped territory. People that come from footy families pick their team at a young age, everyone else finds a team they relate to after they're drawn to the sport and go from there. It's a good sport and everyone in Melbourne goes for someone. All it does is encourage new people to the state/country and get exposed to AFL to adopt Melbourne because they're familiar and can be related to. That's only one element anyway. Is your argument that anyone from overseas or interstate doesn't care enough about football to follow a team?
  16. You're basically saying that you'd like us to market to tourists arriving in Melbourne, but not international students staying long term. Makes no sense. I think people who can't get behind the idea are looking at this in a very short sighted manner.
  17. Apologies, was tongue in cheek. Didn't mean any offense.
  18. http://m.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/mates-of-six-years-may-team-up-again-in-sydneys-west-20111113-1ndsr.html 2 for 1 deal with Devon Smith, Coniglio or Shiel for pick 4 or 5 and a later pick. Yes please and thank you.
  19. I like it, would finally be a link to Melbourne the city again. Plenty of potential for growing the supporter base by attracting interstate students who haven't watched a lot of footy and international students as well. The danger is all the Kim Duffys walking around, I guess.
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