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Everything posted by Yossarian

  1. Totally agree, and it's not even a boyhood dream style 'I always went for the Dees as a kid' or whatever, just 'I think I could get instant success there, let's do that.' Makes me sick.
  2. Think I'll be counting those chickens when they hatch. The damn slow hatching chickens.
  3. Aish is two years away from playing decent football.
  4. If I was a NM supporter I'd be stoked, as a Dees fan I'm not really concerned. Would like a sitrep on George Stone though.
  5. This guy's spouting a lot of certainties the last few days, wouldn't pay much attention.
  6. Well we won't be doing it with pick 2 going by your post on the trade/draft rumour mill:
  7. Look at me, now look at your post, now back at me.
  8. Probs about time I subscribed anyway. Gonna miss those CougarLife ads.
  9. No shortage of courage either, has taken two impressive marks going back with the flight this game already.
  10. We've had a few familiar faces come out of North Adelaide. Check out these likely types:
  11. Yeh mate, check out the stream here: http://www.youtube.com/user/SANFLfooty?v=iZ2D3q2jmoc&feature=share
  12. 20 goals? Bloody hell. They'll stop playing us if this keeps up.
  13. Thanks for the heads up. Has impressive strength for a fend-off or two for a little guy and some mad evasive skills. Could be on to a good thing here. Looks a class above, this kid.
  14. I remember that too, couldn't find a clip of it though.
  15. Happy to see him make his own history with number 7.
  16. Interested to see if there's any new developments over the next few days now their best & fairest is over. Was pretty keen on Adam Simpson, but definitely warming to the idea of Stuey Dew.
  17. Would much prefer to spend the second rounder on Myers over Savage, or even take it to the draft if necessary. Definitely not worth a pick in the 20s.
  18. He didn't say anything about it being a large offer, just said the offers were similar. Basically we weren't prepared to throw heaps of money at him to keep him around, we presented an offer we thought was reasonable, they put one about the same on the table and he sailed off for greener seas. Nothing to suggest he's been rated particularly highly by either team.
  19. Ok so what we're going to have to do is turn this into an elite cadre of 300 members and take the this is sparta boot to everyone else. My idea so I'm first member, everyone else send me your 300 line applications including preferred posting style and favourite article of clothing.
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