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Everything posted by Yossarian

  1. What's wrong with your knee, Pedders?
  2. They put these together ages out from the end of season. The bigger stuff-up was Griffen and Cooney on the cover of the Dogs calendar for this year.
  3. No doubt, but I love rumours. Even the rubbish ones.
  4. Bloke at work is convinced the deal's been done with Geelong for Menzel and Mackie.
  5. If I had a choice to redo the draft I'd take Stringer, Wines or Macrae in that order. Any one of them would make us a better side. I also don't reckon Toumpas will make it as a decent player, but I'll back him in. As long as he's a Dees player I'll back him in. Why will I back him in? Because I barrack for the Dees and he plays for them. He's not the best player of his draft, but the Dees aren't the best team in the league either. Doesn't mean I'm going to start wishing I went for the Western Bulldogs, I already have a team and I'll back them in until I get so tired of this crap that I give up on AFL altogether. The reason why people like that poisonous t.wat picket annoy me so much is because they're not 'supporters', they only barrack for our players if they're dominating and will spend the rest of the time denigrating them and sticking the boot in. That's not being a supporter, you might as well be barracking for the Blues. I can't tell the difference. The funny thing about living in Adelaide is you can't rag on any of their fringe players, they'll back them in to the hilt no matter how bad they are, and I respect that. I would prefer Picket Fence, WYL and old dee all switched allegiances and gave the Bulldogs hell for only winning a single premiership... ever. You're all toxic and make me want to vomit. Good luck to the Toump. If nothing else, he seems like an A-grade kid.
  6. Handballing ahead of the player somewhere between the shoulder and the belt so they can run onto it. Get em all into BJJ and muay thai as well, so at least if they're not the strongest they'll feel like they could beat the other team up. Toump especially. He should become the new team enforcer.
  7. Viney/Brayshaw LG: Hogan, Tyson, McDonald
  8. Was mentioned on the radio the other day that we're heavily into an ex-AFL player turned sports scientist, but I can't remember who it was. One of Ricciuto's mates I think they said.
  9. So is this happening or not? Anyone going to be streaming it online?
  10. Was disapppinted we missed out on him in the rookie draft back in the day, would love to see him at the dees, but can't see it happening. Him, Jared Brennan and Karmichael Hunt were my three favourite players for the suns and I'd like to see him do well up there at least.
  11. I regret not supporting his terrible moustache effort during movember.
  12. Someone telling me they're a Hawthorn fan gets about the same reaction as someone who's into rugby league from me these days.
  13. Good read, thanks for taking the time to post it mate.
  14. I reckon that's the key thing. We are very capable of losing to Carlton, I actually really like how you've put it. We are becoming a decent team now, but are capable of losing to anyone, until we meet someone like Brisbane who are far more adept at being a horrible team lately. Hopefully we come out firing next week because, quite simply, I hate North Melbourne as a football club. We could beat them, so we might as well. Just for a laugh. Just for the hilarious hangover that I'll follow it up with. Do it for my hangover, boys.
  15. Don't have time to read the thread, just wanted to say I love Jeffy and totally back him in whatever he chooses to do on field.
  16. Haha, Nashtrodamus you legend. Waking up to this news very hungover in Slovakia.
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